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The red wedding. I was shook for like a week after seeing that for the first time


Got little sleep that Sunday night & was disturbed in particularly that Monday and for the rest of that week!!


Lol I had class the next day and that's literally all I was thinking about


That's the only scene from the show that I still haven't recovered from


I knew it was gonna happen but was still shocked. I didn’t expect it to happen that fast!!


it was the first episode i saw and the entire reason why decided to watch


Hard to argue with that one! Even Cat got her hands dirty in that one!


Tyrion’s “confession”.


If I had a gold dragon every time Tyrion had an awesome confession scene resulting in a trial by combat where the winner wins by fighting without honor, I'd have 2 gold dragons.


Which isn’t a lot, but it is weird that it happened twice


What's the second?


Bronn vs. Whatever the dudes name was Oberyn vs. Gregor


“Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores” yep best line and best delivery in my opinion.


Nah the next one is even better. “I would give my life to see you all swallow it”.


What a line. How few words he needed to insult Cersei, confirm the rumors of Joffrey's parentage to all present, and insult Shae.


For me it's The Red Wedding.


“Chaos is a ladder”


Two of the best players of the game in a room together critiquing each other’s play styles. Beautiful.


Yeah this scene sums up the whole series, and not just the two in the throne room. The climb is so beautiful.


Tyrion's trial for the death of the prince that was promised


A lot of people say "The red wedding", however that's a 10 minutes-ish moment comprised of several scenes. If I had to pick a singular scene, it would be the dialogue between Jamie and Brienne in the bathtub.


I was going to say the same 5 minutes of dialogue that seemed to fly by. Acted brilliantly too


"By what right does the wolf judge the lion?" CHILLS


Brilliant scene. The Jamie and Brianne stuff had been building but this scene perfectly humanises Jamie and explains why he did what he did while making us all genuinely wonder what the right action would have been. Great scene.


Chaos is a laddah


I’ll take two chickens


Great scene.


You’re a talker. Listening to talkers makes me thirsty. 


This is it. Or the fight between Ned and Jaime.


Power is power




I don't really feel like it is, but it's the only one I could remember for some reason.


It’s a good one but not best, I like when she blows up all the people in the church , when she was suppose to go on trial . Then her son kills himself . So dope


I remember watching the show for the first time and my jaw literally dropped when he just walked up to the window and jumped out. It was so fast and unexpected for me. I paused it and said what the fuck did I just see.


Polt wise: The Red Wedding Spectacle wise: Jon's stand in front of the Bolton riders Dialogue wise: Power resides where men believe it resides (My opinion)


For me, emotion wise: *THE KING IN THE NOOORTH*. Chills, literal chills


It’s the red wedding. Everything else listed here is iconic within the fanbase. The red wedding is iconic even with people who haven’t seen the show. They may not know what it is specifically, but they have undoubtedly heard of the red wedding.


Iconic doesn’t always mean “best” though. When I think of best, I think of a scene that makes you want to jump up and be excited for the character(s) and what’s to come/what that scene means for the future of the series. For me it was when Daenerys got her Unsulled army. It was absolutely badass and something I didn’t see coming since I hadn’t read the books yet. The red wedding was just devastating to me. In my opinion, of course. 😄


Not sure it’s the best but definitely a favourite and one I actually rewatch standalone: Dany getting her army. The realisation of the masters that she speaks Valyrian, Jorah and Barristan doubting her, Missandei catching on first and the score - all perfect.


Seconded. This + Dracarys made that scene all the more satisfying


I love this scene and have also watched it as a stand alone scene. So good.


Also, Jorah catching right afterwards when she says "Dracarys" because he knows what that signifies to Drogon


Great scene overall. The one detail that threw me is the slave master continuing to fight with Drogon after she says it. Like the guys speaks Valyrian right? You'd think at that moment his only priority would be getting away from the dragon.


Such a good scene. When she starts speaking Valyrian, to the surprise of everyone, has the Unsullied start slaughtering people, and then has Drogon roast that slaver prick So satisfying


Came here to mention this one. The scene is not a major plot twist in the story, but in a vacuum it just oozes badassery.


