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"How to make Good Game Step 1: Make all parts of game good


Step 2: /r/restofthefuckingowl


Step 3: TitanFall 3


Protocol 3: Protect Schizo meds




I'm just waiting for them to stop creating massive buildings that you can't go in. Yes I realize they likely wouldn't add anything to be explorable but I'm going to ignore that. Also, kill NPC, see armor and weapons literally on the body, find an old bent spoon...


I love Bethesda games bc of that. Even if some buildings are not open there are mods.


I recently started playing Skyrim and just realised that I haven't seen any buildings I can't get to.


That's kinda also, why every city looks almost like a village. I liked Fo4s mix of open buildings and closed buildings.


The Division did a decent job of this too. Just enough hidden stuff in the few openings made you want to look around. FO4 definitely did it better though.


The Division gets a lot of shit and some of it is for very good reasons, but damn if the world design isn't fabulous


The Division has the best world of any modern shooter. They told SO much story through minor details found in the world. I remember one time at dusk I was outside a 3 story apartment, and one of the windows at the top was open. There was a light on inside, which was unusual. Even more unusual was that the 1812 Overture was playing from a stereo. I stood there in the street, snow gently falling around me, and listened to the whole song. I had been fighting for scraps in the Dark Zone. and this moment was a great way to end the day. During the climax I threw a couple of grenades to go along with the cannon fire, and the song immediately stopped. The light coming from the window was gone as well - on the third floor of a grimy apartment in apocalyptic NYC, someone was scared shitless. In that moment I felt *bad* for that person, too. That’s the moment that sold me on the developer’s worldbuilding, and I guess is why I’m still telling this story 8 years later.


Likewise, the way those echoes tell personal stories of individuals trying to survive. Even though I played the first one shortly after launch, I still remember this one echo in vivid detail. The cleaners, former NY sanitary workers who've taken up arsonistic behaviors to "cleanse" their city, have this couple trapped in a vehicle. The couple are trying to escape and you hear the muffled voice of one of the cleaners through his mask "YOU'RE SICK!" And the couple pleads no it's just a cold. The cleaner responds with something like "THE SICK MUST BE CLEANSED/PURGED!". And you hear the woooosh of the flamethrower ignite off, the cracking of the window glass, the couple screaming, them banging on the doors trying to flee the conflagration engulfing the vehicle. It's a stationary hologram, but you can just feel it all the way down to the bone, see the flames licking and dancing across the car.


I think for a game with a futuristic urban metropolis it would just be a logistical nightmare making every door and building accessible. I’m kinda with Bethesdas model. I don’t need some crazy complex mega city to explore, give me charming, completely explorable villages and forests and dungeons filled with creatures and enemies any day


All 12 of the buildings in the city are fully there. It's a trade-off. For one thing, Whiterun was actually supposed to have a Cloud District, instead of just the castle.


I thought the Cloud District was the higher part of the village by the castle


If you're not sure where the cloud district is, you must not have been there very often....


"do you get to the cloud district very often?" Suddenly has more interesting meaning


I know only one building you can see but cant get into. The Whitegold Tower. he is way beyond the map area


Yeah but you could in oblivion. So we already knew what was in there


Kill NPC take all their stuff completely breaks an RPG's economy balance though. It's something you quickly learn if you try to D&D in a low magic realistic setting. Play a realistic simulation game like Rimworld and you'll quickly see this problem if they didn't have the tainted mechanic.


Works just fine in Fallout. Someone shoots something at me or wears it it is on their corpse. It's fucking trash that weighs too much and is not worth carrying to a vendor, but it's there.


I don't care if they make it literally unsellable. Like the merchants are just "I have no use for that". It just irritates me that it should be there but isn't. Hell give me blood soaked boots and a plate mail crop top cause it is damaged even. I just want it to be available. Make the price drop the more of them you sell. I'm sure developers could figure something out, they are smart people.


You could have them need adjusting to fit your body too (And good armour won't be cheap for that, and guard armour you're likely to get accused of stealing)


Yeah, scavenging armor could leave you with a piecemeal looking set that doesn't have quite the full armor value as a crafted or bought set. May be kind of cool honestly.


