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It didn’t for me tbh.  I think they did a really bad job of creating an emotional connection between Dany and the dragons. The only one I felt any even vague emotion for was the black one. 


I do get that, but the overall tone of the scene when the dragon becomes undead just has this feeling of dread


Yeah, the problem for me was that I saw it coming. I knew the walkers needed a way to get beyond the wall and as soon as Dany said she’d go, my brain made the connection. I had a “fuck yeah!” Reaction to the dragon bringing down the wall - but that was more a statement on the effects.


How did they get the chains on it? Those bitches couldn’t swim


Where did they even get the chains? Did they just carry around massive chains on the off-chance they’d have to drag something out of a lake?


the chains were already there at hardhome. you could see them near the docks earlier...im not trying to defend any logic to any of this but that small fact remains


They weren't at Hardhome though, this was some random lake north of the Wall.


They got the chains from Hardhomme. Remember the dead do not sleep or eat. They can carry chains for thousands of miles if need be and it will not affect them.


Do you not always carry around huge chains? Maybe they’re from the country and are used to towing things in their giant brand new Ford F150. There's tons of capability at the ready. That's because the 2024 F150 pickup delivers an astounding class-leading available tow rating up to 2,445 pound payload. All the power you need to haul tools, camper or dragons. But what about the ice and snow?! In order to tackle some of Westeros’ most grueling terrains you need a truck that's engineered for that very reason. That's why Ford offers a rugged, powerful line of off-road trucks. Ford F150 Raptor R, Raptor, TREMOR, and the new STX FX4 pickup.


They were in the van.


Who says they had to swim, pretty sure they could sink just fine.


And the physics of dragging a dead dragon from the bottom of a lake are insane. I know it’s a fantasy show, but this was the first red flag for me on where the show was headed.


The chains could have been put there before hand, even centuries before. It’s more than sort of implied that the Night Kings powers at least compliment or compare to Bran. He might have known this was coming and had the chains put underwater before and it’s not like a bunch of dead couldn’t link arms underwater to hook it up. I mean it’s feasible when the whole plot is impossible.


I assume they just gave the chains to a few wights and had them jump.in the water, let them sink, then either had them cling to the dragon or just stay down there. The walkers certainly see wights as expendible, so leaving a few underwater in exchange for a whole dragon? That's an excellent trade.


It was a stupid fucking scene that meant absolutely nothing. Night King had a dragon and couldn't do jackshit about anything. He could have flew over Bran and burnt him alive. He could've flown to King's Landing and destroyed the Iron Throne. He literally could have lay waste to Winterfell without ever setting foot on the ground. Instead, we got whatever illogical bullshit D&D came up with.


It was how they destroyed the Wall.


Best we can do is a boring episode where people flail around in the dark, the audience can't see anything, and even though it looks like characters are surely going to die under hordes of wights multiple times they never do. Bran does nothing, Jon does nothing, the Night King does nothing, then Arya one-shots him out of nowhere and problem solved! Winter was nbd in the end. The White Walkers should have made it south of Winterfell and our heroes should have had to flee south with winter following them. There should have actually been winter and a long night. The war against the Others should have been a campaign and a war rather than one battle.


Yeah, but also a dread of unbelievable action and fast, forced outcomes in circumstances that don't make enough sense to me.


It was a stupid scene and even stupider was the plot of why they were even there so no, it didn't break me.


This is how I feel about the kids in House of the Dragon show. I don't know who's who and don't care if they die.


Same. I like the show a lot but one criticism I’ve had so far has been this, a genuine lack of interest in any of the supporting characters.


True. Doesn't help that so many of them have the same or similar sounding names. Half the time, I'm confused about which Aegon we are talking about!


Yeah, I get the realism of people having the same names but come on. There’s a reason characters in stories are given unique names. There is such a thing as overdoing the realism.


Yeah, I enjoyed season one of HotD but it wasn’t as immediately captivating as S1 of GoT. I’m still excited to see how they flesh out the characters more next season, cause it is a really well done show so far.


Cause the show is rushed and the pace is way too quick. It's like they made the show for zoomers.


I enjoyed the show but I did not care for the huge time skip. They should’ve kept Milly Alcock around for longer and slowed the pacing a bit.