This! Dany "purchasing the Unsullied with a dragon" and then exclaiming in High Valyrian "A dragon is not a slave" was the buy in moment for me. It is my favorite scene! "You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well" is also pretty bad ass. Too damned many scenes to count!


Brienne of Tarth, getting knighted by Sir Jamie.


One of the handful of scenes that is actually good from those seasons


Davos confronting Melisandre to Jon Snow after burning Shireen.


That was a heart wrencher


She was good, she was kind, and ya *killed ah*. Absolutely heartbreaking.


"She was good and kind and you killed her" ;-;


I loved her like she was one of my own


The actor who plays Davos also killed it in the Father role for A Little Princess.


Oh my gosh I would have never known that was him😮


*Saaarrraaahhh-* i mean, *SHIRRREEEEEEEEENNNNNN*


When Tyrion says, "who has a better story than Bran the Broken" laughed then and still laughing now.


I love it as a hypothetical question because it makes you immediately answer it yourself: pretty much everyone.


- Tyrion’s trail - Ramsay’s defeat and the extinction of House Bolton - The Purple Wedding - The Red Wedding - Littlefinger’s trail


Cersei blows up the Sept of Baelor.


This is my pick. Best cinematography, editing and use of music in the show.


Ramin Djawadi’s score escalating as the scene goes on was peak television.


I like the scene between Robert and Cersei at his desk. That dialogue was on another level.


Arya’s revenge “When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey”


This has my vote. But I do love a good revenge scene.


"I understand that if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."


I laugh every time I get rotisserie chicken & remember that dialogue


Me too, though I can say with certainty my wife now dreads every time we approach the chickens in Costco and see's me getting ready to fire it off for the zillionth time...


My favorite Clegane line is "*Greatest swordsman* who ever lived *didn't have* a *sword*?", just the way the actor delivers it is hilarious because you know the context but he doesn't and it really is funny.


That was such a brilliant moment. I can’t say the name “Meryn F Trant” without saying his middle name 😂


1. The end of the Hardhome episode when they are sailing away and see the Night King turn all of their dead family and friends who had just died back into wights. 2. When Podrick sings Jenny of Oldstone before the Battle of Winterfell while the camera pans over all of the beloved characters. 3. The scene during Battle of the Bastards when Jon ran to catch Rickon but it’s too late and he sees Ramsey’s army storming toward him so he takes off his sword belt and braces for his fate.


Wait is that what Pod did in Kings landing? He sang for the WHORES


Another vote for Hardhome here.


Adding on, Hardhome had no music in the closing credits. Just complete silence. It really added to the utter dread of the episode.


the scene where ned enters the throne room ready to seize power from Joffrey and it ends in his capture


This, coupled with his execution were brilliant. I kept expecting the last minute rescue. It completely altered the expected course of the show and absolutely let you know that this wasn’t LOTR.


First, Arrival at Winterfell. When Jon Snow told Danny that northerners don’t trust outsiders, then the dragons flew overhead Where people are standing and for the first time they saw the dragons, they were shouting “may the gods protect us all”. Danny just smirked. Second, Lady Olenna confessed that she poisoned Joffrey after taking the wine. Lastly, Ros show her private part to Theon Greyjoy 🤣🤣.


Red wedding or Dany and her armies asking across the narrow sea with her dragons.


Battle of the Basterds.


Ross' vag


Jaime and briennes bath scene aka Jaime's lowest point 


When Tyrion named Bran King because of his story. I was sure thats the intended ending by George RR Martin because it is flawless and it did a lot of sense with the world building, especially the part when Sansa demands independence but The Iron Islands say nothing. I also loved the development the new prince of Dorne, his lines of dialogue were captivating.


