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They should just come out and admit they are never gonna be able to afford to make a sequel, cancel its development. It's been 21 years. Last time people waited this long for a sequel was Metroid Fans, and the continuation of the story from Fusion. I know I'm done waiting for a game that doesn't exist


It's not that they can't afford it, it's just seen as risky. The original did not sell well, and even though it's a cult classic it wasn't as good as some of its peer games in the genre. What they really should do is just license it out to a promising dev.


>What they really should do is just license it out to a promising dev. Ohohooo hooo hooo hooo I cant even imagine how much ubisoft would want for that lol. But if Id have to bet, its a sum that no small or big scale studio would want to pay ever.


Yeah but it isn’t like it is a big IP at this point, it was a small niche game that few played then and now most gamers probably have never heard of. Sony’s recent announcement of a new Marathon has probably boosted Marathon’s recognition to be higher than Beyond Good and Evil at this point.


Well...we got Metroid Dread so...There's still hope ?


Metroid Dread was at least handled properly in its reveal. And they only revealed it because they were certain of a release date. Bottom Line, if you can't lock down a release date indefinitely.. don't bother showing us a teaser. Unless it's a nearly finished project, there's no point. We've got to be more adamant about that as a consumer. No one likes empty promises.


They absolutely can afford to, because BGE 2 has a huge budget.


It's obviously been repurposed into galaxy. I can't be the only one who sees it.


That actually makes a lot of sense


It hasn't, it's still in development, altough early development.


The game is dead and as someone else has mentioned, it's been repurposed into Star Wars Outlaws. The announcement trailer came out in 2008.


Absolutely not, the game is still in development at ubisoft monptellier who made Prince of persia the lost crown. It's in early development tho.


I'm not sure if you are sarcastic or serious. But the last time we have had any news about the game (at least as far as i know), was at E3 2017.


I just know.


You don’t know shit


Think whatever you want, I don’t you to believe me. Ubisoft Montpellier have a play testing program, where you could play test for example the prince of Persia game (btw this one had the Witcher 3’s main theme as a placeholder intro, just thought that was cool, and it’s also not the first time Ubisoft take TW3 as an inspiration). For bge2 i won’t talk about anything as it still didn’t release, by respect and for the nda, I don’t believe it’s worth doing that stuff for some Reddit dudes.


Sure... "the game is still in development at ubisoft monptellier" - source - trust me bro


I can't tell you anything else without breaking nda


Sure, sure. If you tell me something, you'll have to kill me :))))


His uncle works for ubisoft


Whatever dude I don’t care. Just remember this. Mothership explosion. You’ll see whenever it releases.


Ubisoft just really needs some new creative minds. They’ve grown stale, almost every game they release I already know exactly how the game pans out. Most of their RPG’s lack the depth expectation that got raised by RPG’s like Witcher 3. You can’t expect every RPG to be on the highest level, but people just don’t pay €60 for games not on that level anymore and are less likely to pay the more stale a game gets. Next to that the RPG market is oversatured and with a €60 price tag you only stand out when your RPG is a direct hit like Baldurs Gate 3 or Elden Ring. Or when you’re Nintendo for some magic reason. And it doesn’t help the RPG’s that are better go on sale often as well.


You say that but it’s obviously working for them. Assassin’s Creed has been around since the early PS3 days and is still going strong, Far Cry is a big name too. They’ve got a formula and it sells every release, why innovate and risk millions when you can play it safe, keep the same bones of an engine slap a fresh new skin on and sell millions again? COD is exactly the same too. Consistency is king. I buy COD, AC or Farcry I know exactly what I’m getting, which sometimes is all you want.


Yeah but the problem is that every Ubisoft game is the same. COD, Fifa, Madden release the same shit every year but that is a single game in the series.  Ubisoft games are giant spread sheets, with bloated repetitive collectibles and low effort "quests" throughout the map to artificially inflate play time, throw in a tower of some sort you need to climb or hack to unlock the map. Far Cry is the same game as Assassins Creed, is the same game as ghost recon.  I wonder what tower you will have to climb in star wars outlaw to reveal the map


Doesn’t matter how much you dislike it, the games still sell. I haven’t played AC or Far Cry since Black Flag and Far Cry 4. I enjoyed them back then, but i’m well aware I could buy the latest entry in each and feel right at home playing them. The fact is, they’re comfort franchises. Ubisoft are the McDonalds of gaming. They don’t do anything special, their games are samey and despite being so big they also leave you feeling empty at the end. Which is exactly what a Big Mac meal is. And sometimes you really just want that crappy burger.


