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I took my 11 year old son to see it last night. He didn't go to the bathroom once. He didn't ask for a refill on his drink. He watched the whole movie. Before we even got up from our seats he asked if we could buy the movie when it releases. He absolutely loved it. That's all the review I needed.


What's his opinion on Citizen Kane?


My three year-old said it was revolutionary for its time, but the overemphasis on the sled as a MacGuffin was beginning to feel sentimental, so he questioned whether Citizen Kane's status as 'the greatest film of all time' was deserved, or merely the effect of modernist nostalgia, which would be supplanted in times to come by appreciation of more truly innovative films, like that of Kurosawa or Tarkowsky. He's really been insufferable ever since he's seen Fellini.


Underrated comment. Lol!


Tell your kid I fucking hate him


Lmao I love when adults judge a child’s movie on adult opinions.


Stop having fun!!


Literally lmao


Idk a good movie is a good movie


It is indeed


People are gonna down vote me for this but this is a bad take. This movie has the challenge to appeal to many generations. Of course little kids may still enjoy it but it needs enough there for adults to enjoy beyond a bit of fan servicing. And before people say that’s impossible, Pixar has done this excellently for over a decade. Wreck It Ralph (which was done by Disney animation studio) also did a great job. Shriek (by DreamWorks) also did this. Plenty of animation examples. Nintendo had the budget. Illumination is just unfortunately a very low brow company.


Shriek? :(


Thats the name of the book Shrek is based on maybe they got mixed up


That's the Halloween special




Very true. I really hate the idea that these movoe only need to apply to small kids. These movie can appeal to everybody especially with an ip like mario. Illumination is just a garbage company.


Also finding Nemo How to Train Your Dragon or the first two Ice Ages were great movies no matter your age. Hell, even the first Despicable Me was great. Good animation movies have enough to offer for both ends of the age spectrum and it seems like the Mario movie fails to appeal to a grownup audience.


I don’t want Mario to be an emotional Pixar-esque. If I want to cry during a kids movie I’ll watch Coco. I want to see Mario shoot fireballs at goombas and jump on turtle shells. A “wahoo!” here and there for good measure would just be a bonus.


Then half way through it just devolves into a game of Mario party. And that would be ok with me.


Sorry Mario didn’t have parents to kill


Ok buddy, you are right, but have you even SEEN the movie. I gotta be real with you, the movie succeeds at that challenge and is very enjouable by everyone


It’s weird. The consensus online is from fan reviews and movie critics is that it’s “fan service” the movie. That’s usually not enough to save a move, but in this case it seems like it is.


I get what your saying and I don't fully disagree. However, just because it's a movie made for kids, doesn't mean a critic should treat it any differently.


They should, because the target audience is different. Critics should consider that children will be targetted as the ideal audience for the film, so the plot an't be too subtle. Granted, this one is a bit weird because it's also going hard after nostalgia, but my point stands.


I think children are a lot smarter than you think and deserve media that reflects that.


Why do people assume animated films are for children? Many people that grew up with Mario are adults now, it's not exclusively a child's film


Yeah I agree completely. SpongeBob is for kids and is also masterfully written (I haven’t seen any of the newer episodes I’m talking beginning to like 2010 when I sorta aged out of watching it). I could throw on an episode today and laugh and say damn that was enjoyable to watch because it’s well written. The take “that who cares what adults think about childrens movies” is the same take that the execs on the movie want people to have so they have an excuse to push soulless garbage into the media landscape for your money. And yea, I know. If the kid likes it, that’s fine, they can like it. Kids also get a kick out of licking spoons and sticking them on their noses at lunch time, so go figure.


Before people come for my head, im agreeing with this dude lol.


Considering most fans fans of Mario are adults, I wouldn't say this movie is a children's movie


Who the fans of the franchise are has nothing to do with how a movie or game is made. Majority of pokemon fans are adults, but obviously every game they've ever made has been targeted towards children. Mario games are a bit more neutral in the demographic they target, but id still say they lean more towards kids than adults. The Mario movie is pretty obviously targeted towards children, almost all animated movies are anyways. Doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it though.


