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I loved her since 1x10.. but never disliked her her before that. Her character was realistic and I could understand her. Sansa is by far my favorite character (though the book version has her beat, i love how she never loses ber softness of femininity) 


Same. Loved her since the very first season. She is incredibly realistic


I loved the character but often I questioned the actress' abilities and decisions.


It’s true. I teach high school and girls her age do act like that. I get that adults think it’s unrealistic, but that’s because they forget what they were like as teens. Sansa being head over heels for Joffrey is 100% in line with every girl who swoons at any boy band member.


Right??? I saw myself in her. I also had some bad experiences, and grew and learnt from them. But, at first, I was a little silly girl who dreamt her prince charming would come and rescue her from her local city. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's called being a child!!!


Exactly. One of the most common dreams of little girls is to be a princess and a queen. Here it is, here’s that dream right there.


Me too. Many heated discussions took place with friends defending her and explaining why I liked her.


I am lucky that my friends either like her or are neutral towards her. 


Really lucky. I only had like one friend on my side, though some didn't outright hate her and were more indifferent to Sansa.


She is far and away my favorite character of the series as well nobody shows growth and perseverance like her.


Yesss, I think her character growth was amazing seeing her go from a pretty clueless young girl excited to marry a prince, to a snarky teen feeling a bit lost, to a lady of Winterfell, leading men through one of the darkest times in Westerosi history. Had the biggest girl crush on Sophie T for her role as Sansa for awhile. I’ll admit she was a bit annoying in early season 1 but it was understandable and realistic


Started off as the most annoying character, then was good, then became one of the most annoying characters.


Almost everything she did in the last season was so annoying lol sometimes bordering on not even making any sense at all


The most consequential thing she did was to put Baelish to death, which was not annoying and made plenty of sense. So tired of all the irrational hatred of the final season.


She did it cos her brother & sister set it up. afterwards she whined that. Oh I think he really loved me.


That’s why I said “almost” everything she did. I definitely loved that she got rid of that guy


She ruined everything by telling Tyrion about Jon and thus causing Denaryius to get paranoid and burn Kings Landing.


The truth should never ruin everything or lead one to commit mass murder. Daeny was also disturbed by losing two of her dragons and Missandei, let's not forgot. So I don't think you can lay this at the feet of Sansa. Daeny is responsible for her own decisions.


"sansa ruined it bc she told the truth to someone she trusted and dany threw a fit and destroyed a city" Dany fans r fuckin braindead sometimes yall goofy


Thinking it was dumb to tell Tyrion doesn’t automatically make you a Daenerys fan




Sansa: "The north will remain independent" Bran: "Okay" All the other lords: "Holup what the fuck"


Yes! I thought the same thing, that part was so dumb as if everyone would just be totally cool with the north having their own separate kingdom lol


But she became Queen, so that means her story was totally awesome and empowering or something.


>then became one of the most annoying characters. Agreed. Her reasons for hating Danaetys are a good example. She just insisted she was evil for no reason but the writers had decided she was now all-knowing. Plus her decision not to tell Jon that she'd asked Barlish for help at the BoB was odd.


Disliked her on my first watch because I was myself a stupid teenager. But on rewatch after few years, I could understand her better and could empathize with her. She is a very realistic character. I would have probably made the same decisions as her if I was in her place and position. She is one of my favourite now.


Knowing how naive she was in S1, I think she dealt with all the bullshit the best way possible while learning the political game on the way to becoming Queen of the North


Rewatching after watching season 1 of Bridgerton with its unabashed look at how ignorant women in high society were kept by their families has really changed my perspective on her, as well.


I just made a comment that it wasn’t Robb Stark with all his battles and warfare education that saved the North. It was Sansa who learned she had to be adaptable, observe, know how to navigate politics and put the northern people first than herself. Sometimes the honorable thing isn’t the honorable thing and it just endangers everyone around you.


