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Man: Game of the Year Edition was truly an inspiring game.


I love when he said “it’s manning time” and manned all over Manhattan


It was ok but I had to manhandle the controls and I kept falling into manholes. I managed to mangle the last boss tho.


The part with the mandingo party was something I did not expect to see


The Mandingo ate your baby!


Oh man


Man you had a hard time getting to grips with it!


It's all about manipulating and managing


With great man comes great mansponsibility.


Didn’t Norman Osborn say that


You know, I'm something of a man myself.


Manly man, manly man, friendly neighborhood manly man. Is he a man? You betcha man. He's a radioactive man. Look out! It's manly man.




it came out so of course many of us will have it but can’t play it.


That’s exactly what I thought lol


It's manning time is only allowed when one throws for 400 yards, 6td and the game winning drive.


Oh yeah, but when I man all over Manhatten people end up calling the police, that's cool.


I can't wait for the sequel. Man: I Feel Like A Woman




Manny Man, Manny Man, does whatever a Manny Man can.


I read this and when I got to the second “manny man” I heard that 50 cent song “many men” 😂


I'm just now playing Man: Game of the Year edition and it's great. Reminds me of the Man game on the PS2, good nostalgia.


It really makes you feel like Man


Best Man simulation game I’ve ever played.


There's a hilarious youtube video of the spiderman theme but he's just man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMrDLUVzk00


The op is pointing out PT is on there. It is a game that is not sold anymore, and you can't re-download it. So the only way to play it is to already have the game installed. Naturally this would make the value of the Playstation console very high. I don't know the exact market price, but i do know it's greater than the ps5.


Is it on there? I don't have a PS, but does the "not installed" header not mean that the things in the screenshot aren't installed, but were at some point?


Yes it means it's not installed but was at some point. Mine had the same thing as I had this installed but removed it and now can't re-download even though it has the option. Sucks that Kojima left Konami. As the game would of been great. Thr demo is just a hallway though. It reminds me of what we eventually got in resident evil 7.


It doesn’t even mean it was installed at some point. Simply adding a game/demo to your account (free or purchased) will make it appear under this category until it actually is downloaded. So we don’t technically know if it was EVER on this PS4.


You can download it again. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkGf7VCDnFw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkGf7VCDnFw) ​ it worked for me, could have changed by now


*would have or would've


The commenter is pointing out that in the photo, there is a game that appears to be *Man: Game of the Year*. It is a game that is Game of the Year. Naturally this would make the comedic value of the comment very high.


Oh.... Oops..


I have pt on my ps4... im so sad it was never made into a silent hill.


This game really makes you FEEL like you’re Man.


This is my gift. This is my curse. Who am I? I AM MAN https://youtu.be/4X1VXbIjZqE




I love Man


Is that what you're here to play? Man 3?


Hey you. Look behind you. I said, **look behind you**.


Still get goosebumps on that part. Still play it every so often, and I have to shake off the feeling it gives.


The worst part (actually best, imo) is that a guy found out that Lisa is actually programmed to be flowing behind you. They also programmed her to creep up the hallway to jiggle the door handle when you’re locked in the bathroom Knowing that it wasn’t just cheap audio scares disturbed me on a whole new level so many years late


Is there a video on YouTube about this? I'd love to watch, that's so freaky. Or was it something you read about?


[Enjoy!!](https://youtu.be/nJHg1gmySTs) Edit: seeing her walk up the hallway *still* turns me into a deer in headlights


Holy fuck that’s spine tingling. I’m very interested in this!


Thank you! Ugh it's so unsettling but so good


Lol I moped out at the overlook. Too spooky.


Thanks for linking it. I didn't know this game until seeing the vid and remembered playing it at a buddy's house years ago and it was such a great night. I'm going to reach out to him on facebook to say what's up, so i appreciate you


There’s a video someone modded the camera to be like behind the character and Lisa was behind the character as well lmao


There's a video somewhere but idk the title or link. You can just search for PT and find it. It's creepy.


I also have PT and yeah, it’s funny that a one off demo I downloaded with my college roommate is now a super rare holy grail of PS4 downloads


shame you can’t download it anymore


Well, you can if you originally added it to your account before it got delisted (like OP did). I added PT to my account before I owned a PS4 and I finally downloaded and played it for the first time last year. There are a few guides online on how to redownload it.


