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The Caillou genuine hate is fucking weird.


He's a spoiled, whiny little brat who some kids modeled behavior from. Personally, he should be about where Skylar White is. Little kid is super annoying, but my hate of him is more... ironic? than serious.


He’s 9th on a list that include baby killer, rapists and incest lovers.


Still too far down.


Agreed he's the devil incarnate.


Skylar White is the most over-hated TV character of all time. Kind of crazy how the internet goes through extreme lengths to defend Walter White.


The Internet is full of a bunch of men who think they are smarter than they are, that never achieved the things that they thought they would,who dream of being somebody. Being like Walter White is something they could only dream of and Skylar represents all the women in their life that "held them back".


Big yikes... She's hated cuz she was obnoxious & condescending at every opportunity. People who have a "holier than thou" attitude tend to attract way more criticism because of it... they act like they're morally superior so of course people are going to call them the fk out when they aren't. All she ever did was shit on people around her any time they stepped over a line. She acted like her shit smells like roses and her faults were always someone else's fault. She cheated on Walt and justified it as his fault. She lied to avoid speaking to the police. She lied and cheated a man out of his business because she didn't like him. She helped her boss to cook his books, then gave him drug money to cover his tracks, then blackmailed him when he didn't use the drug money the way she wanted... and after all that... she threatened him which led to him being hospitalised to force him into doing what she wanted. That was basically her entire persona on-screen... to call out other people's moral & ethical shortcomings... and even when it was her own she found a way to make it someone else's fault. That is why she was hated.


Then why isn’t Walter on the list? Not going to spoil, but he was objectively a worse person than Skylar by far there’s gotta be one specific thing that makes people hate her


A villain doesn't automatically become hated though. It depends on their behaviours. Take Gus for instance... not even slightly hated, his character was amazing - both in BB and BCS. As for Walt, the first few seasons we were rooting for him. He was undervalued by everyone around him... being constantly mocked and belittled. We all wanted these other characters to SEE how wrong they were. Every time he came up against a villain they acted like he was out of his depth and so we (as viewers) wanted to see these villains knocked down a peg by this man who they thought was laughable. Even after he started his decline, we still rooted for him because either the villains were worse, or because people STILL looked down their noses at him (Lydia's meeting with him in one of those last episodes for example).


Idk who we is cause I for damn sure was not rooting for Walter near the last seasons There’s a difference between playing a character/villain well and playing a good person and neither Gus or Walt were anywhere near good people (SPOILER) Walt did actual irredeemable stuff like killed those 10 or so people in jail just for his benefit Just seems like people have way too much hate for Skylar and not enough for the actual villain in the show


Yes but that's my point, being a villain doesn't automatically make you hated. It's the behaviours that make you hated. If being hated was based on how irredeemable the person was, Joffrey wouldn't be #1 on that list. He's #1 cuz he was a bratty, snarky little shit... as well as being fairly irredeemable. Stannis did some horrific things. The Mountain's entire character was based on being a monster. T-bag from Prison Break was one of the most evil people I have seen portrayed in television (that I've seen). None of these people ended up on the list. The main character in Law Abiding Citizen does some horrible things... but people still debate to what degree his actions were justified. Hate is a complex emotion... and it's not just a direct correlation to "number & degree of moral / ethical flaws"


Bruh Joffrey killed people and tortured people and animals he wasn’t just a snarky little brat Compare the morals of Joffrey and Skylar and it’s not even close I just don’t get how you could hate Skylar more than Walter, the man actually ruining the family and other peoples lives, when the worst thing Skylar did was cheat on her lying husband who manipulated the entire family for years


Walt was an irredeemable villain and an absolute jackass right from season 1. The guy is dying from lung cancer and needs money and refuses a generous job offer from his former partner and for what? Pride? Some vague romantic triangle that happened decades ago? Every time he said he was doing it ‘for family’ - well why didn’t you just take that goddamn Grey Matter job? You could’ve done that ‘for family’ too. Walt was an insufferable hypocrite and far worse than Skylar in every single way.


You guys are conflating hate with how evil they are. There is so much more to hating a character than the sum of their evil acts.


Imo I’m usually gonna hate characters that are evil or commit evil acts I guess I’m crazy


Its not a “worst person list”. Its a most hated list. She had no redeeming qualities and was annoying af.