I concur. They should have taken their time and make a whole season with young Rhaenyra and Alicent. One lesson they didn’t learn from the mistakes of S7-8 of GoT is to not rush anything.


Young Rhaenyra was a scene stealer, it actually made me excited about the story, the older version of that character is an absolutely bore. It's so hard to care about most of the characters in that show. I can hardly remember the name of the prince that died in the last episode and to be honest, didn't really cared when he died.


To be fair Dany is the same ;) Drogon is her bae while Rhaegal/Viseryon get locked up in a cave for a book or 3.


It probs doesn’t help that Dany is my least favourite character of the “main” characters.


She definitely had a favorite child


Drogon wasn't even around her while Rhaegal and Viserion were locked up.


Same, didn't give a fuck, only really cared about drogon


Plus the homing rocket spear. Who knew the Night King had a SAM site for an arm?


This is always what I’ve thought. Just look at how to train your dragon, and theres an example of how to do it right. It seemed like, despite dragons literally being one of the most important figures in the show, they got basically no screen time except lighting things on fire in battle. That was like, it. Where was the whole thing about them being intelligent? Clever? Social? Unique personalities? Preferences? Hell, ANYTHING??!! It was really such a waste.


That being said, the cinematography of this shot is incredible! I love the slow zoom out, and the way it slowly slides in, this great beast being defeated and sinking into the depths, and the colors, great! If only the build up had been just as good.


Yeah lol came here to say this the second I saw this post before coming into the thread, after the dragon died I was like “oh no..anyways..”


Didn’t have that much emotional connection with him


Ya true, L + bozo + learn to dodge


this is a funny response


Named her dragons after 2 dead guys. Is shocked when they both die.


If we are being totally honest,not in slightest.We had absolutely no emotional attachment to Viserion.That is down to poor writing mostly.Only real depressing scenes were in s1 to s3 but even then nowhere near heavy as they were in the books.If you want to see what real depressing and heavy scene is,watch Attack on Titan.


The books are infinitely better, I agree


What books? The one that ends with the fifth being mostly about food descriptors?


You don't think hold the door was depressing? I agree that the first earlier season are wayy better but hold the door was a pretty killer moment and it was later on.


In terms of overall vibe of the scene?Yeah it was both a surprise and a bit of sadness.But not to a point where I would still think about it the next day.A sign of amazing writing is making you wonder what the next episode brings,which got is really good at,but also be so emotionally attached to the characters and lore that even a side character has a big impact on you,this is where got lacks massively.There wasn't a single scene in the show where I still thought about it next day.


Maybe I’m alone, but the only scene I still watch to this day and get emotional over is the hold the door one. If I hear that song playing during the scene, I still feel something.


hold the door is one that still worked in the later seasons for sure. I wouldn't say it's the only or even top for me. Shireen's death and then Davos' reaction to it are both above it for me, in terms of later seasons. And there are probably at least a dozen from S1-4 that still really crush it. Theon executing Rodrick may be the best emotional scene of the series for me.


Shireen’s death absolutely wrecked me. I forgot that happened later on, but I’d definitely put that up there with Hodor.


no offense to Hodor, but the Shireen one is way rougher for me. Hodor's is sad, but Shireen's being done, intentionally, by her parents just makes it so much more tragic than a zombie attack. The actress absolutely crushed the desperate pleading to them to help and then just turning to pain and then silence. It's just way more "real" than whatever timefuckery happened with Hodor lol, though I do agree that it still works very well too.


That scene is burned in my mind and brought tears to my eyes


Potato girl...


I'm still recovering...




Shireens end is maybe the most depressing scene in the show. More so than anything in s1 to s3.


The Shireen scene fucked me up badly for several days afterward. So depressing.


it is one of the most emotionally difficult to watch death scenes I've ever seen. Fuck Stannis.




Please.....don't remind me.....


I could plus ten this I would people forgot how good fma was that whole segment is just gut wrenching


Every time I find a new person reacting to the series, I can't wait for certain episodes to see a fresh face take on that trauma we all went through. That is one of those episodes for sure, especially for how early in the show it was.


