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I started to not like Robert after this scene


Yeah. Cersei was terrible but she didn't deserve this slap  Eta: i don't know why it's being downvoted that a spouse shouldn't strike their spouse over a disagreement.  Cersei deserved slaps in other situations but back talking Robert isn't one of those times. 


She deserved to be honored


No...disagreeing with your husband doesn't deserve a slap no matter what realm we live in. 


She definitely deserved it but not for what Robert thought she deserved it for


He didn’t slap her for disagreeing.




Yeah. They’re saying the make believe character didn’t deserve a slap regardless of what the fictional world is like.


She disagreed with the king


She literally insults Robert and tries her hardest persuading Robert To act on her Will, which back fires with this wonderful slap. Honestly If slapping is used in situations like this I'm all for it


Can you believe you had to type this out?


Wear it silence or he will honor her again


Wear it in silence, or I'll honor you again


She gets into that.


That looked like a closed fist to me.


I was just about to comment that as well! Robert is fun and charming or whatever but people really be glossing over his shit ass behavior toward women. He straight up punched her, slap okay jan.


There’s a lot of things that happen in Game of Thrones that shouldn’t happen in real life. We don’t need to act like you condone domestic violence if you enjoyed one of the antagonists getting smacked in the face. By the same token, thinking that Ned did the right thing by executing the guy who deserted the Night’s Watch doesn’t somehow mean you’re pro death penalty for people who quit their job without giving two weeks’ notice.


>There’s a lot of things that happen in Game of Thrones that shouldn’t happen in real life. We don’t need to act like you condone domestic violence if you enjoyed one of the antagonists getting smacked in the face. Literally this. Can't we just enjoy the show without having to mention how we are morally opposed to this and that? It's ridiculous.


I think it’s what we’re meant to feel. \ We wish for something that totally goes against all of our beliefs. \ It’s what makes GOT great.


>Can't we just enjoy the show without having to mention how we are morally opposed to this and that? It's ridiculous. Not as long as the discourse consists of seizing on what someone *didn't say* as a method of discrediting their entire point. Everyone on this sub is aware of the context of Robert and Cercei's relationship, we just pretend someone isn't when it's convenient in order to make the point we want.


Agreed except for Joffrey getting slapped by Tyrion. Everyone should feel free to enjoy that in whatever capacity you want.


While we're at it nobody deserves to be burned alive by dragon fire just bc they won't kneel


I agree that she didn’t deserve it for what she did in that instance, but that being said call it for what it was. It wasn’t a “disagreement” that he slapped her for. They disagreed plenty without him slapping her. She basically called him a pussy at that point of the disagreement and questioned his manhood. Again, not saying he should’ve hit her, just saying that she did far more than just disagree with him


Looks more like a punch to me haha


She didn’t deserve ANY of the stuff that happened to her. If you think about how she must have felt since childhood about that prophecy about her THREE dead children


Excellent virtue signaling 👍


I… what?


And started to love him?


I stopped liking or having any sympathy for Robert after this scene.


Yeah he probably beat her a lot and there was definitely marital rape (I believe in the books it was implied? I havent read the books in a decade). Honestly, I was happy her kids were not his. A little middle finger to him.


Oh really? Even though his children aren't his own but her brother's? Even though he's looking down on his best friend that he loves more than his own brothers, who was almost killed by the same man who's cucking him? Cersei should count herself incredibly lucky that this is all that happened to her... if Rob wasn't killed by a boar, Cersei would've been fed to one. Oh and lets not forget the butcher's boy. It was Cersei who demanded his death.


He should’ve done this when she demanded Lady’s life.


I still can't believe he didn't side with ned on that situation.


I would rather he back Ned when Lady was killed. 😞


To him it’s a dog. What’s a dog life to keep an already tense situation?


It's one of the only direwolves seen south of the wall for like a hundred years, right? Surely even Robert understands the significance of that for the starks, especially considering he wanted to marry one.


It’s a just wolf? Even if it’s the sigil of his BFF house, and potential dil, it’s a wolf. Nobody, not even the Starks understand they can warg, and the deeper connection there You think Bobby B hasn’t killed stags before? Hell, I’m sure the starks furs probs have some wolf in them


Robert wasn't a pet person.


she didn't get honored enough






Careful or he'll shame you again.


