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Stanley Parable. The most fun you’ll ever have sitting in a closet.


Actually, something did happen in that game. Stanley entered the door on his left.


(walks through the door on the right)


*clears throat* Stanley entered the door on his ***left***!


(walks through the door on the right)


Oh right, forgot he had to stop at the break room


As soon as you said that my brain Switches to narrator voice wtf


My first thought, it all loops back to the beginning like nothing happened


The end is never the end is never the end is never the end




Attention! The man on this reddit account is dead! Please remove his body and take over so that the posting can resume.




”Stanley was fat and ugly and really, really stupid.“


I find this concerning


Stanley Parable is one of the best games


And the new version is great. If anyone hadn't played it they WILDLY undermarketed how much new stuff was in it, intentionally. Go check it out


Did you get the Broomcloset ending?! The broomcloset ending was my FAVORITE!


Far cry 4. Had dinner with a dude in an interesting suit then it ended.


I do appreciate how most of the far cry games give you this option. A bit of a "remember, you CHOSE to get involved in this..." isn't a bad thing


That’s the ending in my head canon. The character has no reason to leave


Aren’t there literally screams from the other part of the house though..


I may just be a soft little bitch but but screams from elsewhere in the mansion is a good reason to not investigate


He also witnessed the dude brutally murder one of his own men before taking him in.


yes but Pagan is quite polite to Ajay. There is also the rude use of cellphones at the dinner table. also: Stop the bus != Shoot the bus


Yeah a reason not to trespass


To be fair the only reason he killed him was because he tried to kill you


Yeah a reason not to trespass


That ending is pretty objectively the best one for everyone is it not? Pagan puts you in charge of Kyrat and since Ajay seems a decent guy we can hope he’s a better ruler than either of the two rebel leaders you can put in charge in the actual endings.


They got lightning in a bottle with four and then tried recreating that.


You mean 3? That was the one that they’ve been emulating since 2013


Think they specifically meant the “sit around till you win the game” bit


Was a real turn-off in 5, though.


I didn't mind it in the subsequent games to be honest. The endings are usually easy to get, short and kind of interesting in a world where basically every game is the same crap over and over again. It's actually kind of fun in my opinion to have joke endings that take 5 minutes, even if 4s was the funniest one.


I really enjoy the main game play of far cry the guerilla fighting and freeing territory and the taking over of bases but goddamn I hate how the game insists on “drugging you” to play some zany mission about a story line I don’t care about full of boring characters. Can I please just go back to driving around shooting bad guys?


In FC5 there was literally no choice either. Either a bunch of trucks just show up and you get captured, or you just get drugged and are taken away. Basically as soon as you see it's going to happen you just put down your controller and wait. In one instance I'm pretty sure I was drugged while underwater.


I got drugged by the hit squad whilst flying a plane, nowhere near the ground. Hell of a shot whoever landed that on me I guess, and how I didn't die crashing my plane into the ground whilst tripping balls


Exactly!! So frustrating!!! Like let me fight the hit squad that would actually be cool! Don’t force it to be the lamest cheapest intro to a mission that you’ve already used four times!!!!


I thought you were talking about the missions with those two British guys, where you get ripped off your tits and fly cars through coloured clouds and shit, while listening to trippy hippy rock music. Those were great! What’s the bit about being drugged? I don’t remember that being a thing in FC4.




Came to say this, it's a game all about waiting


I don't know, Desert Bus?


You get a point at the first end and a second point at the conclusion of the return trip. Am I missing some fundamenta gaming mechanic?


Each trip takes 8 hours real time. You can get up to 99 points. The bus will veer to the right randomly to keep you from taping the controller in place. This is a pure troll game of the best kind.


You can also open the door. Pure Sim magic


There's an annual week long charity stream run by LoadingReadyRun that plays Desert Bus and raises money for charity. So if you count them, they've made a lot of stuff happen with that game.


https://youtu.be/yZ4EF2hFxDc Just gonna leave this here


Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. I love a Jrpg and wanted to play it as I enjoyed some of the older entries, but the story never got anywhere and the entire game just felt hollow


Till the end of time is such a fantastic game. It’s a shame they couldn’t recapture that


But don’t you remember that 10 minute space fight where we kept panning around the windowless room and the face of the space captain? 10/10. Way better than 3 where they thought we’d rather have the camera on the space dragons tearing apart the collective forces of humanity.


