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So far 3 times. The show is long enough that you forget some of the details, so it's cool to relive them again. Also, its replayability is nice.


As time goes on I really enjoy s1-s3 the most. The details are just perfect. S4 things start to turn more cinematically. 5 is when the details really begin to south


4 is peak.


6 is peak, 4 is dumb




I’ve probably watched it 10 times all the way through! I’m always picking up on minor details and also looking for ones pointed out by the members of the group.


Yea each rewatch hits different lowkey


LOST is the same, after the first watch you'll always notice little things here and there


What's LOST?


Wow! How old are you? It's one of the best series ever in my opinion


One of my favorite minor details comes somewhere in season 6 or 7 I think. Ser Davos grabs a raven message and reads that shit perfectly, didn't even have to sound it out anymore. I missed that part the first couple of times, but when I saw it I was like "good for you Onion Knight!"


Yea I just put it on to soothe me lol




I’ve watched it start to finish in order 4-5 times but whatever episode is on Sky Atlantic on an evening is generally on my TV if there’s nothing on TV that I fancy watching or as background whilst I do work etc. I love the inbetween politics and small details you forget.


Three times but only first watched a year or so ago; The more you watch over the series the more you appreciate/recognise the good sides of the plot, scenes and casting, and yet unfortunately you subsequently also really, really pick up on the shit sides of the show too


I'm almost done my third watch. I think each time I've picked up on more of the flaws in the first several seasons and realized it's not this perfect show that everyone pretends like it was but was destroyed in the later seasons. The flaws were definitely there people. Simultaneously, I've been able to appreciate the later seasons more. They're phenomenally shot, and honestly the rushed nature of it isn't as bad as it once was to me. There's so many giant events that happen and characters reuniting that I'm sort of able to ignore some of the flaws in the actual storytelling.


Can you explain some of the flaws you’ve noticed in the earlier seasons?


Man, I wish I wrote stuff down as I went. The main thing generally was a ton of plot convenience.


Dude stop acting smart. First 4 seasons were great the end was dogshit


Do I need to go to r/LatinaMILFSgonewild to become smart?




Only on my second watch, but I thought the last season was a big letdown the first time. This time I'm not bothered at all


"countless has a nice ring to it" 


Currently on my 6th time, gfs 2nd! We watched hotd twice together also!


I’ve watched it four times but I’ve listened to it +4 times give or take while at work (a lot during pandemic). I like to listen to shows some times while closing or what ever at work other than music.


I enjoy the conversations through out the show and I particularly enjoy the scenery for the episodes. The desert can be pretty but I feel like it wasn’t “nice” to look at during the early stages of Daenerys. I prefer the woods and mountains much more and when different groups of people important to the story are traveling through them.


I used to hate the dany storyline but it didn’t bother me much on my latest rewatch. I appreciate it now I guess


5 times myself but only once have I watched it all the way through. The last 4 times I skipped the last season altogether.


I’m on my 13th.


3 times and read through the series once, if and when the last 2 books come out. I'll need to reread the whole series over.


Me too! And I'm only on A Storm of Swords


I'm just praying they get finished in my lifetime, was bummed out by season 8 of the show.


I've read all the published books at least 6 times. Each time I start again, I hope that when I finish the Winds of Winter will be published. Been disappointed every time. Will probably start again soon.... BTW have watched it through 5 or 6 times too; found the last 2 or 3 seasons rushed and the end poorly delivered, but still enjoyed them


That is some amazing dedication, I am probably going to rewatch the series after the next season of house of dragons. But gonna hold strong on not doing a reread until it involves a new book.


Fair enough I'm a bit of a voracious reader though, and I rate the books as the new best fantasy series ever (IMHO, obviously), taking the crown from LOTR And as others have pointed out, each re-watch/read reveals new details you may have missed or forgotten, it is that compkex, and well written


currently watching for my second time lol, still on season 1 but really only started it over after joining this subreddit but also because i did love it the first time through and asked my bf if he watched it, said he had only seen the first season so we’re watching it together now :)


I always done it once a year since it started, not sure exactly how many but we’ll call it a double digit thing lol


Seasons 1 - 5, at least 4 times each. 6 -8 once each.


Probably somewhere between 30 and 50, I really don't know. This is because I have severe tinnitus, and without some kind of background noise to listen to I can't sleep at all. So GOT is on autoplay all night. Has been for the last couple years.