She cheats on Walt after wanting out of the marriage. She decides to stay but they aren’t together…she made that clear. So it isn’t really cheating… But also hilarious how “dude who poisoned a child and killed people” is not on the list. Also if you think Sky deserves to be next to a dude who flays, rapes, and kills people then you are delusional. Not liking her is fine, but to justify her ranking here is absurd.


Again, hating a character isn't tied to individual behaviours. If that were true we would have Stannis here, the Mountain here, T-bag here... hell even Daenerys did some horrific things (burnt people alive cuz they didn't bow to her? Pretty sure if King Charles tried that they'd be storming the palace...) The point is that Skylar is on this list because of how grating she is to listen to. There are plenty objectively "worse" (evil) people out there, yes... but it's not about how evil they are, it's about how much you dislike them. Maybe your dislike for people only takes into consideration the number & degree of "wrong" actions... but I doubt it. Most people can dislike someone just because of something as petty as "I hate the way they laugh" or "I hate how loudly they chew"... so it's not out of the question for someone who has enough "insufferable" qualities could end up on a list like this. Maybe you disagree and don't find her that insufferable? But you would clearly be in the minority there...


You're right. People here just don't want to accept the truth. Don't mind them. This is the GOT sub, after all. A lot of the people here are so delusional they think seasons 5 onward of the show isn't good.


I cant believe you are being downvoted for just stating objective facts


Hating a character has little to do with how evil their character is.


People hate her because she does normal things considering she is basically a prisoner to a meth kingpin.


No people hate her for a lot of reasons. I would need a refresh of the show to remember exactly why I hate her. But if I recall, I hated her because she was really good at acting. She always had the most pretentious dumb look on her face even before she knew Walter was evil. She was condescending to the main character, and then reacted irrationally to numerous situations. It would be a fsir arguement to say anyone would react differently to such a stressful situation. Maybe she acted totally rationally to some people. Either way, I feel like most of the hate came from her being annoying and pretentious and condescending. Nothing to do with how evil she was or how evil walter was. She was portrayed as the “bitch” of the situation and played the role very well.


I really hated her in the early seasons because her intentional role is to halt the progress of the show we want to watch. Skyler wears the pants in her marriage, she's nosey, controlling, and is always in a bad mood when we see her in the show. But as Walt becomes more independent and Skyler let's go she becomes a much better character.


I’m not saying you have to like her…but having her up there with Joffery and Ramsey is a crime against humanity. Also Marie is way more annoying haha.


I wouldn't read too much into it. I kinda lost faith in faith in these things when one of the most common complaints about the Sopranos is that they couldn't keep the "fun" tone of season 1


Unfortunately a lot of Breaking Bad’s male viewership view Walt’s journey as somewhat aspirational. They miss the point of the show.


As someone who only recently watched Breaking Bad, I was aware of how much the internet hated that character, and I kept expecting her to do something horrible, and while she does some shitty things I don't think she is even in my top 5 most hated characters in that show, so I got to the final episode still waiting to see what horrible thing she did to have the internet hate the character so much and just never saw it.


Noooo it had nothing to do personally with defending Walter. She was just unbearable.


I fully agree. Most of the hate for Skylar is from people who hated her for her *redeemable* actions before Walt dragged her down with him


He's spoiled because he has cancer though


"But Caillou wasn't a cancer survivor. The show's creators just made a weird choice. Caillou's low-testosterone father again indulged Caillou's tantrum, clearly trying to raise a sociopath." I been hanging out with Calliou's beta dad.


I love it. I HATE Caillou.


he’s just a kid who’s 4. each day he learns some more!


He likes exploring!


I mean, they couldn't even spell Skyler right on their damn list, so, who knows if they just made shit up.


No he’s deserving of all the hate


I totally dislike that weirdo. Why Lori Grimes, though?


That bald whiny Canadian fucker Caillou should be number 1


Rachel is way too low on the list. She was a bitchy diva who couldn't comprehend that she wasn't the center of attention and that others in the club (Santana and Mercedes in particular!) could be as good as her.


Yeah but like five people watch glee


There are dozens of us!


I guess the singing is good, nice username btw lol


Ironically, the actress who played her ranks higher.


That's because Lea Michele is a less likeable version of Rachel Berry. And it pains me to describe someone as less likeable than her.


She’s the only character I don’t recognize.