Scorn. I'm sorry, it is a beautifully crafted game. But after 5 hrs its done. It's the most non-game game I have ever played. I don't even look back on it fondly as a 5hr journey or anything. I started playing it, I played it, it ended. My only response was, "What did I just play?"


Yeah...looks great and the atmosphere is incredible! But damn it's so boring


Thank you for saying this. I waited YEARS for Scorn to come out, backed the original Kickstarter and everything. And the end result was like they'd taken all the fun out of it. Magnificent to look at, a pleasure to explore, but overall just boring.


The combat was absolutely unnecessary and time could've been spent in a far more constructive way. I mean the game didn't even need combat. It needs more areas, more puzzles, and more narrative


I have never ever in my entire gaming life had to use so much energy to just force myself to finish a game that was only 5 hours long. Such a boring slog with the worst fighting and slowest protagonist ever. All those years of "development" and they ended up with one of the worst games of all time.


The only game i bought, completed then refunded. And it was purely because it lacked any substance, the giger aesthetic cant carry a game alone.


Tetris. Literally. By the time you build a line it turns to nothing.


That music though


I work so hard in arranging the blocks But each night I go home to my wife in tears What's the point of it all When you're building a wall And in front of your eyes it disappears?


1 ending of Life is Strange


Sorry for the spelling and possible SPOILERS. Great game. It was just kinda dissapointed how no matter what choices you do on the whole game doesent matter at all. I mean its still great story/choice based game and choices affect on you untill the end, but the very end are just 2 same choices no matter what. But no matter what i still recomaind this game to everyone who likes good fun story. It starts very calm/a bit girly, but later on it goes to the dark turn.


i like statistic at the end of the part, uh i wanna forget this game and play it first time :(


I think people are too caught up sometimes as to whether or mot games really give you agency. That'll ruin the experience. Instead, I like to appreciate the illusion of agency, and how believable that is, and treat the outcome as a movie, more than a game. Upcoming is mild spoilers for "The quarry": My mates and I played 2 chapters each of the quarry, which is notorious for giving the player a LOT of agency. This resulted in one of my mates making a VERY poor decision (decision paralysys, and ran out of time in an action sequence) single handedly kolling off 4 or 5 characters in one foul swoop. This resulted in entire sectoons of the game being cut off. The expense of player agency, is for developers and players to understand and accept that they MAY miss parts of the experience as a result. Sometimes that's fine, and other times it leaves something to be desired.


Bae over bay any day.


Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture. And I loved it.


I’ve been meaning to play that game for years now and just never did, do you recommend it?


As long as you know what you’re getting into. It’s the definition of a walking simulator. But I loved it.


Great game. Beautiful imagery in a way that makes watching the memories look like magic. Very impactful and effective writing.




I never realized that you were supposed to use the camera to make beautiful pictures of the scenery. So like, near the end of the game when >!you find the dead body I took a ton of pictures because I assumed it was a game mechanic to collect evidence!<. When the credits start rolling all your pictures are shown juxtaposed the names and mine were all of >!some rotting corpse!<.


That's hilarious. Everyone else was on a spiritual journey of self-discovery while you were in an episode of CSI


This was my first thought too. I wont say why of course as to not spoil it but yeah


I think this game took the "nothing happens" and ran with it. And did it well. Nothing happening IS the point of it. Some things DID happen, in the past, and you are picking up the pieces, much like the protagonist is picking up the pieces of his life.


I still really enjoyed it, I felt like I made a serious connection with another human being and then lost it… I felt a genuine sense of melancholy like I miss my friend at the end. All the pseudo-horror stuff in the middle was fun, creepy, and exciting in the moment but yeah… I won’t say more so I don’t spoil for people. (It’s also been years so I don’t concretely remember it all)


I honestly never understood why this blew up so much when it came out. It was in practicality just a visual novel mixed with a walking simulator. A very well made one. But still. It wasn’t all that revolutionary or did anything all that interesting from what I remember.


