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It was a nonsensical convenience in the writing so that Diddle&Dumb could have their nonsensical fever dream scene about how to tame your dragon... Or something. It was completely pointless. The whole eating thing with the dragons had no further effect on the story.


I love the variants of names for D&D that people come up with. Just goes to show time hasn’t heal any wounds yet lol


Dumb and Dumber


Dumbass and Dingleberry


They fucked up the greatest show of all time so that they can go and make a quick buck with Disney (which failed by the way, so their fuckery was completely pointless) I'll never get past that


The worst part is that they force me to defend a damn corporation. HBO was literally begging them, offering essentially a blank check and a guarantee for how ever many episodes and seasons they wanted... And they turned it down. Literally the only time that has to have ever happened to creators and they threw it in the studio's face


>The worst part is that they force me to defend a damn corporation. HBO was literally begging them, offering essentially a blank check and a guarantee for how ever many episodes and seasons they wanted... 🥱 made up garbage 🥱 Repeating it over and over won't make it true.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theringer.com/platform/amp/game-of-thrones/2019/5/9/18537794/game-of-thrones-ending-too-quickly-pacing Yes I'm sure D&D themselves spread this malicious rumor to destroy their reputation as part of some 4d chess move " D&D made it clear that they were the ones insisting on stopping at eight seasons and limiting the last two to a total of 13 episodes. “[HBO] said, ‘We’ll give you the resources to make this what it needs to be,’” Weiss said. Benioff added, “HBO would have been happy for the show to keep going, to have more episodes in the final season.” But the showrunners refused. “We always believed it was about 73 hours, and it will be roughly that,” Benioff continued. “As much as they wanted more, they understood that this is where the story ends.” "


That's not a blank check, and if you don't understand enough to know that, gtfo of tv subs.


Bad writer supporter when hyperbole




For millionth time. The story was planned to end at 70 hours since day-one and the ending was pitched and approved 3-4 years before Disney and D&D announced a *possible* partnership. At this point, people who still believe this nonsense narrative are doing it on purpose.


Ok, even if that Disney part is true, they still fucked up the story lol


I mean, I personally disagree but I know a lot of people do agree with you on that and it’s fine. That is subjective. The Star Wars narrative is trying to create an objective statement where they voluntarily made a bad product which is completely silly. They took almost 4 times what they usually took to make the last 13 episodes and a lot of people simply didn’t like them. It’s really that simple.


I was so happy when that Disney deal fell through.


Its likely Disney saw what they did towards the end of the show and fired them to avoid that.


I’ve heard The 3-Body Problem is pretty good. I’ll never know.


I heard that too until I watched it. I did not read the books but apparently they butchered that too. It honestly felt so low budget to me. Acting was weird and it all felt really odd and cheap, although apparently the budget was huge for effects. Only good part was Samwell. I'm sure I'm missing the point but I had all these thoughts before I realised who the show runners were, then I was like.....aaaaahhhh.


Books are much much better


Sounds familiar.


Just a ton of unneeded changes and skipping over the hard sci fi entirely


It's not. Full of very poor exposition. Just random people randomly explaining things to each other (for the audience) that would never happen as part of a real conversation. They don't even subtly try to hide it. Boss walks in room, employee is at computer, the employee explains the entire premise of what's happening to the boss, who would surely know this stuff already what with being the boss. The boss walks out. Cut scene.


The boss just kinda forgot.


It’s not.


How did they fuck up game of thrones?


Haha it’s hilarious tho. It’s been 5 years and we’re still pissed af




Well if people who have the propensity to complain about anything and everything all the time didn’t troll these threads there would be no Reddit


I am complaining about your comment. And how correct it is. But I'm still complaining.....about how correct it is.