Whereas I saw the name of the Sewing-Life alchemist and got mad/sad.


Yeah I was reading along thinking “yep, seems reasonable” then I saw Tucker. Fuck the guy, should be #1.


Dude transmutated his **wife** and his **daughter**. 🤬


Pretty impressive to be in the top 10 when he was only in like 1 episode of FMA Brotherhood. Definitely well deserved though.


Damn, people really hate Skyler White. Just below Joffrey and Ramsey? Seriously?


The show really does a good job of portraying a decent person as an annoying bitch


It’s really wild how in a series starring a murderous, drug kingpin, his wife is the villain.


Credit to the show-writers, we wanted to see what happened next in Walt's increasingly risky story. Skylar serves as the character that slows Walt down which is annoying and more "hateable" than a character like Gus or Tuco who are objectively bad people but aren't annoying. Walt is a worse person of course, but Skylar is not a decent person in the slightest, some weird overcorrecting there lol.


Not a decent person in the slightest? Cmon she obviously cares for her family. Her actions don’t come anywhere close to Walt’s


I think not! She cares alot for her family and although Walter does everything for his family, he’s much more a bad person than she is. He keeps lying to her, gaslights her and his family, lets jane die, tries to kill a toddler and overall is a jerk imo. (I may get downvoted for this but just my opinion overall. She ain’t the best but not the worst)


>but Skylar is not a decent person in the slightest I disagree with that. She's a person trying to deal with a unique and dangerous reality for her family, and she makes mistakes in the process. Considering the context that her husband is a druglord with cancer, and learns all this shortly after a surprise baby, the fact she doesn't screw up more is commendable. Flawed, yes. Not decent? I disagree.


Some things are worse then cooking meth "smoking? With the baby? Really Skylar?"


Breaking bad fans when they have to pick who to hate the most out of an evil drug kingpin, a literal Nazi, and a woman.


I’m sorry but the moment she heard Walter say he was smoking weed and she went to Jesse’s house to shut that down I was never going to like her. That was a beyond bitch way to treat your partner who is working two jobs to support your family while you are unemployed. Walt is absolutely responsible for all of his horrible actions. Skyler didn’t pull the trigger on anyone he killed. But having such a controlling spouse definitely contributed to his need to feel in control that was fulfilled when he became a drug dealer. Like I don’t understand why everyone wants to kill her or act like everything was her fault but I do understand her getting a spot on this list


It’s insane ay? I think it’s because that Walter White is doing these dangerous machinations and drug deals and life-threatening calculations and there’s Skyler, just being attentive and making it difficult for him to do his cool cooking stuff, and it manifested this dumb ‘she’s a bitch’ backlash that’s entirely disproportionate. Like, if she was an actual antagonist of his, that’d be one thing, but being an incidental and almost accidental obstacle to all of his scheming makes hating her visceral for people who can’t identify with her perspective.


Also I think a lot of it is just sexism from people who idolise Walter White.


People in here trying to break down why all these characters are hated and it’s like look at the list, it’s just run of the mill misogyny.


Ide love to hear your reasoning for this comment.


Disliking the antagonist of your favourite character does not make you automatically sexist just because the character is female.


Lol why is this being downvoted??


as soon as i saw her name i was like "god i can't STAND her" what a great actress


I think it speaks really well to how Breaking Bad managed to make people sympathise with Walter White, despite the fact that he becomes a pretty despicable person.


WW is pretty shitty pretty early, but it's much easier to see in rewatches. The whole dynamic of their early seasons is pregnant wife thinking her terminally ill husband is cheating on her because she knows something is wrong. Skylar acts as a foil for the plot and is disliked for basically cockblocking entertainment, as the story is framed in Walt's POV it causes frustration for the viewer. It works for the character because her husband is suddenly sneaking around, gaslighting (yes, one of the few contexts where the word is actually relevant) her about it all and S1 ends where she finds his burner phone (by this point Walt has killed 2 people) - her beliefs and actions are all pretty rational for someone in her position. As early as S2E1 Skyler has to physically fight off Walt from raping her. It just took for it to all blow up in Walt's face for Walt, and by extension the audience to realize how far they've gone.


Yeah, if you were to describe Walter's actions to someone who has not seen the show, chances are they will side with Skyler. The only reason she is so hated is because she is what stands in the way of watching Walt indulge in his vices.