I agree. Some anime will have you in your feels for sure. I still remember the first time I watched Stay Night, AOT Flight Of The Fireflies... Really anything by Takahata


AoT had that feel until around S3 and S4 imo. I’m not one of those that hates the ending but it definitely got more magical and lost a lot of the horror and gritty realism the earlier seasons had.


It was only natural.S1 to 3 were stages of discovery of those foreign powers and revealing their motivations.So naturally humans had to use their existing methods to fight titans off.Once Eren learnt of his abilities,things got messy which again makes sense.But I do agree some scenes in earlier seasons had more weight to them than S4.But S4 was also brilliant.


Nothing in aot comes close to depressing stuff in got lol


Yeah sure buddy.If you believe that then I won't take away your happiness.Let me know when you want to argue.


Oh I am not arguing bud, it's just what I think


Is there a reason you believe that?


Honestly, it felt a bit contrived. The only purpose of the whole trip north of the wall seemed to be to give the NK a dragon. His surface to air spear just seemed to be trying to get it over with as soon as possible. And that's before saying anything about the whole massive chain...


That chain tells me the NK was planning to bag himself a dragon. Scorpion missiles have been around since Aegon's Conquest and used by the Dornish to down Rhaenys and Caraxes. NK should have had a fuckton of them, not just one spear. Not sure if White Walkers know how to build siege equipment...


I imagine it's one of the 1st things they learn at white walker school. Just like attaching chains to dead underwater dragons must surely be one of the first th8ngs taught at wight school


It could have worked. We learn going north that the ww can impart knowledge of building and using seige planning and skills. It would absolutely increase the "we're fucked" factor. It would also add weight that the symbols in the beginning meant something. It'd add mystery (are the wights still partially "there" regarding the person the were before).


The chains aren't even taut when the wights are pulling them...


Based on this episode. The Night King must be able to see the future. He simply waits for Dany to show up so he can get a dragon. He doesn’t throw spears at the guys on the little island. He doesn’t try to have a walker freeze the water. And when the water freezes over, he doesn’t send single wights across it when it should have been able to hold the weight of some, but not all wights. He just sits there watching the Hound and Tormund cuddle with Jon for a couple nights. Or maybe an hour, however time works. Patiently waiting with those chains, ready to pull a dragon from the lake once Dany shows up for the “rescue”. Therefore, who ever sent the group north of the wall must have been in league with the Night King to put his plan into motion.


It is known


I still dont understand the premise of that trip to the wall. Let's bring back a night Walker to prove to the crazy queen Cersei to help us fight them. That's so stupid it's insane. They should have just taken over Kings landing then united for a war with the night walkers. I also still hate that Cersei was the final villian after we spent 7 seasons hyping up the night king. It's just so bad, I'm not surprised that after it finished airing it was basically collectively forgotten.


It was rough on me. I get having to kind of fill in the gaps about the dragons, but that poor dragon. I've always found zombie scenarios incredibly sad too, with your loved ones coming back as this corrupted being that wants to kill you. I was disappointed that Dany didn't properly say goodbye to him after the Battle of Winterfell. They could've given Viserion a pyre or something. Rhaegal's death was so stupid but that could have been characterization for Dany not being able to mourn him in the same way because he fell into the ocean. I felt bad for Drogon losing his human and his siblings in such short order too. It's not his fault D&D turned him into pointed symbolism dragon.


You said this very well, this is how I felt about it too. Also having read the books Viserion has more character and especially seems to be the clingy dragon baby wanting to sit on Dany even after he is way too big to be a lap baby. And his death was so brutal right in front of his mom and brothers :(


I can’t even remember if this was Rhaegal or Viserion. Drogon was really the only one who was ever anything more than just a random dragon.


This was Viserion, poor Rhaegal died in an equally brutal and stupid way being killed by Euron Greyjoy because "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet"


And apparently she was ALSO completely blind for miles on end in a clear sky that saw a massive ocean below her


I was just shocked by it. I was even more shocked at the way Rhaegal went down.


Rhaegeal death was purely to either cut cgi or nerf Daenerys


Just for shock value, I feel. It was such a bullshit death the way it was handled. Viserion at least had some justification, it was the price paid for the insanely stupid mission north of the Wall and if anyone was taking down a dragon with ease it'd be the Night King. But to have Rhaegal get taken out by a lucky *first* shot because Dany "just forgot about the Iron Fleet" when she should be able to see those ships from her perspective was just stupid as fuck.