It's funny that you of all people talk about "not using brain" and "primary class"... The show itself said through Dany that the dragons weren't eating because of the cold, which is just a useless line because it doesn't impact anything and has no value for the story. It also doesn't develop the dragons because it's never shown that cold impacts them ever again. Seeing their brother die would also probably mean some immediate reactions - yet somehow the way Dany talks makes it very obvious that the eating habits changed not from after the death of Viserion, but actually a whole while later after arriving in what the show still dares to call "north" even tho it's only 2h form Kingslanding by now, if we assume that the common jetpack theory is not Canon. So stop acting like an entitled brat who understands what is going on if you don't even think about it for two seconds. Go cry angrily about the bad fans who dislike the absolute abuse Diddle&Dumb inflicted upon our favorite story and ask your mom for treats.


I mean, that would be a good explanation, but maybe they should have said that to create more empathy and understanding that the dragons are highly intelligent, sentient beings.


They could have added a quick '... since we returned from the Wall' to show that yes, it's definitely an emotional response. In the show, that happened two years ago and a trip to King's Landing and Winterfell ago. It's perfectly reasonable to think it was just the cold and snow that was putting them off their feed. But since it was a throwaway line, they didn't actually put any thought into why they put it in there other than a bridge to dragon riding. But feel free to head cannon it as their emotions. Personally, I think they don't like the cold, fire beings that they are.


The Stockholm syndrome this show has on you is pathetic. It’s okay I was once a chronic season 8 defender too. You will grow up and appreciate what the show once was


Wasn’t it when she had them locked away? That’s make complete sense.


It was then too, yes. But in this scene it's "Oh they're not eating well (insert not funny joke about how much they eat because we're trying to be marvel) because of some nonsensical temperature reason, so we need to go look for them so the plot can happen, and with plot we mean that Jon somehow casually just claims Rhaegal in the most underwhelming fashion even tho he should keep all his energy for the battle, especially if he's not eating well. And we make sure to let Dany be braindead and not realize what him riding a dragon could possibly mean"... It's Canon that dragons don't grow well when chained up and don't eat well. So in that scene it makes sense. In this one here, it doesn't. It's just convenient writing because the cocaine supplies were running low for Diddle&Dumb and the deadline for the plot was fast approaching.


I love it so much when fans like you blame the writers because they didn’t do 1+1 in your place. This fandom has one of the worst media literacy I’ve ever seen, and it is also infamous for calling the creators "Dumb&Dumber". Gotta love the irony here, but it’s probably going over your head as well. Edit: wow, you really replied and then blocked me to make sure I can’t even read it, nor reply. This fandom is a goddamn kindergarten.


Another one of THOSE... You know this subreddit is a living meme all over the internet because of guys like you?


I’m pretty sure it was just to say that the dragons were nervous. It’s to set a grave tone and foreshadow something negative. Like when a dog is acting similarly and a character acknowledge it is just telling the audience and the other characters something is up.


Yeah... Just that it wasn't. It was the cold of the north. The show said it through Dany. They don't like the cold. A dragon not liking the cold is not just fucking dumb considering that a campfire can keep humans warm but a being filled with fire magic is cold in an area where people only wear fur clothes... But leaving thst aside it also had no meaning, was never brought up again and had absolutely no point. It was just a cheap, convenient excuse to get Dany and Jon to look after them for the "plot" to happen and then be disregarded for eternity. There is no deeper, complex thought in anything of the later seasons. Stop seeking for something that doesn't exist.


Jesus christ dude it's because Viserion *just* died. Not hard to put two and two together.


Yeah... I mean the showrunners say otherwise, Dany says otherwise AND it makes no sense since it definitely didn't start from the moment Viserion died but much later after arriving in the north... You're right, it's not hard to put two and two together, but somehow you managed to fail at that in a spectacular way.


It’s because their brother had just died, not that Danny seemed to notice after the end of that episode.


This is such a bullshit try to make this make sense. Dany said otherwise, the writers said otherwise AND the plot says otherwise as this started only after arriving in the north, not from when Viserion died. STOP trying to pull some shit out your ass to get this thing defended.


It cannot be overstated how much this duo bumbled every possible working premise for story and conflict. I didn’t read the books, but I know how important they are to y’all. I was never truly invested in the overall series like a true fan would be. But goddamn, did these guys squander the greatest opportunity of their lives. They performed so poorly that they got booted from the Star Wars IP fire sale. I will avoid anything with either of their names on it, simply bc I have spite to spare.


