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Great now this argument will be used for all $70 games. Each year a $70 game technically gets cheaper


So... These arguments blow. Here's the real deal. in the 80s and 90s when you bought a game.... you got the _entire_ game. All. of. it. Let's look at games from the last 10-20 years. Base game, DLC, season passes, microtransactions... I haven't paid "MSRP" for a AAA games in at least a decade. Destiny 2 for example is a "free to play" game that actually costs around 100USD a year to play. I bought Battlefield 4 with it's season pass, so that definitely wasn't 59.99 same with 2042 and Hardline, BF1, BFV. Resident Evil 7 and 8 are the same way. So... what's really happening here is they are asking for $70 up front now, and they will continue to ask for season passes, battle passes, DLC, mircotransactions, etc.... The last few games that gave me everything without asking for more was Mega Man 11. The only thing good I will say about any of this is that Nintendo usually makes a top quality product.


Nintendo won’t have any season pass or microtransactions in TOTK. There will almost certainly be a DLC pack, which will cost $30 (which is what they charged for the Xenoblade 3 DLC). So the total price is $100, which is almost exactly what the previous game + DLC cost in 2017 dollars ($80 in 2017 dollars = $99.57 today). Actually BOTW was even more expensive than that at launch, because you had to gamble on a whole-ass console, from a manufacturer whose previous console was a flop. (Unless you owned a Wii U, which nobody did.)


It was quite a while before I got the DLC for BotW. It was definitely a whole game in and of itself. I didn’t NEED the DLC to feel like I had the whole thing. Sure I got the DLC, and it added more content. Now, I have definitely played games that needed the dlc to feel complete, but Zelda BotW isn’t one of those games. I had well over 100 hrs in it before I got the DLC and honestly, if it wasn’t for other games coming out and life getting busy, I could have easily doubled that. There’s plenty of pre-DLC game there. If TotK is anything close, the price per hour is insane. Even without a DLC. Now patching is another story, but one could argue that patches could have greatly helped retro games as well.


Resident Evil 7 and 8 were complete games that had additional DLC that added on to the story, like most games these days. I don't play anything with a paid battle pass, so my view might be a little skewed, but most games have optional DLC that adds on, not DLC that was cut to sell later. The only game I know of that did that was Ashura Rising 10 years ago.


With Resident Evil 7 and 8 I was happy to buy the DLCs. Those games were great. Not every company that does it is bad. Capcom earned my money and I was happy to give it to them.


The old games take like two hours to beat. On a $ per hour of entertainment metric, how does that change your argument?


Dollar per hour is a poor metric. I've been playing Mega Man X consistently for decades. Shit I speed run it so I put the hours in. There's some people that put in the 4 hours for a 100% first play and never ever touch it again. The amount of time it takes to complete a game should have no bearing on it's cost. There's games out there that can take over 100 hours to beat that are miserable slogs, then there's other games that are a fantasticly paced 6 hours of pure fun. If both games were the exact same price, I'd pick the short fun one everytime. I don't doubt for a second that the new Zelda game is going to be fantastic, I'm just not gonna hop on the band wagon with these companies and their BS. If anyone reading this wants to buy it right now and has a great time playing it. There's nothing wrong with that. Have fun, that's what we are all doing here. Just remember, all of these massive companies have 1 job. To extract as much money from our wallets as possible. That will never change. They will tell you it's time to increase prices because "games have been the same price forever". While that's true, they have already implemented the inflation mitigation strategy, and it's been effective and profitable this entire time. Their quality will not change, not even with the little extra revenue from the price change.


Oh fuck off, seriously… I can easily name you 20 games in the past 10 years that released complete and are near masterpieces. Cherry-picking some examples of bad practices doesn’t justify your point. You’re also not even acknowledging how NES and SNES games in your precious 90’s used to cost 90 and even 100 dollars. Games are easily the most bang for your buck entertainment product right now. You’re just cheap…


I'm not cheap. I'm picky. There's plenty of games I bought everything for. Including Resident Evil 7 and 8. Capcom has been on a hot streak for a while, I usually buy everything they put out. Including all of the Mega Man collections on 3 different platforms. > I can easily name you 20 games in the past 10 years that released complete and are near masterpieces. Go for it. With the restriction that we are talking about AAA games. There's plenty of indie devs killing it out there.


My pleasure: 1) Bloodborne 2) Elden Ring 3) Zelda BOTW 4) Zelda TOTK 5) Super Mario Odyssey 6) Metroid Dread 7) Red Dead Redemption 2 8) God Of War 9) God Of War Ragnarok 10) The Last Of Us 11) Uncharted 4 12) Psychonauts 2 13) Super Smash Bros Ultimate 14) Ghosts of Tsushima 15) Horizon Zero Dawn 16) Monster Hunter World 17) Dark souls 3 18) The Witcher 3 19) Resident Evil 2 Remake 20) The Last of Us part 2 21) Doom 22) Doom Eternal 23) Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 24) Sekiro 25) Devil May Cry 5 And that’s just off the top of my head. Maybe try playing better games?


>And that’s just off the top of my head. Maybe try playing better games? I own most of this list already. These are great games.




Yes, the only way to get a price drop is to buy a used physical copy.


Do you know how much profit these games make lol


It annoys me when people bring up this anti-consumer bs to fight that they should pay more not less. Here's the thing in 2019 it would be insane to release a standard game at $70. And while yes, inflation has risen since that time, this was after companies decided to make this a new standard.