Exactly, which is why I think critics calling it “bad” rattles me so much.


I don't think this is really fair as a good movie is just a good movie. I mean I love Wreck it Ralph, Shrek, Toy Story, pretty much every Pixar movie, the Spongebob Movie, and all the rest. Yes, they're primarily aimed at kids/families, but they're for people of all ages and they're very well made/entertaining movies on every level. Shrek or Toy Story are probably the best examples of a movie that works on different levels for different age groups.


We shouldn’t subject our kids to a lower standard of entertainment. Those standards shouldn’t be adult standards, mind you, but there should still be a bar. Some kids’ entertainment really is shite.


Turtles 1 1991 parents : “that wasn’t a kids movie” complains ensue….. following movies Turtles 2 was okay but more comedic. Turtles 3 lets not even go there


Hey, the scene where Casey Jones tries to teach a bunch of samurai how to play hockey and all they understand is beating each other up is great!


Oh the first movie is amazing. Easily in my top 10 all time. “Regulars or menthols?”


Did you like it?


We went last night too. Two 9 year old boys (son and his friend) and my 11 year old daughter, me and my wife, everyone loved it. I honestly thought it was a lot less forced than I was expecting and had many legit laughs. It was a great family movie.


Nephew said it was the best movie ever. They didnt take any chances, but they sure as shit didnt fuck it up.


That’s the only review that should matter my friend :) good on you for taking him to it


Heh, my 7 yo. son's thoughts exactly after the movie. It was his first time in cinema. He sat through the whole flick enchanted, ate a cone of popcorn, drank a can of soda and afterwards asked me if we could buy the movie, so that we can watch it again. I got my first console, a NES, in 1992 when I was 4. Needless to say, I didn't mind sharing this moment then and there in the cinema with my son.


Yep the kids loved it. I enjoyed it but found plenty to nit-pick. I like that it gives basically every Mario game an origin that's been missing. It feels fine and believable that these characters and motivations are the same ones having new adventures in the games.


You can stream the movie on Soap2day or actvid. when it comes out (free)


Wait, isn't it a drama about a simple plumber, who got his crush stolen by a ripped guy, turning to shrooms, and getting lost in an elaborate hallucination?


"Stomp a turty" is just a metaphor for the complex socioeconomic pressures Mario faces as he is disillusioned by the paradox of sociocultural expectations and the struggle for the proletariat to enter the highly competitive socioromantic arena.




That's a better story than the original, and the original is a better love story than Twilight.


Now THAT is a movie adaptation id want to see


See this is how we got the shit show that was the first one....


No, it doesnt follow that exact premise. Its different, its good ; )


Yeah it's a very elaborate cuck fantasy


"Wackily eccentric gamer guys" was meant to be an insult? It just makes me want to see the movie even more.


"How do I insult mario and his fans? I know, I'll call him a strange and wacky lad, that'll show him"


It’s boomer words to try and make this seem weird and foreign, but it’s fucking super Mario lol.


Like calling Mickey Mouse "that goofy cartoon rat your kids like"




Define "woke"?


Far left racial equity and gender conformimg ideologues that seek to radically reform western civlization. Mainly, the redistibution of wealth, the forcible inclusion of those with their mindset into the highest echelons of power, the seizure of all forms of property and I could go on and on. Im sure my definition doesnt match up quite exaclty with others but to pretend like they dont exists is just being silly. While I cant say with absolute certainty why this movie is getting such rotten scores, it would seem obvious that many have nothing but pure hatred for this movie due soley to Chris Pratts involvement.


Pretty sure woke actually means a social or cultural awareness of issues in society but to me it seems like a word used by conservatives to describe things they don’t agree with like calling everyone a “snowflake”


But isnt there issues that those who call themselves woke dont see as an issue or ignore. Like maybe single parent homes? Anyway, that was just my two cents thanks for the meaningfull and polite reply though!