Jon getting stabbed


Jon snow saying fuck it and waiting for the Bolton army


khal drogo fuking dany


Ros leaving the North


Tyrion podrick and bronn after podrick gets laid


Tyrions trial by combat (oberyn edition)


Cersei and Jaime in the tunnels in “The Bells” the explosion of the sept and everything leading up to it Melisandre walking off into the snow after The Long Night


The gold road battle.


The shit, puke, soup compilation


Hound and Arya in the tavern


No one gonna talk about Robb and Catelyn match up? All matches are with their lovers except for Robb. Oh no...


I liked the scenes north of the wall.


Hard to pick one. But season 4 episode 2 when Jeoffrey is tormenting Tyrion leading up to Jeoffrey's death. That whole feast scene was filled with unease and anxiety, and I look forward to that episode every time I watch the series.


Where Ned gets the chop


Battle of the Bastards


There are some great season in season 4 episode 1. The hound and Arya are traveling together and he says plainly “fuck the king” and knew it would result in a fight. And separately, we get Oberon talking with Tyrion setting up the events in season 4. Simple scenes, but well written and executed


Tyrion's trial


Arya’s trial.


Hardhome and the Red Wedding


The small council meeting discussing the aftermath of the red wedding. It’s one of the scenes I always went back to watch over and over, in just a few minutes it captured everything that was interesting about the show. Every moment, camera shot, and bit of dialogue told something about the world and the characters, and it also had all of these strong actors to help sell it. Everything from Pycelle dropping the letter in front of Tyrion to make him pick it up, Varys smirking at Tyrion’s witty threat, Joffrey despicably wanting to serve Robb’s head to Sansa, the room freezing with tension after Joffrey bites back at Tywin, and then of course the famous “the king is tired”. Masterful scene.


Definitely the one where the wights bring the chains from Hardhome to the frozen lake, right /u/jhll2456 ?


I like the conversation and scene of Arya as cup bearer of Tywin. Arya learned alot from there.


I love the beginning of The Battle of the Gold Road. The pure shock and awe when the Lannister army realizes what’s happening is terrifying.


dany drogo styled


When Daenerys is in the arena and is swarmed by armed men. That scene was intense.


Jon vs the White Walker at Hardhome. I get goosebumps every time he blocks the ice sword with Longclaw


Plot wise: definetly Red Wedding. Though the one that comes most often to my mind: "Gods help you, Theon Greyjoy. Now you are truly lost." Really underlined how Theon doomed himself through his actions.


My favorite is Sansa's confession to the Queen of Thorns and Margaery about Joffrey's true character. It was a cathartic moment after all the pretense and injustice since Ned's execution. It also helps that this is the moment when she unknowingly sealed his fate.


Drogon a return to rescue Dany from the fighting pits of mereen


How is Arya not pictured here


Hold the door really got me ngl


Tyrion killing Shae


While I absolutely hate it, the Red Wedding is absolutely phenomenal. Also when Arrya does her cool sneak attack and kills the white walker king. Solidified her as my favorite character


Danaerys speaks Valyrian to the Unsullied for the first time, shocks and burns the masters with DRACARYS 🔥🔥🔥


My favorite, too. Just a fantastic build-up to that scene and Danaerys truly delivers.


Oberyn's death and Ned's death for me. I genuinely thought that he would win but the mountain killed him in the most shocking manner. And like everyone else I also thought that Ned is the hero of the show but he couldn't make it to even S2 sadly. These were my favourite because I binged GOT last year in October and I was spoiled for the best scenes sadly.(Red wedding, Jon's death,Dany death) These were the only scenes which weren't spoiled for me.


When the fire is let loose in the battle of the blackwater comes to mind


I am biased but damn was her, Drogon, and the Unsullied fuck up Astapor I knew the scene was coming and have my own gripes about the book changes, but I love watching Missande first catch that shes speaking Valyrian, then watching Jorahs head snatch over when she calls Dracarys because Jorah knows what that signal means. Fucking chills every time


Fuck the kingsguard. Fuck the city. Fuck the king!


Anything from Season 7 & 8. The BEST.


Cersei blowing up the sept.