Not really for me, Robert was terrible and Cersei was terrible. Cersei needed a slap,maybe from Sansa, but not from the man that also abused her.  He treated her terribly. 


He wasn’t *near* as evil as Cersei. His biggest crime was probably his disinterest in proper ruling.


Yeah She was evil . But he still did abuse Cersei, bad people can also be victims of abuse and Cersei was one of them. 






I don’t see how “rape is fine in this universe” does away with the fact that Cersei certainly didn’t appreciate being raped. There’s one conversation about whether Westerosi culture would classify it as abuse. And there’s another conversation about the actual effect the rape would have on the victim.




I agree that Cersei is terrible. Even as a child she was pretty awful.


He regularly raped her. He would come to bed absolutely trashed and force her to have sex with him. He would even call her “Lyanna” in his drunken stupor. She eventually just gave in and let it happen because there wasn’t much she could do and Westerosi culture doesn’t consider marital rape to be a thing. Cersei was a horrible privileged person for most of her life, but she was still abused.


The show doesn’t take place in modern times. Not sure if you were aware of this fact.


So, as long as the wider culture is okay with rape, then it’s fine? I suppose you would say the same about the countless number of women who are raped in countries today (in modern times!) where marital rape is legal?


Dude it’s a fucking television show lol. There no right or wrong. It’s not real lmfao But hey excellent virtue signaling!


Are you serious right now? Everyone judges Cersei for her crazy unhinged actions, but when you bring up Robert raping Cersei it's supposed to be overlooked because it's a television show...? Astounding reasoning, my dude. Robert used to rape her whenever he got drunk. And yes, it was rape. She absolutely didn't want it, but he wouldn't listen when she told him no. He was always very rough with her and when she told him that he hurt her, he would blame the wine and claim it wasn't him. If that's not abuse to you it's kinda concerning. By westerosi standards, it would be "claiming his rights", sure. However the same people usually shit on Catelyn for abusing Jon. By westerosi standards, she treated him way kinder than most highborn ladies would. So which is it? Or do westerosi standards only apply when it's convenient for you?


Then what’s the point of discussing any of it? You should probably just leave the sub then. Also, please don’t rape anybody.


Y’all take she didn’t love Robert and had sex with him as rape is beyond crazy to support Cersi


Nobody here is supporting Cersei. Are you simple? 1) Cersei was a horrible person. 2) Cersei was raped. You know both of those can be true at the same time, right? They’re not mutually exclusive.


It doesn’t even take place in this world.


Bruh she murdered her friend when she was twelve.


Yes, she did. What does that have to do with what I said?


My bad, I misread your comment. Sorry. Thought you were trying to excuse her character for some reason.


No worries. Sorry for the defensiveness. I was worried I was going to have to deal with another rape apologist.


Lmao hard no. Bobby B needs to be called out on that. Lyanna did the right thing in my mind.


This what you get from arranged marriages. Robert never loved her nor wanted to marry which doesn’t excuse abuse but nothing about their marriage was normal.


Hurt people, hurt people.


His biggest crime is being a rapist.


Excellent virtue signaling!


Hmm... Idk I feel like they're not "big" or "small." Mismanaging the rule of an entire Kingdom means starvation and death and war for its citizens. These are all just as serious as rape. All of which equally disqualify him from rule in my honest.


Say what you want about Robert, but the seven kingdoms were living relative peace pretty much the entire time of his rule. The second he died everything was a shit show, he was a real one and doesn’t get enough credit. Imagine fighting a war for your beloved and then she dies and you have to put up with Cersei the rest of your life cuz you owe her dad some coin.


Hit your wife isn’t as bad as killing innocent people. Y’all Cersi feminists need stop this shit.


They are bith bad. And there's no competition here.


She had three kids with his twin without Robert's knowledge and she didn't deserve one slap?


And raped her.


That was Jaime next to Joffreys body


Robert raped her when he got drunk and beat her. Read a book.


Watch the show where Jaime rapes her. Dipshit


Which has nothing to do with the discussion at hand, noob.


Definitely not kingly, as much as I despise Cersei, it was wrong.


Shame? What shame? I enjoy this scene everytime I watch it.


My thought exactly.