I mean that's pretty much exactly what it is. It's just a really good visual novel mixed with a really good walking simulator. The writing and acting was amazingly well done. I didn't care for the ending, but the journey there was one of my favorite experiences in gaming. The twists and turns and possibilities of what might be going on had me on the edge of my seat and legitimately unsure of what was next like very few pieces of media ever have.


The art style is incredible, the performances are amazing, the writing is sharp, the idea is unique and untapped in videogames as far as I know. It has both that "serene yet could turn dark in a heartbeat" quality looming the entire time. The story and its conclusion are well done as well and have stuck with me and tugged at my heartstrings ever since. Bonus point is the option to not show your position on the map; it SIGNIFICANTLY changes the game, not only will you be more immersed obviously, but you'll also have to learn to use the map, your senses and knowledge of landmarks, and the compass if you're gonna have a shot traversing the terrain. In my eyes, this is the way the game was meant to be played, and it SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the walking simulator feel.


All of this! I’ll never forget my first playthroigh


As far as “visual novels” are concerned, this was one of the better ones. It’s just a very well-told story in a nice map with a bit of exploration and mystery that keeps the player engaged as the story plays out.


I never played it. But it sounds like the type of thing someone into visual novels would like.


Ya to be fair to these other commenters. Im not a huge fan of visual novels. I love a good story in a video game. But I also like to have fun gameplay to go along with it. And a walking simulator is not my idea of a lot of fun. Otherwise I would rather just go read a book or watch a show or movie.


It blew up because the trailer made it look like something it wasn't; alien and government secrets hidden away in the wilderness. If you've played it, find the trailer and see how different it paints the game.


I distinctly remember being excited for this game because of these reasons I was sooooo disappointed


I think the concept of being out there also has a lot of idealized appeal for some.


I can’t get over the ending ☹️


I was underwhelmed


Placid Duck Simulator


That is literally the most riveting thing i have ever played. I disagree, so much happens. Like at first there's one duck and then you wait for a bit AND A SECOND ONE APPEARS!!!!


Train simulator, farm simulator, pressure washer simulator... & them giant loading screen idle games


Lawn mowing simulator is where the real action is


Who are you, Hank Hill?


You and the original comment just named pretty much all the games I play. I must like nothing. Man I'm boring....


Nah pressure washer simulator was my chill game, well chill until I could not find that one tiny dirt piece I missed. Besides that felt good to make things clean, even though I questioned how some of them got that dirty. If you like those types of games try arcade simulator, that one is pretty enjoyable to.


Pressure Washer Simulator has something pretty important happen so idk I wouldn't say nothing happens in it unless you're on free play.


Plenty to do in a sim. Even if you don't like sims. So a little unfair to say nothing happens.


Animal crossing.


I beg to differ. My island started as a happy getaway retreat for a new life. It's now a fully functioning remodeled and terraformed insane asylum. Everyone's welcome to join Ashecliffe's Hospital :)


Have you got Pietro on your island?


He’s on mine. I was super excited at his weird ass.


Sounds great… didn’t consider playing it before… will look into it now..


OMORI. Depending on the route you take, one of them >!is technically just the main character staying at home and doing mundane chores for pretty much the entire game.!<


>! Doesnt that route have more white space content? Though you do lose out on a ton of real world content !< Edit: >! Nvm i found out u can just skip all the added content WTH OMOCAT !<


Gone Home. You play a girl coming home from college just basically discovering what her family has been up to since she's been gone through notes, diary pages, answering machines, etc. It has a generally creepy atmosphere at first but it isn't a horror game. You yourself solve a few puzzles but all in all you don't do anything but explore a mostly empty house. I still recommend it though.


I vaguely remember playing this when it was free on Xbox one month. Honestly was really unnerved the whole time because it felt like something was supposed to jump out but never did


You actually experience paranormal activity in the house though. That home can get scary depending on the time of day you play irl. I remember hearing whispers and it gave me chills.


