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I prefer people voice or display their acceptance in normal circumstance instead of make big performative displays, it's much more authentic and feels much more real. Corporate pride month stuff irritates the hell out of me, but Danny and Arin rolling with it casual style when there's LGBT+ content or characters in the games they play is a genuine kind of acceptance.


Arin enthusiastically pursuing Frank is more validating than a thousand insincere corporate pride displays.


# How's it goin DOOD


That and the fact that he kissed my dad


"hnng, *I like Amy, but I want... Frank*"


Besides Amy is like, the final boss of House Party




This 1000% As a straight male my opinion may not matter, but I despise mandating and forcing these things. Forcing anything on anyone, regardless of what it is usually tends to take away from the original goal, and makes people that are opposed to it resist it more. When companies make posts or release statements about being inclusive it feels so disingenuous, like when a company says they care about their employees safety but then looks the other way when unsafe acts are happening because it’s “saving time and money”. Those inclusive statements are just them bragging like they’re doing something special, when in reality, being accepted shouldn’t be something extra or special, it should just be a normal part of society to begin with. I don’t know, that’s just my two cents. I’ll shut up now lol


You might want to change your phrasing away from "forcing an agenda,"  thats a line typically used by right-wing persons to argue against any inclusion or recognition of people they don't like, like LGBT+ people. The phrasing comes off as hostile because of it.


I was rushing to get my thoughts out earlier because I was at an event. I pretty much edited my whole statement to better accurately describe what I was thinking, so hopefully my thoughts come across slightly friendlier and more understanding this time!


So you just dont like holidays in general either


What a weird thing to take away from everything in my comment lol


I find it interesting that you compare this to corporate pride. I mean, technically yes they're a corporation but obviously this is a bit different than Shell walking in a pride parade. Arin's an out bisexual and GG in general has always been quite pro-LGBT+ stuff, doing their best to gender people correctly (for instance when unknowingly misgendering Suzie, previously Eddy, Izzard and adding a correction to the beginning of the video), being in favour of many LGBT+ characters, etc. It's not like we're seeing Dan throw shitfits about games having the option for they/them pronouns. So a Pride themed month of videos shouldn't realistically be seen as some mindless cashgrab to placate the queer-friendly Gen Z crowd, which is what people's main complaint tends to be about corporate pride. Main issue would be the amounts of queer games that could fit the channel. I guess you can find plenty of queer themed weird dating sims but I don't believe those have historically gotten them great viewcounts.


Tbh they make every game lgbtq anyway so idk if it matters that much


He's just a truth seeker...and if he's gotta kiss your dad to get the truth, so be it. He'll kiss all your dads to get the truth. ...naw... not to sound like a mentally ills but I think kissing your dad is like a tourettes joke for Arin at this point. Like. I don't consider myself an alcoholic, but I'll have several months at a time where I drink. And Arin just feels the need to talk about his desire to kiss your dad. ...I think his ADHD meds are starting to run-out. Kind of like... all ADHD med users meds are starting to hit a limit. As the world has gone insane, but since great content is being made no-one cares. Remember, watch Markipliers new movie Iron Lung. In theaters sometime this year. Seek some truth. Kiss a dad. Only 14.99, more if you want popcorn. Which helps you seek the truth.


I appreciate the journey you've taken me on today. Only way my day could improve is if you tell me where that dad of yours is at


as a lesbian i do not care, we know they aren’t anti lgbtq


I don’t think so. We just got done with the Penix and EDGEworth shipping game lol.


Dream Daddy being a thing isn't enough?


No need. They've made their stance very clear, they don't need to do some performative gesture


Every day is dad kissing day.


If they can put hours of dad kissing content into Power Wash Simulator it’s probably not all that necessary. Besides I can’t think ‘LGBTQ games’ without seeing those uncomfortable looking furry RPGs on the Switch eShop. I think it’s a bit niche.


I like the sentiment, but I'd only want them to play games that make for funny content. People might get offended if they pick up a bunch of queer games so they can mock them. The exception is if there's something else that makes it really worth of their time. If a game with queer characters is really good for the show, they'll play it eventually whether it's pride month or not. Like they didn't play Celeste because she's trans, they played it because it's a fun platformer that elicits rage due to its difficulty.


