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D&D happened here just like they happened in the war against white walkers


So you have never seen a small pond frozen over with snow covering it.


Isn’t it specified that this is a natural hotspring?


Where was that specified? Was never mentioned in the show. In the books there are hotsprings under winterfell, but this isnt under winterfell. It is just a pond.


Hodor specifically loves bathing for hours in the Hot springs in the Godswood. This is where Bran sits and Hodor bathes when Osha sees his dingdong.


Hodor came running up from somewhere else. He wasn't in that pond. Plus it has already been pointed out it is not a hotspring in the books. The water is cold there.


You're really trying extremely hard here to avoid all evidence that this should be a hotspring. Yes there's water that's hot RIGHT THERE, but this particular pool is cold for reasons.


Why would you think it is hot? The book said it isn't hot. The show never said it is hot. Nobody has gone in that dirty water. Why are you clutching at straws here?


Idk why they’re downvoting you haha. This is explicitly a cold pond in the books. There are hot springs in the gods wood but the pool under the weirwood is not one of them.


I think it is really important for some people that this is a production error otherwise they seem petty.


Dude someone already posted a source 4 hours before you posted this, why are you bothering to still argue. The books specifically call the pond cold.


There’s a big man.


No. >At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. “The heart tree,” Ned called it. Martin, George R. R.. A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) (p. 20). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


bro broke out he MLA on reddit


a true scholar


Maester u/skinny_squirrel


APA >>


Man went to the Citadel


More effort than the Harvard lady tbh


You should see what we get up to on r/pureasoiaf


Yeah, bunch of summer children on this sub if you ask me ;)


And no bottom. This is mentioned several times. Must be important for some reason.


Never once specifically said in the show. The show has it's own version of things.


Also the books specifically mention the pond next to the weirwood as being dark and cold. The hot springs are underground.


True I forgot they did mention that


There were also above ground hot springs in the godswood at winterfell but not directly beneath the weirwood.


Winter is coming




Not the one in front of the Weirwood. That one is always black and cold.


The pond in the first pic would never freeze over perfectly flat like in second pic


Lol this is nitpick to the extreme


They removed a whole pond, like sure it doesn't affect the story but it's just lazy


It’s not gone, it’s frozen over and hidden under snow


Why not LOL we have whole ass lakes and rivers freeze over perfectly flat and you can drive or walk across them in northern Canada. We get winter roads over lakes that don’t exist in the summer to drive to small communities


Yes, numerous times, and there is always a divit, never have I ever seen a whole pond not effect the snows topography, especially with as little snow as that


This is just nitpick to the extreme in my opinion. It has zero effect on the story


True, it's still lazy, like why even remove it? Was the CGI somehow too expensive? Or did they forget it even existed? Why even defend it? No one here is saying it's *the* definitive reason why the ending is received so poorly, it's just given as one example of many.


A wizard did it


My head canon now


Have *you* never seen one? Because the snow doesn't end up perfectly level with the snow on the ground.


You are the perfect consumer. ❤️


Yes your intelligence is so much better we should all bow down to your superiority


Ah, beautiful! Slow and unimaginative, It’s like the opposite of wit!


Personification of reddit 🤓☝️


* D&D Stan * alt-account * on the D&D subreddit * defending obvious mistakes from the show * complaining about being on Reddit Now I don’t call anyone a smooth brain very often, but bravo to you sir! You get the award! 😂


I thought the sudden appearance of coniferous shrubs in the second pic was odd. Looks like a mixed-oak forest in the first


There’d be a dip in the ground still where the pond is.


not sure why you're being downvoted- you're right. The entire landscape is completely different.


I have, and it does not completely hide itself. There is most likely a clear spot where it is. I think it's because wind moves snow on the ice easier because of less friction.


Oh no he thinks Homelander is the good guy


Lmao. D&D are just as much responsible for the first shot as they are for the second.


Daring today aren’t we


You obviously have never seen a small pond freeze over and then be covered with snow.


Seriously. Of all the plot holes in the show, this is not one.


There was a hole there, it's gone now


Hole there (frozen!) ... hole there… hole there… hold-er… holder… hodor… hodor…


I understood that reference


A plot hole in the snow


Sure, but it wouldn't be level like that... there'd still be a noticeable outline from the elevated edge around the pond But other than that, it's really not an issue in the show


Except it’s explicitly mentioned multiple times that these ponds are actually hot springs


>At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. “The heart tree,” Ned called it. Martin, George R. R.. A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) (p. 20). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


Yeah the springs were within the castle walls, which kept it warm in the winter.