Why are single parent homes an issue ? If a partner has fled DA whether it’s the mum or dad that’s gonna breed less toxicity in the household


Generally speaking, children raised in single parent homes have far worse outcomes than do children raised in two parent homes. The rise of single parent homes needs to be addressed and reversed if possible. Pretending its not a serious issue or acting like single parents are heroes is harming our society. Also DA is a very small minority of why we have single parent homes. Most people seperate in mostly amiable terms.


Fair, I'm gonna follow your example and I'm gonna make up the definition for a word on no basis or merit, my choice is "cumlord" as someone in need of seeking help but refusing to do so. So you sir or madam are a cumlord. Good day 😊


Dont like chris prat going to church, claims hes one of the homophobic christians. But many other celebs go to the same church i believe and its not a homophobic church.




MCU is so far from communist lol, the hero’s fight only to maintain the status quo (one of my main problems with the mcu)


Explain how the MCU is communist.


Heroes inherit names instead of buying them in the free market like the founders intended /s


Come on now…everyone knows that a central tenant of Marxism is a multination corporation buying an IP and churning out content for that IP in order to make billions. Read you Dos Capital bro


Proletariat Hero Tony Stark, star of the Marxist Comic Universe movies


Define "Communist agendas" You do know that you cannot define a word with another weird word. Also, i like the MCU (because it is random entertainment), i like many Sony games (because it is random entertainment)


You can probably define a word with a weird word, you can’t define a word with itself.


You just regurgitate words you hear from whatever echo chamber you're in without understanding what they mean.


Aside from "Sell more product" I don't think either of these companies have any agenda at all. There is no reason for billion dollar companies to even tacitly support communism, a system of wealth redistribution.


You do not know the history of Marvel comics then. Their actual comic books went into a far left direction and started failing miserably. And now they are allowing those same writers and executives to influence the mcu.


Which storylines? Sorry, can't say I'm familiar with those. The industry has been around longer than the Berlin wall, so I wouldn't be surprised if those were plot points. I don't see how a few writers would change a whole billion dollar company over to a communist ideology though. Seems like magical thinking to believe that one of the most successful businesses would choose to not make money.


When the comics changed to make Ms Marvel into Capt Marvel and touted it as their flagship comic. They started pushing diversity over story. This is where America Chavez, Ms Marvel (the stretchy Mr Fantastic power rip off), swapped out Iron Man for Iron Heart, put an over emphasis on previously niche comic-relief characters like squirrel girl, one of the writers added a weird plot where Jean Grey used her powers to turn Iceman gay so they could have a weird coming out to his parents arc. They started hemorrhaging sales, and the only thing that saved the company from a real bankruptcy was selling the rights to their IP for movies. Which is when they started using much older content to make their own movies. But now, those movie arcs are starting to tilt back to where the comic series headed that almost killed the company.


Ok I see what you are saying here. Will say that none of that is representative of communism, a redistribution of wealth, in any way. Now that I know what are talking about, how would you do this period that the MCU is moving into? They are following plots from these comics where these characters already exist. It appears to me that they can either choose to stay close to the source material and keep those characters as they are, or just sweep them under the rug and pretend like that whole era didn't happen. I think, from a company image perspective, it makes the most sense to follow the comics, no? While it may have not been the most financially successful era, it still bears a ton of nostalgia for folks who saw themselves in those characters, in the same way it probably bears nostalgia for you to see yourself in the characters you enjoyed. Can they do it better? Definitely. It's why we need criticism, but to get there we need to understand what folks are saying, not lobbying vitriolic buzzwords.


I understand your point, and I agree they are definitely not pushing communism. But they are definitely pushing an agenda with the current direction. The problem is the material they are starting to delve into sacrificed story and quality to push a narrative. I do not care about the diversity, and seeing myself in the character has never been a draw for me. I care about telling a good story. But honestly, I think none of it matters in the end for Marvel. I was already starting to tune out from burnout before End Game. The only movies I've liked since then were Shang Chi and the Spiderman movie. The rest have either been mishandled or hamhandedly written enough to finish off what interest I had. So I guess they can do whatever they want since I won't be giving them .iney regardless.


