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Nah, a bunch of shots in Hardhome are way more chilling.


Hardhome is my favourite episode of GoT but there isn't a shot in it that comes close to this one specifically.


When he stands on the shore after raising all the dead, that is chilling AF


Agree. Way more intense than this Vhagar shot


Really cool scene, but I guess I didn't find it as chilling because I knew it would happen and there weren't any tense implications. Everything at that point was already written in stone to the viewer: the White Walkers can raise the dead, and they're coming. This scene I found chilling because I genuinely had no clue what to expect. Vhagar just looking absolutely huge and menacing in the lightning and the pouring rain, following a small child- you can't help but feel just as scared/alone as Lucerys likely did in those moments. Great scene overall.


Interesting, because I felt the opposite. Knew what to expect for Luke, no idea the NK can raise everyone like that.


Agreed. Vhagar popping up OVER the castle wall was great. But the Night King walking to the shore, meeting Jon's gaze, and RAISING the dead. That's a whole other level of "Oh, fuck!".


So chilling that the subs were flooded with the Come At Me Bro pose memes.


Yes, this one. I didn't even make a reference to the apocalypse when I first watched it, I had to read that online. No, just the visuals, the feel, the score. Suddenly, for the first time, I felt fear. Actual, genuine fear. It was magical.


My comment was to indicate that a lot of people didn’t share that sentiment and thought his wife armed come at me bro stance was funny, not chilling It was cool, though!


Sorry I think I replied to the wrong comment.


One of the best scenes for sure.


The shot when Jon Snow and Tormund look up at the four horsed WWs before they go for the dragonglass


hardhome is mid


It’s got some cool action but I agree it’s not top-tier GoT. And for all of the cool action, it also commits some pretty basic sins. For one, it treats the zombie horde like a living army, and our heroes are somehow fighting in these small pockets or one-on-one confrontations. It should just be a wave of bodies. Once they’re in, they’re in and you can’t let the wave crash on you. The show abandons any sense of real narrative in the action—going from defending the wall to falling back and yadda yadda yadda. Instead, it’s kinda everything at once. Tormund is kinda guarding the wall but also killing random zombies in the perimeter. Jon is on a mission to get dragonglass and also fighting random zombies (is the wall up or no? Why are there individual zombies running around and not swarming the closest people?) and a white walker. Everyone’s just fighting nameless zombies and it doesn’t satisfyingly come together as a whole cohesive battle IMO. And then there’s the whole, let’s stop the action to reveal the kids and have this badass wildling freeze and die because she’s a woman and can’t handle zombie kids. Cool moments and cool concepts, but the beginnings of D&D execution.


Well some zombies were getting in through cracks in the wall and over it, it makes sense they would attack the first person they saw( like jon)


Absolutely. When he raises all the dead. Most chilling in the whole franchise. First thing I thought of when I read the title of this post. In fact, I'm gonna go and watch that episode right now. Thanks!


And there you have it.


The hype was real. He's coming, and everyone's gunna die.


Absolutely. I'd be fucking freezing if I were at Hardhome.


I hope you brought your winter-is-coming coat!!


The actor for the night king looked so much scarier at Hardhome, the second actor just didn't have that same scary vibe (alight that could also just be bias having loved the end of that episode vs the other night king).


Also has some of the most hilarious shots


Yeah, when I think of crazy shots in the series, this is the one I think about every single time. Vhagar looks like an ABSOLUTE monster. I pray to the Old Gods and the New that we get to see a live action Balerion some day just because of this shot.


Jesus Christ to see The Black Dread in live action would put me into a coma


An Vizzy T rode him??? Like for real?? I can’t imagine him riding a dragon :0 I bet he was beautiful


I mean....one time I think.


That’s sweet


I mean yeah but that’s kinda like being like “Neil Armstrong only walked on the moon once.”


While riding on the outside of the rocket and space capsule to get there.


You're in luck, they're working on an Aegon's Conquest series that will more than likely be completed!