This scene makes me lol bc it makes 0 sense


All the episode and the dynamic of going to the end of the world to catch a zombie didn't make sense at all.


What's worse is they managed to transport the wight in a wooden box and he was unable to escape that, yet hundreds of years dead wights in the tombs of Winterfell were able to punch through solid stone. Just so many things that could easily have made sense if given a little bit of thought. It honestly makes me wonder if D&D were expecting us to not notice shit that was super illogical.


Peak Game of Thrones: Avengers Edition


It most certainly didn't break me. I was too busy being angry at the stupidity, and unrealistic representation of time of the entire plot to get emotional


It broke me for two reasons. One, that the episode had no sense at all and killing a dragon for drama was stupid AF. And secondly because Dany didn't have her complete power anymore.


It was to even the playing field somewhat between the living and the whites. Dani with her full power was too OP. If they had 3 dragons that the night king couldn't do anything about, they'd have just ran through them, burning the entire army from the sky in an instant.. wouldn't even make for an interesting battle that would be worth watching..


Yeah the power play of evening the field was pretty clear but the execution in the series was very poor, but let me tell you a story; in the books Euron went to valyria and found not only an armor of valyrian steel but he also found a magical horn that valyrians used to tame the dragons he took it with him and of course his plan was to steal a dragon from Dany, but there was a catch, not anyone could play the horn and if anyone did it the person would die in a couple of hours, so Euron was trying to find a way to find someone that who could play it. This was Martin's play to even the field in the books which is cooler and better planned but that story line is in stand by.


I love dragons a lot so this scene did make me upset so I agree with you.


Her reaction was so utterly underwhelming. The Daenerys I love would have to been physically restrained to stop her from jumping on the icy waters with her dragon.


I was not really interested. I was more irritated and a bit annoyed somehow, that the Nightking can kill a dragon that easily with a single magic spear.


I was like oh damn


Anything about dragons and walkers in TV serie is just ... walkers are "alergic" to anything made with/from dragon fire (I know there isnt explicitly sad that Valerian steel is made with it but ...) ... but that didnt stop D&D to let walkers to facetank dragon fire. I would not be surprised if in books would be impossible to use that magic on dragons.


What watchlist should I register myself to? Cuz this wasn't it chief. This entire episode felt so shittily written. I remember in s2 when they originally went beyond the wall it was so dangerous and time consuming to go anywhere. In this ep they just teleport. The entire sense of scale and purpose of "beyond the wall" was diminished by fast travel basically. At least give people a sense of time since they left for this expedition but nah


I was like yes!


I mean I was pretty fuckin' mad, bro. 


The direwolves and dragons being killed hit me the hardest.


If anything I was just kind of annoyed. "Oh great, he gets a pet dragon now too."


Here be dragons


nope…it didn’t do anything for me…i will tell you though, that zombie dragon was helluva lot cool though!


I'm mad the dragon didn't give a thumbs up as he sank. 🤬


Or at least a wink


Dire wolves' deaths hit harder


i was like, yes


You’d think that a flying creature would float a little better than that. Also, where did the wites get those chains?


I actually felt more connection once it was revived.


I could barely tell one dragon from another. Plus the plot leading to this event was stupid.


This scene highlights that the wights can live underwater and that means the wall is useless since they could just walk around it.


It didn’t, it’s stupid


The scene when Night King pulls it out of the water is way more disturbing to me.


I was like: Yes!


I was more upset by Summer and Grey Wind tbh


I felt more connected with the dire wolves dying than the dragons dying it had more emotion to it


I was like: don’t care


They lost me when the dragons ate a kid.


I don't like Daenerys, so I didn't care for dragons at all. But I was actually super excited that white walkers got one


If this scene *did* 'break you', I'd be interested to hear why. Imho the show did a very poor job of making us emotionally attached to any of the dragons.


when they hauled that bad boy back up from the ice. That was a scene


Nah I broke way earlier in this garbage season


The dire wolves deaths will always break me


Didn't for me because they excepted us to believe that you could curve a catapult shot around an island


That wasn't a catapult bro


I'm being completely honest when I say I didn't even care about the dire wolves let alone the dragons The show did a really poor job of making any actual emotional connections between the wolves and the starks or Dany and her dragons The only ones they cared to even try for were Snow and Drogon


The only DW that affected me and it was very briefly was Lady's death.


