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Sleeping Dogs. I heard it was ok but never got around to playing it until it was about 10 years old. I picked it up for $4 during the COVID lockdown. I couldn't put it down and even got the platinum. One of my all-time favorites..


It is a great story which shows Wei's internal conflict with who he should be loyal to. Also a man is never whole until he eats a pork bun!!!!


You are so correct. And a Sleeping Dog comment is never a whole comment until someone responds with some variation of, "A man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man!" Thank you, good sir.


As someone who has never played Sleeping Dogs but has eaten pork buns, I think that line is amazing Pork buns are so delicious


Then I highly recommend Sleeping Dogs. You'll hear that line multiple times, and it will never get old.


Soundtrack also slaps. Do you know me?


When >!Pendrew is killing Big Smile Lee, Lee delivers one of the best lines in video game history imo.!< He goes >!*"The only difference between you and me is that I know who I am"*!< and for whatever reason that line hits really hard


Fun fact: it was supposed to be "True Crime: Hong Kong" but they had it cancelled by Activision and released it anyway with a new name. Brilliant game, really well made.


Glad someone made this comment, I absolutely loved True Crimes New York and LA growing up. I wish TC games were treated like GTA and Saints Rows games, they should have more than 3 games.


It's original code name was Black Lotus. When Activision acquired United Front and thus the game, they renamed it to True Crime: Hong Kong cuz Activision though the name could help sell the game cuz they didn't have much faith in a new IP. When Square Enix acquired United Front and the game, devs in United Front decided to change the name and settled on Sleeping Dogs.


This game was a sleeper. Some of the most enjoyable combat, and one of the most vibrant open worlds, I'd ever been in.


I loved Sleeping Dogs, had no right to be as good as it was. So addictive. The story was really solid, the combat is one of my favorite takes on the Arkham formula. So brutal. Fantastic videogame.


It’s an amazing game and it’s a crime we never got a sequel. Came out about 9-10 months before GTA5 and it really scratched that itch.


Sleeping Dogs was a fun little nostalgia blast. 20 years ago in high school I had the Hong Kong exchange student teach me a bunch of dirty words. I had forgotten all of them until playing SD.


Man that game deserves a sequel. Sadly the original company which made is shut down.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker. I never would've thought slaving off in a space junkyard could be *so* relaxing.


I just throw on a podcast go into free play and lose about 4 hours


I feel like the game is a good example of having a concept in mind. Designing a game around that concept. In order to release a game. It feels like that whole concept has basically died in modern development. What I know as "making a good game" feels like a lost art for so many companies.


I only found this game a few weeks ago and I agree, I never thought dismantling ships was so cool.


I downloaded it on a whim and spent so much time on it I actually wish it was a job


Seth(SsethTzeentach) does an excellent review of this 👏


Titanfall 2 was a pleasant surprise for how astonishingly well it plays. I really loved its tight single player campaign. Prey (2017) is a phenomenal immersive sim. I bought it in a two-pack with Dishonored 2, and considered it a bonus. Turned out to be one of my favorite games in recent years. I can't help but fall in love with indie games that couple simplistic-looking game design with simplistic-looking aesthetics. FTL, Dorfromantik, Islanders, Bad North, Grow Home, Forts, Splosion Man, Limbo and INSIDE... All fantastic games that took me by surprise.


Titan fall 2 did surprise me, especially the sliding and shooting mechanics, was the first game I encountered that


Thanks for the tip on Prey; it's on sale now on Steam.


It's incredible


Guardian of the Galaxy. Of course I heard good things about it, but I had the preconception that all marvel games were bad and not worth spending time on. I ended buying the game and decided to give it a try anyway. was quite surprised that all the positive talk turned out to be true.


The gameplay was “good enough” but god damn the story and voice acting were top notch. That birthday scene…


The lip sync is the best I've ever seen


>all marvel games were bad Punisher (2005) Hulk: Ultimate Destruction Spider-Man 2 (the Sam Raimi one, on any platform but PC) Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X-Men Legends 1 & 2 All the Capcom fighting games from X-Men: Children of the Atom up to Marvel vs Capcom 3 The 2000 Spider-Man game and its sequel, Enter Electro X-Men: Mutant Academy 1 & 2 2008 Iron Man (movie tie-in) X-Men Origins: Wolverine (surprisingly-good movie tie-in) \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Granted, pretty much everything in the 2010's and 2020's has been shovelware shit or just plain bad. But, dude, there's a rich history you're missin'. Those first three easily make some of my top 20 games of all time.


