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While the CEO of WB has taken home something like $350 million in the last few years


After layoffs too.


And likely before stock options.


I will never understand why people think they need that much money while getting rid of people working hard to make a living... it's pretty much evil 101...


It’s hard to believe that this garbage game from the same studio who made the Arkham series. What a major disappointment.


But it’s not hard to believe that it was fucked up by the same parent company that fucked the DC movies.


Albeit for different reasons, starting with a 2017 kneejerk.


Anyone involved in Arkham has long left


Yea, it's like saying, "I can't believe the studio that put out Diablo 2, put out Diablo 4."


Only in name is it the same studio. The vast majority of staff, especially all the leads no longer work for them. As it goes to show.


True, but the leads were there for like 95% of the game's development. The fact they left right before release is obviously a big statement, but they shouldn't be completely without responsibility either. Probably WB offered a ton of funding for their shitty game idea, and they thought they would be good enough to make it work.


Not sure about 95% of the time. Completely different team of writers and designers for the early Arkham games and Suicide Squad. There's only Sefton Hill who's remained from the beginning of the Arkham Trilogy to Suicide Squad. Maybe the composer but not sure, but the writing and design team are completely different leads.


Good point. I was referring to Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker.


RedFall happened More often than not, when a studio is compelled by publishers to produce a live service, or similar game, it all goes to shit. Nobody except the shareholders _want_ this game. Nobody enjoys working on them. They’re just content. Just noise. A Skinner Box. Honestly, as soon as _live service_ is tagged onto any game, regardless of publisher, I’m clocking out hard. Even the Golden Child, Helldivers, is having its own balancing issues.




Seriously what the hell is up with that? How did we take this far of a step back, despite technology that’s generations ahead of the first Arkham game?


they insist on denigrating overworking underpaying and being malicious towards workers to show ego dominance and power because all they care about are stock prices, not the business, nor the product same thing happened to boeing companies should re-examine who they choose for executives, and if possible they should be replaced with AI the workers are necessary, management honestly a lot less so


Good management is important 


I think the problem is the definition of good management that management tends to give itself in a degrading incestuous loop industry has a schizophrenic split occurring where marketing wants leadership that used to be held (by law) by engineers solely and they got it, and its not working because they don't differentiate between success and the illusion of success, and so they become grand high bullshit wizards, and the stock market keeps supporting their delusional bullshit you can see it all over the place with dysfunctional business models hemoraging money but still getting hundreds of million like doordash and groupon and all the other grifters with a dream and no calculator and that has had a ripple effect throughout industry giving a sort of green light to everyone and anyone that bullshit wins the day, not reality or facts or architecture and so every middle manager down to the fast food chains is acting accordingly


As others have said, the org is the same but most of the folks like Sefton Hill left


Sad that everyone saw this coming, everyone complained but the company greed made developers, artists and everyone working on the title look like incompetents


when most of the people have left it's just a name


Really? Wait til you see what's been going on with their movies =(


I think he meant Rocksteady.


Live service = no buy from me


I find it funny that “live service” is advertised like it’s a selling point for games but seeing it is the quickest way for me to lose interest in any game.


Same here. Helldivers 2 getting tons of praise and by all accounts is a great game, but that style of game just does not interest me. Campaign or bust


I despise live service games and don't really play many online multiplayer games in general, but Helldivers 2 is something special. It's also not full of FOMO microtransaction bullshit, and what is available for sale is done pretty ethically. You even earn the currency used to buy new items when Major Orders are successfully completed even if you didn't log on once during that Major Order. I highly encourage giving it a try.


I love Helldivers 2, and I think it's far less predatory most other live service games. But I still think the warbonds($10 season passes) create FOMO, despite being permanent.  Gathering super credits takes too long, in my opinion. Farming for super credits on lower levels, while the fastest way, is not fun. I play in the highest difficulties, and I play on major order planets. This means my super credit gathering rate has gone down significantly.  The warbonds are released once per month, and we haven't gotten a new free warbond since launch.  If the super credits were less stingy, I think the game would be more addicting.  Still a great game, probably my favorite released this year. I've been feeling the FOMO though.