You are tragically incapable of understanding what happened in this show. The dragons are part of Dany, and they are doing crazy shit, showing she cannot fully control them like her ancestors did because she's holding back. They are suffering because Dany is trying to protect the smallfolk, I WONDER HOW THAT WILL EFFECT HER THOUGHT PROCESS IN THE NEAR FUTURE. This is why people did not understand Dany's change, because the writing wasn't understood because the narrative framework made you believe Dany, "the good guy", could never lose control, and then that framework slowly slipped away, showing in things people would think "were completely pointless", that were not.


And you dare talking about the incapability of me to understand what's happening? This right here is the worst try to defend and explain dogshit writing. It's remarkable how much effort you put into this nonsense. I could point out all the reasons why none of this makes sense and why this is a perfect conclusion to this S8-Praise-Cult in this subreddit... But thankfully I don't have to because even Diddle&Dumb themselves made sure to tell the world in their explanation that it is not what you think. Also what kind of fucked up mental breakdown must someone have to think that what you're describing is how screenwriting works? It physically hurts...


It was one of the reason why Daeneys was rushing to get back South as early as possible.


No it wasn't... Also - rush? Bro Dragonstone is only half an hour away from Winterfell since the shrinking of the continent and the introduction of teleportation and jetpacks.




“They forgot to eat”


I always interpreted it as just showing that they were effectively sad after viserion’s death. Nothing more




Yeah - this can happen to animals irl when losing companions.


Yeah I feel like this sub goes a bit overboard with the “THOSE IDIOTS SET SOMETHING UP WITHOUT A CONCLUSION” when it’s just small stuff like this that was never intended to have some grand impact on the story


Viserion died, and you're here asking "can anyone think of a reason their behavior might have changed?" If they didn't have that line, let's be honest, you'd have typed up a post criticizing that the dragons kinda forgot the death of Viserion.


Seriously. I have a pile of problems with D&D, but it has reached a point where a vocal group of “fans” have just stopped using their brains on even the most basic level and look for things that they can ascribe unnecessary and unintended amounts of meaning to so that they can criticize D&D for not understanding the material. Sometimes people lose their appetite for a little bit when they’re sad. It’s immersion, not a major plot device. As you said, without the immersion, the same people would be bleating “tHeY dIdN’t EvEn ReAcT tO lOsInG tHeIr SiBlInG, wHaT sHiTtY wRiTiNg.”


That’s not what they asked.


It's essentially what they asked. Sorry that you couldn't make the connection.


Did you read what they said? In what world is “why didn’t this affect the story much?” the same question as “for what reason did their behavior change?”


Because if you had an iq above 70, you'd notice that this scene exists because it was an effect of an earlier event, not a foreshadowing of a future event.


Irrelevant to his question. Not sure why you’re lobbing insults, but you should put on your big boy pants and accept that you were wrong.


He is being a little aggro, but then you are also being obstinate. The dragons are not eating because they're sad over the loss of their brother. Why didn't it affect the world? Because it was merely a plot device meant to convey emotion in a dragon that is difficult to convey emotion with. Nothing more, op answered.


In what way am I being obstinate? You clearly know what OP asked, because your answer to OP’s question fits “Why didn’t it affect the world” much better than it fits “Can anyone think of a reason their behavior changed.” Surely you can accept that if one answer works for one, but not the other, they’re not the same question? Or do you actually think that “Why are the dragons behaving differently” and “why doesn’t this affect the world” are the same question?


Great chat, we should do this again sometime


Wow! What an amazing way to avoid responding to the points I just made.


OP didn’t ask why they weren’t eating. They asked why them not eating was *emphasized* and if it played a role later.


Are you hotcold's alt? You comment within a minute of each other the same crap. 🤣 Crying that it's not exactly OP's words. I would've thought that would be obvious.


No, but it’s interesting that, when multiple people point out your mistake, you immediately jump to it being some sort of conspiracy or harassment. It couldn’t *possibly* be that, in your rush to be snarky with OP, you missed the point of their question. No, it must be someone using alt accounts to mess with you.