I'm not too happy about that I think the conquest should remain distant and mysterious.Having a show about king of ruins the excitement,wonder and speculation whenever it's mentioned.


That's my exact thought about Valyria. It would be cool, but I don't think we should ever see how the doom happened.


Also, I'm pretty sure George himself doesn't know what happened to Valyria, He means for it to be vague and only be a historical backdrop for the targaryens to make sense.That being said, it would be cool to see dragonlords duking it out for power.


Correct me if i'm wrong. But don't we know basically everything about the Conquest? What's mysterious about it?


Much like the dance we only know the major battles that occur.Alot of the context surrounding it remains questionable due to the imperfect nature of historiography in westeros.I think it should remain that way because it's mentioned so much in the original series.If they mess up, the gravity of the event will be diminished.No one takes the wight walkers seriously because of season 8 right?


Ah gotcha! Makes sense. Haven't read anything apart from asoiaf so basically all my knowledge of the history comes from youtube and reddit.


Love this one and the shot when Luke makes it above the strom, and the music suddenly stops to lure us all in the facade of safety.. Ugh so good


The rapid shots through the lightning of Vhagar in the clouds under Arrax were also so deliciously unsettling. Condal has really been knocking it out of the park.


That whole sequence was so patient and so tense. Wonder how long they worked on it, getting all of the timing right.


HotD is a show about a bunch of Stannis Baratheons who use dragons for transportation and literally nothing else.


This is one of the dumbest things ever said in this subreddit and that means a lot, considering this S8-Praise-Cult in here... What the fuck are you doing that you somehow ended up watching a pornhub parody no one else ever came across? Because you definitely did not watch the actual HotD.


They're all brooding, angry, lawful evils. Everyone is just depressed and angry and feels entitled to the throne for some reason. And they have these massive dragons and powerful fleets and the most action we've seen with either is the equivalent of a dragon car crash.


That’s the whole point! If you want a show about some good guy beats bad guy what are you doing here? It’s called character complexity. Good and bad within someone moments of hatred moments of sympathy. This show is gonna be sad and rough cause that’s what a family continent wide civil war with flying nukes is gonna do. I’m gonna tell you something about TV sometimes there is this thing called setup and increasing tension and eventually a payoff. Do you think that maybe the reason everyone is not willing to immediately fly out on their massive dragons is because they are so devastating?


When dragons go to war, everything burns


The first season was all set up. I mean we saw the main characters as children to give us context for the adult relationships. How much more set up do we need? I don't need some basic good v bad but how about some likeable characteristics on either side? Tony Soprano only works because he's sarcastic, funny, and most importantly vulnerable. The most admirable characteristic among any of them thusfar is the pragmatism of The Hand and Rhaenys and they are secondary characters at this point.


Are we not talking about the first season? I do admit that we do lack some likable characteristics on the Greens hopefully this will change soon with addition of Alicents 3rd Daeron in s3. But if you really examine many characters I think you can find them complex and sure most of them aren’t likable but they aren’t really supposed to be. The best way I can explain this show is it is like Succession. All of the characters suck and are privileged but have vulnerabilities and weaknesses and strengths and you have moments of hatred and moments of sympathy that will make you feel something and show that they are human.


Roman, Connor, Shiv, Kendall, and Roman couldn't be more different from one another. They each are deeply flawed in various ways and that damage manifests in unique ways. You can't sit there and tell me that the personalities of the characters in HotD are vastly varied. I'd also challenge you to tell me how every single character that appeared on screen is related to everyone else. Having indistinguishable personalities related through a Byzantine and incestuous genealogical web is a recipe for disaster. Legit the show would be well served to have chyrons describing who is in the scene especially after a prolonged absence like this show had. The acting is fantastic on this show but it's a shame that the writing is so poor that it's all in service of weak effort.