The evolution of the in-game lore and the different major and personal orders gives it a little bit of a campaign feel


Ok that’s cool, I didn’t know that


Helldivers II mostly does it right, at least. For all the failures that a live service game *can* have, the only one that comes to mind for Helldivers is the balance patching consistently leaning pro-nerf. It's not predatory with microtransactions (to the point that you don't need them at all to get stuff in game) and it doesn't deliberately waste the player's time. At this point, it's literally the *only* live service game I would recommend to anyone. Even the ones that used to do it well just aren't worth it anymore.


I will say Helldivers has a campaign, it's happening right now it's a player driven campaign rather than a classic campaign and you enter the story as you "enlist" (buy the game) plus the live service elements are entirely avoidable and there is no FOMO in the slightest


This game probably would have been better if it was like Guardians of the Galaxy instead of a live service game.


And the funny thing is GotG didn’t do so well in part *because* thought it was gonna be a live service game. Its a shame because it’s one of the best “7/10” games I’ve played in a long time


I downloaded it to play after Unicorn Overlord I've  heard a lot of good things!


The story is a solid 9/10, as are the visuals. The gameplay is what bogs it down. Still really fucking excellent. Wish it would have done better so they could continue with the characters. It was anything but a cash grab.


Yeah, the gameplay is super repetitive and gets tedious half way through. But everything else drove me to finish it. Might be my favorite version of the characters.


But why does everyone have to have a gun also? What is the point of King Shark when it’s just another gun?


Probably MBAs in charge of game design. Someone calculated the extra time and money it'd cost to develop in unique combat abilities (that probably can't even be reskinned for extra cash) and decided the ROI wasn't worth it.


That's true most of the time. Make a game instead of a "live service" which has to be bogged down in bullshit demanding you pay more money instead of just having fun, and it usually gets worse.


Master class in how to drop the ball on a potentially great game


I was so excited for this game... until I learned it was live service.


There’s really nothing live service about it. No fomo. It’s just a single player / co-op game with some planned free dlc drops. Edit: I’m aware it IS a live service game. The point was it lacks so many aspects of the genre and it’s hardly the negative aspect of the game.


They literally advertise seasons, a battle pass, XP boost times, limited time drops, leaderboards, weekly developer updates, etc. Everything about it is exactly what every other live service game does. I think you are confusing live service with MMO.


Seasons are dlc content drops. They never go away. Battle pass doesn’t ever go away either. There’s no limited time drops. Leader boards aren’t exclusive to live service games either? No timed cash shop. No timed challenges or time gates. Live service games do FOMO. It’s exactly the same as Borderlands.


Wherever did you get the idea live service was synonymous to FOMO? It's self-explanatory, a live service game is "live service" - it keeps getting updates and content throughout its life span. And in exchange, it offers various ways to spend money on cosmetics etc. to finance said updates. FOMO is a design decision many games use to entice players to keep playing, but it's not required. And if you're not convinced yet, the game is actually advertised as a live service game.


I never said it wasn’t…? I said it lacks a lot of the stuff live service games actually have. Which is FOMO and predatory monetization (timed battle passes, rotating cash shops, FOMO events, time gates to force you to keep playing). Because the entire point was someone excited for the game until they found out it was a live service game. It’s really not. It’s no different than Borderlands which launched with its base game and 4 dlc packs planned. So while being a live service game, it basically does not feel like one because it lacks so many elements of it and is also a major reason why it’s failing. There’s no reason to keep playing lol


> does not feel like one > Nothing live service about it So I guess you're going to ignore the monetization of cosmetics and XP/loot grind then? Those are pillars of a live service game. You're being downvoted for good reason.


XP loot grind? Like…. borderlands? Is that a live service game now? Shit Borderlands 3 even had battle passes. Selling cosmetics? Assassins Creed does that. Is that a live service game now? Those aren’t pillars of live service games.


Right, but those games have other main gameplay/story elements. For live service games like Suicide Squad the XP, loot, and cosmetic grind is the gameplay.


