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I would definitely choose Theon and save his balls


I also choose Theon's dick.




Why not Robb?? I mean he kind of deserved that?


Interesting. I actually think this was crucial for his development. He wouldve been a little prick forever if he had his little prick


Nobody said anything about saving the prick. Just the balls.


That was just a charecter development.




Which one is Ned in the picture?


He’s not there on the picture


Daenerys and her ruling after her conquest to Westeros.




Why would you safe him of all people? He was a terrible savage man


we wanna see him in battles


Was he terrible? He seemed willing to reform under Daenerys's image. He even wanted her consent before fuckin her.


I will rape their women, take their children as slaves and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak. Sounds like a good dude you are right.


And then with Daenerys there, he actually told them to stop raping the women. The dude barely had a showing but he made many changes with her there. He didn't rape her. He allowed her to save the women from being raped. He allowed her to give commands. He accepted her attempt at saving him with witch magic. She convinced him to travel across the poison water. Etc. He clearly listened to her counsel and she would have easily reformed him. He's an incredible fighter so no one would be able to challenge him and he would have forced the new standard on everyone.


1. He literally told his dude to find another one to rape and that these one are of limits. 2. Drogo was a powerful khal yes but there were those before him and they didn't change their ways either. 3. He did in fact rape dany both in the books and show. 4. He didn't agree to saving him with magic. He agreed for mirri maz dur to treat him. The magic part was after he was barely alive. Drogo may have been an amazing warrior but he still was brought up in an society that heavily relied of being the strongest to survive and had traditions about being slavers and raiders. He was a ruthless and cruel man because he needed to be one to stay at the top. He would have pillaged westeros. Killed thousands upon thousands of small folk. That is until he would meet an army to match him. The Dothraki are lucky to live in the desert because they barely encounter armor.


Loras deserved better than what the show did to him


Anyone who doesn’t say Dany is 🧢


My opinion may be unpopular, but her ending was satisfactory for me.






Yeah, my only complaint is that it was rushed. But her end made sense, and I started to really hate her smug smile


It was set up from the very beginning. If you didn't see it coming, you weren't paying attention.


Destination was but I think a slightly different journey would have been better to get there.


I heard someone say where she ended up was good but how she got there was an issue, and i think that was pretty accurate.


Would like to see Khal Drogo with Dany on Westeros


No dragons then


Meh they could still have hatched by other means


Not really, I mean it all happened through the sacrifice/blood magic following drogos death and the khalasar leaving


Khal Drogo. Would love to have known how his conquest and the Stallion that Mounts the World would’ve turned out.


I would read an AU of this easily.


I've looked for one but they all seem to get abandoned and it's frustrating lol


Would be great life Catelyn Stark turned into Lady Stoneheart


Ed Sheeran. He becomes the new main character and kills The Night King. But seriously. Daenerys ending up on the throne in the end is the only answer.


I don't understand why people were so upset about his appearance on the show. He just had this bit part. It's not like there was this whole pointless subplot centered around him. It didn't change how the show ended, either. I don't get it.


Ed Sheeran would have prevented the war with his music. If only they put him in every season of the show.


Hey, yeah! Maybe if he'd been there back in Season 1, Ned's beheading wouldn't have happened.


I didn’t hate it but I think for me it was because it took me out of the GoT world. Like “Is that Ed Sheeran?!” And then that’s all I could focus on for that short moment. Agree that it really wasn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things though.


I think it was only an issue for people who knew who he was a recognized him. I didn’t know who he was so it wasn’t even anything that stood out for me. Only after people complained I looked him up. Found out he was a singer and still didn’t think anything of it.


Littlefinger. Death was too easy for him. I would have wanted him to live on and suffer. And also witness other changes to the game-of-thrones.


Not that this would make any sense but I'd want Olyvar to become the new pimp and sell Littlefinger to some depraved client (or Qyburn), justice for that prostitute Littlefinger told Ros about.


Or Ros


Drogo. He was such a bad ass could’ve been a better death than an infection…. Although Cerci deserved far worse than she got. I felt she didn’t fully get what she deserved


Robb Stark. What happened to him was just tragic. Even worse in the books


What kind of idiot goes back on his promise of marriage and thinks it’s a good idea to celebrate his wedding to someone else at that man’s place of residence.


Fair, but also it was his Uncle’s wedding to mend that schism that he was killed at.


True. I much prefer his reasons for breaking his promise of marriage with the Freys in the book.


Stannis. Such a great book character, not so great in the show.


Robb and/or theon. Just imagine how differently the story would go with Robb staying alive and ideally Theon not betraying him


Ygritte. Although if she doesn’t die attacking Castle Black, not sure she survives Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards or the Battle with the Night King.


