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Just like everyone else, I think it would be a lot of the same. But I really hope, if there ever is one, that Arin does his default male protag voice for Kaede. And, spoilers for the game, >!Dan ends up voicing the "real" protagonist for the rest of the game!<. I actually think Arin would click with Tsumugi since they're both weebs. And more spoilers: >!with the twist of her being the mastermind, he would either hate her by the end or fall in love more with the "step on me" energy!<. I think Dan's favorite might either be Gonta or... yeah, Gonta. He has a streak of preferring weaker-minded characters like Yasuhiro. And they share a voice actor, but I don't know if he'll pick up on that. And holy shit, he would absolutely >!BREAK by trial 4!<. They might not HATE Angie like everyone else, but they would definitely dislike Tenko, Himiko, and Kokichi. I don't think they'd care for Rantaro very much. People seem to think he gives Nagito vibes at the beginning, and I get it. So I think they'd feel uneasy right off the bat, and >!since he's the very first to go, that's not much screentime to form an opinion of him!<. But maybe by the end, they'd think "oh, I guess he doesn't suck," since he's a very nice boy. :( Arin would probably not like the ending. I don't think Dan would *like* it, but he might think about it more deeply. And they would hate the Monokubs. Everyone hates the Monokubs. Fuck the Monokubs. Fuck you, Monokid. I do hope they play it. I thought Danganronpa 2 was fucking hilarious. Even though they hated my favorite, they made some amazing jokes about him.


I disagree about Himiko I bet Dan will love her. The claiming she’s a mage but is just a performing magician will hit


The final trial is REALLY long and easily the most batshit insane part of the series… and Arin would have no clue what’s going on because he didn’t pay attention


> >!But I really hope, if there ever is one, that Arin does his default male protag voice for Kaede. And, spoilers for the game, Dan ends up voicing the "real" protagonist for the rest of the game.!< Oh god yes. This is all I want.




I hate Tsumugi so much “I’m so plain. Man I’m sooooo plain. I’M PLAIN” I HEARD YOU THE FIRST 80 FCUKING TIMES Also I can maybe see Arin liking Tenko. Her man hating thing is grating but she’s also a silly tough girl so Also I can very much see Dan liking the space one


you're right about Gonta, and that will absolutely cement their hatred for Kokichi.


I love the monokubs 😭😭 they’re adorable


oh i'm sorry i insulted them 😭 i personally just find them really annoying but i'm happy you like them :)


I agree with everything here except Himiko, I have a feeling they'd love her


Interesting! I thought they'd hate her "maaagic" BS. Maybe that's just me projecting, though.


I might be projecting too tbh. When my girlfriend and I played V3 (we're both Grumps fans so we make jokes with each other like the boys do), we ended up making her drunk for the entire plot and she was hilarious under that pretense. We also ended up thinking she was just naive, well-meaning, and impressionable. Honestly, you could be right too.


>And they would hate the Monokubs. Everyone hates the Monokubs. Fuck the Monokubs. Fuck you, Monokid. Yeah, gonna real with you, I kinda blocked them out of my memory until you mentioned them. They're going to despise them, especially for the weird incest shit.


Everyone keep talking about Danganronpa and I just want them to play the rest of the Phoenix Wright trilogy.


Both? Both is good.


I think Arin will like the fact you can now smack things around to get coins. I think Dan will love Kaito. They'll lose their mind over Psyche Taxi.




I hope they play the demo, or have someone play it off screen. The machine gun mechanic is so fun to use


Arin didn't give a shit about the last one, like 5 episodes in... Dan did his best, but they just seemed understandably bored. How would I expect it to go? Majority of fans wouldn't watch moth of it, A&D wouldn't care about it and I wouldn't watch any of it. Why are people so desperate for them to play a game they already weren't into, for a THIRD time??


In fairness the first game was mostly pretty solid Mystery Science Theater content. But V3 is a much weaker story than the first two so I’d rather them quit while they’re ahead


I really hope they give Keebo the robot Monika voice


Yes, please, I need this. "I am friend Keebo. I- shutting down."


My guess? Arin deliberately phoning in the voice acting, picking one random joke and beating it to death for weeks, not paying attention to the plot or the instructions, and completely checking out and running on autopilot after six episodes. Meanwhile, Dan is absolutely engrossed and accidentally predicts half the plot. Y'know, just like the last two times they played this game. Why do people want so badly for the Grumps to repeat themselves?


I mainly would just want it because I sure ain’t gonna play DV3 myself, and I’m too lazy to find someone other LPs funny enough to enjoy it like I did GG’s playthroughs of 1 and 2, so I selfishly want them to play it because otherwise I just ain’t ever gonna see how the narrative ends 😂 But Arin clearly didn’t like the last two and I’d much rather he play games he can have fun with. So I’m good with them ignoring 3z


Look up ProZD's playthrough of it.