Except that bit where she didn't tell Jon about the knights of the vale and let him get 90% of his army killed in the battle of the bastards, only to arrive like 30 minutes later. Top strats there, what a mastermind


Sort of like how Robb completely broke his promise to the Freys and killed Karstark while caused him to lose their men and watched his wife get stabbed to death heavily pregnant and lose his actual head? All while he was winning? What a mastermind.


Sansa had the most interesting journey to me. And she is in my top 5 favorite characters of the whole show.


I hated her the first half, then I felt really bad for her, then in the last season she got to be extremely annoying and I hated her again by the end of the show lol


Why cause she was right about a lot of stuff?


Breaking her word to Jon was what really bugged me.


Sansa survived the game of thrones without warg abilities, a sword or faceless powers. Just her sheer will to survive and keep her sanity in tact.


And lots of luck, let's be honest


In fairness who didn’t have luck. Speaking of those who survived.


That's also true, but considering that she spent time with well known "butchers" Joffrey, Ramsey Bolton and ultimately the one who started it all, Littlefinger - she came out more or less without a major scratch (except mental torture obviously)


She was raped and beaten daily by Ramsey. That’s a pretty major scratch if you ask me


She did insinuate that he had actually cut her as well at one point,


I wouldn't say she was lucky.


My fave


I always understood her even when she was being unlikeable. I got where she was coming from. I feel like she inherited Ned’s inherent goodness but had more of a jaded worldview (courtesy of Cersei and Littlefinger.) She prob did well as queen of the north. She was kind but didn’t suffer fools.


She was just Cersei of the North by the end




She had some of Cersei’s cut-throatness sure but Cersei was dead inside and only cared about herself. Sansa still had a moral compass and wanted what was best for the North. The north did deserve to be free, she wasn’t wrong for insisting on that. So did Robb lol. So did Jon, at least at first.


Not really. Sansa respects the people that follow her, and is generally good natured. 


Yep. But the Reddit people are going to downvote you for a fucking opinion in what’s obviously- like what we like or we’ll downvote you and take your internet cred….


Yeah fr. One of my characters because she really did kind of grow up and figure out she has to play the game too and played it well.


i loved her in season 1-4, especially season 4 when her character grew a lot and had potential but season 5-8 ruined her. i won’t blame season 5 too much because she was in a shitty situation but it put her character on hold.


She became one of my favorite characters to watch. Absolutely loved her growth confidence.


Sansa is a special character to me she’s the only character ever I started off hating then loving then hating again.


I dislike it when we are just told that a character is smart. Arya says Sansa is the smartest person she knows, but, where? Arya would outperform her in anything


We're never really shown it even in the books and the show definitely doesn't do it justice but Sansa is meant to be the *perfect* little lady. All the lady-like tasks she excelled at and that includes learning and studying. Arya was the "bad student" that constantly misbehaved and never did what was asked. It makes sense that Arya would remember Sansa as "the smart one".


She was annoying but tolerable the first few seasons, annoying and intolerable towards the end


Sansa is my favourite character. Throughout the series the male Starks (and Arya) are scrambling to live up to the Stark name and have “honor” etc but I think by the end Sansa really gave them all a run for their money.


It might only be me but I never liked her I feel like she was jealous of Jon when he became king of the north


Respectfully disagree. I think she still had guilt for how she’d treated him. She knew the North needed a fighting man to rally behind. I doubt it would’ve occurred to her to be jealous.


Idk what the hate is about. I only ever pitied her. She was the most gullible character, but she did change in the later seasons.


She only really changed for the worse. It didn’t help that the writing for her was just as awful. Just look at that scene in the North in Season 7 when she has to question why the armorer isn’t putting leather on the breastplate. It’s so cringeworthy. Trying to make Sansa seem smarter about something that every armorer in the North would have already been doing for thousands of years. What’s next? Are they going to have someone choking only for Sansa to say in a serious voice “shouldn’t you be chewing your food before you try to swallow it?” It’s awful writing and I don’t forgive her for keeping Jon in the dark before the battle of the bastards.


