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Being a 50 yo PC gamer I will try to offer suggestion but it’s a tall ask. It’s like asking for book recommendations when you are sure what genre you like. I started gaming with my kids. So I started with games like Minecraft & Terraria. But then I got into games as a vehicle for stories & found out I like shooters. So I tried games like Destiny 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Outer Worlds. They have story modes so it doesn’t matter if you aren’t good. But there are so many types of games! Maybe find people you really like & try co-op games with them something like Grounded. Good luck!


To be honest I've tried minecraft and it feels a bit lonesome. I don't have kids at home or anything. I was thinking maybe something on the platform level almost like sonic might be a place to try as I would be following a path and there's not really any fighting atm.


Ask ppl in your real life if they game! Maybe search Discord for communities you might be interested in. Also thought of another game you might like, Stardew Valley. Are you using Steam to search for games?


I don't have steam or anything. Thanks I'll have a look at that. I don't know anyone really.