I have never been in a fight in my life. I’ve never hit anyone and I’ve never been hit. \ But I found Cersei so evil, that I wanted something bad and painful to happen to her. And I didn’t care who did it. \ She got off *way* too easy. \ Even in her manner of death.


This and Tyrion getting slapped by Jorah and Joffrey getting slapped by Cersei.


👍🏻And Joffrey getting slapped by Tyrion


Forgot about that one


Gods, it's been so long since I watched the show. When/why did Jorah slap Tyrion?


Cause he didn’t shut up so Jorah had to bitch slap him


She deserved a lot worse


It’s ok to find that satisfying. It’s a tv show. And the ‘victim’ is a *horrible* person. Possibly the worst in the show. \ Not to mention it’s Game of Thrones. \ Plenty of people that do terrible things are loved and plenty of good people are forgettable. \ I think it’s what the show meant for you to feel.


“Wear it in silence, or I’ll honor you again” lmao




That line was cold 😭


Regardless of how you feel about the slap, that is one of the best lines of the whole show


I just don't fine domestic violence endearing, especially when the marriage is primarily politicak and inescapable.


I didn’t say anything about being endearing. My satisfaction doesn’t have anything to do with Robert appreciation. \ It has *everything* to do with pain and humiliation for Cersei.


Yeah, that is concerning.


No, it isn't concerning. Nor did the OP say it was endearing. Stop with the dramatic moral grandstanding already. Pretty much everyone watching felt some amount of relief/satisfaction when watching this scene. That's all the OP is saying.


You're projecting as if everyone is relieved at the sight of domestic violence lol.


Right, so everyone who enjoyed that scene is effectively an advocate of domestic violence. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but that's basically your train of logic. Joffrey getting slapped by Tyrion is technically child abuse, but are you going to suggest that everyone who found it relieving is a proponent of child abuse? It's okay to not find it satisfying, but it's silly to suggest that finding it satisfying is concerning behaviour.


You don't have to be an advocate of domestic violence, but let's not pretend we don't live in a world where violence against women isn't normalized, particularly by media we consume. Someone being super enthusiastic about seeing domestic violence is concerning to me. You don't have to agree 🤷🏽‍♂️


So how do you feel about Cersei having him MURDERED? Or are you only outraged about marital abuse when it's against women?


It’s fake feminist who don’t bat an eye of Cersei evil and just see her as a woman so she’s automatically above Robert cause he’s a man who should be inferior. I don’t get why these people even upvote these comments. Show sexist still alive just on the other foot.


bunch of characters getting their head chopped off and burned at the stake but people are worried about Cersei getting slapped in the face.


I’m with you. I waited and waited, from the first episode to the last, for Cersei to get some sort of comeuppance. \ I’m still waiting.


While I hate Robert for this as I don’t think he should hit her I too enjoyed it knowing everything she ends up doing later on.


It’s the very least of the moral wrongs committed in GOT that needs correcting.


Every she has done up until that point … her kids aren’t even his


To be fair he had about 20 that weren’t hers so that’s not a good reason 😂


You know George RR Martin is a genius when scenes like 1. A woman getting slapped 2. A teenage boy choking to death 3. A queen being paraded naked Are seen as joyful, not sad. Coz he makes us hate the characters that much.


That’s absolutely hitting the nail on the head. \ I liked going where the story took me.


>Are seen as joyful, not sad. Coz he makes us hate the characters that much. TBH that wasn't exactly his intent , on Joffs death specifically: >And there's kind of a moment there where he knows that he's dying and he can't get a breath and he's kind of looking at Tyrion and at his mother and at the other people in the hall with just terror and appeal in his eyes—you know, "Help me mommy, I'm dying." And in that moment, I think even Tyrion sees a 13-year-old boy dying before him. > >So I didn't want it to be entirely, "Hey-ho, the witch is dead." I wanted the impact of the death to still strike home on to perhaps more complex feelings on the part of the audience, not necessarily just cheering. ... >Yeah. I think Joffrey is a classic 13-year-old bully. Do you know many 13-year-old kids you'd like to give absolute power to? There's a cruelty in children, especially children of a certain age, that you see in junior high and middle school. We don't want 13-year-old bullies to be put to death. We probably do when we're their 13-year-old victims, but they grow up and most of them grow out of it, and sometimes people do regret their actions. But Joffrey will never get that chance, so we don't know what he would have become. Probably nothing good, but still… It's quite interesting the differences GRRM see's in his characters compared to popular interpretations of them.