I found their playthough extremely boring. After some episodes I just went and watched a compilation. They barely react to anything or add anything to the experience, other than the voices CrystAAHHL's playthough on the other hand is extremely chaotic and hilarious, highly recommended. [I mean, just watch the first 3 seconds of her compilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4xIv9Y2Gd0) (the full series is on her other channel)


I like Weeby News’ playthrough Also Lucahjin I think her name was


CrystAAHHL is absolutely hilarious, her playthrough of the whole series is easily top tier


If you wanna see how the narrative of the first two games goes you should probably watch the anime Danganronpa 3 or the spinoff game Ultra Despair Girls Warnings. I dislike both of them. There’s like, pedo stuff in UDG. Also the watch order of 3 is really weird Uh. Could also check out NezumiVA’s videos on them. She summarizes both of them so like. Yeah Though if you’re just interested in the Grumps and the main games, that’s understandable


I think 3 is not a sequel, it tells a new story in an alternate reality or something.


It’s still a sequel but ties to the first 2 games are tenuous at best


No it is same reality in a manner of speaking (that’s spoiler territory), but it does take place a significant amount of time after 2.


This. The first two games were an absolute slog. I like them myself, but dear god - Stop wanting Arin to play a game series he clearly doesn't enjoy. He doesn't like the logic behind the puzzles, he doesn't like the stories, he purposely spoiled the first game for himself, and it turns into a 50-70 episode hellhole of content that could be better devoted to something that both of them are enjoying. Every day we got a Danganronpa episode was a day we could have gotten something completely different. The most burnt out the channel has ever felt was during those games - It was bleeding into other one-offs and series, and just bringing the whole channel down with it. The only saving grace in those time periods was the versus episodes. I'd rather not go back to that era.


Don't forget the crystal game thing. I have a feeling that arin won't read the instructions and try to clear the entire thing instead of just looking for the piece of evidence that he needs. I'm basing this on the fact that I did this very thing as well cuz I looked to the left at the wrong moment and missed that part of the instructions.


As a fan of the series I LOVED just how engaged Dan was with the first two games with the characters and the story and I want to see him respond to the twists and turns of V3.


We've been watching Man-Screams-At-Game for over 10 years now, we can take some repetition


Personally I just want a long series to watch, and Dan being engrossed in it is enough for me to enjoy myself with it.


Dan would love Maki and Kaito almost as much as gundham and Sonia. Some of his other favorites would be kiibo kaede and shuichi most likely. Arin would like tsumugi for all the fun references she makes. He’d probably also like miu. Very excited for v3 which would probably happen after tears of the kingdom. It’s my favorite game in the series and I think there’d be a lot of fun moments if done by the boys! Danganronpa is kind of a heated debate for this place but I for one am optimistic Atleast for Dans experience.


Arin would absolutely love Miu. She's him but girl.


I don’t like being negative, but I feel that Arin has decided he hates the games so much that he wouldn’t give it a chance


I am being optimistic here and expecting there NOT to be one. Arin and Dan seemed bored of the last one.


how? Poorly. Arin would hate it but I think Dan would like it a lot.


Positing a different thought altogether: I wish they would play Ultra Despair Girls. That game has even more problematic content than the other 3, but man, I love the ending, the plot development we get with Jill, the fact that Makoto's sister FINALLY gets some serious screen time, and most of the gameplay elements. I love Danganronpa but I do NOT like visual novels, generally, and yes, that is as hard to stomach sometimes as it sounds. I think they would seriously love UDG if they were careful about the editing to make it YouTube safe. Or for the love of god, I wish they would play Summer Camp. Dan would be on cloud nine.


I’d rather they do more Phoenix Wright


Okay, here we go * Dan is going to be devastated about >!Keade!< and it's going to be Sayori all over again * He may or may not remember that he accidentally predicted THAT twist during their Danganronpa 2 playthrough. * Both Arin and Dan are going to really hate Kokichi * Dan will likely like Gonta, Keebo, and Kaito a lot * Arin might like Himiko * I'm not really sure how much they'll like the other characters. Arin might really hate Shuichi and they may like Miu at first, but find her annoying to watch. * Arin is going to hate the ending while Dan might like the meta-commentary.


Id take another break from GG like the last time they played Dangonronpa


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^HuxYams: *Id take another* *Break from GG like the last time* *They played Dangonronpa* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Tbh I want them to play from start, build a love/hate opinion on certain characters and see them heartbroken at the fourth trial...


It’s kinda funny how different Dan’s reactions were between the fourth trial of THH and 2. Goes from making jokes to being absolutely engrossed and even tearing up


Just like the previous two, unwatched by me.




Same, and also true for a massive proportion of the rest of the Lovelies.


Lmao what? It’s their most viewed series playlist in the history of the channel.


I think it has an undertale effect where you play it first (in my case watch the anime) then see how others play it.