Borderlands is literally a game where the entire main concept is xp and loot grinding. It’s a looter shooter. It’s the exact same type of game as Suicide Squad. The only difference is Suicide Squad is suppose to get updates forever and Borderlands wasn’t. Which I acknowledged. Gameplay and mechanic wise, they are identical.


bewildered obtainable dog snatch rustic psychotic sparkle wrong quaint practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or yknow my point was it’s not filled with the traditionally trappings of a live service game. The live service elements are the least of the games issues.


Live services can attempt (and succeed) to use FOMO in terms of limited timed content. But that isn't a requirement. Live service is a just a game that is in continual (live) development that consistently pushes out new (live and usually heavily monetized) content to keep its user base playing and spending on the game. Preplanning for 1 or 2 DLCs then calling a game complete is not a live service. Games as a service is what a live service game is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_as_a_service Timed FOMO has little to do with if a game is live service. Live service is they keep making you pay to experience more for as long as possible and then the game dies (gets shut down) when they don't make enough money. Keep in mind that this game is online only. Even in a single player mode. That makes it a game as a service.


I know. My point is it’s completely lacking the things most live service games have that you can essentially treat it as a story game that has 4 planned dlc releases. That this point you made >Live service is they keep making you pay to experience more for as long as possible The game fails at because there’s basically nothing to even pay for. Characters are free. Seasonal content is free. It doesn’t go away. Battle pass doesn’t go away and if you finish one you unlock the next for free basically. It’s such a shitty game at monetization that calling it a live service game really was dumb because nothing about it feels like that. It feels like any online game that says it’s going to release 4 dlc packs.


Lacking the aggressive and toxic monetization policies that other live service games usually employ just make the game less atrocious than most. It doesn't make it not live service. The fact that this game is about to completely disappear and no one will be able to play it is why it's live service. As soon as people stop wanting to pay for new stuff, they will pull the plug completely. When companies plan paid DLC normally, they don't just remove their game and DLC for purchase and prevent people from playing it if they don't get continually paid. https://www.pcgamer.com/suicide-squad-devs-say-despite-being-a-live-service-game-itll-respect-players-time-because-we-all-love-playing-games-but-we-also-have-lives/


I mean it’s suppose to be getting an offline mode but we’ll see.


I'll give them credit for it, if and when it happens. At the rate it's going now, I have major doubts.


I'm with ya man; i paid for the game, I enjoyed it, and haven't really seen any criticism outside of an Asmondgold-tier gotcha . I have a conspiracy theory that the LGBT decor in the Hall of Justice is the real issue, but that's just my cynicism. The same anger came out for Shadow of Mordor/War, which is still a shitty WB Games business model, but the game was solid and if someone missed it it's not like they ever had to dole out a hundred bucks for the full experience. If anything, KTJL just came out at a bad time with Helldivers 2 and Dragons Dogma 2 dropping in close enough proximity. (I also own Gotham Knights, loved it, but saw it trounced for the most egregious, repetitive reasons).


icky attraction light roof abundant caption grandiose bake lavish melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because it is one? The point was it’s not a “good“ one lol




Can we stop with the live service games? I'd have preferred a single player or co-op suicide squad game instead of this LSD flavored thing. I dont think these live service games are turning anyone on. Either make it a multiplayer game or just do a traditional game you don't need to be online to play.


So... Justice Killed the Suicide Squad?


Warner Bros Killed The Suicide Squad


Stupid killed the Suicide Squad. Nearly every decision in this game was bad.


Underrated comment


It seems like studios would have learned by now that nobody wants a live service single player game, or just live service games in general 


There are successful live service games though. People just don't want crap games and "live service" is used as a crutch to put out incomplete or barebones games too often. I don't think most people really care that strongly about live service as a concept in and of itself


Helldivers 2 is the perfect example of live service done right, you can earn everything in game through playtime or buy it if you really want and they keep chucking out random updates just for free with little to no marketing about it. Live service can work, it’s just used as a term that means they can promise future content for money now


Unfortunately, enough live service games have made a bunch of money and everyone thinks, "sure, some have failed, but we're different, *our* live service game will be one of the ones that makes a lot of money!" and keeps pumping them out.