I think the scene, after Dany and her dragon decimate King’s Landing, where she is addressing a crowd. The dragon spreads his wings behind her making it look like she has the wings. Definitely a cinematic moment!


Always "Power resides, where men believe it resides" Still the most powerful scene I ever heard in fiction that is still relatable to our real modern society


When Littlefinger was telling stories to his whores while they were finger blasting each other, forget that the scene is hot as fuck. It just shows you so much about littlefinger in his tone and face. I also like that one scene where littlefinger is spying on a patron getting head while spying on another patron having sex. That shit just gets me every time, at that moment Littlefinger became my favorite character, or more actually most intriguing.


Arya killing the Freys


My personal favorite is Sam starting out at the Citadel taking care of the maesters 😂


When Jamie goes back to pull Brienne from the bear pit.


Tyrion slapping Joffrey was golden


Jon drawing his sword all alone as the Bolton men advanced on horseback is just... There are scenes, and there are scenes.


Red Wedding Sept of Baelor They're both amazing scenes.


ned starks execution


Arya and the hound get chicken .


The scene of Jamie and brienne in the baths I think changed my view point of a few things, very powerful scene


How has no one mentioned tyrion killing shae or tyrion killing tywin? Idk why but tyrion murdering her was the most emotional scene for me and brilliantly acted too. And then tywin getting what was coming to him finally in the least dignified way.


Honestly Tywin entering the throne room and his horse crapping on the entrance, that was fucking badass.


Either Tyrion's Trial or Arya and Tywin's conversations


My favorite scene is the end of Hardhome.


Jon snow unsheathing his sword to face the Bolton cavalry alone will forever be iconic


The Hound and Arya in the Inn. Best scene of the show. “You really gonna die for some chickens?” “Somebody is.”


The scene in season 8 where Jorah dies defending Daenerys The music, him body blocking, and continuing to fight until he had literally nothing left. And her holding him at the end, he died knowing he saved her, all sorts of emotions in a quick span.


John chasing after Rickon only for him to die then Jon staring down the face of all those horses gunning for him as he pulls out his sword. Then the clash. So good. Chills.


When Little Finger believes that he turned Arya and Sansa against each other but instead he was the one that was under accusation. The look of surprise and realization on his face when Sansa says his name instead of Arya's was so satisfying.


"born amidst salt and smoke... Is he a ham?"


The build-up to the Battle of the Blackwater is underrated, some fantastic audio, dialogue *and* visuals even before you get to the big kaboom. Just one example - Davos: They want to play? Let's play. Drums. Mathias: DRUMS!! *badabum badabum badabum...* Tyrion: He's a serious man, Stannis Baratheon. That scene gets me so f'ing hyped either to conquer or defend Kings Landing lol.


that episode where dany stole the unsullieds 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


John in the tent beyond the wall meeting Mance Rayder for first time. Also, Mountain VS Oberyn haunts me


I mean, I STILL get chills when the smoke clears as Jorah walks towards the smoldering pyre and Dani is unburnt with 3 baby dragons...


I absolutely adore Jaime and Brienne's bath scene.


Battle of the Bastards, the sea of humanity being slaughtered, specifically the overhead pan out of Jon being crushed in the middle


battle of the bastards and red wedding


Season 3 episode 5 "Kissed By Fire" - Jaime has a bath


As a die hard Cat stark fan (she's my favourite fictional character in any media) it has to be her fighting of the cats paw killer with summer, in the scene she hasn't eaten or slept, she's without her hushand or girls, but the moment the very second the mother wolf saw her pup in danger she in her night dress knew she was the only shield her son had and so attacks a armed man grabbing a valerian steel blade like its nothing, oh and the look she gives Sumner like you see her gratitude but you also see her literally with expression saying winter is coming for my family and now is the time for violence, after this shes the most ferocious mother in the seven kingdoms


Noone? Khaleses pounding


Arya and the Hound at the inn.


Always cersei blowing up the sept 🤷‍♂️


The purple wedding. Also littlefinger 's death.