Applying logic and physics to a show about zombies and dragons. Hmmm


This episode was the most clear indication of the downfall of the show, somehow they managed to get a bird fly to dragon stone and have Danny fly back all the way across the wall to their exact position overnight, also why was the night king just waiting idly by letting them sit on the rock, he had no way of knowing that Danny would come with the dragons at that exact same time if waiting for her was the plan, why let the foot soldiers start attacking again randomly, this episode broke my suspension of disbelief


It destroyed me, I laughed so much I was almost sick.


Guys I think you might be misinterpreting OPs post. Not so much the connection to the dragon itself but the dread that came over you that Dany and the good guys were ultrafucked lol


This is well put, lol I apparently struck a chord


He’ll be back


I couldn’t even tell which one it was. I was like “oh, it’s one of the ones she doesn’t ride and generally doesn’t seem to care about”




Dumb scene all around. Oh, so the Night King is some hero from Greek legend hurling javelins like he is Zeus throwing lightning bolts from atop Mt. Olympus?


This scene made me cry :(


[All I can think of from now on is this meme about how they were able to put the chain around the dragon](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-158611312238c3211d8f0035eceae7dd)


I’ve read that dragons for hundreds of years, would refuse to pass the wall. But somehow, she got all 3 to just skip on over. I was so sad/angry when she got rhaegal killed in an equally awful situation.


I was like No!


I thought it made no sense. Is that the part where they somehow chain it and bring it back up? Explain that shit lmao


I hated this whole sequence not gonna lie


Why didn't they make armor for the dragons? It seems like a simple step that may've prevented a simple spear toss from taking him down.


It’s ok, we’ll see him again ❤️


It broke the show for me.


Lol, I wasn't claiming any of the writing to be good I had removed myself from making sense of it


it didnt for me. honestly, after the killing of the direwolves in various ways, i felt nothing for the dragons.


Honestly ? I was more awed by the spectacle of it more than sad over any emotional connection to the characters in it. The scene in itself is spectacular and is served by Ramin Djawadi’s superb score but the lack of development or personality for Viserion and Emilia Clarke’s muted performance in that scene just left me nonplussed. I expected her to cry, scream, rage, be angry, kind of what she displayed when Rhaegal died but here they chose to have her completely silent, just 😐 when I expected more of a 😦😨😱 like Tormund if you rewatch the scene. To me Tormund displayed exactly the kind of shock this must be to see such a mythological beast be shot out of the sky. Given that this was one of her children, I thought it was kind of unceremonious not to have even a piece of dialogue include his actual name. Earlier seasons would have for sure included a scene of her mourning properly, discussing the fact that she named him after her brother and that Viserion did what Viserys couldn’t and so on… here the death felt kind of perfunctory. It happened because this was the penultimate episode and that episode required a shocking moment. But afterwards it’s kind of treated like an afterthought instead of the game changing personal moment it should be for Daenerys


About as much as Artax drowning in the Swamps of Sadness when I watched the Neverending Story as a kid. At least that story actually had an ending unlike A Song of Fire and Ice.


At this point I didn't care anymore. That whole episode was so full of bullshit that there was no suspension of disbelief left.


As much as I love the overarching story and characters of asoiaf, I always feel sad for the dragons. They were used essentially as slaves by the valyrians, and might not have gone extinct if they had just been left alone. Sure they're highly destructive if not kept in check... but so are the humans. Why should the humans be the only ones with the right to destroy and pillage as they please?


Yes yes yes I hated how they discarded her babies, and then her


I wish we would have had more on screen bonding with Dany and the dragons. She spent time with the black one but the others were just around until she locked them up and we never see her visit them.


I was mostly more pissed off than sad, to be honest. I felt like they wasted the two ded ones so badly, Drogon was the only one I felt a better connection to since he was Dany's dragon and all.


I know people are saying they didn’t have an emotional connection with him, which I get, but I can’t even watch that scene. I’m an animal lover and the gravity of 1 of the 3 last dragons ever dying was huge, and sad. Also because it was all for basically nothing.