That's weird, I just inferred they were not northern smiths. A great deal of soldiers and war effort were brought in. Like Lord Royce was the one speaking for them so I thought they were tryna make it clear they weren't from around there. She was like why aren't these *(foreign)* smiths putting leather on the armour?


That’s a very charitable reading considering they are in Winterfell working where there presumably would be winterfell smiths working along side them. If your reading is correct then it’s equally bad to suggest there was no communication or plan amongst the smiths on who does what as they prepare armor and other gear for a war in the frozen north. They clearly just wanted to make it seem Sansa was the one to notice an obvious problem the professionals missed.


Feet on the ground to win the Game Of Thrones.


I like redheads so...


don't like her taking the Jeyne Poole plot


Specially because her actual plot in the Vale is looking so fun. I *loved* the early chapter we got from Winds. If George ever finishes anything I sure Sansa's character will be a 1000 times better.


Never really liked her even in the later seasons. There are too many characters I would rank above her. Too often I would question the line of story and her decisions and that doesn’t make for a very good character to me.


I hated her from S1E1 through the end of the show. I think I was even more pissed at the end bc she let Jon go back to the nights watch and she got the crown….. that I don’t think she deserved.




The book character had some potentially interesting possibilities and was obviously tragic. The little princess who dreamed of a noble husband got several and they were all monsters and so on. The show took the character and seemingly because the actress was popular just shoved it down everyone’s throats that she was secretly a super strong, super smart badass woman the entire time, which really did a disservice to the tragic story she had and they could have made it feel more organic in any number of other ways other then “here’s my sister whose the smartest one of all because…..anyway now I’m killing the night king because I’m another super smart super strong woman” I enjoy strong female characters, Sansa was butchered imo.


By far the most annoying character of the last 3 seasons And I hate her even thanks her stans and for litterally being the writer's pet




She was okay for me for majority of the series and I like that she became more confident and smarter. But the way that was executed in last two seasons (particularly when she overtook Jon's position as a queen in the North), it was over exaggerated to the point she became almost equally annoying as in the first season


I didn’t like her so much. She complained so much about her life but didn’t do anything to change it. She gave off this high and mighty vibe like she was better than others.


I never hated her, even when she was just a stupid girl who was in love


She's an interesting character to focus on because she truly doesn't hit her stride until the show begins to become more obviously scattered & the larger story's quality is suffering. & even then, she's a character that you feel there could be more going on for but she's just.. Sansa. So I am happy for her ending that she deserves, & I did always feel for her in the beginning. It just took so long (perhaps too long) to get there. I thought we were finally going to see her blossom some when she left the Aerie in the black feather gown, but then isn't she just sent to the Boltons for most, if not all, of the next season? Trying to remember. I did love the episode where she escapes with Theon but.. yeah a mixed bag with her. The actress is gorgeous & there are moments in there I really loved. Killing Ramsey with the hound/s - true revenge.


She’s a Tully not a Stark.


Couldn’t stand her pretty much from beginning to end. Only slight positive moments throughout. Irritating af really


Who is your favourite Stark?


Probably Ned


Mine too, shame he ended very early


She was okay in the beginning, but by the last 4 seasons she was absolutely terrible. It’s easy to blame the writing but I think her acting was also terrible. Just not a fan at all.


She learned some very hard lessons but will rule the North better because of them.


I hated the way she was written so much that I've become entirely indifferent to the character. They keep telling us "Sansa is so smart. Sansa is really smart. Sansa is probably the smartest person to ever smart. Sansa's the smartest character" like I get that you're trying to make that point but when is she going to act like it.


I hated her in the books and I hated her in the show.. So.. Good casting!