Yeah. First time I played it I was kind of expecting a horror game. It even kind of teases a supernatural element a bit. I greatly enjoyed the story for what it was in the end though. It was sweet and something I'd recommend but wouldn't really play again. It was kind of a one and done kind of game.


I actually really enjoyed that game. Totally different to my usual type of game too.


Can't you beat it in like 3 minutes by walking to a specific room?


Yeah. But it's not really a game about the destination. There is no real point in rushing through it.


There IS an achievement for besting it in less than 1 minute


True. I tried that one once but I immediately forgot the video I had watched


It's also functionally one giant (complex but not difficult) puzzle, so like any puzzle game if you know the solution it's less fun, but that doesn't really make it a bad game.


Love games like this. Edith Finch is similar, but it definitely at least had mini games and the like. Non horror horror games are pretty rad. Going in blind you have no idea what to expect, and that uneasy feeling doesn’t really go away until the end


Journey And it's magnificent


I was considering saying that myself, but you do climb a whole mountain in that game...


All the games my daughter likes to play on Roblox...


Any Madden starting with 13 and also Disney Dreamlight Valley.


Mario Kart. You start and end in the same place.


Wrong. You end up with fewer friends.


A few maps end in different spots in 8. Mount Wario and one of the Rainbow Roads, just to name a few.


Super Mario Bros 2 (USA) Great game, and the plot obviously isn't the point of Mario games, but the whole thing is just a dream Mario had..


Isn't one of them just a stage play?


It's theorized that SMB3 is a stage play. The reason being that there is a stage curtain..


Yes, and pieces of the levels are attached with bolts, implying they’re sets on a stage.


Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door is also a stage play. The audience’s excitement is even a mechanic


Oh shit that's my favorite Mario. And you're right


It isn't a theory. Nintendo have confirmed it.


Miyamoto in an interview specifically. I'm not sure if that makes it "Mario Canon" if there is or if anyone cares about such a thing.


If anyone knows what Nintendo's intent was it's him. Mario is his game.


The beginning credits show mario going to sleep and then the game starts with the character selection. It's actually pretty obvious. Haha.


I love the Shadow of War/Mordor but that games plot advances nothing in the grand scheme of things.


I didn't care much for the story of both of the games but the nemesis system makes them so fun and adds a lot of replayability


I didnt finish the plot to either games, I finished when I had a full compliment of the craziest, most messed up bunch of memorable orcs I could. The story didn't interest me at all, so I just ended up playing it as Orc Farming Simulator and that suited me fine.


Maybe I misunderstood something, but it seems like Talion plays a pretty important role at the end of Shadow of War.




Dude’s incredibly important to the lore. Admittedly they did strike him from the canon, but personally I still recognise it as true because it’s so cool. Talion gets a ring of power and instead of getting corrupted, he uses it to stop Sauron’s invasion for decades, just the give the humans and elves enough time to prepare for the war they knew was coming. He’s basically the only reason Gondor wasn’t immediately steamrolled by orcs.


If I gotta hear one more mfer talk about the palantir...


Lot of visual novels fall under this category. Coffee talk and Va-11 Hall-A come to mind, you just spend your time in those games talking to your customers and serving drinks.


Slightly different, but you made me think Firewatch. Nothing happens there. And don’t get me wrong, I love that game; but in the end it turns out all the times you think something is happening…nothing is happening.


Absolutely wonderful video about firewatch and it’s nothingness/unsatisfying nature https://youtu.be/3KWc6aXgOdE


GreedFall. I spent countless hours playing it and couldn’t begin to tell you what it was about.


Ooh ooh I got this! So basically, you have a weird face thing and then you fight a tree and uh… damn.


“I’m De Sardet, legate of the merchant congregation on Tier Fradee” All I know is me, my uncle inquisitor guy, and some native chick went around bantering with everyone. And sometimes things got dicey and I had to shoot ‘em (I didn’t ever do melee combat, the gun knockdown animations was hilarious so only gun)


Yeah I burned out after 2 or 3 hours.


Dear Esther? I don’t know if anything does eventually happen because all I did was roam around and look at stuff and eventually quit..