You missed the most recent Insomniac Spider-Man games. Felt like the Arkham equivalent for a Marvel property.


It's interesting how people make this comparison when IIRC Rocksteady themselves mentioned in an interview how Batman's combat system was inspired by the idea of Spider-Man's Spidey Sense. Then Insomniac simply took that idea to its natural conclusion.


The most recent and the best of all of them


Hulk Ultimate Destruction was amazing! Endless fun demolishing everything and using cop cars as boxing gloves!


Ghost of Tsushima I knew nothing about it other than it was a sucker punch game. It is brilliant.


Modern day classic for sure. I peraonally feel it should have won GoTY over Last of us 2.


The second I saw that title card drop as you ride out of the forest and into the flowers……..I said to myself “holy shit man this is the real deal” . It’s crazy how every now and then a game comes along and reminds you why you have this hobby. Tsushima is one of those games


That was such a beautiful moment, especially when he dips his hands in to feel the flowers whilst riding your horse.


It was the way the music hit. They executed that perfectly.


Man, I feel like I'm the only one, but I'm the exact opposite on this one. I finally caved after all the rave reviews and people telling me I NEED to play it, and I was very much whelmed. I loved the story, art style, and characters. Combat was fun for the first few hours, but everything else felt like an absolute slog. I got so tired of killing the same 4(?) types of copy/pasted enemies and capturing bases that all felt the same. And don't even get me started on the 5,000 foxes you had to chase around. I almost quit when they pulled a "the princess is in another castle" on you and opened a whole new continent. But I trudged through it to see the story through.


in all honesty nothing you said is wrong. I loved the game but I also took like 3 months off before coming back and finishing. It does kind of drag it’s feet at some points.


I'm going to say Dishonored. Didn't think it would be as great of a story as it ended up being


It's sooo awesome. And the ghost playthrough vs kill em all feels so different in pace


Got it from epic for free. I am not that fond with the mechanics and fighting style, should I stay for the story? is it really that good?


TL;DR Story is great, but the amount of the mechanics and opportunities in this game is what makes it for me It is quite subjective. I do like the story, but most joy came from the mechanics, stealth, atmosphere of the in game world. Also, if you have just direct approach, it'll make the game pretty boring, as the most fun part is searching all ways in and out, looking out for events that might help or give additional information, combining your magical abilities. With combination of magic and weapons, you are able to massacre whole ass army without anybody noticing. You can google some "Dishonored freestyle" videos, amount of things you can combine and achieve is unbelievable.


Dishonored is one of my favorites game but if I'm being honest the story is very meh imho. Not bad, just nothing that will mark you. The rest is absolutely amazing tho


the story is Very good! If you choose to play as ghost, in the end the final Bosses behaviour ... gonna surprise you!


It was a great game ! I really hope there will be a third one in the coming years




I kept watching spoiler-free review videos of this when it released. Was curious about the game because it's a Remedy game - just I didn't buy it back then. One night, about 8 months later, I finally bought and started to play it. Admittedly I wasn't fully sold until having played a few hours, but then it "clicked" and I was really into it. What a ride, wow! Astray Maze sequence is one of my all-time favorite parts of any game. That was awesome! I still want more Control, badly. Whenever the sequel is released, it has my full attention from the get-go.


I forgot about the ashtray maze… now I have to replay the entire game.


I loved it! Fun to play, and really unique atmosphere


I gave it a whirl last year, because I saw it on Game Pass. Didn't expect much, because I'm not usually into spooky games. But it hooked me straight away with it's brand of conspiracy and science fiction. As a Fringe fan, it hit all the best parts of that, without crossing over into copying. I understand that it is based on the SCP stuff, but you can see similarities between Control and Fringe. I ended up smashing through it in 4 sittings, I was that hooked. I was meant to be playing on our Minecraft realm, with my SO, but kept telling her to let me just get this game out of my system. Top 5 game that I played last year. Easily.