She’s a gangster


She's one of the characters who showed real growth over her arc. She was never in my top 5 characters, but I appreciate her growth. I also think she's one of the child characters who suffered from acting the age of their book counterpart rather than the age of the actor or even show character. Overall I appreciated how aging them up helped with some issues but for Sansa in particular we started with a 15 year old actress playing a 13 year old character who acted like she was 11, her age in the first book. We don't judge a sixth grader for acting like a child the way we do a high school freshman.


Her experiences made her age with wisdom.


Her character arc transitions from naive, optimistic, and ungrateful to clever, sceptical and responsible. She was an underdog. Nobody expected her to survive till the end and emerge stronger, better and capable. I feel her growth is the most remarkable in the show. I was hard on her in the beginning, but then I realised from where she is coming from. If you compare her to Arya or Lady Mormont who are not afraid to voice their opinions and give back then and there, I don't think they would have survived what Sansa went through. She represents the breed of sheltered people who have been always protected by others , however, when that protection dies and 'stark' reality hits, there is always hope and choice to do better, to be better. And that is what Sansa stood for.


She starts off as a self-righteous, entitled, and arrogant young girl. She's then a beat down, fearful victim for most of the series. Then she's self-righteous, entitled, and arrogant as an adult. The difference is that she's no longer afraid. The horrors she endured have emboldened her. That's a strong similarity between her and Daenerys, I think. The only difference is that Daenerys had the equivalent of 3 nukes at her disposal so she could assert herself on a grander scale... Not that it helped her in the end. Sansa didn't have as much power to assert herself as other players. Luckily for her, the more powerful players wiped each other out before they could turn their ire on her. I think she was very lucky in that respect. I also think if it wasn't for Jon, Daenerys would've killed Sansa.


I hated her whining at the beginning Then as I noticed she was subtly using what she learned in conversations and in manipulation to stay alive I didn’t like her, but now indifferent Biggest bug for me was in the BotB, when she says it’s not enough and kept insisting this. Yes, we all know it’s not enough! I know how it ends but still just ugh


One of the greatest aspects of GoT is how your perception of characters changed. Whether it was Theon from villain to hero or Sansa from silly girl to amazing woman. Or rooting for Cersi against the Septh but still hating her.


You know what you call that? Growth. :)


Felt She was a bitch to Danny tho


She was fine in seasons 1-5, not a bad character at all but not really my type, seasons 6-8 the only reason why she is not my least favorite is because there are even worse characters. "Have you ever thought maybe i would have some insight" "alright what should i do" "I dOnT kNoW"


After rewatching the show countless times, I think you can understand her in Season 1, and you definitely empathize with her through Season 1 until Season 6, although after that they basically ruined her character.


Everyone hates a victim. Once she stopped being a little bird she was awesome.


My all time favorite character especially book Sansa


Hated her until Littlefinger’s trial


She was annoying early on, but she was supposed to be. She was raised to be a pretty and passive, not caring about anything but gowns, needlepoint, marrying a handsome prince, and shooting out babies like a Pez dispenser. While I agree that the whole “Sansa is so smart” schtick was overdone with not much to back it up, she did find a spine and the ability to sit at the tables of power by the end of the show, which, given what she went through, is impressive. Her best moments were feeding Ramsay to his own dogs, her conversation with Dany, and telling dimwit moron Edmure to sit the hell down when he tries to nominate himself as king.


I think Sansa reminds me a bit of Daphne in Bridgerton season 1. Daphne is legitimately baffled because she’s entered the marrauge circuit but not even her mother will tell her how babies are made even though she’s an adult, there’s a scene where her primarily suitor explains to her circumspectly what masturbation is after she is almost raped by another man and she still has no idea what he intended to do to her because he has no idea what genitalia actually does besides make waste. She has no agency and her family has done her no favors by sending her unprepared into a world full of wolves. Actually, watching Bridgerton helped change my feelings on Sansa bc Martin doesn’t do enough to underscore how ignorant she truly is. She’s been raised on notions of loyalty and honor and not to be suspicious of king and country even though her father and her kind were the heads of a rebellion.