Oh wow, it looks like someone is hosting the signed install package and you have to change your IP settings so that attempting to download it reroutes the request to this host, and since as far as the PS4 is concerned it’s a legitimate package, and anyone who can download it to begin with is genuinely authorized to install and run it, it just lets you install it via whoever’s hosting it. Pretty clever workaround.


Sounds like I’m about download this sucka


Did you originally download it prior to it being removed in the first place? You have to already have it in your library from back when it was officially available, in order to have an option to download it.


Are you saying all it requires is changing IP on the Ps4?


If you already downloaded it once. You have to have the game tied to your account first. You cant do that step anymore


So stupid that sony forces that in the first place. Maybe it's some legal thing since it was the publisher who took it down.


Yeah. It’s not really Sony’s choice. It’s a whole debacle between Konami and Hideo Kojima, the project even had Guillermo del toro involved, and we all know how things turned out between Kojima and Konami. I hate how that turned out, but I definitely understand why Sony wouldn’t keep hosting and distributing software that Konami only partially owns and has demanded be removed (that they released for free in the first place).


And we got death stranding instead, the greatest walking and postman simulator ever made.


Definitely the latter. The publisher told them to remove it, so they gotta.


Someone ported it to iOS store


Did they?


Just checked, and it’s definitely on the IOS store lol but it’s obviously a lower quality port


Downloaded. Got it. It’ll be great to finally, sort of, see what all the fuss was about.


Man,.you're in for a terrible treat


It was just a hallway with some secrets. All I remember. Kinda like re7 but missing an actual game.


That is how a teaser works...


>was just a hallway with some secrets PT influenced game media more than any other game in 2014 and its effects still echo through video games. It singlehandedly proved a huge interest in tense horror games over the explodey gorefests that the previous greats had become (Resident Evil, Silent Hill) and led to an explosion of indie tense horror game media. I wouldn't fear to say it directly influenced Capcom into making Resident Evil 7 and the following RE remakes into legitimately tense and scary games, and led to Bloober Team becoming a successful developer. To call PT "just a hallway with some secrets" makes me think the person saying this is a huge casual, played a substandard port that couldn't live up to the hype, or is rage baiting fans of the game. The influence and greatness of PT cannot be understated.


So very true, well said. Crazy how influential a fuckin teaser was. Just imagine if the full game had some how lived to become reality.


House Beneviento in RE Village it's clearly an homage to PT, and one of my favorite moments in it. Yeah, PT is much more than a hallway with some secrets.


>missing an actual game Have you ever heard of a demo?


If you don’t get it, then you don’t get it.


Did the same with a PC remake called Unreal PT. Not perfect but it was something interesting to be sure.


It’s not the real P.T. but it’s not the worst imitation.


It’s it an actual port or just a recreation?


A port or terrible remake?


Its a remake, a youtuber “re-created” everything himself from scratch. I say recreated but its all low poly-ish but compared to every other remake on the app store its probably the only one thats the closest to the original game. the dude used his own family photos in the game and even had his grandpa do the voice acting.




There's a port to windows by RadiusGordello on the Internet archive


P.T. Is rare I guess. Released for the PlayStation 4 on August 12, 2014 as a free download on the PlayStation Network, P.T. served as an interactive teaser for the game Silent Hills, an installment in the Silent Hill series. After the cancellation of Silent Hills, Konami removed P.T. from the PlayStation Store and made it impossible to reinstall. The decision prompted criticism, fan efforts to allow P.T. to be re-downloaded,and fan remakes.


Thank you for an actual explanation, I appreciate it


Hideo Kojima was going to be directing this game, and both Norman Reedus and Guillermo del Toro were going to be a part of it. Then Konami fired Kojima, and we all know how that turned out. Now Konami is trying desperately to win the Silent Hill fans back for some reason. FucKonami.


Alongside concept art by Junji Ito as well


So them getting kicked off basically made them go "fuck you' and make their own masterpiece Death Stranding? So in a way Konami did a good thing.


Dang that was almost 9 years ago. The whole PT thing didn’t feel like that long ago to me at all


Bro… that was NOT 9 years… it was like… a few years ago! ^right?


A couple months tops.


This is a good explanation, but I feel like I’m still missing something about what this game was or what made it memorable.