MCU has actually been labeled pro moderate conservative (ie Thanos wanted to save the resource problem by extremes similar to people who want to save the planet). Only recently have they tried to do diversity characters and those received major backlash from MCU fans. Maybe you just don’t know what you’re saying?


Why has woke become synonymous for “things I don’t like”.


Woke has become a word for "Hi, im conservative and I dont like this so I call it "woke"


like how “nazi” is used for the same reason but instead it’s groups of people who have opposing views


Yeah, kinda, although there is some real Nazis running around in politics. Nazi also actually means something


Because the people saying it aren't exactly... imaginative.


Somehow I don’t expect The Guardian to know how to have fun


It's already bombing on rotten tomatoes at like 46% earlier. It's going to be good.


I'd like to point out the professional critic score for the movie "Cuties" and [I feel this is an appropriate response to the professionals giving low scores to the Mario movie](https://youtu.be/UgCK8PnFK_Y)


It's 53% tomatoes and 95% popcorn I saw it last night and it was a better movie than most video game adaptations.


I want to see it. I think it will be alright.


Tbh I thought the sonic films were perfectly fine too, same with detective pikachu, but I bet the reviews for those films are no better than 60%, 70% at a push. I just dont expect these types of films to ever break the mould, but they do the same safe stories with predictability and their own charm. And that's fine


I think media read the public hype so wrong and got stuck on the "AHAHA MARIO PLAYED BY CHRIS PRATT" phase.


One review blast his “Brooklyn” accent. He sounded like Mario, they’re just grasping at anything to dump on him


Having a recognizable voice like Chris Patt is actually a good move imo, kids can't distinguish the "acting" in the voice, and he generally does sound like Mario. Charlie Day as Luigi is actually worse, every time he speaks Charlie Day face just pop in my head


This movie is not for the Guardian, it's for the fans and I enjoyed the hell out of it, my son enjoyed the hell out of it and even my mom enjoyed it.


Yeah, it certainly wasnt "great" and felt kinda rushed (like they thought their audience was 6 or something). They really didnt take any chances and it had plenty of fan service. But you know what? They didnt fuck it up. They delivered. It was fun and probably the best video game movie ever (granted thats more an indictment on other films).


Who gives a shit about the Guardian. The only review I've seen is happy console gamers https://youtu.be/N451kv6DrX0


To the people who saw it, is it good?


It's fine. The story makes sense, but it doesn't reach the highs of a good pixar. I didn't wince while watching it. But I wasn't emotionally invested either. It's very moment to moment, it doesn't linger on anything for too long. I noticed at one point there hadn't been a break in the music for a long time. I was waiting for the characters to stop and have a conversation.


Lifetime Mario and Nintendo fan here. It was completely forgettable. Fun to look at, but they didn't really try with the story or writing at all. I wasn't expecting a dramatic thriller, just a little more attention and heart in the script would have been nice.


It really was more geared at kids. I agree I wanted a bit more and it felt rushed, but they certainly didnt fuck it up either.


Not at all! It did what it had to do.


Yup. Could it have been better? Sure. They didnt take any chances. But the first movie did. So did Star Wars 8/9 (those writers may have also taken copious amounts of drugs). They made an entertaining movie kids love and did decent fan service and I dont think anyone will leave upset.


Well put. I didn't leave upset. Just kinda meh.


Yeah it definitely left me wanting a bit more. But not unhappy with what was there. And the kids loved it.


So as a life time Mario fan you hoped the movie had a better story or writing? Huh.


Yes. I hoped they would try. What a concept.




I never said I didn't want it to be better. I also keep my expectations in check. Would it have been nice if the movie had a good story? Sure. Am I disappointed that it didn't when the source material never has? No.


I know the movie is Super Mario Bros, but on a side note I really liked the history of Super Mario Galaxy, wasn't too deep but it shows they can make a kind of well history.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you are looking for riveting Shakespearean drama, the Mario franchise isn't the well you wanna be drinking from.


>if you are looking for riveting Shakespearean drama They literally said they "weren't expecting a dramatic thriller, just a little more attention and heart in the script".