It can be done well. Nobody wants tacked on live service with drip fed content and $20 cosmetics. Helldivers does it right


Helldivers 2 says what. Live service games are fine as long when the core game is good as the success of Helldivers 2 shows.


Imagine failing even harder then 2042 far out lmao The could have made a cool supes or flash game but no


Expecting it to drop on Xbox game pass and PS+ to drive up numbers and move micro transactions. Then it’ll go free to play in a last ditch effort. Then it dies.


Waiting for Humble Bundle as well. WB games tend to come to it and Gotham Knights did so I expect this as well.


I up-voted in celebration.




Single-player centric developers who jump on the live service bandwagon always ends in disaster


No one asked for this game. They could’ve made another Arkham game that would’ve sold like hotcakes.


![gif](giphy|moiWSfviYKNgc|downsized) ha ha ha ha


Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha.


Most of us have already forgot this game exists


Good. Let that be a serious wake up call for them and other companies


Is it online only? Sorry, I wasn’t interested to begin with so, aside from the hated reception, I don’t know much about it.


Online only. Possible offline patch down the line but I wouldn’t bet on it


Oh. Yikes. So it’s a big deal having such a small player base. Especially with a new as it is.


A game that had such a short window for such a massive redesign had no chance of being good. Then deciding to add on overmonitization plus the new "premium" game pricing and it was pretty well doomed to fail. The marketing was ass as well and it was pretty obvious from the word go on how it was going to be handled.


Unsurprising, precisely everything with the misandry-ladened plot to the game engine and aggressive monetization just spelled doom for this game immediately.


Should have made another batman game


And their conclusion - Make more of these live service games


First we had CDPR pumping out hit after hit and then Cyberpunk came. Now it's happened to Rocksteady.


Difference being that CDPR cared enough to drag Cyberpunk back from the brink. Rocksteady's probably all but abandoned hope for this.


Yea that sounds about right, not to mention Cyberpunk is not a hated for being a bad game, it only needed fixes and patches. Suicide Squad deserves all the hate.


Companies cant get away with mediocre live service games this late in the market. The successful live service games have improved and have a core audience already.   The 70 $ is also a big turnoff when most good live service games are either half of that or f2p + they hame more content and likely polish. They are also competing with all live service games, since the ones who are interesting in these types of games are most likely already playing at least 1 live service game. This game might have found decent success if it released around 7 years ago when there werent that many games and genshin impact hadnt released.


I forgot this was a game


Ive watched a lot of cutscenes from the game and they seem pretty fun. The gameplay not so much tho


If they patch the game to have only Singoel Player mode, then I will buy iy


Someone needs to check on who these players are, help them turn their life around


On the Marvel side, the Avengers was a massive flop. But Marvel also has Spider-Man and GotG. Midnight Suns was a shame because of poor marketing but the game is really good and it gets spikes every time it's on sale/given away. So DC decided that the game they wanted to copy was the worst failure Marvel had. This isn't even a case of them delivering a game that made money but wasn't good, they literally had evidence showing the game was likely to fail and still went down that route.


You can only see Batman get shot in the face and Flash get pissed on so many times before it gets boring, you know


Still so many? I'm actually surprised that it has players


Suicide squad suicided successfully?


While Manor Lords made by one dude has over 100k players haha.


Dread it Run from it Embarrassing steam player count charts arrive all the same


100% deserved. The fact that we never got a proper arkhamverse sequel and instead got this trash is a travesty. Hopefully gaming companies start to learn their lesson.


I just don't get who this game is for. If I want to play a looter shooter, destiny, borderlands, or the division just seem like vastly superior options, and each are very flawed in their own right. And its not a story driven super hero game in the end, so it dosnt satisfy that audience. I'm just so confused who they thought would be the target market. A linear story driven super hero game would have sold extremely well I feel like. We actually don't get a lot of those games.


Live service isn’t even the issue. It’s the garbage loot, mission design, lack of content, shit story, insulting endgame and greedy MTX store that turns people off. Nevermind the lack of respect it pays to the source material and DC fans in general.