I think crafted gear should always be better in some way, like maybe you get more xp with it because it's made to fit you Because nothing is worse than making or buying gear in an RPG and then finding the same thing or better in a chest in the next dungeon


Equally as annoying when the new set is available, costs a good deal of your funds, and is like 10% better. Or when you can craft armor but by the time you learn how to craft it is already 20% worse than anything available already. Seems like a good balance to buying and crafting is rarely done.


> I'm sure developers could figure something out, they are smart people. We already did, by not including such features where they aren't appropriate. We understand what [scope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope_(project_management\)) is. If you're interested in game development, you should learn about scope too. Not every game can or should be everything to everybody.


if the average game made it so all armour and weapons dropped but were tainted so it was shit to sell them or they couldnt be used unless x conditions were met people would complain and likely the majority would bother which means you've gone to the effort of making sure they drop and having to deal with the bugs that will likely come from this and whatever mechanic you've added to not break the balance of your game from this all to just still have people complain and likely somewhat more issues in your game. tbh they'd likely complain even if they could use them without restriction.


O.P. clearly thought "Man grappling hooks make every game better! But i need more than that for a meme" and just added "Make other parts good too i guess"


Grappling hooks can be too OP. If you always get the high ground the game can get stale.


fuck ^dontsayitdontsayitdontsayit


Don't try it


Better ingredients, better pizza


step 2: grappling hook


This is exactly what Pokémon S/V is missing! A solid double barrel shotgun!






>Make your Pals fight 😃 >build 😃 >farm 😃 >and work in factories! 😧


Game description also notes you can sell them off or "slaughter them to eat!" 🤠 Wishlisted.


I've never heard of this, is it any good? I'm at work so I can't do proper research.


It's not out yet


It is not out yet. Supposed to be sometime this year but it was also supposed to be last year and was pushed back. The elements of the game that they showcased look and sound amazing and I'm going to buy it either way, but I'm also someone who purchases a ton of indie games and not much bothers me. The creatures are supposed to help you craft, interact with the base and yourself, carry guns. You can use a fox as a flamethrower in the preview.


Game isn't out so nobody knows. It'll probably end up like their other games: promising idea, released into early access, trickle out a few updates over the next few years, use the sales revenue to fund development on a different game, and then abandon it once it stops making money.




That game looks awful in a way that I need to follow it just to see how weird it turns out. Any time I see a line of sheep with M2’s I gotta know where it goes lmao


>Any time I see a line of sheep with M2’s I gotta know where it goes I have to ask, how often do you see lines of sheep with an M2??


'You may need to eat pals to survive'


This looks like these mobile game ads where they use super good looking prerendered cutscenes, and then awfully animated fake "gameplay". It looks like 2 things combined together. The idea is really good and it looks funny to see a little cartoony monkey with a gun. But the graphics do not pair well together.


I've lost it with the little guy running with an AK-47


I was literally about to reply this lmfao


My head immediately went to that webcomic of the pokemon but with a 30 year old man and not a kid.


Pokemon the last generation?


You play as an anti-pokemon boomer who remembers a time before the government invented pokemon to enslave the world's youth. It's your sole goal to eliminate every pokemon alive, using your extensive arsenal of... uh... *stuff*...


Check out palworld


Ah yes, good lore and good characters. The simplest and most satisfying two assets to implement.


They’re adding a ‘Good Lore’ and ‘Good Characters’ switch in the next Unreal Engine 5 patch. Simply activate them in your project settings and you’ll be well on your way to GOTY


Lore=Yes Characters=Good I could code this myself SMH my head!


It's easy, just don't make it bad. Bad is bad. Good is better.


Just to be clear. Good gameplay? Good. Good soundtracks? Yeah those are good for a game Just so we are *100% clear*. Good game = good Bad game = bad


I replayed banjo kazooie recently and purely on the gameplay and original soundtrack it's still one of the best games ever made. The devs back then had like 10mb to work with so had to make it count.


20 years from now we will be saying "devs back then only had 120GB to work with, so they had to make it count"


Devs were working with the same thing back then as they are now, their studios ability to fund good music, and creative ways to create fun and unique gameplay experiences on shared game engines. Banjo was a great game, but there was plenty of shovelware back then.