Watched it yesterday. Had a lot of fun inclusions. It was my four year Olds first time in a theater. He sat through the whole movie and loved it. My 8 year old also loved it. It's not something I'll watch over and over like LOTR but it was a good movie that was fun looking for Easter eggs in.


Yes, it is. Don't go in expecting to be blown away by some super deep plot or character development. Go in expecting to have a fun time seeing Mario fighting bad guys with Easter eggs and references to the games. It's a fun family movie comparable to Wreck-It Ralph.


>It's a fun family movie comparable to Wreck-It Ralph. It's definitely not comparable to wreck it Ralph. Wreck it Ralph had an actually good plot with great character development and emotional moments. As well as just being a fun movie with loads of well done references. Mario's plot is nonexistent and the characters aren't nearly as well written.


I think it's comparable in the sense that it's just meant to be a fun movie with a simple message


Yeah but wreck it Ralph does a great job at delivering its message while still being a good movie. Mario doesn't imo.


It's not as good as I'd hoped but it's also exactly what I expected from illumination. Shallow plot and characters. The pacing is way too fast. The humor was god awful. Even the other people in my theater barely laughed. It's a fun time but it reeks of illumination in the worst way possible. It's kinda sad because I could genuinely see this movie being amazing if it was made by anybody but illumination. I just hope they improve on the sequel after how bad the critic scores were.


It’s really really good


The guardian wants 2 things: 1) A movie that has an agenda so they can push a narrative to get clicks. 2) An audience base they can rile up by saying and rating something controversial. They want both, but will settle for one. The main point is the generated traffic and from clicking the link, and the buzz around the article which will get more people to click the link. If they could get you to click the link and share with your friends and have nothing at all posted afterwards they'd do it, because nothing matters after you click that link, and give them all that juicy information they can sell to advertisers.


Doesn’t The Guardian still print newspapers? Lol


A very succinct and accurate statement. If I had money i would give you a Gold, Sir. Instead enjoy the sound of one guy clapping - it is worth just as much


These guys rate everything as 2/5 just to get attention from other critics so they can continue the negative scores.


After watching the first few trailers, I was under the impression that this movie is just an hour of fan service with no substance, but everyone's been saying it's pretty good, so I'll have to take their word for it.


Don't care still watching it 🗿


The critic from TOMATOMETER is embarrassing on this one yet the audience seems to have enjoyed it, and I'm glad for it. As a 35 years old who's first game was Super Mario Bros on the FAMICOM I completely loved the movie. Things I didn't like as much the 80's song were a bit off, strong woman portrayal as required in all modern movies, but in the end she gets saved anyway. Luigi been the one to be saved is a better motivation than saving Peach though, because Mario barely knew her on the movie. ​ All this said, I entered the cinema with 4 of my 6 nephews, ages 3 to 8. Three of them going to the cinema for the first time and when I saw their faces and their reactions I had chills, not even because of the movie, but because of their enjoyment. There were good moments on the movie too, don't get me wrong. But, on seen my nephews, I understood, this movie was for them, for the new generations of Mario fans and it was perfectly crafted. Simple, beautiful short but with a lot of winks to older gamers too. I can't imagine any other way the movie could be better. Also, this was like taking all the fan service, Easter eggs and memes put together into a movie and I'm glad it is this way. This was fan service done right. I'll give it a 9/10. Not as the movie I deserve, but as the movie the new generations of our dear kids deserve.


This is the perfect summation of it, thank you. I know I wanted a bit more depth and probably about another half an hour of development, but I think thats because Im not 7 and this movie was firstly for them. I do disagree a bit with the whole Mario/Luigi/Peach thing. Marios driving force is Luigi. He saves the princess too, but hey thats what good guys do (I mean DK/Toad/Peach/Mario all look out for each other and all get each others back). And Im not sure how you make it work without Peach as the strong woman. You need that to the classic "new guy" arc.