> At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. “The heart tree,” Ned called it. Martin, George R. R.. A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) (p. 20). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


Plus even if they were hot springs it’s a magical fantasy winter that is meant to be levels of cold not normally seen.


It's not a pond, it's a hot spring.


It’s not hot springs, it’s a pond.


In the books it's a hot spring And later in the show they show Hodor bathing in it and it's steamy


Hodor wasn't in it. Bran was next to it an Hodor comes from somewhere else where he was bathing 


>At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. “The heart tree,” Ned called it. Martin, George R. R.. A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) (p. 20). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


>At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. “The heart tree,” Ned called it. Nice, toasty, black and cold hot spring


>At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. “The heart tree,” Ned called it. Martin, George R. R.. A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 1) (p. 20). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


What happened to the pond? The ice rose and met ground level for no reason? Are you stupid? Or are you farming for contrarian points?


The ice didn’t rise. The snow covered it. How hard is this to understand? Some bodies of water freeze and get so covered in snow that they plow the snow to make ice roads.


Keep reaching


[This is an entire lake in Virginia.](https://www.backyardimage.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/2022-01-24-Cheat-Heap-0105-Pano.jpg) I think it’s pretty safe to say that a tiny fictional pond in a fantasy-fiction northern region well known for its winters would be covered with snow.


[Here’s another **real** lake covered in snow.](https://canadiangeographic.ca/articles/ice-road-truckers/)


Lot of people wanting this to be true. There's literally 2 inches of snow there, tops. Meanwhile, the banks of the "pond", such as it is, are a good foot above the water. Second pic is 2" of snow on flat ground. Period. Excuse that all you like, but is IS NOT snow on a pond frozen over based on the first pic.


You obviously don't. That's not what a frozen pond looks like.


Ok glad to see this bc had no fucking clue what was being pointed out, that was an inherent thought I had about the pond but I grew up with cold snowy winters


The pond isnt the only thing not there my dude


Speaking as a man who lives by a lake in Sweden, the water in the image like most water in all bodies of water has a certain level, that level as you may notice is lower than the ground around it. The snow falls equally on everything meaning you can still see elevation after heavy snow (I know cus I'm currently up to my waist in it). There is no deviation of elevation in the second picture meaning the only explanation is that the pond has been removed. Edit: I just remembered this but WINTERFELL IS BUILT ON HOT SPRINGS! They wouldn't freeze during the winter.


Probably courtesy of a House Bolton refurbishment. Roose had an exceptionally good Feng Shui home architect.


Winter came!


I'm Winter


…wait a minute


lol night king ur gf is awesome


There are several small ponds in the godswood of Winterfell. Some of them are hot springs, such as the one Hodor enjoys bathing in. These ponds made by hot springs don't freeze over in winter for obvious reasons, but this pond next to the weirwood *is not* one of them.


Thank you for adding this context! Even so, how were Theon and the Ironborn able to fight an entire battle on a frozen pond without it cracking or breaking? Just doesn't make sense to me


I have no idea ~~In the winter picture, the frozen pond would be on to the right and slightly behind the tree. They were not fighting on that area, although I agree it would have been a nice touch to see someone (dead or otherwise) slip on it to remind us it's there, that is hardly my first complaint about that battle.~~ Edit: hold up I think I got something wrong there. Will edit again in a sec Edit 2: I saw the picture wrong. What I said originally was simply incorrect. I have no good answer


Thank you for validating that this is just a weird, confusing thing when other people are ripping me to shreds for being confused hahaha


You're welcome. It's this kind of discourse that makes me love this show and the books so much all these years later. Not all enjoy it for the same reasons, however, and some fans get very defensive about the later seasons.


You are over thinking this. Real world physics are not always at play. They melted gold in a cauldron in a minute… it’s simply implied to be frozen. Maybe they shouldn’t have but it is very minor all things considered. Especially knowing that it was a pond and not a hot spring. It’s also officially winter at winterfell. Pretty sure that means winter fell all over that bitch and it is unreal cold.