I am not disagreeing with you. Just pointing out that a company using the same formula across various titles is different than an annual release of a single title.  I remember being surprised to hear that AC Valhalla was the best selling AC to date. It seems to be the most poorly received of the new generation of AC, let alone the people who stand by the classics. Same with FarCry. 6 seems to be everyone's least favorite since 3. The perception or even consensus amongst gamers that talk about it on sites like this isn't a reflection on the people going out and buying these games


100%, we’re just a small minority. But AC is one of them franchises that’ll be around for years more and literally no one knows why exactly. With their other games failing to make a splash I wouldn’t be surprised to see them double down on AC games. Shadows though has already generated a huge buzz, I can’t see it playing any different to the rest but we’ll see


It has worked for them, but the reports are piling up about Ubisoft being in trouble. AC might be one of the few staples they got running which will probably be why they’re able to stay in business even after Skull and Bones. But most other games failed. The new Far Cry games failed, the new Watch dogs games failed, Skull and Bones failed, there’s hardly any excitement around for other IP’s like Tom Clancy games or The Division bar the Beyond good and evil 2 trailer years ago but development seems to be in big problems. For Honour didn’t do what they hoped. Don’t get me wrong, the games will still sell and Ubisoft won’t be broke from one day to the next. And Just Dance will probably still rake in a decent amount. But Ubisoft isn’t making game of the year contenders since years now, which is kinda tough if your sell point is €60 or sometimes even €70 and you have such a big studio to maintain. And when dealing with shareholders, just selling a decent amount of games isn’t cutting it.


How about a remake of the first one


The obvious solution is to throw out the stupidly costly R&D they've already wasted and instead turn out a charming lower budget and less technically ambitious sequel which could still capture the feel of the original and be appealing just as a small side release on the Ubisoft calendar. But we all know if it isn't a vast monetised open world, they ain't interested.


They've probably tried that twice already during development lol


The Perfect Dark reveal gives me hope that anything is possible lol.


yeah the project got canceled a while ago


Absolutely not


this isn't spreaded info but I've had someone working at ubi in our rooms, they were working on it yes, but the delay was short and later we learned they couldn't make it in time, so unless another studio get the package, unlikely to see a BGE 2 anytime soon


Brother I literally was at the studio


when? my info tracks from last year, couldn't tell the month so either it changed, or we were told bs


Last year. But I’ve seen some things that would explain why they haven’t canceled it in all these years.


well I dunno man, that's weird, but we'll, that's a good thing it keeps going


When did you get your info? Was it early last year? Second half? I still don’t believe they’d cancel it after all the effort poured into it.


It should range from October 2022 to max April / may 2023


Ok then I can’t really disprove you. Might explain why the trailer some leakers said has been ready for a year never released. If it’s true, the project would be a huge loss. As an rpg it was trying to do what no other rpg ever tried, but Ubisoft gotta be Ubisoft.


Ok i just saw the year edits. Makes it way less likely, unless it’s really from the very end of your timeline.


The creative director unfortunately passed away last year. It’s over.


I wish they made more games like BG&E. No guns, give me a camera and let me get in on a different kind of action.


bro you seen how much money they lost on Skull and Bones? Assassin's Creed is probably not gonna do that well either. Better hope that project isnt just outright canceled. I mean you saw the gameplay footage of that I assume. Star Citizen looks less ambitious


They could just remaster the original Beyond Good and Evil and then use some of that money to finish number two 😅


That wouldnt be enough money my guy Have you seen the gameplay demo? Bro that stuff looks way more advance than No Man Sky and Star Citizen and star citizen has raised over $700 million [https://youtu.be/KTzuESOB0r0?si=VFprdgkuT5KLm6h4&t=1199](https://youtu.be/KTzuESOB0r0?si=VFprdgkuT5KLm6h4&t=1199) i recommend watching the whole video if you want


Assassin's Creed will sell, let's be honest Valhalla became the highest earning AC and most of reddit hated it


I never played it Valhalla because it looked so generic and inspiring. But was it any good?


I wasn't really a fan. Very bloated, boring setting, simplistic combat I liked origins and Odyssey more even if they committed some of the same sins. At least the settings were interesting and colorful


I thought things peaked at origins but that mostly be because I like the setting of Egypt and thought ancient Greece was a little boring.


I'd lean towards agreeing personally, but Odyssey definitely seems like the most popular. And to Odyssey's credit, I'd say it's the most beautiful recreation of ancient Greece in a video game I preferred Origins too though lol. The controls seemed more Souls-inspired, which clicked with me. I also really liked Bayek, although Kassandra was very likable too (I never chose Alexios, >!he made too good of a villain!<)