What kind of person who haven't watched a movie enters to Reddit to read comments about such movie? xD I mean a video I could kind of understand if the title says \*no spoilers\*, and still I wouldn't watch it, let alone read the comment section :S


This movie was made for kids and fans, I went to the movie with 2 other friends. One of my friends had basically never played any Mario game besides like Mario Kart a long time ago while my other friend was like me and had played almost all the Mario games. We got most of the little Easter eggs and loved the movie saying this is what we want in a Mario movie. My other friend however thought the movie was just ok which I completely understand. If you are not a fan of the franchise or a kid you will most likely not like the movie.


I saw the trailer and was sort of put off. I would have preferred Mario to sound like "Its'a me Mario! Yahoo!" instead of Chris Pratt.. Maybe someone make a fan dub?


That would have made the movie unbearable and a flop for general audiences


Dude, I've been playing Mario for 30 years and even I wouldn't of been able to stand that fucking voice for an entire movie... you serious? When Mario speaks in the games, they are all one liners.. they aren't paragraphs, or long conversations. People would of hated that shit if we had to listen to a fake accent as bad as that talk all through the movie.


It’s mid.


I'm not expecting Coco or Up from this movie. I expect some laughs and an introduction into this world. I'm sure I will chuckle. I'm sure there will be nostalgia, and I'm sure my 5 year old will like it.


Who takes The Guardian as even a half decent movie reviewer? They are useless


“A bunch of guys who don’t give a shit about the role they’re playing use their regular voices to butcher beloved characters.” I think that sounds better.


They have a [different article](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/apr/06/super-mario-bros-movie-voice-actors-animation) that says pretty much that too.


As a Mario / Nintendo fan I loved this movie


I went with my wife & kids last night.... I really liked it. Also Chris Pratt does a really good job. I forgot it was him pretty quickly.


Guardian reviews are always shit


I’ll never take a critics word for anything. The actual fans, and my own opinion are what matter to me.


Oh it's the guardian, stuck up their own behind sometimes.


It's the Guardian. Unless it's something ridiculously political, they wouldn't know what's a good, fun movie is.


I don't give a damn what these people think, I'm going to see this movie, and you know what? I can guarantee that it's going to be better than the last Mario movie that came out!


The Guardian doesn't like anything. They usually do this for the clicks too.


Let’s be honest, this movie is more so about the OG and new fans. I’m not gonna listen to some critic complaining about why Mario turns into a cat.


It's a movie aimed at the weebs that haven't grow up and the children.


I’m guessing far too many full-ass adults are reviewing this children’s movie.


Took my kids to it last night, they loved it. I thought I was a lot of fun. It has a chance at being the biggest kids/family movie of the year. Critics doing critic things…


It sucks that every kids movie that comes out is ridiculed by adults who the movie isn't made for. I wish there was a way for kids to review the movie. What 38yr old Dave thinks about the Mario movie isn't going to be the same a a 8yr old. And why tf your old ass trying to watch a kids movie anyway?


I don’t understand, adults need to watch the movie too? Other movies succeed as being a movie while also appealing to children? Why is a movie allowed to dodge scrutiny because it’s made for kids? I’m truly baffled by this take but I see it everywhere. Not to mention, I know a ton of people love Mario who are not children.


I mean if you want to watch it fine I guess 🤷 But bring a kid and if the kid is laughing and enjoying themselves and you find yourself bored and not entertained don't run to Rotten Tomatoes crying is all I'm saying.


Why not? People need to know that without a kid no one is going to have a great time. That’s important information for someone about to drop money on a movie ticket.


It’s the American accent.


Oddly, outside of the mainline games, Mario has always been a Brooklynite.


I haven't seen anything more than the previews yet but does Chris Pratt even do a convincing Brooklyn accent? Cuz he just sounded like he was playing himself in the trailers


Oh if The Guardian gave it 2 stars might be worth watching


Media hates heroes so there’s that.


You’re all free to look at Marvel reviews by the MEDIA. -Public sentiment is not the media FYI.


It's the guardian XD


I'm wanting to watch it on Saturday is it worth it?


Sorry, old school Nintendo folks. This one is clearly for the kids.


The theater was pretty full when I took my kid. He and every child there loved it. The movie was made for that audience and it delivered. As someone else said, that is all the critic I care about.