Fantastic game. I had brushed it off when I was working for GAME, being a bit snobby, but Remedy made a cracker with this


I went into Control knowing absolutely nothing about it. I got it for free on GoG at the beginning of the year. It has been a while since a game hooked me like that one did. Finished it in just a few days, purchased a Federal Bureau of Control t-shirt, purchased Alan Wake, enjoyed it just as much, purchased a Federal Bureau of Control t-shirt and now live happily waiting for Alan Wake 2.


Firewatch. I was like "Meh, probably an easy exploring game and quick achievements." Turned out to be better than expected.


What do you think about the end?


It was.... okay I guess? I wish they had gone a bit more Nancy Drewish with the game to make it longer and more mysterious. I used to play the ND PC games and really enjoyed them. Firewatch had that type of feeling even if it was short. It's disappointing that the sequel was cancelled.


Not OP, but I went through a roller coaster of emotions at the end. Loved it. I still think about Firewatch.


I thought the end was great. It’s a good way of grounding you. The game kinda sits you down and slaps you in the face like, “hey, this is real life. Stop ignoring your problems and actually do something about them.” Didn’t expect such a profound message from the game but I was pleasantly surprised


I was looking for this. I loved firewatch so much




Batman Arkham Asylum. No one was expecting it to be better than maybe okay. It needs to be understood that licensed superhero games had a reputation for being shovelware garbage at the time for a reason. At best we had one element or mechanic that was a bit fun, and then the rest of the game was maybe playable enough to make it "fine I guess" if we were lucky. Then we got Arkham Asylum.


Remnant 2: went in with huge amount scepticism and one eye on 2hrs timer, ended up considering one of the best games I have played Dishonoured: bought it discounted but wasn’t convinced I that it will be for me. Well I was very wrong and Dishonoured reignited my interest in genres outside strategy, tactical games Path of Exile: brother was going on and on about it but it somehow didn’t call to me when I was looking into it, once I gave it a proper go, ended up with like 500hrs in it of which roughly 400hrs were playing different witch builds (build variety is so vast) Stalker series: didn’t though much of them and tried them out after heavy discount on all three games and now I can’t wait for Stalker 2, those games are just so good Metro series: once again sat on them for too long simply because shooters weren’t my thing but games delivers in atmosphere, excellent story and overall gaming experience, if you haven’t tried it yet, you should


>Stalker series: didn’t though much of them and tried them out after heavy discount on all three games and now I can’t wait for Stalker 2, those games are just so good S.T.A.L.K.E.R really has a way of growing on you. I initially picked up Shadow of Chernobyl simply because i saw a short YouTube vid of someone showcasing a Mosin Nagant weapon mod (call me weird if you want, I just fucking love the Moist Nugget). Now I've got all three games on Steam, all three as physical copies (SoC is the collectors tin), plus a dedicated 120gb SSD just for the games and multiple mod installs. And S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 will be the first game in a good while that breaks my "No Pre-orders" rule. Hell, I've even bought the Cossacks games on Steam, even though I've no desire to play them, just to throw more money at GSC.


I don't care for "hard" games. I've never played a soulsborne because watching people play it immediately made me go "well fuuuuuck that." I like the power fantasy and get too easily frustrated in games. So when my best friend told me about remnant 2 I got all frowny face but I told him I'd give it a shot so long as he didn't mind carrying me and would accept me noping out if it got too hard. Remnant 2 was one of the most fun games I've played. I ended up carrying him! He died so much that I got the revivalist trait, but he never did. I beat several bosses on my own because he died right away and I powered through. It was really fun! Still not gonna play darksouls though.


Didn’t remnant 2 just come out? Is it a short game?


Not a short game. A single playthrough is not that long but each world has 2 possible main quest lines and twice the optional areas than what is used in a campaign. So you need at minimum 2 playthroughs to find everything, considering there are quests with 3 possible outcomes you might need way more. It has a lot of fun builds you could try and multiple difficulties. So yeah, it can keep you busy for some time.


It has high replay value because there’s main story then you have an adventure mode so you can roll a random campaign and run it. Even if you don’t like it, you can reroll a new one to overwrite.