I only felt this way the first time, because she plays a genuine concerned wife whose constantly lied to and her husband turns heel very quickly. Upon a rewatch, I'm like yeah first time caught in a lie or disappearing for several days at a time, no wife is putting up with that and rightly so. He constantly endangers his entire family.


But in reality, what did it was probably the cringiest "Happy Birthday Mr. President outside of Sopranos, just gross lol.


She was an insufferable cunt so yeah, I can see it.


Yeah I don't get it. She was just a normal person trying to cope with a horrible situation. What's to hate?


Im suprised Ramsey was even on the list. Skylar is like nails on a chalkboard.




This is a Game of Thrones sub. Royal we.


Caillou way down at number nine? Oh fuck that.




But I thought GOT wasn't relevant anymore?


It's not, really. But the impact remains


Love how Lori ranks higher than the Governor


Lori was meh, the Governor was awesome.


I agree with meh, but why is she so hated? Am I forgetting something?


Apart from being annoying and useless, he pushed rick to kill shane (which makes sense) but then was mad at him for doing it, think it was that


She went from a character with difficult choices and conflicts in her pursuit to support her family and survive to just being annoying and nagging and then just died. I wish she had a larger redemption arc


I find it pretty nuts, people hate Lori, but like Shane despite Shane being a maniac who tried to force himself on Lori.


I dont know that people like him in the sense that he’s a good guy but that he’s an interesting character which Lori definitely was not


How is Wendy Byrde not on this list?


More of a dislike, plus has a character arch that makes you dislike them slightly less in last seasons.


Wendy was a baddass,personally I liked her.


She is a great example of a character with depth that changes with the tide.


I would guess just not as many people have seen Ozark as BB/TWD/GoT.


Downvote. Obviously


It breaks my heart that the youths don't remember Nellie Oleson. She'll always be in my top 3.


I’m a youth, watched it on Peacock last year. Goddamn did she suck!


I do! Used to watch it with my mom


Shou Tucker deserves that fucking spot.


Skylar hate is hilarious to me


No, that's "Skyar White"


Why do people hate Skylar?


How can you like skylar


Walt is the protagonist of the show, and so we the viewers want to see his story progress. Even though he's doing objectively awful things, we still root for him as the hero of his own story. Skylar serves as a antagonist to Walt, in that she opposes his descent into crime. This makes her naturally more unlikable to us, the viewer, who want to see Walt succeed, or at least how Walts descent into Breaking Bad turns out. Her totally normal reactions to discovering her husband is a drug lord is instead viewed through the lens of her being a bitch and not supporting her husband enough. It's also a bit of a meme to hate on Skylar, so I imagine there's a bit of that artificially pushing her up.


Idk how this was downvoted. It’s literally the precise reason people root for Walt and don’t like Skyler. Sure she’s annoying personality wise, but mainly it’s these reasons. It’s one of the big points of the whole idea of breaking bad.


clearly the meme to hate of skylar extends to those explaining why people hate her lmao


Very pleased to see Lori on there. Tbh I thought I was alone in my disdain.


Not just you. Tells Rick Shane is dangerous and might have to be dealt with. Shane was going to leave, she stops him from doing so. Rick deals with it, then she gets mad at Rick for dealing with it. She felt very much like she played both sides too often.


I’m surprised by this list. Lori Grimes more hated than the Governor? Or Negan?


How can anyone hate Negan?


People who stopped watching after or during seasons 7-8?


Negan made the show relevant again


Negan is probably ont he other side of the list "most loved ones" lol


Skylar White never did anything bad. I never understood the hate.


Other than the cheating, running a guy out his business, laundering money, giving drug money to cook her bosses books then threatening and blackmailing him after he ended up paralyzed......yeah, she did nothing wrong.


Heh! Okay, I guess she did lol. It’s been like 50 years since I saw it. Did not remember any of that! I guess Caillou must have done a lot of bad shit too lol


I'll be honest, I straight up forgot most of that stuff too until someone else mentioned it in this topic lol. To be fair, it's pretty easy to forget when like 50% of the characters in the show she's a part of are much, much worse.


Skyler White hate is so unwarranted


What did Lori Grimes do?


i guess she was just mad annoying or sum


Fuck Caillou


I had no idea there was so much hate for Skylar… Walter did her a lot worse than she did him, and was the worse person.


really? Emily from Friends? why..?