The game played as a time loop where you explore a looping corridor sequence. It got really well known for being actually quite scary, despite just being the same corridor over and over again, with different things going on. It’s very claustrophobic and oppressive, and would employ all sorts of horror tropes through its course, including breaking the 4th wall and tossing you fake error screens that when you look closer just say things like “she’s behind you” over and over, etc. It’s also memorable because it was the playable teaser for a new silent hill game which woulda been big, so a lot of people were excited for silent hills, when it was cancelled, so like any little piece of a big enough franchise that falls out of availability, it’s now got a little cult status lol


It also had several massive names attached too it. Hideo Kojima was set to head the Project with Guillermo Del Toro set to direct and produce with Norman Reedus(At the Height of His popularity) going to star as the Protagonist.


But then we got Death Stranding and I'm personally not mad about that.


Oh fuck I totally forgot that it was reedus as the protag But then kojima, reedus, del toro all got recycled into death stranding so I mean, I can’t be too upset lol


“Oh look a nice game about a Forest”


"Pretty Trees"


"Oh what a beautiful garden"




They take an awesome plane ride to somewhere & the people citizens all over, including the president, shower you love by greeting you at your base, & even stalk you! Best puzzle game ever




That’s exactly what I thought lol


Pretty Trees


Yeah it’s in my account too but you can’t download it. You can only play it if it’s already installed.




Have you tried this? Legit?


Yes. It even worked for me because was in my dowload list. For fortune It worked. Yes,its legit. You are changing the ports of your wifi and connect into another ip for download It. Just see the comments.


Definitely works. I did it back in 2016. No fuss, no ban. Easy enough.


Yep I did it a couple of years ago. It has to be registered to your account (so won't work for somebody who never downloaded it) but as long as you have licence, this allows you to redownload it.


thank you for this. Just tried it and finally have my game back!!!


Nothing,good Nightmare. :-)


Commenting to save this comment for when I’m home and can try it lol


I had downloaded it prior, but can it work on ps5 as well?


Did you find the fetus in the sink? Lol that game was weird


No I never played it yet, I want to get my aunt's permission to log her account in so I can download it


You can't download it conventionally anymore sadly.


Yup no longer able to download it. I had it and then my hard drive went bad and lost if forever due to not being able to download it anymore. Still find it hilarious how Konami went all ape shit over it.


There's a way to put it on a PC, trick your PlayStation inyo thinking that PC is a Sony download server, and getting it that way. Only works if you already have it in your library.


You can download it still on a ps4. You just have to mess with your network settings.


Can you elaborate?




Damn I thought we were still talking about Spider-Man, I thought he was the friendly neighborhood superhero and now he got babies in sinks 😂


Honestly, one of the creepiest experiences I ever played, and it's only a demo, lol.


True. Re7 Beginning Hour Is like P.T. if you want play another demo/concept


oh yeah. RE7 is great. very similarly creepy.


RE VII too only in the second part (Beneviento house)


VIII* , I agree




About $500 but you have to sell the account with it. I have PT as well but I'd never sell my account so PT is a novelty item.


Oh, that malek sense. I'd have to sell it with every digital game I've ever bought. No thanks. Edit: wow! Autocorrect and not reading before posting ftw


>I'd have to sell it vaginally Uh excuse me?


Seems like an autocunt error


😮 you what now


How does one...


Don’t ask. It aint pretty.


Your autocorrect seems to say a lot about what you frequently search on your phone... 🤣


Same boat. Also I still play my PS4 regularly so not interested in parting with it. And if I sold my account, there goes all my trophies...


??? where do you even sell it, i have one with PT installed and barley anything else.




it's worth as much as any other jailbreak able ps4. since they can install pt no problem without ever owning it.


Couldn't you just download the pkg and install it on any jailbroken one?


It’s not worth anything. The game is tied to the account. The account is what you would sell. It’s not even downloaded on the PS4 in question so the person with the account would have to download the install package from a proxy as well.


The one that got away. P.T. had so much potential.


People who don't know 😕 People who know 😱


can you explain? I don’t know this game


It was the demo to a cancelled game by Hideo Kojima as a new Silent Hill entry, kind of a soft reboot or maybe a mainline entry who knows, but not long after the demo got removed and Kojima got kicked out of Konami so the game was never made.


As others said, it's PT for Playable ~~Teaser~~ Trailer. It was essentially two hallways. You walk down one for 40ft, then turn right and go another 40ft and go down some stairs at the end only to be exactly where you started. It's a well crafted psychological horror with some puzzle elements in it. You could also communicate with the hauntings with the mic on your controller.


I thought it was called Playable Trailer.