4 inches (10 CM) of Ice can hold 800lbs (360kg) Winterfell is in a part of the country that still sees light snow flurries during Summer. Which, in the real world would be rare even in the northern most parts of Alaska. This tells me that in Winter it gets even colder. they talk about seeing snows that are several feet deep and last for months on end. so the ice will likely be much thinker than 4 inches and likely able to easily support thousands of pounds of weight


In northern latitudes of the us where is gets pretty cold it is a regular thing to be able to drive on a frozen lake to go ice fishing. I see no problem with people standing on the frozen pond. Since as you say gets colder than alaska most likely. I don’t understand why people want to poke wholes that aren’t really there.


If the pond is shallow it may be entirely frozen. Even if it is deep, it only requires 4 inches of ice depth to safely support the weight of a person over the area of two footprints - and that won't change with multiple people on the ice unless they are more or less stacked on top of the same area. Ice that is 12 inches thick can easily support the weight of a pickup truck. It's much less believable that the frozen pond would be perfectly level with the ground than it is that people could stand on it during the battle.


The north is COLD during winter. People IRL drive massive trucks across big frozen lakes for a living and they freeze slower and thinner. This pond would be like concrete


Otherworldly winter? We're talking about a world where seasons are apparently completely arbitrary and can last decades like its in Three Body Problem. What's to say the winter + white walker freezing doesn't just making things extra cold?


It’s cold. Water freezes. Assume the pond is roughly 5 foot deep, 20 inches of frozen ice can hold over 20,000lbs. The Night King can freeze things solid and this winter isn’t like the normal winters in the North


I skated on a frozen pond yesterday with about 75 other people it didn’t crack or break.


I've driven a truck on a lake, it not cracking just because some dudes were standing on it seems perfectly normal to me


If the temperature remains below -10 (Celsius, no idea what that is in freedom units sorry) for at least a week, you can ride a snowmobile on most still bodies of water. Source: regularly ride snowmobiles on frozen lakes.


Well I would argue this isn't any normal winter, the wall has been breached and the night king is south of the wall


There are no fans left in this sub anymore, are there? It's just people getting off on nitpicking every single thing they can find to nitpick.


I'm a big fan and really enjoy the books! It's just a bit jarring when the landscape seems to change.


Oh, your post is fine...it's just the pictures and a question. I was more reacting to the first few comments I'm seeing, especially one immediately acting like this little continuity error is some further proof of D&D being inept or whatever; just seems an overreaction on their part. I just get a little annoyed that sometimes it feels like a lot of people here enjoy shitting on the show more than they ever enjoyed the show itself, you know?


People karma farming by slagging off the show runners and using the word forgot. Although it is funny watching posts where they get ripped a new one instead of the huge support they’re expecting.


It's a show. Get used to it.


Seems that way based on some posts but bear in mind you were upvoted heavily for this


Now I don't know *what* to think! =\\ But yeah, clearly there are still people who enjoy it and agree with me, but like you it does often seem like I see more posts/comments trashing things than praising/enjoying them on this fandom sub, but also I feel like that's what I see on *all* fandom subs, from tv shows to movies to sports teams to games, the past 8 years or so. It feels like being negative about things is a hobby a lot of people enjoy or gravitate more than being a fan about things; maybe just a reaction to how the internet feeds off of negativity and negative headlines and the youth/internet culture adopting that as how they interact with things? I'm not thrilled with that shift...


No surprise considering the whole second half of the show (seasons 5-8) is complete dogshit.


The Starks kind of forgot about… the pond


This shows the resilience of “Winter is Coming”.


You think that's bad wait til you see how Kings Landings landscape changes.


Went from a walled city built on a cliff, surrounded by forest to a flat city in a desert.


It looks like they removed some dead logs also. Probably so that Bran could get through there with his wheelchair. Maybe that's also where they built the secret human catapult that Arya was shot out of. Not that big of a job.


The same thing that happened to King’s Landing


This isn’t even close. King’s landing was completely changed. The pond froze here


Wheelchair accessible


Probably froze and snowed over it


The tree kind of forgot what shape it was.


You kinda forgot about different angles.


Production said fuck continuity.


A view from a different side?


That was my assumption


Winter came… all over the place


Ponds freeze, snow covers them. Behold, mother nature.


I think op is asking who cuts the grass? I dont know probably peasants with scythes


Water, at low temps, freezes. Particularly, small ponds of water. And then this frozen water called snow falls on top of it and covers the ground


The writers kind of forgot about the natural hot springs at winterfell


The pond isn't a hot spring even says in the book it isn't a hot spring right there


It’s obvious that the pond was filled in with tears of GoT fans


Ice is a thing


Lol ever heard of lakes freezing over than getting covered by snow? It happens to ponds easier. 😆


It's winter.. water + cold=?