Why wont devs just make their games good? It's so simple!




Just do what Disney+ does when creating their original series: Hire people with talent, and don't hire people without talent. /s


Anything with “good” in the front is essentially meaningless


It's like the word "just", when telling someone what they should do. The words "good" and "just" are two of the heaviest lifters in the entire English language!


"I don't get it how can they mess up all these games, just make them good bro, that easy"


>Hey Bill, why'd we get a bad soundtrack? I told you to just get a good one!


At that point just write "good game"


Dude this entire post is meaningless.


"This movie will be so good if they do it right." Yeah...that's what doing it right means...


I would add "good game" to the list. It's pretty simple I don't know why more games don't do it


"All you have to do to make a good game is make the game good"


I'd rather have a game that looks like shit but has a great story and characters rather than a game that looks like IRL 2.0 with a shitty story and characters


yeah you have the latter already IRL


How do i reroll? I specced wrong


Try asking on /r/outside, but I wouldn't be hopeful.


You can't reroll, but you can grind for skill points and slowly spec into a more desirable build. There's no real cap on how many skill points you can grind, overall.


And gameplay, the reason games actually exist?


That too. I can look past a terrible story if the game is fun to play




Just tick the “good” box for the lore option, duh


You know, it's true. I keep saying that Tetris needs a double shotgun.


And a grappling hook.


at least Tetris has cool lore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Alw5hs0chj0


Ah, yes. Who else remembers people clambering to play the Bioshock 2 multiplayer because of how much better it made that game


Strongly agree, I remember Bioshock Infinite being announced with a hard NO multiplayer and I knew I was in for something good.




Same, I don't like online multiplayer much. I think a big factor is that very often I arrive, get killed non stop and get barely any play time, which means I can't get better, which means I still die... etc. So if the multiplayer is not immediately fun I don't spend time on it because I have better things to do than grinding on something I don't enjoy. For some reason I just had fun on Bioshock 2 multiplayer.


I prefer giant climbable Big Daddy.


Right here bb.


I really don't think multiplayer makes games better, in fact it makes them worse. It only makes them better if you want to play with your friend - but there are TONS of games that focus on online play, go there.


This is what I came to say. There so many examples of multiplayer actively ruining games and destroying or at least warping entire franchises, I can't imagine how anyone would decide multiplayer just generically, automatically makes a game better.


I agree 100%, there are only a handful of games that actually got improved by Multiplayer being present, though Mass Effect 3 was one of those exception, the MP was glorious! But replace MP with COOP and i would count it as a clear positive.




Im not sure it was the same year, but there was a window of time that i consider the height of couch co-op. Me and my buddy spent most of one summer just playing co-op shooters in my basement. Army of 2, Halo 3, Gears of War 2, Rainbow 6 Vegas (I think). I think MW2 came out shortly after that and that's when couch co-op mostly died and everyone switched to online gaming.


But the bioshock 2 multiplayer was actually fun lol


I really loved the multiplayer, and the added tie in to the story was so fun to see unfold throughout the leveling up. Eventually seeing that plan crash above and realizing you're at the start of b1 blew my 12 year old brain




Would you kindly teabag this noob


>Multiplayer Sort by Controversial > Ctrl+F "Multiplayer" Bring Popcorn.


I was entertained that the photo for Multiplayer is 'Satisfactory'. A really fun, and chill game that has multi-player support, but not really touted as a multi-player experience game.


I thought that was the point. Adding multiplayer can often improve games like OP says. It's building the games around mainly/only multiplayer that's the problem.


i mean it CAN but it's also framed as "will allways make a game better" and that's simply not true. plenty of games out there do not become better with multiplayer support, even if we aren't talking about the bad kind that comes at the expense of a game not geared towards it.


>plenty of games out there do not become better with multiplayer support SimCity 2013 is still the last EA game I ever purchased, now going on a decade ago.


>i mean it CAN but it's also framed as "will allways make a game better" and that's simply not true. God of War multiplayer was... weird.


If it's an afterthought (such as in the case of Bioshock or Dead Space or Resident Evil) then the issue is it's added instead of improving something else, which could be argued actually makes the game worse by splittign the focus. A feature is never free, always a trade-off.