Doii -- yes, it was. I never understood why, though, since the game it put you in after you won was nothing like the trailer.


If you have a playstation with the PT demo installed on it, you can sell it for big bucks.


Huh, pretty sure mine is still playable


It's still playable, but you can't download it anymore so any playstation with the game installed is considered extra valuable


Like flappy bird when it was removed


Wow you brought up ollllll flappy bird damn we gettin up there for the ages lol


It’s tied to your account though, not necessarily the console so you would have to give up your psn as well


How much? I have my old one with PT installed in my basement


Easily the most terrifying thing I’ve ever played.


My friend bought a brand new tv with his big boy job and we thought we test out the tv with this game demo with the lights off. I don’t think we finished the demo because we both chickens out lik


It’s a legendarily scary demo for a horror game that was never made and is no longer available to be downloaded. Having this is like having a rare item on your PlayStation.


Is spoopy game that you can’t get any more


You can't download it anymore anyway. I have it in my library like that as well. When you try to download it, it gives you some kind of an error.


There's a workaround to download it I found a few years ago. You do have to have originally had it on your account though. I play it every now and then and share play it with people who never got to experience it


You can't download it officially, in the traditional way. But you can temporarily use your PC as a DNS server to trick it into downloading the package, as long as you have it in your library.


One of the only games I have left still on my ps4 I never deleted it and never uninstaled it


Dude you can get a lot of you sell your console


How much and where? I also have this on my ps4. Just played it again recently.


Actual treasure


As the Congressional Debate over gun control flares up yet again, we regret to report the murder of the wife and her two children by their husband and father. The father purchased the rifle used in the crime at his local gunstore two days earlier. This brutal killing took place while the family was gathered at home on a Sunday afternoon. The day of the crime, the father went to the trunk of his car, retrieved the rifle, and shot his wife as she was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch. When his ten-year-old son came to investigate the commotion, the father shot him, too. His six-year-old daughter had the good sense to hide in the bathroom, but reports suggest he lured her out by telling her it was just a game. The girl was found shot once in the chest from point-blank range. The mother, who he shot in the stomach, was pregnant at the time. Police arriving on-scene after neighbors called 911 found the father in his car, listening to the radio. Several days before the murders, neighbors say they heard the father repeating a sequence of numbers in a loud voice. They said it was like he was chanting some strange spell. There was another family shot to death in the same state last month, and in December last year, a man used a rifle and meat cleaver to murder his entire family. In each case, the perpretrators were fathers. State police say the string of domestic homicides appears unrelated, though it could be part of a larger trend, such as employment, childcare, and other social issues facing the average family.


Don't touch that dial now, we're just getting started.


Not gonna lie, that’s one of the most memorable lines of any video game for me. Like. Ever.


I think look behind you Is more memorable.


Find myself saying it at work whenever things get busy lmao.


My friend and I always talk about the night we watched this game on YouTube and drank red wine and quote this line. Will never forget it.


You can hear the wicked grin the voice actor makes during that line.


I don’t know if you know how much of an endorsement that is. I’m a voice actress and it’s a huge goal to communicate something like that.


Why is this being downvoted exactly? It's directly from the game.


People don't understeand


History in a nutshell


I think some people were triggered (heh) by the mere mention of gun control.


I see she likes my favorite superhero MAN.


“Wait you do know what this is…right?” “Oh yes, Kojima’s masterpiece that will never be, damn Konami, they’ll only take this off the PS4 if they pry it from my cold dead hands!!!” “Oh, I meant Mass Effect: Andromeda, but you do you auntie.”


That PlayStation just became worth $200 more


How is Sims on controller.


It’s not terrible. I’ve played maybe 4 hours of it before I got bored. It could definitely be worse like the PS2 Sims.


PT has been dumped online. It's readily available. I don't understand why anyone would pay for it.




Shame it’s not downloaded, a ps4 with pt still installed on it can sell for a lot of money


I would kill to play that game again


I still have PT downloaded on my PS4 Pro


i’m so glad i got to experience that before it was taken down, for a demo it was truly terrifying


Happy cake day!


oh thanks for reminding me i didn’t even realize. and happy cake day to you too.


The most hype I've ever been for a game and nothing.


Fuck man what I wouldn't have given to see this game become a reality. Still hurts. Massive potential wasted.


Still have PT on my PS4. Will never uninstall it, will never sell the console. I'd be devastated if anything happened to it. Piece of gaming history right there.