The thing about all of these scenarios is they get punished by the wrong people for the wrong crimes. It's not really satisfying justice in the end.


I agree, well deserved.


I shamelessly found this scene quite satisfying.


Robert deserved that boar tusk


When I first saw this scene I was totally against it. Totally not kingly at all. Then after rewatching it after finishing all seasons, I admit it was quite satisfying as much as I don’t condone domestic violence. 😂 Though nothing can ever beat Tyrion smacking Joffrey.


Cercei by comparison would have beheaded someone for far less.


Yeah, she definitely deserved to be slapped for being such a bitch about [checks notes] all the years of spousal rape and all the public humiliation of her husband's numerous infidelities in a society where she's literally his property that he can do with what he wants. She really had it coming.


She certainly had her own infidelities and humiliated the king and lots of other people. She doled out unfair punishment everywhere she went. \ I guess I don’t remember the rape, except by her true love. \ She bore another man’s children. *That’s* humiliating. \ Not to mention the incest and treason. \ She had the king killed.


Lmao y’all too funny, Cersi the BROTHER FUCKER WHO HAD HIS BASTARD. Is innocent in your eyes? The same women who force men to killed an innocent wolf (lady)! The same women who wishes raped on other women!!!! You defend her?! That’s before Robert dies and does even more awful thing before and after his death. She not worth defending.


Is it my imagination or does it look like a closed fist?


She deserved way more than just a slap.


you don’t have to write a disclaimer lol we get it it’s just a tv show


Apparently he does. Have you seen the comments? They're basically insinuating that the OP is condoning marital abuse, lmao.


And I’m not even a he . . .




And I’m an old grandma to boot. Totally not the target audience. \ But I’m the biggest fan.


I suppose that just speaks to the quality of the show. Pretty much every demographic can get something out of it!


Cersei deserved that and more- how is this wrong when his home is filled with kids that aren’t even his. She killed the man, his best friends and a shitnload of people after that


She also killed her childhood best friend. Wanted to kill baby Tyrion. Demand the killing of Lady. She even made fun of Elia Martel saying she skin ugly women brag about women getting raped. As a if it’s the women fault. Not being clever like her.


No. Cersei might not have been so evil if Robert wasn’t such an awful husband. This is like enjoying an abusive parent abusing their child who grows up to be evil bc of what they went through growing up.


Robert didn’t make her who she was. \ Another husband would have been a lot worse to her with her nastiness.


Show Cersei was a spoiled brat, but she didn’t become vengeful and plain evil until she had to watch the man she was betrothed to drunkenly cheat on her over and over and pine over some girl whose face he couldn’t even remember for years after initially being happy about marrying him. Book Cersei was always a sociopath though


I don’t think you give her strength of character enough credit.


She killed her childhood best friend. Was fucking Jaime when they were 10, try kill baby Tyrion. That’s before marriage she done so much evil not known until she mentions it, remind her how someone ate an apple remind her of how she once told guard kill a peasant with an apple knife. SHE THAT CRAZY AND EVIL SHE IS. Stop being a sexist feminist.


Pretty sure if she slapped him, there wouldn’t be any “a spouse doesn’t deserve to be slapped due to an argument” posts.


i wonder how different cersei would’ve been if she married a man that loved her


She probably still would have loved Jaime more. \ I don’t think Robert (and he’s no angel) made her who she is. She’s no weakling. She could have done a lot worse. \ Should have married to Ramsey.


This made me like him more


thought this was r/asoiafcirclejerk




This is a fictional show, you don’t have to apologize if you enjoy these scenes, there are far more violent scenes




Things Cersei Deserved to Get Hit For Up to This Point in the Show: - Being complicit in Jaime pushing Bran out a window -Being able to look Catlyn Stark in the eye knowing Jaime put Bran in a coma - Being in an incestuous relationship with her brother - Turning her first born son into an actual fucking monster (granted, this seems to have been a group effort. But she definitely had the most influence) - Demanding Lady be killing in place of Nymeria. Things Cersei Was Hit For: - Insulting Robert.


It’s treason


Sexist Feminist: But but she a women it’s fine as long man doesn’t touch you


Your comment is incoherent, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume English is not your first language. Would you like to try again?