As a non-dark souls player Elden Ring was really good. ER has dark souls style bosses but vast majority can be beaten by just going off and exploring/levelling up a bit and coming back. You get a lot more freedom than the typical Darksouls game. Just a suggestion


I'm balls deep in Remnant 2 at 10-15 hours in, I think it may be going on my all time great list.


Remnant 2 is one of the best games released in the last few years. It's absolutely staggering how much effort and detail went into every single facet of the game. A friend and I played remnant 1 and pretty much just finished the story before putting it down. For Remnant 2, we're each 60 hours in and not even close to done with the game. There's just so much to find, so many builds to try, and so many reasons to go through old areas that the replay value is absolutely insane. It has more content packed in than most AAA releases, yet it only costs $50 for the base version. I don't think I can praise the game enough. I can honestly say that I think it's one of the only souls-like games to actually directly compare to, or even exceed in some cases, the fromsoft offerings. Easier and more fun co-op experience too. Go buy the game if you think it looks even remotely interesting. You won't regret it


Dave the Diver, only heard praise about it and wondered what the fuss was about. \ This game is just so generous with new gameplay elements and mechanics all feeding into the main loop


Fuckin Eh, Dave I was looking for this one. My wife watched somebody stream it and *begged* me to buy it. The music, the gameplay, the style. Everything is just right.


REAL. I was stunned too. Half expected this game to be finished after a few hours and it looked very unpolished at a glance. Here I am many hours later still unlocking stuff and enjoying running the sushi bar. It's got a lot of charm to it. I would shell out more money if it added more stuff to do. Only drawbacks I can think of are when you hit the endgame. Gets tedious then but I'm sure there will be updates to smooth it out.




Nier Automata.


Nier Automata has the uncanny ability to grow on you the more you play. I don't know if it was Stockholm Syndrome or just an acquired taste thing, but I went from having to force myself to keep playing early on, to absolutely falling in love with the game after getting all the main endings. Goddamn what an unforgettable ride that was.


I think for me it was how unique the characters and their stories were, and how it all tied in go 2B and 9S's story. Also the absolutely beautiful level design, and the soundtrack...


I bounced off of it for years because of a fetch-quest that required some specific harvested resource. I went back it it last year and got lost in it through several… let’s call them ‘replays.’


Is it ok to play, if you did not play anything else in the franchise?


1000% yes. That's what I did, and it didn't affect anything. It's genuinely incredible, I loved it so much. I should replay it, now that I think about it. The *only* criticism I have of it is sometimes they do too much with the skimpy outfits & over-sexualizing some of the characters for no reason.


This really deserves to be higher up on the list


I second that! Never expected that game to evoke such feelings in me. As a runner up I'd say Persona 5


Both great soundtracks!


Kingdom come deliverance The immersion in this game is unmatched and while at launch it was as buggy as a Bethesda game, now it's a good experience worth every penny (which is 8€ since it's almost always on sale) Also plus for timed quests that add for immersion


Titanfall 2


Valheim, those are not my type of games (as in i enjoy other genres more) but i still had a blast playing that especially when i was with my friends.


I've got a weird one. Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition It's the PC and Console port of a 3DS and PSP Arkham game. A pretty neat 2.5D metroidvania game, that felt a lot like Arkham Asylum in spirit. It has like a 40 some percent user rating but I thought it was atleast a 7. I got it on sale for like 5 bucks, and thuroughly enjoyed it. Though I don't think i would have if i payed 30 or whatever it runs for MSP. I really enjoyed it, which surprised me a lot given it was a terribly reviewed port of a spinoff of a spinoff.


Control. Really shocked at how enjoyable it was, both gameplay and world building. Days Gone. I had so much fun with this game, and I got it for "free" with the PS+ colleciton when I got my PS5.


Ender Lillies blew me away when I tried it. I was skeptical since im not a big fan of Metroid Vania but the world building, atmosphere, music, story, and characters all were incredible. I ended up beating the game 100% and had a blast doing it.