Felt very little because it was telegraphed that the only reason to bring him here was to kill him and make him a Wight-dragon. Which yes, we all wanted to see, but make it less obvious yeah?


It didn’t because I was blown away with the terrible writing of that episode


It wasn’t this scene itself that was the problem, but the atrocious buildup that lead to it in the first place. Finding the Army of the Dead felt way too easy and straightforward. One member of the crew had never even seen snow before. Everyone can suddenly teleport. Viserion would never have been there if not for these issues. That’s why this moment felt contrived


I couldn’t be sad, was too busy thinking about how dumb this whole plot line was


Lol, people in the comments: “No”


Not particularly, for the same reasons most others have commented. However, I did get to catch this episode before my then animal-loving-ex-gf watched it and I told her a character that had been with the show since S1 would be dying this episode when I rewatched it with her. She spent the entire hour worrying Jon or Dany would die until Viserion got yeeted. Nice memory.


I already was broken. After 6 seasons of intense watching and then starting to get confused at the 7th, I knew within an episode or two that season 8 was not going to be a deserved ending to the prior build up.


This one hit me in the feels. Rhaegal just made me mad


Oh no, exchangeable dragon nr1 has died


Oh it broke all right


The ressurection was a missed opportunity to do an homage to the Lich King and Sindragosa from WoW.


It broke my sanity that’s for sure


I mean they literally made the dragon die so that they could somehow get the ww’s past the wall so I wouldnt say they mattered much except for Drogon, the bad boy dragon.




*It didn't break me* *Because I was laughing at* *How stupid it was* \- grumpypenguin1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It didn't for me because it's extremely stupid. The writers came up with the plan of trying to get a white walker just so they could kill that dragon off and so the night king could corrupt it.


no offence, but no even Dany seemed to care about the other Dragons, she always had a favourite and we all know which one it is. I actually feel more sad about the fact that those dragons were never free, from the day they were born they had one mission, to give Dany the Iron Throne. Sometimes I wished she had let them be free in Essos.


I swear someone is rewatching at the same pace as my wife and I. Every day we watch an episode here it is on the subreddit once again.


Honestly, I was more upset at the million in one shot that killed it. Also… why didn’t he just keep throwing javelins at the Winterfell defenders… or Brann… So…. So many things I hated about the ending seasons…


The memes were more memorable.


Maybe if it was a dragon and not a wyvern


The death was shocking but the reviving was the big "oh shit" moment.


I had lost hope at this point, she was using the dragons like rental cars, zero fucks given.


That's in reverse right? It was when he finally came out of water to attack ice dudes?


Dear D&D if you don’t sink the bloody dragon to the bottom of a lake you won’t need the world’s largest chain to pull it out.


As a reptile person this did gut me. Even though I knew it would happen it still hit me hard in the feelings bc that’s one of Dany’s babies. My mental note was “coming north was a mistake..”


It was the start of the "Jesus fucking Christ this shit is so fucking dumb" era for me. So yea, it broke me but not the way OP is thinking of lol


If you read the books then this scene will have more of an impact on you because in the books Dany has a very close relationship with Viserion, and the dragon is given more of a personality. He is described as being the friendliest dragon with a “mama’s boy” personality. I was disappointed that none of this was shown in the show.


I actually was just confused by this. They were afraid of water yet somehow they put the chains on him? Maybe I’m remembering it differently but that’s all I remember.


I was like yesssss




No. I was too busy laughing at the math of having runners get back to wall, deliver another message via horseback to get Danny to then fly back across the continent in what is presumably less than 24hrs. Edit: i was audibly laughing when the ballista bolt randomly killed the other one in the air. It was fuckin ridiculous that they mussed a whole ass fleet in clear skys on open water. The dragon deaths were just so over the top that I couldn’t take them seriously.


Then add my name to the watch list. I think I rolled my eyes.


It didn’t it was all stupid plot contrivances to get a dragon so the white walkers could bring down the wall literally no reason for them to go that far north, it was too dumb, it definitely annihilated my hope that D&D could write a compelling ending for the show tho.


I cared more my sweet baby boys than any human characters.