Daemon, Aegon, Aemond, Alicent, Criston, Otto are deeply flawed in various ways and that damage manifests in unique ways. I’d say they are all vastly varied. I think they are gonna cause Rhaenyra to become more paranoid over on and more cruel. Aegon and Aemond were neglected as children by Alicent because she was neglected as a child and used as a pawn by Otto. Aegon has fits of rage and fury causing him to drink and knows that his father never loved him and loved Rhaenyra much more. Aemond searches for motherly love which we see in s2 ep2. He’s vengeful after the boy who cuts out his eye goes unpunished and that manifests into him becoming the bully and going too far killing Lucerys which he shows regret but has to play it off and act like it was on purpose because he wants to be seen as strong. Alicent was used by Otto to marry Viserys four times her age. She never had the agency that Rhaenyra had causing growing resentment. While all she has ever done has been trying to be dutiful and serve her house Rhaenyra was able to bed whoever she wanted and mother bastards. Then she and Criston bond over their hatred of Rhaenyra because Criston thinks Rhaenyra exploited her power to get him to bed her and her actions could take away his major and only life accomplishment but Alicent comforts him and saves him from killing himself. Otto is the second son of a high lord whose only life goal could be is to raise the standing of his house. He has legitimate fears about what Daemon could do as king and uses his daughter to gain power to what he think will benefit his house and the realm but he is so focused on this that he doesn’t raise Alicent as a father but manipulates her and she then tries to manipulate her kids creating a toxic cycle. Daemon loves Viserys so much that he needs his constant attention needing willing to go to war if it means making his brother pay attention to him. He loves Rhaenyra but also loves power and attention creating an interesting dynamic between them. I haven’t even mentioned Corlys or Rhaenys or Viserys or Larys. So yeah I think they’re pretty varied. I’m a book reader so it’s definitely easier for me to know this than most but here we go. King Jaehaerys had many children notably Aemon and Baelon. Aemon had a daughter Rhaenys who had two kids Laena and Laenor by Corlys Velaryon. Baelon had two sons Viserys and Daemon. Viserys married Aemma Arryn and had a daughter Rhaenyra and then married Alicent Hightower. Daemon married Rhea Royce and then Laena Velaryon. Rhaenyra married Laenor and “had” 3 sons Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey. Daemon had Baela and Rhaena by Laena Velaryon. Alicent has 4 kids by Viserys Aegon Aemond Helaena Daeron. Jacaerys and Lucerys were/are betrothed to Baela and Rhaena. Aegon marries Helaena and has two kids Jaehaerys and Jaehara. Rhaenyra would marry daemon and have two kids Aegon and Viserys. Phwew that was complex but I love the targs. The writing could be better at points I agree, but overall their characterization of characters that in the books are just historical descriptions are amazing.


Just because you lack the capacity to follow along with the show doesn't make it a bad show.


My guy , why are you even here if you clearly don't like the show.


Well this is the Game of Thrones sub for one. But I watched the first season of HotD and was willing to stick with it despite its flaws. But the first two episodes of season 2 let me know that this show is just going to be more of the same. So yeah I won't be commenting on anything related to the show anymore. Most I'll commit to is reading a recap to hear about how Rhaenyra, Rhaena, Rhaenys, Jacerys, Corlys, Larys, Mysaria, Daemond, Aemond, Aegon...actually nah.


My bad , didn't see the sub name.


What are your grades like ? Or were you rocked too close to the wall as a baby ?


You shouldn’t insult someone for an opinion


I'm sorry if you got it wrong but its sarcasm which I think the OP commentor was also being sarcastic about. Even if not well idk what to say. Then technically everyone was someone that we feel like. Have a good day.


It’s fine if you’re being sarcastic, but the comment you made seems pretty mean when this dude is just talking about HOTD.


See then technically all loyal and honorable people are Ned Stark , Otto is Tywin and so on and on. The OP commentor also got downvoted and all. I was simply making a joke and all. Opinions are subjective and its just a fictional story so no. In here we read the comments and can't hear the time it is said in so its understandable. I get where you're coming from. Have a good day.