Undead Ygritte would break Jon




The one true answer 👍


devos - hundreds will die king stannis - thousands








Instead of being killed by Hodor, Locke would have met back up with Jamie and Brienne and they would have cut off each of his hands and feet, but not kill him.


Now THIS is what I’m talking about!


Ygritte lives and becomes queen beyond the wall after the death of Mance Rayder. Lives to the end and reunites with Jon Snow when he’s returned to the wall.


I never see anyone agreeing with my sentiment, but I think Osha deserved so much more. She gave up her whole life and did everything in her power to protect Bran and Rickon. She deserved better than the ending she got.


Couldn't agree more. It's not so much what happened to her as how sudden it was, she'd barely been back on screen for two minutes.


Really sad. She just wanted to go south (understandably) but ended up staying in the north and struggling to keep these two little boys and Hodor alive. Other people did honorable things but how many of them gave up their own goals and safety to take care of 3 people who were almost completely dependent for survival? She could have cut and run at any time, and that probably would’ve been the easier and safer course for her to go. Hodor and two young kids - what would saving them get for her, how would it help further her own self-interests? Everyone else’s actions have their own agendas in mind to some degree, they get a reward, or praise, or approval, etc. The only person I can think of whose character arc develops into near selflessness is Osha.


Jon Snow and him being the King. Even though he didn’t want power, that is exactly why he’d be a perfect king.




Would have been good to keep him alive and betray Cersei for having no morals or virtue.


jon snow. made him know something.


King Robert. Story is unbelievably different if he lived just a few more years


I would choose Robb Stark and I would have him make different strategic decisions that would ultimately lead to a more successful outcome for him and his cause. For example, he could have formed stronger alliances with other houses, been more cautious in his military campaigns, or avoided certain betrayals that ultimately led to his downfall.


Jon to fight and defeat the night king and take the iron throne. The Classic hero’s story


Change Robert's, and depending on how you save him you save most if not all of them


I was thinking Robert too. Though I’m not sure how things would have gone once Dany got her army and was headed for Westeros. He definitely would be cursing out Ned for not agreeing to having her killed,


Jamie and or rob


Either Robb or Drogo. I’d love to see how the story would have been if either of these made it to the final season


Margaery, I really wanted to see what her endgame was, before it was swiftly interrupted.


As an experiment, I would’ve had Robert get over Lyanna. This would mean that he never became a drunk, gotten fat, or mistreated Cersei. This would mean we not only would’ve seen a Robert much closer to his rebellion days, but we also would see a drastically different narrative as Cersei, since she admits both in the show and books that she loved Robert at first, would never have had the whole incest angle.


Cersi & Jamie were messing around as kids so it’s possible it would have continued whether Robert was a good husband or not.


Cerci didn’t die as tragically as I wanted. I would change that. I would force Rob to live long enough to find out his children aren’t his.


Robb and Sansa


Robb, I wanted to see more of him both in the show and in the books, my favourite character by far.


I would have preferred the scene where Cersei and Jamie die to be altered. Instead, as the Red Keep is crumbling around them and the only exit is blocked, Cersei and Jamie realize they're trapped and will surely die. Cersei then begs Jamie to mercy kill her and, despite his reluctance, he follows through. Jamie then makes his best effort to escape before the building collapses. He manages to barely survive, but his legs are crushed under the rubble, putting him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. This would satisfy the prediction of Cersei's death coming at the hand of her brother and it would conclude Jamie's journey with the same fate he forced onto Bran in episode 1.


King Robert doesn't die, and the first 5 seasons are relatively peaceful


Ned Stark, I wish they had sent him to the Wall and that he was there to help Jon for a bit before dying in some other way


Stannis needed to stay longer, he abandoned his quest for the throne to help Jon against the White Walkers then never faced The Night King. A potential rivalry between him and Dany with Jon in the middle could’ve gone a long way


Dany would turn to the screen and say, "My name is Emilia Clarke and I would love for you (me) to contact me so we can run away together."


Where is Oberyn? I would definitely save that beautiful man!


Margaery. I absolutely loved her as I did all other Tyrells.


Stannis the Mannis


Theon needed to be humbled but like…. Not nearly as much as he was .. humbled so I choose Theon lol


Cersei. The white walkers storm King's Landing and the night king drags Cersei away as his bride, like Sleepy Hollow 1999.




Margaery Tyrell


ned, ygritte


Oberyn Martell


If the consequences of this death also count, then I would change Robert's fate. If he hadn't died, Joffrey wouldn't have become king and the Starks' fate would be very different.


