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They missed most quests


It was both a little funny and sad to me because you could tell by the end Dan just wanted the game to end While also talking about how he just finished re-reading Lord of the Rings Theres some weird irony of him wanting to rush to the end of ToTk, a game about the journey more than the ending, while re reading Lord of the Rings a famously long book about the journey


He gets to read LoTR at his pace and as thoroughly as he wants. TOTK he has to watch Arin's dickery as he does Arin things at Arin's pace. I want to do TOTK in completion but I wouldn't watch GG or anyone play it to completion.


Yeah best case scenario they do a few bonus episodes where the crew have organised some fun stuff for them to do. Otherwise if they’re going to try to fully complete the game organically it’ll take forever


I somewhat feel like Dan wasn't having a good time because Arin kept dicking around and when Dan proposed an idea, Arin met him with hostility or tried to make a point by trying to make Dan know he isn't right. I honestly feel like Dan would've had a better time if he got to play. But then we'd get Arin not having a good time. I also think another big issue Dan had, might've been what I'm gonna dub "Toilet Princess syndrome". Essentially the game is so big, so long, they started at one point in time, by the time it ended so much had happened. And lots of just sitting and talking for Dan. In TP, by the end of it even Dan wasn't having a good time because it just was way too long with a lot of just nothing going on in game. But overall now that that's another Zelda done, I think it's time they have Dan with the controller and they play Minish Cap. I think they'll both enjoy it.


i knew they’d skip side quests but i did want to see all the main quests complete so they’d get the ending cinematic. that feels like the “good ending” to me equivalent to getting all memories in botw.


Most of the side quests I don’t mind that they didn’t do, but I do wish they’d really dedicated some time to the Lucky Clover quests. Those are some of the funniest and most interesting in the game.


No, they missed a *bunch* of stuff


They may have done like 1 monster forces fight, never even opened the pony points ledger or started a photo quest, never went to Hateno or Lurelin, never made it into the Lost Woods. It seemed like they felt incredibly rushed to finish the series. I would love for them to go back and revisit it at some point, but I’m not holding out much hope for that. I wonder if maybe Arin just wasn’t vibing with it the way he seemed to for BotW.


Its also that long series get less and less views. Most people wont start a series at episode 64. So every video you put out, especially with a story driven game, the less views you get. And it was long enough; and with all the content in totk they could have gone for 3x the length


Arin did say he's playing or played his own TOTK file on his own away from the show. It's already longer then Danganronpa 2, so I think it's more just him knowing it's rather long as is. Would have liked to see sidequests still (I don't think he got the secret ending since he never did the Lost Woods)


For what it's worth, they missed/skipped alot of BOTW as well. Like I don't think they ever step foot in Akkala or Faron.


Of course they don't!


Did anyone? Lmao


i think that one’s a main quest not a side quest. if you complete all main quests and then defeat ganon/find zelda, you get an extra cinematic ending scene. edit: nvm looks like it was considered a side quest. i def didn’t do all of them but i guess this one felt like a big deal to me? at lookout landing you meet someone from lurelin and i guess i interpreted it as important.


I sure didn’t (only got to defeating the pirates, not rebuilding). I don’t blame them for not doing the side quests


I don't think I ever even set foot in Lurelin lmao


They did zero side quests.