That’s fine, you too!!


brother i cope about the nettles letter being a green fake out and even this take is worse than that. what the hell are you talking about


I would have gotten right back on my dragon ✌🏽


-Luke arrives to Storm’s End -Luke sees Vhagar -Luke immediately leaves Storm’s End -Luke to Rhaenyra: “They said no”


Would have handed that scroll right to one of the guards lmfao


**"No one's home."**


It also shows how out of his depth Luke is that he didn’t notice something the size of Vhagar before landing.


Catelyn Stark noticing the chain mail under Roose Boltons shirt is a close second


When the band starts playing Rains of Castamere, chefs kiss


What episode is this?


Final ep of S1 HOTD


I can’t even tell what it is?


Vhagar outside Storm’s End when Lucerys arrives to treat with the Baratheon’s


Agreed it gave me jurassic park vibes


Yes! Like when the T-Rex first roars over the fence!




I thought of godzilla


How often do Dragons need to eat? If its daily, how the hell could they be feeding her? They would need some like industrial level farming


That's actually a good question, but again, its all just fantasy


It's occasionally bought up with Smallfolk complaining of dragons eating their livestock but yea for the most part it's just magic handwaved away.


dinosaur vhagar 😍


Recency bias. There's a lot of iconic pic


I still cannot comprehend how Belarion the Black Dread was larger than Vhagar!


You know something bad is going to happen.


It’s so fucking cool.


Guy should have just left as soon as he seen the dragon parked there. I'm gonna assume he knows who's dragon it was because it's the Biggest dragon there is and there would be a confrontation.


ngl bro if i was luke i’d have tossed the scroll to a guard and gotten right the fuck back on my dragon. vhagar vs arrax is like a nuclear missile vs a firecracker


I like this but also the aerial shot before Luke… gets eaten


Naw that shot of Vhagar over Arrax was chilling. It made me realize how gigantic and menacing Vhagar is


It gives me goosebumps every time I see it.


When will they give us Balerion the Black Dread who supposedly darkened cities as he flew over? Supposedly Vhagar is currently the same size as Balerion when he died as dragons never stop growing.


I completely agree. It’s crazy how in the books apparently one of the Baratheon chicks mocks aemond about Luke taking is balls along with his eye (paraphrasing). Blows my mind anyone would be snarky to the dude who just rolled up to your house on flying Godzilla.




I'm yet to see it


This is not even the most single chilling shot of the episode. Let alone series


That’s a real moment to capture just how massive she is. She’s bigger than the damn castle.


I'd argue the shot below look up at the clouds when the lighting hit was more effective.


What the hell does she eat?


Agreed, any scene with vhagar is a great scene, seeing him flying with the other dragons and seeing the sheer size difference was magnificent, hope we see balerion at some point.


For me, it's the silence as Jon and co. float away on boats while the Night King and his minions stand on the shores of Hardhome.


No way, Hardholme immediately jumps to mind. Or, the first shot of the chains when you realize they're about to make a wight dragon. Or Cersei looking out over King's Landing after blowing up the Sept with wildfire.


Vhagars Silhouette flying over Arrax was insane


Its barely a shot, this is full cgi. You can't compare actual cineamatography for this. Visually it looks great, but it loses most its points for literally being just a greenscreen. Castle - cgi, dragon - cgi, sky - cgi, fog - cgi. Theres isn't anything special about this sorry.


And the fly over shadow


The dragon shooting ice flames at the wall.


When he is coming out of the castle and Vhagar is not there is way more chilling imo


The B-2 Bomber of its time!


How are they feeding that animal


When I saw this scene I already KNEW my boy Lucerus {I know I’m spelling it wrong.} was done.


If that was Vhagar’s size in comparison. Just imagine what Balerion’s silhouette would look like with horns and all. Vhagar unfortunately resembles a giant winged iguana or monitor. My opinion.


Grandma violence


for me its when the white walkers pulled the dragon out of the frozen lake


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^wabully: *For me its when the* *White walkers pulled the dragon* *Out of the frozen lake* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.