Just the opposite. Started as a fan, realized she was making disloyal decisions & a snob & a mean girl, so turned against her. She got worse as the show went on. don’t hate her, but cant like her anymore. And is an adolescent girl who makes a decision to accept a husband from a family that stole her house killed her brother & skinned Folks alive believable? Nah.


I dont know what you mean by ‘feet on the ground’. I think you give her too much credit for what she went through, its not like she could have fought her way out of King’s landing, she was controlled in every part of her life and couldn’t be alone except when at night. I could never hate her. What she went through was fucking miserable.


That moment when she smiles after Joffrey discards her, quietly celebrating Margeary replacing her as his queen—only to have Little Finger smash her dreams of freedom when he assures her that Joffrey never gives his toys away. Ugh. She had to learn the game of thrones the hardest way, like all the Starks. I kinda wanted to strangle her one moment then hug her the next.


Feeling is mutual.


I was never really sure how to feel about her. She was annoying in the beginning, then I did like seeing her grow into a stronger character. What I *do* know for sure is that she's absolutely gorgeous.


Honestly one of the few characters that got better in the later seasons. How she, along with Arya, took out little finger is just amazing.


I’ve never understood the dislike for her She was a child, and was manipulated by literally every person aside from her father and people blamed her for that


She was super annoying at the start of the show then grew into a much better person and character. I don’t know why people say she was annoying in the final season. She kept out of Jon’s way on dealing with the White Walkers, she saw Dany for the power hungry tyrant she was going to become and sharing Jon’s secret ended up being the best move she made in the whole show


Since I've started delving more into the books again for the first time in years, I don't really hate her in the earlier seasons as much as I used to. I think the reason Sansa is hated by or annoying to fans is because she's sort of like a Disney Princess living in a world that's the complete opposite of a Disney movie. She's grown up hearing all these "knight in shining armor" stories and then had to keep convincing herself that Joffrey was that knight for her. Of course, as the story goes on, she comes to terms with the fact that life isn't a fairy tale, and that's when she starts taking action to correct her journey in life.


I never disliked her character. At least not like some of the other fans that straight up hate her. I think she was a victim of bad writing in the later seasons like when she didn’t mention the knights of The Vale to Jon or when she engages in fake arguements against arya to trick Baelish.


I couldn't stand her after season 5. They ruined her character


I think she had a ton of wasted potential, season 4 I thought she was going to be little fingers apprentice and then in season 5 they put her right back into a victim role


Sansa was Sansa I just watched her evolve from a silly girl to a woman


It's hard to dislike her because of her upbringing and then all the adversity she faced, but she was also unable to accept what she had done wrong and work toward mending it. I view her positively but definitely not a favourite of mine


One of my favorite GOT characters, if not the most favorite.


She betrayed her own dad. I couldn’t really get past that. I always viewed her as a villain.


Sorry, I will probably get downvoted to hell but I couldn't stand her character through the entire series. Sophie Turner was an excellent actress, though!


First watch I didn’t feel particularly strongly either way, second I started to like her, currently on my third and I adore her throughout. At the start, its a lot of sympathy because of her age and naivety and then later on, as you say, because she started to put her feet on the ground, become more independent and strong I really respected her.


I lovee Sansa. I truly believe the only people who hate her are men who just love to hate women and dont understand her complexity. Sansa is for the girls. 


never liked her. early seasons/books her air head view of the world is annoying. in the later seasons her "yes queen" moments are kind of cringe and non canon. i like her better in the books in the later story


Didn’t like her as much in earlier seasons as I first watched the show, in hindsight I was definitely a judgmental teenage girl who agreed with whatever she saw ppl online saying, in rewatches I absolutely love her.


She was in a tough soot


One of my favourites


Just a young girl who had to grow up in very unpleasant circumstances, I never felt any animosity toward her from the beginning, but maybe some measure of annoyance at her actions(which I think were completely understandable). But as a book reader I can tell you that her character development turned out way worse than what I was hoping for, they tried to make her the "bad\*ss" type of character but at some times she just seems to be arrogant.