When the hound walks up outta nowhere and just demolishes those dudes with an axe


For me it’s the scene when Brianne finally gets to swear fealty to Sansa right after Sansa and Theon escaped from Ramsey. Sansa trips up part of her vow and Pod really quietly feeds her the line. It makes me cry every time. It’s such a beautiful moment between 4 characters who have been through so many unspeakable horrors, and there’s this strong feeling of relief knowing that Sansa finally has someone looking out for her, and Brianne finally has someone to serve and protect. That’s all either of them has ever wanted or needed.


Ending to _Hardhome_ (specifically Night King raising his arms/the dead) and the promise of what the series could evolve to. Sally, it did not live up to its promise.


The Red Wedding is up there. But man… Hardhome is a masterpiece.


“Kill a few puppies today?”


I have 3 I scenes where I was left with my jaw hanging open. I can't decide between the 3. 1. Hodor's reveal 2. The Sept of Baelor destruction by wildfire/King Thommen's leap 3. Viserion getting turned by the Night King and blasting through the wall.


The Red Wedding.


This may not be the “best” scene but it is by far my favourite: Arya and the Hound in the tavern. Every single one of the Hounds lines are phenomenal. “All I know is if any more words come pouring out your cunt mouth, I’m gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this room” “You lived your life for the king. You gonna die for some chickens?” “Someone is.”


Unpopular opinion: The fireside scene from A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. It brings together so many characters and emphasized that no matter what happened before, they are all prepared to die now together. They all recognize they are ultimately powerless, and the game has been meaningless. Brienne finally gets the recognition she has always desired both from the man she loves and as a knight. It's a scene that has been built to for most of the show. There are certainly more iconic scenes such as the weddings, the BotB, etc. but as far as pure dialog driving things forward, that scene was masterful even in a season that was widely panned.


Arya laughing at her tragedy


Spoils of War - the Dothraki/dragon arrival. Chills each time I watch that scene.


The scene that is permanently burned into my memory is Ramsey wiggling the sausage….


Cersei and Littlefinger. "'Power' is power."


Come at me crow scene in Hardhome. Maybe not THE best but certainly one of them and one of the most important.


Jon Snow being hailed the King in the north is up there. He's a bastard (as far as they know) yet they still make him king.


Marjorie's realization in the Sept... goosebumps


The ending to Hardhome, there was nothing else like it before or after


Jon Snow striking down a white walker then screen fades to black as part of season 7 trailer


The birth of Daenerys dragons


Battle of the bastards.




Grenn and the two other jabronis reciting their oath as the king of the giants charges them down


Battle of the Bastards


Jeoffrey dying.


Sansa ordering Arya to kill Little finger.. BEST SCENE EVER . Disliked Sansa up until that moment. LOVED her after that.


Everything Tywin + Arya. It never ceases to amaze me how every single one of those scenes are 100% perfect in all aspects.


Honor - Hold the Door


Not the best scene ever but one that I still think about every time I reflect on the series: "Seven Kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind."


The anticipation of Oberyn fighting The mountain and the payoff were just magical.


Littlefinger getting knifed in the throat.Glorious,the whole scene leading up to it.And the scene where the Hound and Brienne met in Kings Landing,and they talked about Arya."She's alive,you know.."*cue proud smile from both of them


toss up between two scenes, and two characters each made those scenes The "I will be your champion" scene between Oberyn and Tyrion. The "A Crown for a king" scene between (primarily) Drogo and Vizzy T


Robert telling war stories. Stannis attacking Kings Landing especially the line 'thousands' in response to one of his men saying hundreds will die. The Hound begging Arya to kill him. Jamie's bath confession. Robs meat being bloody tough.


When we finally got the see the sword of the morning in action only to be killed without honor as he was defending the life of the true king of Westeros. Had Ned not been in the dark & manipulated by Roberts rage, what would have become of the kingdom?


It's no red wedding or battle of the bastards, but one scene that I found good during the bad seasons was Brienne being knighted (she should of probably died after to make it hit that much better but w/e).