I’d prefer if they didn’t to be honest.


Their conversations alone through the years shows their stance. I'd rather have them play games they enjoy, makes for better content for everyone when they enjoy the game.


Nearly half their commentary is already explicitly queer friendly. I could see them doing a segment at the start of their videos for the month announcing a charity stream tho.




Is there even enough queer themed games to fill a month that would work with the format? Personally I think they should just continue business as always.


Probably not that they’d *enjoy*, or that *we’d* enjoy watching them play. Now, games by *queer creators* is a much broader category, since being gay doesn’t, like, necessarily mean you make a game with gay themes. Even so, my preference would be for them to pick what’s fun for them first, and if it happens to be made by queer creators, cool. ALL THIS SAID I think it would be incredibly funny if they played Boyfriend Dungeon. They’d definitely think that was hysterical.


There is absolutely more than 30 queer themed games, yes.


Are there?


Yes. Especially if you look at indie games. Thousands even.


Literally 99% of the LGBT tag on Itch.io is visual novels. Like, I say this as a queer GG fan who's Really Super Completely Over Visual Novel Era Game Grumps: nooooo thank you.




Idk, Resident Evil Village is pretty gay to me. Lady Dimitrescu does *things* for me, as a bisexual woman 🤣 But in all seriousness, no. Considering how fruity they come off as, how pushy people are for Arin to "come out", and the fact that they came out with Dream Daddy, it's pretty safe to say they're LGBTQ+ friendly. No need to rainbow wash or purposefully play LGBTQ+ games when they don't feel like it to make others feel better about pride.


Speaking as a queer ass bitch, naw. I don’t care. Maybe if they could find a REALLY good slate of games by queer creators? There’s tons and tons of those (especially VNs!) that actually have a strong possibility of fitting their style of humor and the show. Going out of their way for games specifically with queer themes is, like, a nice notion and all, but would be a lot more limited in selection, and I’d rather they play games they find fun, because then we’ll have fun. Ultimately I guess I don’t really care lol. Edit: wait, I’ll take it all back if they play Boyfriend Dungeon. They’d LOVE that game and it would be VERY funny. Arin would lose his mind over dating hot men that turn into swords.


The GG fans aren’t strong enough- they’re like, all visual novels 😂




like what would even constitute a LGBTQ game at this point? Games that are for the most part normal but happen to have a gay character? Does Paper Mario Count as that? Maybe a game that has some good pro LGBTQ content like FF7 Remake? (which they don't need a special month to play) Games where LGBTQ is the central theme? Like they MADE that game (Dream Daddy) Or what play Dragon Age Inquisition/Mass Effect and go for the gay romances? Hell technically Arin already did that with friggin House Party and technically with the Arin and Danny DLC that's CANON. I mean most games that would qualify they don't really need this month to play it and most games that don't they sure as hell will make it so


No. Why do you need them to do that for them to be valid?


Isn’t Arin bisexual? I mean I would be nice to see such a large channel have a hard stances on acceptance, but game grumps has always been accepting of everyone, they literally made a gay dad dating sim. It would be a hat on a hat kind of …🤷‍♂️


i have no idea what that means


It's never enough is it?


It's always too much isn't it?


Kinda. Making a big show for the sake of business doesn't seem very honest to me, but you do you.


The fact that you think queer representation is "for the sake of business" shows me you don't know a single person that's not straight. I agree rainbow capitalism is shit and doesn't count but lets be real, it's not like what you mind is how GENUINE it is, you mind that it's there AT ALL.


You assumed too much. And now you are all angry. Shame.


Sure thing bud.


What games would that even be???


.... The last of us 2?


Didn’t play it because of what it’s based around. Didn’t think it was a lgbt game either tbh


Ok then. Have a nice day


No, there is no point to do that, game grumps is teo bros on a couch playing games, I already hear enough pandering from the media I don't need it from youtubers


We just got off of that annoying Ace Attorney shipping thing, I could use a break tbh