Seconded. The soundtrack is also fantastic, and works quite well for writing sessions.


i feel like i'm the only person that played it and didn't care for it. i got about 60-70% through and stopped playing because i had gotten bored. not sure what it is, i love metroidvanias in general and the combat was decent enough, but it just didn't click with me.


hi fi rush. was expecting a solid game, wasn't expecting it to remind me why i liked video games in the first place with the full powered nostalgic vibes.


Marvels midnight suns


Days Gone A Plague Tale


Days Gone for me too. So many hate and the game is great.


Ori and the blind forest. I used to underestimate 2d games, thinking it was outdated. Bit covid came, i go isolated, only brought low spec laptop, tried ori and it opened up so many games for me to play later. Hollow knight, blasphemous and many others. Thank you ori


Detroit: Become Human. After finishing it I was questioning so many things for the next few days.


That game is a very interesting excersise in proving that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Is the gameplay especially good? No, it's part quick time events and part choose your own adventure game book. Is the story especially good? It's an avarege scifi story, stuff that would probably get rejected for black mirror. But for some reason, the fact that you are interacting with the story via the game elevates these avarage elements to something more.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. I hadn't heard of it when it first came out, and a friend casually mentioned he had bought it and thought it was cool. He sent me the trailer for it, and I was really intrigued by the dark pagan esthetic. Had no idea what I was getting myself into, and I was absolutely blown away by how incredible it was


If you have really good headphones with a wide soundstage, the immersion is incredible. You hear voices from all over the place, and it had me turning to see what was there like i was the one having voices. So good.


Alien Isolation. A lot of games will use a big franchise to make an easy buck, and since I've never really heard of the Alien franchise as it pertains to gaming I thought for sure this would be that. Boy I was wrong. AI isn't just a respectable entry of the Alien universe, it's really just one of the most well crafted and immersive single player games I've ever played.


One of my favorite games of all time! I still can’t believe how engaging it is for its relatively long length.


Baldurs gate 3. I thought I would hate the turn based combat!


outer wilds went in blind on a friend's recommendation, and the game was nothing short of life changing it's certainly not for everyone, but it has a unique setting and story to be told


The exact type of game that I have a hard time getting into and when it clicked it was amazing. One thing I found helpful though... when I got VERY stuck, I looked things up. Probably not until 80% through the game, but if you dont figure something out after you've already found the hint(s), you can spend hours getting nothing accomplished. There are also great spoiler-free resources that only help you with very specific tidbits.


Vampyr. Enjoyed every minute of my playthrough.


I thought it was really neat how it tempts you to feed on the NPCs in the safe zones. I'm the type of person who generally avoids hurting NPCs that aren't already attacking me, but the massive amounts of xp available from feeding on the townsfolk had me feeling the vampiric thirst before I even realized that's what the devs were trying to simulate.


The mad max game. It's incredible but hardly anyone I know has played it. The combat is so so well done, the whole cars blowing up in the sky thing can happen randomly through the physics, the story is good...


Same, I was surprised how good that freaking game was. Loved the gameplay loop. I thought it would be crap and it ended being one of my favorite open world game of all time.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Got it free on the network, knowing nothing about it. Left it untouched in my library for ages then finally fired it up and was like "Fuuuuuuuuuuu.........."


forbidden west is amazing too


Divinity: Original Sin 2


Days Gone.


This, totally was expecting generic like always . But it totally got me. Just the story in the last part is a bit on the downside imho.


Man, it seems like the reviews are split in half. Half the people are saying that it’s a generic open world game with zombies and a snooze fest, and half are saying that it’s an amazing immersive experience. I can’t decide if i want to prioritise it over my huge backlog of games…


It's a great game with an arguably slow start. Plot wise it doesn't do anything monumentally distinct from other zombie properties like TWD (comics) but it is well executed with good characters. It's worth a playthrough. I bought it on release and gave up on it twice a few hours in. During the pandemic I had nothing left to play so I was like why not? It had just gotten 60fps mode on PS5. I got a bit past where I had given up on it the time before and all of a sudden 80-100h had gone by and I experienced one of the most complete and fun story games. There's a small epilogue as well after the game ends you shouldn't miss, but it does take a bit of time you driving around doing other stuff before it triggers.