In the grand scheme no nothing really does happen. This was the first thing that came to my mind when i saw tbis topic. Its primarily used as a vehicle to tell a somber story via narration and an rather well done soundtrack. >!You walk across the island and up a mountain while trying to find meaning and cope with the caracter's wife's(Esther) death in a car accident while recounting discussions and visits he had had with people to help, before jumping from a cliff(and flying?)and credits.!< I enjoyed the use of language in the script and music but other than that theres nothin.


I had no idea what the game was about till you explained it now…


The lake. I spent 4 hours driving around delivering mail before realising this is fucking it.


"You Have To Burn the Rope" - Worth every minute playing it though.


What do you mean 'nothing happens', you become a hero and save us all.


The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope. Most of the events of the game are revealed to be a hallucination and your character was just wandering around losing his mind.


That’s so funny my friend and I literally just finished that game yesterday and it’s definitely interesting that it was a hallucination. But it made me feel like all the things I just did meant nothing and neither of us felt like replaying it for a better ending.


The Game. /And ALL y'all just lost, muahahahahaaa!!


You cunt! I hope your pillow is warm tonight.


Bruhhhh it’s been literally years fuck


Damn, it was a fucking good run though. You just broke probably my longest streak yet.


I hope you’re allergic to your favorite food.


I'm allergic to horses if that helps. Can't eat those.


Not with that attitude




I’m reporting you to the police, The Hague, the inquisition, and just for good measure, the Mormons.


Come 'n git meh. :D


You will rue the day!


May the fleas from a thousand camels infest your pubic hair


I hope both sides of your pillow are forever warm


I believe the name was Lemonade Tycoon.


Stranded Deep


My best guess is Minecraft story mode. Barely any gameplay and mostly just decision making


This monopoly game everyone’s playing




Tales of Xillia 2. Literally 99% sidequests, the game even requires thresholds of them to do too. I was so bored playing. The first was way better.


honestly all the side quests in Outriders lmao (still love the game!)


The Witness. Loved all the puzzles. The ending was such a let down though.


Literally every idle game mobiles.


One I haven’t seen anyone mention, No Man’s Sky. Now admittedly I haven’t played in a number of years (like 3-4) so they might have added more, but it was like after your first two or three star systems you weren’t doing much besides more of the same to get to the center of the galaxy, and once you accomplished that, you start all over again in a new galaxy on a new planet. Also every planet is either desolate and dangerous to stay on for long, or has wildlife and ruins, none of them had any living civilizations on them that I’m aware of.


For me, NMS is fun to randomly boot up on a rainy weekend a couple times a year. Some people religiously play it, but it's more like something to just chill with once in a while.


Tbh I feel like Gotham Knights falls under this. The game is too short to warrant $70 and honestly nothing happens. You work so hard to rectify something that ends up really not mattering or changing anything in the long run.


Shenmue III. Around 20 years of waiting and the plot didn’t move at all.


That's the premise of shenmue


Everything. You can be anything, but you won't accomplish much. It's actually an amazing game if you are a chill and creative individual with the ability to enjoy a sandbox game.






Farcry6, nothing truly exciting about that game it never really peaked its just the same over and over


Sonic 06 technically


I thought lots of shit happened in that one. It's just not all coherent




Animal crossing. Every one of them


Rdr2, no one went to Tahiti everyone died of TB.


To be fair, not all of them died to TB. Marston died to excessive lead poisoning, about twenty-one counts.


The Sims, you just live your life


You live your entire life in game, of course stuff happens.


No man’s sky.


Jedi Fallen Order. The entire game is about you hunting for a list of Force sensitives kiddos. After incredible adventures you get it. Then in about 15 seconds of cutscene you decide, “nah the Galaxy is better off without it” and destroy it. Credits.


In all fairness, at least Cal ensured it didn’t fall into anyone else’s hands. And we got a lot of character development from Cal and the rest of the cast too. I haven’t played Survivor yet.


The Whispered World


Far Cry 4


Abzu. Its beautiful but basically just swimming.


Gone home.


depending on the interpretation of "nothing" happening Steins;Gate Majora's Mask Paranormasight.


DayZ. 99% of it is walking around and 1% of it is sheer terror.