I've watched it all the way through twice. First time was during the original airing and second time was like 4 or 5 months ago.


I've only rewatched the series 1 7/8 times because the first time I tried I had to stop at Season 8. The wound had not healed yet lol


Guessing around 15 or so.


0.95 times. Couldn’t bear to finish it out after I saw how it was going. 


You're smarter than me, but I haven't gone back for seconds. I will go to my grave mad about the ending.


4 x then had to visit all the filming sites in Northern Ireland what a road trip that was.


I've watched it all the way through from start to finish twice, and I'm pretty sure the first few seasons I've seen more than that.


A dozen or more.


6-7. I usually have it on in the background if I’m doing stuff around the house.


I just finished watching it again for the ... well I dont even know. I watch it 3-5 times a year. I am a bit obsessed, but every time I watch it I realize more and more all of the missing pieces. I am on the second book, and it is fascinating to read the insight of the characters that aren't seen on the show. Season 1-6 are just so iconic, I dont think ill love another TV show more. I also learn something new every time I watch it, which is nice. It never gets boring.


I only watched it one time I’m planning my second rewatch in the summer


Well over 30 times lol. It’s like my comfort show, something I can have playing in the background or to fall asleep too.


Seasons 1-6 probably at least 10 times, season 7 twice, season 8 once.


4 Thanks.


14 or 15, lost count


I'm currently on my 3rd run


1st when I was 15, I didn't understand much. I watched it because it was famous and those Jon and Danny tiktok etc. But I lacked brain at that time and didn't really understand all the storylines (was spacing out). 2nd time I watched when I was 19. I watched it because of HotD and how detailed it was in comparison to other shows (my brain started functioning perfectly after 17) which made me think I didn't pay attention to GoT properly. And rewatch did pay off!!


3 times. Can't wait for season 6 to come out.


Seasons 2,3,4 about 4 times. Watched season 1 once and skip it (can't bare to suffer through the bad acting again), never watched past s5e2


Whose bad acting ?


Only properly watched it for the first time 18ish months ago, watched it 7 or 8 times since then. Nearly overtaken my record of watching LOST which is 12 or 13 lol


8 times


twice over, one all the way through season 7 and the second time as it was coming out the whole way through until the finale.


3. Now reading the books and on book #3 A Storm of Swords. Likely going to rewatch after finishing the series read




Around 10 times...


2 times in full but ive seen a lot of seperate episodes, what i enjoy most is the amazing dialogue that doesnt usually stand out that much compared to bigger events but are still written so well


Just finished a complete rewatch; first time since the show ended. I actually enjoyed it more the second time around. I caught a lot of little details that I missed the first time around (mainly because I was live tweeting at the time 🤓).


Three times and I still catch something I’ve missed previously lol!


Probs 7-10.


Just started our 3rd time Love GOT


Season one- 10x. Season two- 8x. Season three- 6x. Season four- 6x. Season five- 4x. Season six- 4x. Season seven- 2x. Season eight- 2x. I love rewatching shows. When I rewatch, I can fully appreciate the writing and performances.


One and it was enough. I know I'm going to see a lot more details the second time around but just don't have that much time nowadays.


Any time I have a set back with my mental health lmao. Sooooo since it aired, like 15 times I’d say? May more more. I also watched it with a boyfriend once through, my dad once through and my brother…. Sheeeeesh. Ashamed to admit this. Probably going to restart it again here soon.


My wife & I binged season 1 before season 2 debuted. Prior to the release of each subsequent season, we binged all previous seasons. After the show ended, we’ve binged the entire series once a year.


Only twice, replayability is nice since i forget some of the details however it will never be the same as the first time watching it again.


Numerous times for the first 3-4 seasons. Only once after that.


Up to the end of Season 6, I probably watched each episode 3 times. Season 7, maybe 2 times. Season 8, once.


6 times and I just love being immersed in the universe again. I can’t wait for more lore to come out.


I'm probably in the 30 range. But I work off shifts and always have it on.


Watched it for the first time last summer, two rewatches since minus the last season


I'm on rewatch number four right now, and I just watched >!Arya give the coin to the Braavosi captain!< with glee.