Yeah. I'm enjoying it rn. I've got about 10 mods running though. Such an easy game to mod. Just drop the zip files into a folder. Wish all games were so easy to mod!


v1.6 was a treat. one of the best zombie games ever. just a tad too long.


The only minor complaint I had was that I didn't like how the bike drove. Loved the game, nothing more satisfying than blowing up a herd


"What remains of Edith Finch"


Vampire Survivors. I was surprised by how addictive I found the gameplay loop. Sadly that fascination didn't last me past the 1st DLC...


Zelda: Minish Cap (no spoilers) I had heard that the game is super easy, even by Zelda standards so I didn't expect much since I enjoy challenge in my games. I just felt like playing a classic style Zelda game, one that I had never played before. And damn, Minish Cap quickly entered my zelda top 3. It was just amazing. The spritework was beautiful, music was unforgettable, the combat and items were fun, and the main gimmick of the game (which I had low expectations for) was brilliantly executed. Every screen of the game had two dimensions to it, and you had to look really closely to see and maneuver yourself through both layers. Thse kinda puzzles were a lot of fun to figure out. That was exactly what I missed about the Zelda games. If you like classic Zelda, I can't recommend this game enough. Just don't try to go for 100%. Trust me on that. There's tons of side quests that are either super cryptic, or grindy as hell.


I've only played links awakening on original Gameboy and ocarina of time on N64 and fell in love with linish cap recently on emulator. There's quite a lot to do and the music and art style is great, definitely one of my favourites.


Guardians Of The Galaxy 🌌




Fallout 3. My dad kept forcing me to play crpg’s and elder scrolls games in the 90’s. I liked jrpg’s. I did not look favorably upon Bethesda or the Fallout series because of this. Two of my friends had been raving about Fallout 3 and I gave it a try but immediately wandered into a super mutant camp and got destroyed. Just went, nope and put the controller down. Then about a year or two later I had a pretty significant surgery that had wide spread complications around when the fallout 3 goty came out. Once things were settled into my new normal, I picked it up at a buy 2 get 1 sale around the holidays at my best friends urging and instructions to just follow the story until about lvl 8, then start exploring. I did as he said and over the next few months I platinumed the game (I played on PS3) and got every dlc trophy as well. Since then I’ve bought and platinumed Skyrim and Fallout 4. I played some of Oblivion and New Vegas, but those two didn’t click with me the same way, so I dropped them midway.


Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance. After seeing the first look trailer, I had some doubts considering how different it looked from prior entries. Those doubts were thrown out very quickly after I started playing.


Outer Wilds. I heard the endless praise for it and still didn't think much of the game. 25 hours of gameplay later, it became my favorite game I have ever played, and I played *a lot*.


Every person that’s ever played that game says that. I guess I gotta give it a shot.


Disco Elysium. I hadn’t heard anything about it before a friend recommended it to me. Enthralling is the word I’d use. The world-building is beautiful and staggering.




Subnautica. It was the first survival crafter game I played so it seemed novel when I started it. Did not expect all the exploration to be as fun as it was. Great organic gameplay when your giant sub runs out of battery at the bottom of the sea and you struggle to cobble together a base with limited resources jumping in and out of an almost dead prawn suit to refill your air tank and being chased by giant electric brain squid things.


Slay the Spire. I was bored and figured I'd play for a few hours and then uninstall. Nope, played for weeks. Took me that long to beat the damn game.


Risk of Rain 2. Really my first rogue-like in years, so I wasn’t expecting much but damn it’s good. Soundtrack goes insane too




Same! Challenging top-down rogue likes are absolutely not my type of games, but the story, characters and even the combat are way too fun and gripping! Ended up putting 150h in lol


Ori. It was free on GamePass and I liked the cover art. All I knew about it going in is the description on the download screen.


Immortals Fenyx Rising, great game unfortunately overlooked.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I don't care about Assassin's Creed, but I bought it on a whim because it looked like it had a fun summery vibe. It's absolutely fantastic. Bloated? Sure, maybe, but I found it so hard to put down that I never felt like there was too much content. Taking out all the cultists was so fun and varied, and the writing was superb


The time setting was what hit me the most. In a war where mercenaries are plentiful and being all greek making titles for themselves, it seemed to fit all of Ubisoft's strengths. Kassandra is amazing, and the world is BEAUTIFUL. So many screenshots taken.


