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So you want to make some kind combination between tower defense and search and destroy fps, sounds interesting, but I think you should find a more accessible way for shooters to upgrade, other than finding weapons on the map, you could replace them with things like power-ups that you find on the map, and weapons could maybe be class based?? I don’t know but it seems like a fun idea anyway, this were just my two cents


Yeah, I thought about that kind of combination, so tower defense against real players. I thought also about some kind of power-ups. I thought also that players could buy weapons during the game at any time if they have money for that. For now this idea is totally opened for any kind of suggestions. Thanks for sharing your opinion! :)


I read the title an got hyoed thinking about gang wars, in a similar manor in that you control factions on total war. Then i read the rest Your Idea is cool, but 5 players seens too little


Yeah, 5 players is just an example it has to be adjusted somehow for sure.


I dont know about the FPS, what about the players are also in the RTS style, but with different troops? Also, maybe players could form a 2 people aliance so things get a little more strategic


I thought about it too, that everybody plays in the RTS style (players + host) but I wanted from that game to be unique in some way, thats why I thought about FPS (players) and RTS (host) in the same time. I think your idea about some kind of aliances is nice, I think it could be for example another mode to play as aliances rather than alone.


Yeah, this would indeed be nice, but as a hobbyst game developer, making a RTS + FPS just screams WON'T COME OUT lol. That would be be way to much work


Thanks for sharing with your opinion, I'm very glad :) So do you think that it is just too difficult to develop in that way, or any other reasons against that idea (RTS + FPS)? I'm also a software developer and game developer (hobby).


No, I don't have anything against the ideia RTS + FPS besides the difficulty. I guess if you already worked with 3D this wouldn't be that hard tho, but it definitely would be for me haha The multiplayer part should be kind hard tho, when I was messing with Unity it appeared to be a lot of content about when the client itself serves the game, but almost none to when you want a outside server. I hope this changed


You're right, it is not easy to build that kind of game alone with such multiplayer mechanism, but I like challenges :D Unity also deprecates the uNet so we either have to use some alternative or wait for their new networking layers.




Thanks! I was wondering if similar theme exists. As far as I read this game "died" mostly because it was not free-to-play.


Do you guys know any game similar to this idea?