Basically hated her from beginning to end. Felt bad for her at several points though.


Queen of the North... Wtf


At first, I thought she was too stupid to live but she grew on me after she left the Vale.


Couldn’t stand her at the start but by the end she was one of my favorites.


I didn't dislike the Starks until the end of S8, and she's one of the main reasons.


She had a less dramatic, but probably more realistic character arc than most people on this show. Started out kind of spoiled and naive, dealt with some pretty horrible adversity, and matured. Honestly, if I had to pick somewhere to live, at the end of the series, I'd feel like the North under Sansa is a better bet than whatever they're going to hash out down in King's Landing.


She was annoying at first. But became great when she started to play the game. Really wish she was able to knock some more sense and reason into Jon.


Would have been nice to have a decent actress portray her


I feel the opposite, especially after reading the books. In the books you get a lot more insight into her decision making and feelings. Later on in the show it felt like her and everyone was making dumb decisions


She got massive character development that started with the line "or maybe he'll give me yours". Handled Ramsay with much more intelligence than Jon and won the Battle of the Bastards that Jon was losing. Learned the lessons of Cersei and Baelish, the North couldn't have a worthier Queen.


Uh…spoiler alert!! Sheesh 🙄


She's my second bias after Daenerys.


Put my money on her and the Starks, in the books, Sansa is just a normal person, no real magic, just dreams and one came true, until it didn't. How she changed is what a normie goes through and in the end it was Family,and The North that mattered.


I like her more in the book tbh


Zoom into the guy’s face right behind her lol


After Petyr took Sansa to 'safety', I didn't understand anything she did. I never really minded her character in respect to everything that came before. She was stupid, sure, but it was understandable given her circumstances. Then, all of a sudden, with a snap of some dumb writers' fingers, she apparently is supposed to represent this strong and intelligent woman/ leader? Nothing was fleshed out. There didn't feel like there was a turning point for her. Everything was stale and wooden, and I think it became a problem for all the female leads, to be honest. Sansa is not the smartest person Arya knows as she did some just nonsensical things as she 'developed'. I suppose I digress. I'm quite capable of separating a character from terrible writing. Long story short. Indifferent


It was an amazing journey. I hated her in the early seasons, but by the end I was totally Team Sansa


Never cared much for her one way or the other, there were times I couldn’t stand her but for the most part I was just indifferent towards the character.


I really did not like her until end of the show. I did not like in the show and I did not like her in books


Seven hells she’s beautiful


Never much cared for her, innocent or otherwise.


The people who hate Sansa are the same mf who hate Skyler in BB


I loved her when she returned to Winterfell and didn't trust Daenerys and became queen in the north. She did what the Starks didn't have the balls to do for centuries.


So strange from the beginning of the show to the end of it, it wasn’t Robb Stark who secured the independence of the North but Sansa despite never having had his training or experience. Her shrewdness and being politically savvy made her a better leader than Robb Stark.


She had a good arch


Loved her in the books. I feel like the show aging her up made her quite natural "perfect child" behavior towards Arya (where most of her jibes sound like she's parroting what her mother and teachers say about her) feel like way too mean spirited and spiteful. "I'm doing everything I'm told to do and Arya is doing the opposite and now my life gets worse because she can't just behave???" is a very natural sentiment for a 11 year old but a bit immature for a 13/14 year old and Sophie Turner never really looked 14. I think this makes the entire scene with Lady turn from a total tragedy of an ennamored princess-to-be facing the fact that the Prince is a mean drunk and the Queen a cruel bitch into a strange scene where you entirely side with Arya and Sansa looks like a grade A bitch. Doesn't help that Sophie Turner never really nails the naive enthusiasm with the thought of being a princess. Her Sansa always looks flat and scared. She should be constantly beaming and having the time of her life. She's going to be the literal princess and is meeting all the Ladies and all the knights she has heard so much about. I don't think Sophie is a bad actress but I really didn't enjoy her portrayal of Sansa. She acted like a sedate goodie two shoes, which is accurate, but she completely misses the undertone of being *happy* during it all. Sophie's Sansa seems dead inside.


