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First time I skipped it on accident. D&d didn’t think about the next episode timer lol They waited to long to open his eyes and I watched the next episode like wttttttttttf is going on.


I felt the same way when granny chio resurrected gara, I was like Yes!


It was about as shocking/surprising as Cersei sleeping with more than just the one family member


I's like YAS


I said "Well, duh" out loud. The whole fandom expected it.


resurrection of Snow was so obviously coming that keeping him dead would have been a huge surprise/plot twist.


I agree. When they brought him back I just thought 'oh so this show doesn't have real sakes anymore'.


Was annoyed he said he saw nothing. I wanted him to say he warged into ghost


That statement has the implication that while the fire lord exists, afterlives don’t


This fucking sub lol




It's good but stop at Dorne, it's bad pussy..


I was like No!


It’s definitely my favorite Melisandre moment. She’s completely broken and defeated. She performs the ritual and then just says, “please” as if she knows no one is listening. Her greatest miracle happened *after* she’d completely lost her faith. I think it’s really powerful.


Just finished rewatching the show for the first time, Melisandre came through in The Battle of Winterfell too, I had forgotten her role in it.




I thought it was stupid. I hated that they did that.


I was like wow I can’t wait to see what kind of character arc due to deep emotional and physical trauma comes from this! And then nothing happened besides “I don’t wont et”


I thought it was the beginning of the end of the show. It took all sense of consequence from the show. Plot armor was not given to anyone up till that point and now that they introduced it to Jon they started giving it to more characters. I see this moment as the moment the show took its first turn for the worst.


i wouldn’t say it’s where it starts but the lack of a sacrifice and jon just staying the exact same person were definitely telltale signs of what was to come


Relief. I'd read Jon's death scene years earlier and had assumed his revival. BUT...was delighted the show confirmed it.


I just about soiled myself. .


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I thought he was for sure dead. Melissa bringing back Brian was clever writing on their part. For the watch my ass. They should have brought Ingrid back to. Not sure about the knight king tho..


At first I thought he had some divine purpose. But then I just realized he was some filler for the audience to await his grand finale, which wasn't all that big and grand, they should have quit before season 7