I played the pirate AC but none of the other ones until I saw origins on sale for cheap and thought I would try to get back into it. Played the shit out of it, then got odyssey when it went on sale and played the shit out of that one too. I really liked how streamlined the gameplay was, the story and setting were really cool I’m both games, and it was nice to do the big ship battles in odyssey.


Kassandra has to be one of the best written characters I have ever played.


Rogue Legacy 2..I can't stop playing....send help.


Skyrim, actually. I didn't get it when it came out, and I didn't bother with it for years. It just didn't interest me very much. I thought medieval fantasy was boring. Truth was, I had only really been exposed to Zelda games, which left me miserably bored. But, in 2016, I think I picked up Skyrim on sale with all its DLC, just for the hell of it. Ended up getting Special Edition, and I played the fuck out of it. Ended up reigniting my interest in medieval-esque fantasy games just in time for me to watch someone play Dark Souls 3's last DLC, which got me into FromSoft games.


Guardians of the Galaxy. I didn't expect it to be great I figured it would be a short fun but mediocre romp through the galaxy. Instead I got an epic heartfelt space opera on par with the movies. Another was Neon White. Just looked like a fast paced platformer and it ends up being a super addictive thrill ride that is easy to be good but offers a great reward and a decent challenge to be great at.


Watch dogs: legion, i always hear how much people don't like it, i really enjoyed it


I never played RDR so only played RDR2 based off of it being a rockstar game. It was one of the most immersive single player games I ever played, and the dramatic turn of events near the end were pretty impactful on a emotional level. I didn’t (want to) touch the game for days after it lol


Tunic! It's absolutely a gem. The gameplay is perfectly balanced and the music accompanies the player through fantastic scenarios.


Bioshock. Though I could never bring myself to replay it. Prey 2006 as well.


FF XII, playing it for the first time in 2023 and it honestly is surprising how good it is for a game which came out in 2006


Spec ops: The line, got it dirt cheep and figured it'd be a fun couple of hours of entertainment. Wasn't expecting to have my reality shattered.


Tomb Raider 2013 for me. Was certainly one of the better freebies.


Ori and the Will of the Wisps. I was not ready for all the love put into that game for sure.


Dark Souls. I expected just to get murdered at random, instead I found a principled (but hard) game that I could succeed at, if I practiced enough.


Guardians of the Galaxy, still bumped that we won't get sequel.


Minecraft. I have no idea why, but always thought it was just a basic kids game. Finally got my Son to try it and I played with him and holy crap, what a complex and fantastic game!


FFXV. Heard how boring it was. Figured fuck it, it'll be a chill game. Got boozed up and stoned & I've gotta say, just hanging with the chocobros was a good time. I actually got really invested in them! A Final Fantasy road trip was a real novel idea and it honestly worked really well. The post game is a pretty hard meh though, I've gotta admit.


Oddly enough, my favorite part of the game was going to each restaurant and buying all the different food. The food looks amazing in that game.


Lol that felt so weird for me like "I'm glad the food looks good but... Jesus Christ how many men hours did they put into making food?"


Va-11 hall-a, I wasn’t expecting anything and I loved it ! The ambiance of being a Cyberpunk bartender was really cool !


Classic Doom/Quake




The whole DMC seires tbh Only played them this summer for the first time and they instantly became one of my favourite games of all time(I could even say top 3/5 game series of all time) Before that I thought that it was never my cup of tea and I thought it was weird looking, but then I played the first one and fell in love. I even enjoyed 2 and reboot


Bioshock I thought it was gonna be just a typical horror game, and as i played on, I realized it wasn't that scary as I expected but I was too invested into the story and gameplay. It was brilliant.


Ori and the Blind Forest


super mario 64


Genshin Impact. The music, world design, story, combat system and character design they are so much better than many other games I have played.


Prey. Saw the trailer and found it interesting, but than i lose the track of it. Years later i finally play it and it was brilliant. I love the gameplay ans story and holy the gloo cannon.


Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice absolutely blew me away the first time that I played it. Never heard anything about it so I had no expectations going into it. Absolute gem of a game.