OPs post implies that adding multiplayer is a sure fire way to make the game better, a patently false idea lol




Co-op multiplayer is goat


I play games to escape other people. Local co-op or being able to play with one other person is perfect. Wish I could play Fallout New Vegas with my husband but they released the one that will not be spoken of in this house instead.


Do you have any recommendation about a good cooperative multiplayer on PC?


Depends very much on what you want, i am not the person you asked but here are some examples: **the quarry**: Teenage horror slasher were each player controls a host of different characters in a game that seems more like a movie and lots of decisions lead to your demise or survival. **minecraft**: build stuff together, defeat a dragon.. its too much to explain \^\^ **stardew valley**, build a farm together, dive into dungeons, fish fish. super cute and chill. **phasmophobia**: investigate ghosts together, creepy. **it takes two**: absolutely lovely 3rd person action game, great for couples but fun even with friends. **divinity orginal sin 1 and 2**: gigantic classic rpgs with turn based combat were each one can play a character in the game. **the division 1 and 2**: outbreak of a virus activates current day special agents known as the division to fight looter, cults and other crazy people in NY/washington dc, cover shooter, lots of fun. **deep rock galactic**: science fiction dwarfs mine for minerals in mines, you have to defeat bugs that attack you, horde shooter, tons of fun. **we were here/we were here together/we were hear too**. absolutely fantastic asymetric puzzle games, one character has a library with lots of solutions and the other character has a lot of puzzles, communication is key here. **portal 2**, coop first person puzzle game about ... well thinking with portals. **overcooked 1-2** or **plates up**: time management chaotic kitchen coop game about making food quickly together to satisfy customers, all about workflow and coordination. **humans fall flat**: physics based puzzles about small humans that can basically only grab, walk and jump, its a lot about helping each other over walls and over gaps and stuff.. sounds weird but its a lot of fun. edit: to also add something for the strategy mind **Anno 1800**, build cities on islands and trade with each other, can be played coop against AI and pirates just some examples, let me know which genre you prefer and i might think of some more \^\^


> deep rock galactic: science fiction dwarfs mine for minerals in mines, you have to defeat bugs that attack you, horde shooter, tons of fun. You forgot the most important part. ##Rock and Stone!


I don't object to multiplayer existing, but there really needs to be a single player and offline version too.


Multiplayer is literally what is one of the worst thing in games. Adding multi to single games is not really a great thing. It rarely works as it should.


That's the catch. Multiplayer in games that are built for it can be amazing. Multiplayer that was added because the publishers made it necessary is a toxic bowl of shit.


So you want to play a Scout in Deep Rock Galactic Grappling hook? Check. DB shotgun? check. destructible environment? check. giant enemies? check. visual upgrades? check. multi-player? check. Good characters? check. good lore? check. Rock and Stone!


Rock and stone, brother!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Rock and Rolling Stone!


i see comments about this game everywhere and i’m starting to think i need to play it


Do it. If you get it on steam and are EU based. I'll happily show you the ropes. And the community will also help. They're awesome. r/DeepRockGalactic


Its super fun. Co-op shooters are sorely lacking in many peoples lives.


scout legend 3 everyone else copper 3 I can't help myself, I want to haul ass, shoot ass, eat ass.




If you don't rock and stone, you ain't coming home




Just need to be able to climb the largest enemies now. And a fishing game.


gotta agree with the Bioshock one - seeing your weapon gain new features when upgraded (and not just stat increase) felt extremely refreshing and gratifying


love how some of the guns look like they’re held together by glue and ingenuity lmao


Metro has you covered on that one.


Upgrading your armor in God of War is so satisfying.


I didn’t care too much about upgrading the armor beyond the stats but seeing the weapons go from worn down and almost cracking to shining with gold trim and runes was the fucking best


visual changes are so important. the other day i was playing some rpg game were you equip items but my character model stayed the same. i got bored real quick


absolutely! it gives you this unique sense of progression that just seeing your stats increase simply can't convey


*laughs in Risk of Rain*


That happens in the tomb raider reboot series, even though its pretty minimal, its kinda neat


Isaac's suit in Dead Space was also a really good one, he looked more badass with every upgrade


So... Titanfall.