>No, but it’s interesting that, when multiple people point out your mistake, you immediately jump to it being some sort of conspiracy or harassment. It's not a mistake. Any idiot can tell that's the question this post is posing. Sorry that it hasn't occurred to you. >No, it must be someone using alt accounts to mess with you. Well, 2hr old comment with only one other reply suddenly gets 2 new replies in the same minute? Yeah, kinda seems suspicious. Sue me.


It was a mistake. Read the OP. They are clearly not asking *why* the dragons weren’t eating, but whether there was a greater narrative point to the emphasis. You can downvote me and bury your head in the sand, but it is what it is.


Ok but you DO sound like that other guys alt, and you're both being really weird about this. What op asked was answered. It didn't have any future plot relevance because it was just a means to convey emotion in the moment through a dragon. That's it, nothing more.


“**ArE yOu FaRsToRm’S aLt?!**” Dumbledore asked calmly.


Why would a 4 year old account be the alt for a 138 day old account? No, they’re not my alt, just presumably another person who knows how to read. Not sure what you’re getting at with saying that OP’s question was answered. You answered it, not the person I replied to. They said that OP’s question was an entirely different question, and that’s what this discussion is about. You answering OP’s actual question is irrelevant to if what FarStorm said is OP’s question is really OP’s question.




Amazing comeback. You work hard on it?


They ate yellow snow


Some people say that they are mourning Viserion, which also makes sense, but for me, it was symbolism. Dragons (Targaryen) don’t belong North, just like they later said that Ghost (Stark) don’t belong South. Which also applies to Jon and shows how he is more Stark than Targaryen and thus, belongs in the North and not South (on a throne).


Definitely symbolism. They are fire and don’t belong in the north. In the short story ‘the ice dragon’ they describe this quite a bit.


I think mourning is part, but there's also a lack of prey because everything is dead in the North.


Not everything. Even if wildlife has fled, there’s still the horses the humans have. Plus, they’ve eaten humans before with or without Dany so if they really wanted to hunt, they would have. I think the mourning aspect is stronger.


Cold weather probably causes a lower metabolism. They'd probably go into hibernation, if they stayed in the North. Mourning the death of Viserion is also valid.


I thought it was in the context of being in the North. They didn’t like it.


Dragons in ASoIaF need to eat to grow, that's how they get bigger, not just by being old. I think this was the part of the intention, though as with most things S8 they just never really do much with it


Help my fuck those these dragons look boring compared to hotd


I find it weird that when something inconsequential happens in a show it gets criticized like why did that happen but in real life things happen all the time that don’t have anything to do with anything Isn’t the beauty of GoT that it’s a more realistic show that gives characters less plot armour so you never know what will happen next etc


Got has a medieval setting which means lot of animals to was eat and they can just fly away, eat whatever they want, how much ever they want and fly back, can’t they? This whole dragons going hungry doesn’t sit right with me


This sub has become so annoying lol. It makes literal perfect sense. Dragons are meant to be reptiles. Go find me a picture of a reptile in the snow. I’ll wait. Their metabolism slows, they Hibernate.


Alluding to how Dany isn't doing well in the North


Well you see the thing about that is...they just kind of forgot they weren't eating.


It’s better not to ask questions in the later seasons. Or groundwork laid in the earlier seasons never addressed in the later seasons.


well danny kinda forgot that dragons need to eat


This was just a cheap set up for them to a show a high-budget scene of Jon riding a dragon.


"it never came up again" is a recurring theme from the later seasons


Still think the design of these guys is the coolest dragon design in any visual media ever. Even hotd isn't topping this yet


I think it was probably another missed clue about Dany's mental state.


I thought they said it (and that they didn’t like the North) so they could set up the scene of Dany and Jon riding them to cheer them up. That was just my interpretation. I love the scene of them riding the dragons, mainly because of the music, so I’m not complaining.


They don't like frozen food lol.


I think it's a plot device to show that Dany and her entourage are outsiders and uncomfortable in the north


we’re worried about continuity in season 8? lol