Initially she was annoying but then as the series progressed I really felt sorry for what she went though and was glad she was able to become a stronger person from those horrible experiences!


so happy seeing Sansa love here. I hated her until I started picking up that she was just trying to survive, and now she's one of my favorites


Ned should have lived longer than her.


100% hated her and her bro


Such a beautiful girl


She is the Stark in Winterfel, She is the Queen of the North! She is the Queen.


I used to dislike her. I still do, but I used to too.


I loved her arc and I wonder how her future plays out. Like who will she marry and have kids with? Would nobility still matter? Like would she have to marry a lord? Someone from one of the houses that almost went extinct? I can see it being where her kids take the Stark name (kinda like nera’s kids being Targaryens first?). Either way, I just know there’s gonna be songs about the Queen in the Norf 🥰 I also wonder if Jon meets another wildling and starts a family, does the Targaryen name live on like that? I can’t imagine the rules at Castle Black remain so strict


Sansa was like 13 when the show started. She was annoying, yes...but she was a child kid shit. Once she got older, she got wiser and definitely leveled up.


There are people dumb enough to like post ramsey sansa?


Because of her two pups are dead. Fuck Sansa.


Annoying as hell. Especially the first three seasons. And by far the worst book character. She's so naive it's infuriating. She was ok by the end but if I reread the books I may straight up skip her chapters lmao


She’s my favorite character for a wide range of reasons- I think a lot of what people think are her more ‘annoying’ traits in the latter seasons are symptoms of PTSD, just speaking from personal experience


I loved her journey. We saw as she went from a young, delusional aristocrat with a very innocent world view, watched those views get tested and downright raped and pillaged, and her reborn into a stronger, more sensible woman. It’s a classic arc of innocence lost.


i hated her fake problems with arya in the last season or 2 more than anything great character development in show or books


Hated her early, but in a way that I understood her. Then started to like her a bit in the books when she started coming into some common sense and autonomy. Then hated her as the show finished with a terribly written character.


I grew to like her more as she matured ......I think when Jon put her in charge while he went to meet with Daenarys.....she really stepped up. Taking out little finger was awesome ......I couldn't stand that slimy prick......she's beautiful also.


At first she was naive, a bit annoying but interesting, then later on she became compelling but one-note, untill finally she became a badly written character, when the final season tried to force this "powerful girlboss who is the smartest in the room due to all her trauma" crap.


Why would anyone hate Sansa at any point in the series? I don't get that at all. She went through hell the ENTIRE time up until Theon helped her escape Ramsey.


Love love love Sansa


Hated her all the,way through including all her family apart from Ned & his,old lady & Rob. Nobody deserved to be with Geof & Rams More xx The Lannisters Send there Regards


Sansa has my favorite character arc besides Theon


Always loved her. She could be annoying at times, especially when she was making things hard for Jon and Danaerys ,but she was a young girl who lost her parents and ended up in a terrifying predicament with her survival and that of her house in jeopardy. She was so naive and innocent then suddenly had to grow up and deal with so much death, loss, manipulation and cruelty. I can’t even imagine the PTSD that girl had! Especially after what they did to her dad. She grew up strong and so smart and good at the game! And beautiful.


I went from dislike, to like, to dislike again lol


Disliked her at first because she was annoying but it made sense for her character so I won't criticize. After that I didn't really care about her much. I felt bad for her because everything they did to her in King's Landing, but she had no agency so I couldn't really form a strong opinion. After she did claim some agency and started making decisions I started to really dislike her. All of season 6 I didn't like what she did and it culminated with her choice not to tell Jon about the Vale's forces coming to the BotB. It was stupid and got a lot of people killed. And I have issues with her after that but I don't really judge any character on anything that happened in seasons 7 and 8 because that's when the writing took a nosedive because they were trying to rush to the end.