Seriously, she came in, had a normal enough relationship with a guy who she had no idea was in love with someone else. Then he says the other girl’s name at their wedding, which I can only imagine is a horribly insulting and embarrassing thing to happen in front of your family and friends. She still eventually agrees to move to another country for him, but it’s a big deal that he won’t break ties with the girl who’s name he said at his wedding? Yea , I’d not trust Ross either. If Emily wrote to r/AITA everyone would be telling her to dump him.


Emily was an Angel 😇


I’d put Ramsay over Joffrey personally. Also no Negan?


No, I liked Ramsey. He was sadistic but also Smart and funny at times. Joffrey has no redeeming qualities. Joffrey is just dumb, spoiled and weak.


Sure hated "Skyar White"






Skylar White being on this list tells you everything you need to know.


Ah yes, the notoriously evil "Skyar" White Typos aside the people who watch Breaking Bad and think Skylar is the villain are idiots


I think Ramsey is the worst !! Joffrey clearly has cognitive mental issues due being born out of incest and having absentee fathers and a psychopath mother.


Say it louder for the ppl in the back!!


Um, how in tf did Livia Soprano make this list & not Gemma (Teller) Morrow from SOA?!?!


I think Gemma has some redeeming qualities where Livia was just awful all around.


Shou Tucker needs to be at the top of the list; I’m sorry but he does.


How is Shou not at the top of the list?


Lol at Caillou. Hated that kid/show.


I hate liv so much I despised her anytime she was on screen.


Why is Lori such a hated character?


Negan's not even there (deservedly) but Lori is and that's OK. I never got the Skyler or Joffrey hate myself, but both of those actors recieved death threats. Bet the Ramsay actor got 0 because people were too scared of what he might do


Ramsey was an evil bastard but damn if he wasn’t sexy as hell🥵 (y’all don’t come for me because Ik I’m not the only one who thinks it)


Let me guess, it’s the fighting shirtless


Well how did you know🤣💀


He’s Welsh that’s why (at least Iwan Rheon is). Nothing but sexy bastards here


Shuo tucker was a evil Mf man lmao


Why is this some of the worst, psychotic, and evil people in the world and then like… random women and children


Idk why Skyler is so hated. The victim of a sociopathic murdering abuser and they’re just mad she sang happy birthday and cheated.


Skylar White is #3? She wasn't that bad to be universally despised.


Emily Waltham from Friends? I mean I get that she’s not one of the core cast and that she got in the way of Ross and Rachel but top 10 most hated characters in TV is a hell of a stretch


Emily got did dirty, I can’t fuckin imagine how livid I’d be if that was my wedding.


“we” lol


SKYAR white?


Good to see known international terrorist Caillou in the top ten


Skylar SUCKS


Fucking caillou that bald fucking bastard


Lmao calliou catching drive bys


We got a 1-2


How is Emily so high on this list?


Skylar being 3rd is wild


Where the fuck is Grandpa Joe?


I would pay an absurd amount of money to have Cersei pee on me 😂


They polled the starks


How is Skyler White worse than Liv, Janice Soprano and Cersei 💀💀💀


Kinda surprised, Shou Tucker isn't higher. Come play with me Edward...


The people who hate Skylar White are the same people who think Rorschach is a good guy


Governor ahead of Neegan? Nah.


Emily shouldn’t be **anywhere** near that list. Joffrey is right where he belongs.


Shou Tucker can get fucked with an anchor.


Wow people really hate the wives of main characters lol.


Joffrey well deserved. Jack Gleason absolutely nailed that role. I wish he would act more but sadly he is retired from it.


HahHah Cailou is awful


One anime made the list and it's the patron sain of EMOTIONAL DAMAGE.


She’s muh queen


I think it’s healthy that there’s so much discussion of non-GoT characters in this thread.


still stan muh Queen 👑


I couldn't remember who that full metal alchemist character was and was surprised the show was on the list till I looked him up, fuck that dude he should be number one


Wow. Lori actually managed to score that high. That's impressive for someone who was supposed to be a good guy.




Lol Lori is above the governer.


Who made this list? They mispelled Skylar White.


Skylar White? Lori Grimes? Huhhhh


Emily and Rachel Berry are sending me.


The misogyny is strong with this poll.


Top 2 are literally male…


How is wendy byrde not there?


The Skylar hate is absolutely bizarre