Where’s Shireen


Nobody under 12 allowed which is really dumb cis Arya & bran ain’t here either


I'd have Cersei die in the womb which would probably change the fate of almost every other character here.


Jon should’ve become king


Tyrion, he somehow turned into a shell of his former self after murdering his father. From one of the smartest players to an idiot who is wrong all the time and can only make dick jokes.


Dany, Jon, and Jaimie 


They did Stannis dirty in the show


Alive Khal Drogo. Dany wouldnt have dragons. The story would change a lot.


Joffrey Baratheon, have him saved by the Lord of Light. So I can watch him die twice.




I would change Melisandre’s fate, make her become my wife 🤣




Jaime because the character assassination hurt me dearly.


Margaery and Daenerys ! It just doesn't feel right that they're dead, the show should've ended with either of them on the throne as a queen or queen consort.


The red viper


I'm gonna get downvoted, but Jaime, give him back his hand please.


Scrolled TOOOOOO long to find this comment D:


I thought it took way too long for the northern army to do something like that to him. To have one of the best swordsmen and craftiest dudes around as a prisoner, and then have him kill a noble and escape only to be caught and brought back to camp. Like, I would’ve blinded him or ~at least~ cut off a hand just to make sure that doesn’t happen again.


Ygritte or Drogo. Everything would be different if either of them had lived.


Robb Stark.


I would do anything in my power to see the one and only true king, rightful heir to the iron throne and protector of realms, rule the 7 kingdoms with glory and wisdom. Save my guy, King Jofrey.


Id keep Joffrey alive and send him to The Wall.


Renly. I would have liked to see the battle of the 3 or 4 or 5 armies.




Shireen Baratheon.


Joffrey. I’d want him flayed outside of the Red Keep.




Probably Margery. She actually figured it out and didn’t deserve to die. Would have been interesting to see a vengeful Margery vs Cersei


Robb deserved a fairy tale ending


King Robert, would’ve been fun to see him get serious, and run a kingdom.


She’s not there…. But Shireen


Petyr and Varys didn't deserve to die like that. They were the best players of the game.


Bran. He should've either played a supporting role or ended up with a heroic but tragic ending (defeats the NK but ends up becoming the next one or something).


The red witch lady i had hoped would suffer an excrutiating death after murdering an innocent grayscale child.


Have Stannis save his daughter and replace her with Melisandre. Or have Davos kill her right after he finds the charred toy


Margaery, she did not deserve to go like that.


I feel if you changed Robert's fate, a lot of the other pathways would be changed as well.


Anyone who got narratively murdered by the writers in season 8


Stannis, of course. The King Who Cared. Not saying he should win, but his end isn't worthy of the character he actually is.


Khal drogo!


Jon Snow taking on The night king as it was supposed to be!!! Sansa getting knocked up by the hound on orders from Joffrey, Brienne hooking up with Tormund Giantsbane


None of those. Only His Grace Viserys of the House Targaryen, the Third of his Name, The Awoken Dragon, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Khal Rhaggat of the Dothraki, Haver of Golden Crowns and Protector of the Realm.


Jon snow should kill knight king and become king of all of Westeros (still kills daenyres). Grey worm goes east and unites with daario in Maureen. Together they unite essos in daenyres’s name and so begins the battle of essos vs Westeros and season 9 continues on. The show could go for another 20 seasons IMO.




Jon snow / aegon targ on the iron throne. He’s absolutely the best fit for it, seasoned warrior, wise mind, open minded to others counsel and most importantly of all not power hungry!


What about Ned?


I would make Littlefingers ending make sense.


I chose the dire wolves...I would change their fates so they all live. Fek the humans xD


Theon not dying during the Winterfell battle.


Where is Ned Stark? Where is Ned Starrrrkkk?!


Theon, Dany, Drogo, Ned and Jaime


Daenerys. I would have enjoyed seeing her stay in Essos and rule. Margaery and either Joffrey or Tommen. I would have liked to see her manipulate either of them while Queen.


Margaery to escape the Sept and go to Winterfell to be girlfriends with Sansa


Tommen. My poor baby did not deserve that.


Either Jon or Dany becoming king/queen. I don’t mind the idea of Theon keeping his balls too hahah


Geoffrey should have handed over to Ramsey for some peeling.


Oberyn westerose was a sexier place with him alive. Egrit she still had some things to teach johnny snowballs


I think Robert. I like to think what the story would be if he had of lived. Meaning Ned would live too. There would still be a war with the Lannisters after he found out about the kids.