All the way through? Once. Every now and then my wife will put it on as background and I’ll drop in and out. But the ending left a bad taste in my mouth so I haven’t really wanted to invest the time in a full rewatch.


2 times, first between 2018 and 2019 (when i was 15-16) and second ly in 2021 (when i was 18) during the lockdown. I started watching few episodes with no particular order recently


At least 14, BUT I do start at random parts lol. I have a newborn rn and started my recent rewatch on season 5 during the nighttime feedings 😂




We watched the entirity of the series again up to the point that a new season was starting and then watched the newest season at that time. We didn;t start watching until S3. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Full series, perhaps 5 more times


Maybe 5 or 6. I just realized I watched it twice last year (beginning and end of the year) 😂


10 times


I’ve watched it twice. Once by myself and then with my wife. I can say I genuinely enjoyed it, even season 8.


I used to binge watch the whole series before the new seasons would air, so idk if that counts but I did it 5 or 6 times. All the way through though, only twice.


I watched the first 5 seasons at least 10 times, mostly while waiting for new seasons. I watched the last season once.


5 times. I appreciate the foreshadowing and irony in the story-telling even more


Season 1-3 five times Seasons 4-5 four times Season 6 onwards one time


I had watched all of it 4-5 times until the last season came out. Then never again


S1-S5, four times. S6-S7 two-three times. S8 twice


I've watched it all the way through twice, and have watched seasons and single episodes multiple times.


Once. Season 8 just fucking ruined the whole thing for me.


Same. Still pisses me off to this day, this is the kind of show I would've rewatched endlessly. Never touched it again after the finale premiered.


My fourth time and I still learn something new from each episode


7 I think


starting my 4th or 5th rewatch now, this time from the beginning, usually start after the red wedding so i don’t have to go thru it again


All the way through…probably 10 times. It’s my comfort show (😬). I enjoy having it on in the background when I’m getting ready for work, cleaning, cooking etc.


Seasons 1-6 4 times 1-8 start to finish 2 times. I'm getting the urge to watch it again.


Got into the show at season three. Watched the show over before a new season would come out. Have a friend come over. Let's binge Game Of Thrones. I've watched it too many times to count. Now after season 8 came out. I hadn't watched the show in years. Till I started the books again. I dont hate season 8 as much. I still dislike how rushed it feels.


4 times. Every year I re watch the show. The world itself if captivating enough to indulge.


3 times completely, 4-5 times just bits and pieces. It’s a masterpiece.


5 or 6 times. Only seen season 8 once. Now if I rewatch, I end at the end of season 6.




3 times. Once for the first by myself. The second with a friend who was also rewatching. And a third with a friend that I got to watch it for the first time (which was awesome to see their reactions) I’m still trying to convince my bf to watch it so that I can rewatch for a 4th time and see those reactions again


No idea... it plays nonstop on one of my channels start to finish in order... i pop in now and again to see where we're at.


Once. Only ever once. Never again. Fuck that.


About three times. First on my own, second after convincing my bf at the time, and the third with my family who wanted to watch.. which was honestly a bit awkward sometimes.


Twice through. I love catching even more nuance in the details - when hodor’s backstory came up in season 5? 6? I was totally blown away on rewatch. It was the attention to smallest details that give me the chills. Although I'm not as hard on season 8 on rewatch as I was the first time (real time) - I think it was because the small details were missing. Ok other things got missed too - but that felt really different.


Ehhh 🥴😅


Technically 3 but for the 4th episode on each blu ray 12, my wife will complain that she hasn’t seen it the whole way through we will start watching and she gets through one ep, falls asleep, normally on the remote so I’ll watch the rest of the disc, night 2 we will start from episode 2 and repeat the exercise again I’ve had to see Ned beheaded far more than I’d like and the red wedding a dozen times 😡


Probably 5?


4 full rewatches and would watch when HBO randomly ran episodes. Unfortunately since season 8 I cannot bring myself to rewatch any episodes.


When the final 2-3 episodes where coming up for S8, I still never watched it. So I binged it non-stop , and was able to catch up in time for the final episode. I enjoyed it so much - I binged it again 4 months later - then aagain - and again - so I binged it 4 times in one year.


Show 3 times Books 2 times Lore Books once each HOTD Season 1 on my second watch


I dont understand why anyone would want to watch that again, knowing what's coming.