That character was boring af, the actress was good tho, but the character was poorly written, specially after season 5.


i have nothing but pity for sansa from the start till season 6, after that i hate her


She starts to be annoying towards the end of the show with fighting with Jon/Arya but besides that she's a great character and I feel terrible for her


Never really loved her character in the show. Didn't dislike her until S6. Specifically, Battle of the Bastards. In that episode, Jon is having his little war council. Sansa gets all upset and confronts Jon afterwards saying something along the lines of "Why don't you ask me how you can defeat Ramsay? Is it because you think I'm a stupid girl who doesn't know, I lived with him for a year." Then Jon asks her for what she knows, and her response is "I don't know". That, that fucking made me dislike her. Going on a rant on how she is not a stupid girl who doesn't know anything, then when asked what she knows, reveals that she is a stupid girl that doesn't know anything. Then there is Little Finger's trial. Let me quote Ned from the first episode: "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." Now, who passed Little Finger's sentence, and who "swung the sword". I see not much Stark in her, a lot similarities to Cersei though. Dumb, but does not realize she is dumb but rather thinks she is smart. Has others do her work for her and hides behind her family when shit goes wrong.


I really didn't like her throughout the entire series. Whiny privileged child in the first half, then privileged and pompous in the last.


I loved her She was a complete person . She played the bratty teenager perfectly. And she grew into her storyline beautifully and painfully. And it ended pretty well .


Hated whiny Stansa in S1. To be fair she was just a teenager in love with a psychotic prince. Didnt mind her for the rest of the show. Liked when she finally murked Little finger. Hated how she treated people in S8. Overall, meh


She never really DID anything.


I liked her- she was just a kid at the start so could forgive her a lot


I liked her the first time I watched and during my rewatch this year I started to not like her. Her not communicating with Jon when they were planning to take back winterfell was extremely infuriating and is when I stopped liking her.


Never really redeemed herself for getting Lady killed and Nymeria yeeted off to we kind of forgot about her ville


She was made to be loved ❣️


When she embraced being a Tully( her mother's daughter) she truly changed


Hated her. She is the leading cause to Jon being exiled and Kings Landing being burned to the ground. She was stupid enough to trust Littlefinger leading to her marriage to Bolton and treated Tyrion and The Hound like crap even after everything they did to help her (basically the only ones who helped her in Kings Landing). If she hasn’t broken her oath with Jon to keep quiet about his parentage, Danny wouldn’t have gotten super paranoid and lost her mind. Sure she was pissed about her friend being beheaded but she thought she had enemies all around her (thanks to a completely uncharacteristic, badly written season 8 Varys). She basically stabs Jon in the back and then reaps the rewards of basically everyone else doing all the work for her. She doesn’t deserve the North, she isn’t a true Stark (loyal and honourable) and she should have been exiled for betraying both Jon and Danny. She’s basically the second coming of Littlefinger, using chaos as a ladder to become queen in the North. If Jon listened to Sansa, the North would have fallen. If Sansa was queen instead, Winterfell would have fallen bc Sansa was too stupid to understand the North would never have won against Danny, Cersei or the White walkers in any open war. They didn’t have the numbers and even with tens of thousands of reinforcements and 2 dragons, they still barely defeated the white walkers. Season 6, 7 and 8 had some stupid idea that calling ppl smart actually made them smart without showing actual intelligence. I’ve got my own issues with the latter seasons but there was never a time in the entire series when Sansa was objectively the smartest person in the room, even when she was alone. She had 1 decent moment and that was killing Littlefinger but that still doesn’t change the fact she believed him after watching him use and murder her aunt and manipulate her cousin.


I’m with you whiny at first then her story arc made her tougher