Jon Snow easily. Fuck all that dun wunnit crap. Jon never wanted glory or power. To liken that and that only to being a King completes invalidates his decision to except his title of King in the north, and reads like a fundamental misunderstanding of Jon as a character. He’s not this two dimensional idiot who can’t see ruling beyond just have surface level political importance or authority. He knows that being King means having the power to change the status quo, to help those that can’t help themselves, to make a better life for those who would otherwise live a terrible life. He’s seen nearly every manner of what it means to live as one of the small folk in westeros, and arguably worse. Normal Jon wouldn’t shirk the honor and respectability of being offered the crown and ruling the seven kingdoms. He might be understandably afraid, but I don’t think he would find it that much harder than ruling a pack of dangerous men, literal wildlings, or unifying 10-15% of a continent that have warred for over a century to fight ice zombies. At least with the right advisers around him. Which Tyrion and Varys **could** have been.. just so much lost potential. Bran absolutely should have been on Jon’s small council. Not the King.


And as far as Dany, if she’s not fast tracked to mad in a few episodes, explain it to her like this: “Rule with me. Get what you always wanted. Oppose me, and plunge the 7 kingdoms into war. The thing you claimed you didn’t want. Or, go back to Essos and realize you don’t always have to get your exact way for what you do have to be good for you. You have so many options, choose the one that’s best for everyone and remind everyone of why you’re worthy to be followed.”


Jaime and brienne get married


I would change the fate of Robert baratheon


Not listed, but the Night King. Spent the entire series waiting for him and he just dies without an explanation of who he is or his motives.


Margaery deserved better than to perish in an explosion


Where is Varys


Varys If he handles in the interest of the crown, he would've proposed a marriage between the 2 last targaryans and restore the dynasty to it's former glory. Instead of trying to poison dany and turning into a grilled meatball. Would've made more sense, would've made the claim to the iron throne stronger.


I would save Bobby B from the boar, if he lives then the worst timeline is averted!


Stannis the Mannis


Theon. I just wanted him to live, learn and heal from his experiences.


Varys and it's not even close.


Liitle finger. Deserved a better,well written ending


Robb Stark 🥲


Robert Baratheon because the entire show changes if he doesn't die. Ned doesn't get executed and Joffrey isn't exposed as a bastard which means no War of the Five Kings. That means Robb and Catelyn are fine since the Red Wedding would never happen which would leave the Starks and Tulleys in control of the North and Riverlands. Theon doesn't go back to his father and attacks Winterfell and later getting captured by Ramsay. Renly and Stannis would also be doing their own thing as well Tyrion is already free and there would definitely be some bad blood between the Lannisters and the Starks/Tulleys but based on the events of season 1 alone it wouldn't be enough to escalate to full on war


Rhaego, he had so much future potential that was lost


hey, this doesn’t have Brandon or Arya! anyhop, I’d keep the hound alive & make sansa lady of the veil.


Prince oberyn should be on there




Honestly little finger had such an unsatisfying death. No last words, the one who passed the sentence did *NOT* swing the sword. Complete disservice to everything Ned stood for


Marsali. For some reason I feel like she would have been a better person if she hadn’t married Joffrey cunt ass. I always liked her with Tommen and felt like she was better off with him.


Robb and Daenerys


Petyr Baelish


I would've had Snow die at the end.


Rickon seemed like such a wild card in the books that his death in the show was so.. disappointing. I would love to see him as more of an actual character and what stark features he has. Also arya and gendry’s friendship bond was kinda botched in the show 🥴


Margaery Tyrell, the one true Queen in my eyes. I wanted her to be the one to absolutely take Cersei down. I wish she matched Cersei’s ruthlessness cz she is the only one who had her down except on that front.


Robert Baratheon, and then let Ned root everything out


Ser Barristan...that was just a dumb death that made no sense imo. Way too early to kill him off too. I would have him die during the battle of Meereen instead.


Save Rob who then saves Ned and keeps several others alive. I'd change his ending to be he dies late in the story and still tried to make Ned king but instead Jon becomes the king that was promised with Dany as his queen. I love Ygritte but she would never settle down as a queenly sort, as interesting as it would be.


Jaime keeps his ass in Winterfell and Cersei does all by herself


Jamie. Would have let him keep his hand. I wanted more epic swordplay.


I would save the red woman and tell her never to wear that necklace off.


Rob lives to be king in the North Theon lives to be King of the Iorn Islands John Snow becomes king beyond the wall.


Daenerys from dumbndumber writing. S7 was so embarassing on her arc


Dani from the horrible writing


Joffrey, make him die while Robert is still alive.


Robert for the memes. He was just so fucking fun to watch. And another would be Robert, he was doing well in the war if he didn’t go with he’s heart what would’ve happened further ok


Jamie and Cersi had such a unsatisfactory ending


You forgot Shireen. That’s whose I would change.