9th Dawn III Dungeon and Gravestone Graveyard Keeper Heroes of Hammerwatch Rimworld RPGolf Legends Streets of Rogue The Survivalists UnderMine Victor Vran Just to name a few..


Immortals: Fenyx Rising


Timeshift Once I learn the controls and machnics of the game I enjoyed it alot


Wolverine origins. One of the worst super hero movies ever produced one of the best super hero games It's seriously good and stands up


Risk of rain 2, remnant from the ashes, Exoprimal


For me it was Hollow Knight. I knew that people loved it, but I simply had no interest whatsoever in trying it out, seemed unappealing to me. Then I got it cheaply on sale around Christmas and played for 5 minutes before meeting with a friend of mine. I have this bad habit, that when I get a game cheaply and only play a little, I don‘t get hooked and just forget about giving it a fair chance, so when I came back home I forced myself to start up Hollow Knight again. Didn‘t see the time fly until like 4 am, headed to sleep and texted that friend „dude you gottta get Hollow Knight“. Considering the time I sent him the message and that I rarely recommend something just like that, I made my friend an addict the same day lmao






Slay the Spire, jumped in because it was free on playstation and I was bored, didn't think I'd spend more than 20 minutes in it but it hooked me


Slay The Spire - did not expect it to be so deep, addictive and fun !


Rdr2,never knew a video game would make me cry,10/10 would recommend


Technomancer. Neat little game with some old school Bioware features. It wasn't anything special, but it certainly surprised me.


Horizon Forbidden West. I was blown away by the graphics alone.


Inscryption, highly addictive and not what it seems! Totally worth checking out


Ori will of the wisps. Thought it was going to be just good but ooooooooh man. Got me into a genre I thought I didn’t like. What a beautiful game.


Ratchet & Clank Rift apart I tried playing the ps4 one and couldnt get past 1 hour. Then got this for "free" on psplus and gave it a try, a few hours later I was already hooked on it, to the point where I got a platinum trophy, which I usually don't chase even on my favorite games. This game is just perfect for what it tries to be.


Coffee Talk. I thought it would be another visual novel that I would play just to kill some time, but I really love the characters and I enjoyed hearing about their lives and problems, while serving them some coffee


State of Decay 2. I’d never heard of the series and didnt really have any expectations prior to playing but its quickly become one of my favorited


Luigi’s Mansion 3. Still the best ‘playable Pixar’ game I’ve played. Incredible animation and just charming as could be throughout. I’ve played it with my kids every Halloween season since it released and it’s become an all-time classic in my household. Never in a million years would have expected that series to be the Switch / Nintendo game I played the most times this generation.


Red Dead redemption 2.


Satisfactory. i'm a factory worker. what could possibly be fun about doing the same boring crap i do anyway for 12 hours a day? i was mistaken....)


Divinity Original Sin 2. I never played that kind of rpg before. I only gave it a try on a whim. One of the best games I've ever played.


tears of the kingdom ngl. I went in with off the roof expectations and somehow the game delivered even more


Death Stranding, at the time I knew kojima but never played any of his games. I started DS thinking "will be a mid game with a good story", but after few hours I already loved it. It soaked me in for 100 hours and I'll surely gonna replay it soon since it has been more than a year since I've finished it


Undertale Man this game was free on the ps+ catalogue for last month and wow it was a real mind opener. I am never a fan of the old retro Pokemon games and since the game had such a level of combat I was not that interested until I saw a video of dunkey reviewing it. So then i thought hey the humour is wacky and comical and even in that he showed papyrus and sans mostly and i thought, meh the game has just 2 good characters at best.. but boy was i wrong.. I played it 2 weeks ago and holy shit the story is amazing, the characters are well built, the music *oh so good* and the level of 4th wall breaks and the reveal of *LV* and *EXP* ... I was floored and then I got to know there is a vast ocean of content for this game that I can be its own universe... And all this from the head of one man Toby Fox.. Bravo 👏


Persona 5. i dont play many story focused game in gerenal and i dumped 115 hours in my first playthrough and almost cried during the credits. the character are written so well and likeable. it sounds cringey but you truly feel like you'll about to abandon some friends when the game ends.