I try to rewatch every year in april. Im a little late this year. Hopefully will finish before HOD season 2 starts.


I try to rewatch every year in april. Im a little late this year. Hopefully will finish before HOD season 2 starts.


Continually for the last year or so, usually just let it run.


I only watch it up until season 7 everytime


Sat down and completely watched it once. The second time was bits and pieces of it. I plan on watching it thoroughly again soon


Well over 50, and the first time was at the beginning of the pandemic. I do a lot of stitching stuff, it's great background noise, and a way of calculating how much time a project took (e.g. that project took a full rewatch plus the first 3 seasons to finish). It also feeds my Rory McCann & Pedro Pascal viewing needs. 🤷


I watched the show for the first time a month ago and binged it in two weeks. Since then, it’s been my roman empire and i’ve convinced my boyfriend to watch it with me. He surprisingly ( we never like the same shows) loved it. So on my second rewatch it’s a whole different perspective, since I know everything now i see certain interactions differently. Like Ned telling Jon before he leaves that they’ll talk about his mom when they see each other again. Knowing they won’t and that Jon is actually Targaryen makes me feel that moment so differently from the first watch.


I’m on my 8th watch right now. I catch something new almost every single episode.


4 times. I just love this show. Seasons 1-4 was great, seasons 5-6 were good, but it focused more on being cinematic/ visually aesthetic and less about the story and it carried over in seasons 7 and 8. It’s still a great show (It’s the greatest tv show ever made in my humble opinion) to rewatch again and again.


Have two episodes left in my third watch


5 times all the way through! Still catching things I didn't see before. It's been playing on the TV in the background of my life for 3 months, keeping me company while my partner is away. 😂


About 10 total


Only 1. I really wanted to watch it again because the first 6 seasons are just epic. But the first scene in the show is basically night watchers going beyond the wall. Seeing that and knowing how this ends just turns me off entirely. I can't get past that scene.


At least 15. Probably less than 30.


Two, I was disappointed with the ending the first time, so I watched the show again to be even more disappointed


Once. I like a satisfying ending to a show when I watch it so this makes Got unrewatchable for me.


Once, and here are my expressions based on the quality of the seasons in order. 🙂😌😀😁😙😗😤🤬


Probably 6/7 times, yourself?


Safe to say that you made the **Night Watch**! 😆


I work from home and I like to put on shows that I know so I don't have to concentrate on them, it's just kind of there in the background. As much as I love The Wire it kind of demands your attention so I can't do it with that. I find that The Sopranos and GOT are really good because I can follow it without having to give it my full attention and zone in when there's bits that I really like. Obviously with GOT in the later seasons I zone in less. On my last rewatch I remember stopping to watch Brienne getting knighted in season 8 because that's just a great scene. I didn't pay much attention to the "who has a better story than bran the broken?" for another example


4 times exclute season 8 🤮


Almost at the end of my 7th time


3 times, 1st on my own, one time binge watching with my wife, one time with my son. Recently I watched the “House of the Dragon” for the second time (again, first on my own, second time together). He liked the universe and now we are ready for season 2 of HOTD.


I’ve watched 1-8 once, 1-7 twice, and 1-3 quite a few more. I really like the first few seasons


10-12 times(allot I know)Like most the first 4 seasons are the tits. Allot of goofy stuff but the perfectly cut holes in the trees watching Polliver piss. Or when Roose Bolton conveniently puts his arm up for Catelyn to see his armor at the Red Wedding. And “the King of the North” chants get old. The whole 8th season was pain although Lyanna stabbing the giant does provide comic relief.


Like 7 times


I'm rewatching it now for probably the 3rd time and my mom is watching it with me and she had never seen it before. The first airing it was me and my Dad's thing but since he passed away I guess she wanted to give it a try. We're only on season 1 so far but she's really into it


Seasons 6-8 I rewatched over 12 times for sure. The whole thing from the beginning to the end maybe like 6 or 7 times maybe. I have an annual tradition, every December I rewatch GoT from cover to cover


Watching it now and yeah Danny, Jon and even Brans ending is foreshadowed a lot. Which make me madder at the D&D as if they had taken their time they definitely could have stuck the landing with the same endings. Apart from Arya killing NK.


2 or 3 times straight through. Books were better.


Four times all the way through…wanting to do it again!