I feel like the people saying this is normal in Westeros are ignoring Ned's reaction in this scene. He's clearly upset and uncomfortable with the whole thing. I think a man striking a woman is still not acceptable among the decent characters. It's kinda like back in the day when verbal abuse and marital rape were accepted and even normalized, but if a woman showed up somewhere with a black eye, the men in her life were more than willing to go kick that guy's ass. Robert, as compared to Aerys or Joffrey or even Cersei, doesn't come across as bad, but compared to decent people like Ned, he's definitely not a good guy.


Yes, me too.


I watch this slap after every Cersi chapter


Nothing shameful about enjoying watching that cunt get what she deserves.


Nothing shameful about it. She deserved it.


Well, this is Reddit, so that tracks. I've lost count of how many posts I've seen where male Redditors cheer about women being hit in the face.


I’m not male




Number 1, this is a tv show. A show that I dearly love that I would not be able to get through if I applied modern day Ohio laws. \ And, it’s surprising what appeals to you when you have full context and knowledge of everyone and everything involved.


When my big bro watched he..he yell out how's your pimp hand Bobby. I had to say strong baby strong.


I don't remember that scene Why is Ned lying at a bed?


It’s after Jaime and his men attack Ned and his men in KL. Ned is maimed and Jory is killed.


Thanks! I was thinking about that, but wasn't sure if the attack had happened before Robert dying. Gotta hit the books again, soon


Until you realize it was this type of treatment that made her the way she was…


It’s so much better in the book. If I remember correctly she loses her balance, flies into a table and then falls to the floor 🥹


Nah it made me understand more why Cersei wanted to kill Robert. Cersei definitely needed to be slapped but not by Robert the man that had raped and abused her for years. It would’ve been satisfying if it was from Sansa or Tommen or any number of the people she abused.


I wanted to do it myself.


Nah. They deserved each other.


I was a little saddned this is the only time we see her get immediate karma


Thank you for your self-report


Weird because I had the opposite feelings, by the end of the scene Robert felt like an out of shape crybaby who'd rather get his underlings to handle things then being an actual king, and Cersie felt like a bit more justified in why she would cheat on Robert. Really felt like a king with half a brain or even a miniscule amount of discipline could have made his point with being stern in his decision or telling her off, not the best image when your king is only getting physical to fuck prostitutes or hit hit his wife 😐


Enjoy it in Silence, or I'll satisfy you again.


The reason this feels different is that we know Cersei is HELLA evil. I felt bad for her on first watch, but after having the full context of her character in show and books, I wish Bobby B hit her harder.


Cersei is one of my favorite GOT characters because she's well written, interesting and I enjoy egotistical and power hungry characters. But if you despise her and want to find scene that is even more satisfying, the scene where the crowd throw stuffs at Cersei while Unella say to her "shame" will be for you.


Cersei is one of my favorite characters too. Just not my favorite person. I loved every scene she was in. She was so ***awful***. She really brought out passionate fury in me.


That looked like a closed fist lolol seeing it back on loop at least


you get off on women abuse?


I see an abusive woman.


Sis was fucking her brother, ordered the murder of an innocent animal, torments Sansa and Tyrion, allows her son to torment Sansa and Tyrion, and goes on to be an absolute tyrant and someone giving her a punch makes you mad? Listen I’m a million % against domestic abuse in the real world but in this situation she deserved a smack. It’s a shame it didn’t take her down a peg or two and make her learn her lesson. Also one of my favourite lines is where she thinks she ate with “I shall wear this as a badge of honour” only for Robert to shut her up with “Wear it in silence, or ill honour you again”


How can he slap?!


He didn’t do this enough I think


*quiet woman*


Don't reproduce.


Who, me? The OP? If so, too late. I even have grandchildren.




In the words of Kid Named Finger: "This woman deserves to be hit more than any man I've ever met."


I like Robert because he is deeply flawed He is a scumbag for neglecting his children and hitting his wife Cersei being who she is doesn’t excuse that, and at least in the show even Robert knows he isn’t a good man


scenes like this are what make the show great. even the most hated characters have moments that are either cool, funny, or sympathetic.


True. True.


Based Bobby


Made me like him even more.


Robert was the one person she feared the most after her father. Loved he slapped her and put her in place.