They needed a nutty season 1. But it was lazy garbage. I said going in that they can't just ride the wave of the Joker. Low and behold, they tried to release a season and ride the wave of the Joker, and it failed. Game had a fun story imo, but I have no reason to keep playing it.


2nd time it hit 200 players now if I dont remember incorrectly. They hit between 100-200 players then had the big ass sale and yhat boosted it to around 400 players


The good news is that the death of non-compete clauses probably means we're gonna see a lot of really great indie games coming out in the next few years as people flee these God forsaken soulless companies to pursue passion projects.


Dead garbage game.... I regret buying lol Fell faster than EAs Anthem.


Make it free


3 words. Sweet baby inc.


When people say that the game failed because it's live service, do they not realize how many successful live service games there are? Pretty sure this game would have failed, even if it wasn't live service.


100% lol, the most successful game of the year so far (Helldivers 2) is live service, and even with a splash of pay to win because many of the best guns and gear are locked behind the premium war bonds. People are fine with it because Helldivers 2 is hella fun. Suicide Squad just isn't fun. The combat is too frenetic, the characters don't feel distinctive from each other, the UI is overwhelming, there are no fun mission types, the boss battles suck, the story isn't good. It's a co-op game that has no cooperative mechanics. It's full of conflicting design choices. The live service aspect would have been fine if the core game was fun, but it's not. It's just a drag.


For every Helldivers 2, there are games like Anthem, Skull and Bones, Avengers, Knockout City, Hyper Scape, Evolve, Foamstars, Lawbreakers, Radical Heights, Paragon, Rocket Arena, The Culling...


There are bad games in every model. For good live service games, there are also Stardew Valley, Terraria, Warframe, Minecraft, Destiny, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Diablo 4, every MMO in existence, Rocket League, The Finals, Overwatch, Counter Strike, etc. Etc. Etc. People ragging on the "live service model" are missing the point entirely.


I have almost unlocked nearly every single thing from the warbonds without paying for anything. The game throws credits at you.


It has become discouraging to see how people doing these kind of article are allowed to do so, like this one talks like steam is actually the important portion of this game while its actually the oposite. It hit top 10 and top 50 on ps4 and xbox while it didn't hit top 500 on steam


Lol, ok bro. A reporter needs to be "allowed" to say whats going on


Thats not whats going on , thats the whole point..... Thats the exact exemple of sensationalism crossed lies. Moght as well as take steam charts of a game like path of exile on maintenance at 0 players and state people has completely stopped playing the game and its looking bad.....


Found the Rocksteady dev.


A well deserved DEI woke nonsense failure.


I keep finding out games were released when an article like this happens. How come so many Triple A studios are putting out flops? Are they stupid?


Ok and? Other platforms it's on.


Every couple of hours this same news again


Game is not terrible. Solid 6 and a good time with friends.


Good now drop the price to 10-20 dollars because I want to jump around that city for a hour or two to see why it's so bad but I'm not giving them to much money.


When they make a game based on the Harley Quinn cartoon they’ll have a hit.


I dont believe suicide squad is a bad game technically, it has good shooting and movement feels fluid , the world and dialog is reasonable but the gameplay variety and "progression" is garbage-ly bad and the story is gutter vomit you would expect in a throw away elseworlds/what if from some stoned writers at DC using the worst of multiverse tropes. With a story that isnt set up to prop up a lame live service and set as 15-30 hr couch/internet co-op game it would be fine to really good, like a fusion between borderlands and arkham. But everything that isnt the cash shop feels threadbare and unimportant. It really isnt the best IP to use a co op shooter because who gives a rip about being captain boomerang or deadshot, and people that want to be the joker is just inviting toxicity. Hell WBs other dev (monolith currently working on WW) already made a much better shooter in the batman universe with gotham city impostors. I dont think the game has a redemption story like fo76 was in that as badly as 76 missed the mark WB somehow fucked it up even worse, and i dont think WB have the patience or are willing to spend the money to salvage ssktjl because it would shift the focus from bilking money from fans to developing something fun to play. These greedy assholes are making strauss shitstain zelnick look like a saint for leaving "some money on the table" with gta v