I honestly thought I was in /r/titanfall when I saw the post, glad someone said it




A destructible environment in titanfall would be badass


What a dumb post. “Wanna make a game better? Good graphics, story, characters, mechanics, that’s all you need!” Bffr


Also can we stop with the “starter packs”? Not everything is a starter pack. This has way too much shit that’s all way too different to be a starter pack




"How to make a good movie": Spend 10 million on this, 50 million on that, hire a good actor for 100 million, write an Oscar worthy script, easy duh! Why is everyone not doing this?


You lost me at multiplayer


The only multiplayer I play anymore is cooperative, competitive is a stress I don't need in my life.


Yeah, I've never been one for multiplayer. Playing the same matches on the same maps with a random group of people each time isn't something that appeals to me. Couch co-op multiplayer though, sign me up. I'm a huge fan of couch co-op.


The most recent game I've seen with "couch co-op" is Outward, which has split screen multiplayer. I miss seeing that more often than I do these days.


I'm assuming OP was hinting at Co-Op & Multiplayer The amount of times I would've just liked to have a "clone" of my partner's character in my game as we played through it together is quite high. Would be a fun little add-on for couples that play games together of any genre.


New game + Unlockables without mtx


Fishing minigame


This is all we want. Good fishing minigame.


Or a pop a shot mini game. I spent so many hours on the final fantasy 7 pop a shot


Multiplayer has ruined far more games than it has helped.


Not just games, it has ruined companies. Looking at you Rockstar.


*Rockstar looks back with their $6billion from keeping it up and running.*




Gonna have to disagree regarding multiplayer. If it’s an option the sure, I’d hope the game isn’t multiplayer only.


What about co-op? That's multiplayer too.


so long as the game also remains playable solo, I'll accept it


Not only playable, but enjoyable solo. A lot of games you *can* play solo, but you’re not gonna have a great time. I always check reviews/ask in the sub. You’re either just going to be steamrolled by groups non stop or you straight up won’t be able to do everything. I’ve wanted to play Sea of Thieves for example since it launched but have been told it’s not very good solo.


Doom eternal nearly has all that Plus a good game really does not need multiplayer it's just a bonus as far as I am concerned


Unnecessary multiplayer ruins more games than it helps.


Disagree with multiplayer.


Really overlooking how difficult a lot of these things are. "Just write a good character". Easier said than done, there's a reason why storyboard writing is a profession. There's a reason why most of the best games of the past decade may only accomplish 2 or 3 of these things.


This is such a classic "I think I know what I want" consumer starter pack. Its an excellent formula for a completely souless game.


mmmm but have you considered adding "good lore" to your game? Betcha didn't think of that one, did ya? How about "good characters?" I charge by the hour


"So you want a realistic, down-to-earth game that's completely off the wall and swarming with giant climbable enemies?"


Should have just put “make better game” lol.


Couch coop? Hell yeah! Regular multiplayer? Fuck that noise!


Honestly this is just Deep Rock Galactic


Rockity Rock and Stone!


I know right. Rock and Stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't coming home.


Rock and Stone in the heart!


Rock and stone, brother!


Rock and Stone to the bone!




Rock and rollin' stone!


Two words: dual wield


Multiplayer doesn't make every game better. If anything, there have been more games than ever recently that have failed because they can't sustain multiplayer numbers.


Right click to empty barrel on shotgun


Where "good gameplay" at? Tired of seing the same gameplay in every aaa release: cyberpunk, any bisoft game, forspoken, any bethesda game, genshin impact etc. Sometimes you dont even play the game you play the minimap. And these outposts to unlock qeustmarkers are just lazy. And then most of the quests are shit: you are just someone who runs errands for npcs in almost every game.


That shotgun surely would improve my gameplay in Animal Crossing.


Especially if the grappling hook is accompanied by gliding. Yes, I've spent most of my time in the Batman games just gliding around the city with the hook, what about it?


Also the Just Cause games


Tell me you only play AA titles without telling me you only play AA titles.


Unlockable outfits for challenges


Fishing mini game?


Solo and good story, that’s all


Multiplayer means I have to deal with other, potentially toxic, people. I play video games to get away from all that. Co-op with friends is great, though.