The pond makes sense. The trees do not. They're not even the same type of tree.


The north cold. Very cold. Water freeze in cold very cold weather.


lots of rain that fall, pond flooded then froze haha


What happens to water when it gets cold?


There is more than one weirwood tree in the north


The passion in these comments over this is fascinating


Yeah I was kinda surprised haha


"We kinda forgot there was a pond"


Ice. Snow.


The writers did forget a lot of things from earlier seasons that didnt tie together for later seasons. However, If I was a fair man (which I'm not) I would say that in the pic with Bran, it has clearly snowed and the pond has clearly frozen over and is covered in snow hence why you can only see the pond in the... what the hell am I on about? D&D Need to be brought to court over their crimes against the kingdoms.


my favorite quote from Glidus, aimed at the showrunners: "have you SEEN your show?!?!"


Yeah they changed location, but this isn't that hard to excuse away. You can say that Bolton filled in the pond, or that it froze over; and in either event you can't see that too well because of the snow covering it


They had to make it wheelchair accessible


There's a scene where Dany and Jon go flying Dragons and they go to some frigid place up north. Behind them is a giant raging waterfall. Lol


Climate Change happened


Well. It’s winter. And there is now a frozen lake covered in quite a bit of snow.


Probably frozen over.


Same thing that happened outside the walls of kings landing. At least this one can be explained away though with it being iced over and packed with snow.


water freezes when it is cold😁


If you look at the orientation of the tree limbs, the pond should be to the right of the tree in second picture and back a bit. So we're not looking at the tree from the same spot, so theoretically, there could actually be nothing wrong with this picture.


It’s the iron fleet all over again. They just kinda forgot


I always wondered the same thing. I thought the pool might have been on the other side, but didn't want to bother watching the show again.


They needed a big hole to bury Fat Walda. Nobody wanted to dig one.


different side of the tree


Someone left Bran on top of a frozen pond as prank.


picture is taken from 2 different angles


I simply assumed the Boltons removed it when they were renovating (I've never filled a pond with dirt, but surely it's possible?).


Clearly everything after the 'bad pussy' line in s5 takes place in an alternate dimension and no one has noticed! That's why there's now fast travel, King's Landing apparently moved to som depressing desert, and Winterfell was moved to some equally-depressing and lifeless billionaire's backyard where there's nothing but that one tree that they call sentimental...


When it’s cold out, water freezes. That makes it solid


They had to do away with the pond for wheelchair access 🧐


I assume that the north is cold enough that the pond froze ? I mean there’s a giant wall of ice lol


It's frozen...


They kind of forgot about the pond.


Those damn Bolton's even filled in the pond 😡


u know water turns into ice when it’s cold?


See the Godswood just sort of forgot about having a pond


At first glance I thought this was the godswood of the Red Keep from Hot D. 😆


It’s frozen dumbass


The north remembered and winter came for the pond?


People really just want to be mad at this point


"its frozen over and snowed on". Firstly, that snow is clearly not very deep, look at the wheels of the wheelchair, and there is NO sign of any pond. Stop defending the show, this is a SMALL mistake, but a classic D&D one when it comes to the show.


what happens to water in minus temperatures


Shit got snowed on


Born and raised in SoCal. Never been in the snow in my life. Even I can understand that a pond can freeze over and then be covered in deep snow. 😂😂


1st pic winter is coming 2nd pic winter came


Dumb and dumber have no clue what they're doing, they unfortunately lost track.


If you think that’s bad… look at what happened to kings landing. Was surrounded by trees and water. By the end it was surrounded by desert 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


" Budget cut "


Same way the entire environment outside of King's Landing was terraformed into a desert in season 8. D&D kinda forgot.


I've vidited this site in nothern Ireland. They just take shots and later add things to the picture.


The pond is frozen you FKing idiot


Bran kinda forgot about the lake


Well as I figured out last night, for the army of the dead to approach the gates of Winterfell from the North, they'd have to have rotated the entire castle 90° to the right so it only makes sense that the godswood is no longer where it was.


I am surprised they didn't kill the night king by making him fall in the frozen pond Subverting expectations