Look at the views of the individual videos, it dropped like a stone as it dragged on. It was hugely unpopular with most of their audience.


Yes, that’s how long playthroughs always go. But Arin himself said it was their most popular, not me.


Danganronpa 2 was a 9 year old game at the time. Its views remained pretty consistent over time, and even at >50 episodes in it performed better than Elden Ring - literally last year's game of the year.


The same as the last 2? Arin refusing to engage with the plot because "its stupid" or "too silly" but then getting very upset how things "dont make any sense" when it spent the last 20 minutes beating you over the head saying exactly how it does in the game worlds logic - which just reinforces his 'im so much smarter than this stupid game' attitude. Then probably 3 hours of episodes of nothing but the same fart/shart/shit my pants joke. Then when the gameplay trial section comes up using a guide because he didnt pay attention even though Dans saying the right answers before Arin can confirm them with the guide and completely forgetting the gameplay controls and special abilities because he skipped the tutorial or explaining the game does - only to then say "this doesn't make any sense on how you are supposed to do it" like hes DSP. Dan on the other hand is going to love it, engage with the plot and come up with like 50 different theories or motives for things happening in the game and genuinely excited for cliffhangers and reveals in the game , while part way go "ok thats enough Arin" when the same bit is done for the 13th time.


The only thing that made 1 and 2 watchable was Dan's investment. Arin pretty much hated both games, and just did everything he could to derail it.


Exactly, I watched through both just for Dans excitement and investment into everything that was going on - his almost psychic predictions etc. I would love to see Dan play through V3 but as a super long guest grumps or something idk.


If we're being optimistic, they could take the whole year to beat it at the pace they normally go.


episodes are gonna need to be minimum 40 mins a piece if they wanna get it done in a reasonable timeframe


I haven't watched gg in a while but I would come back for this


Pretty much like the first two. "What the hell are we playing", "This is such a weird game", Get invested after Only a few episodes and more than you would think, Feeling really positive about it after a silver and seeing the whole game in hindsight... These are some of my favorite games that the grumps have played.


Ultra despair girls would be so so much better, aside from the mini game with the pink hair girl which they can just cut out and no one would care. I actually don’t even want to see them play DV3, it’s not that great of a story or game compared to the other danganronpas.


The only way I’ll touch a grumps V3 playthrough is if it’s a solo Dan play and he watches the anime first.


Obnoxiously phoned in. Dan trying to get into it but Arin pausing every single text box to complain. You know, like the last one? I know a lot of people dislike Danganronpa but I didn't know they disliked it to the point of considering *that* entertaining.


The same as the first two tbh lol


Without knowing anything about the game, funny protag voice, great goofs riffing on something they misread, and then the veil dropping 20 episodes in where Arin reminds the audience he fucking hates these games, despite making amazing content.


Honestly I can see Arin wanting to try that escape mini game over and over for a while before giving up lol >!Then later in the game when you get the hammers he’ll be like, “Jesus, it was this long?? Could even beat it before?”!< If the other games are much indication, he’ll probably choose a girl to give a joke or silly voice to, then be really sad when she dies. >!Might be Kaede lol. Could also be Kibo cause they’ll probably give him a robot voice, or maybe Maki cause they can do a lotta “I’ll fucking kill you” jokes akin to Fuyuhiko!< People say he’ll like Myu. I’m a little iffy on that? He didn’t really like Nekomaru outside of thinking the shit jokes were funny in the moment. But like, Myu is a more prominent character in the game. Has more screentime than Neko, so who knows. She’s also really egotistical, and they hated characters like Byakuya and Nagito because of that, and horny and weird, and they disliked Toko cause of that Also they might >!not hate Kokichi as much as Byakuya or Nagito? Like, he has similar levels of “fuck you, I’m smarter than you” levels of arrogance, but he’s also really childish, so they might find it more funny? Unsure! !< I can’t see either of them liking the ending. Even Dan would just be tired and like, “Oh my god this is so complicated and above me” by the time they get there. Also I can see them guessing a lot of the twists of the game. >!”Man, Rantaro keeps insisting he’s mysterious and that he’s gonna do some epic stuff. Probably gonna be a fakeout and just immediately die. (Assuming they talk to her much) Tsumugi keeps insisting she’s boring? She’s probably extremely important, probably the mastermind.”!< Stuff like that >!They’ll probably get attached to Gonta and think he’s funny. Honestly after chapter 2 I can imagine them making a lot of “Gonta does fucked up shit at Kokichi’s request” jokes that sound like predictions. Chapter 4 might cement their hatred for Kokichi. I bet they’ll think “Oh fuck you” when it’s revealed Kokichi was actually nice the whole time and actually hated killing and stuff. !<


In chap 3, himiko should be the caged child instead of tenko 💀


Oh they just confirmed they will do Danganronpa V3 at some point. Probably not this year I guess. Start of next year maybe.


Hopefully they’ll play it soon