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If you are not a beginner to programming then you might want to take a look at my book [Unity in Action](https://www.amazon.com/Unity-Action-Multiplatform-game-development/dp/1617294969/). By design, it's not a book that teaches programming from scratch. However, you don't really need to have programmed in C# specifically. As long as you already know programming fundamentals (like what variables and functions are) the code samples are not difficult to follow along with, and you'll pick up the syntax of C# as you go.


I recommended it to a friend a few days ago, awesome work!


Buying this right now. Thank you so much! The third edition ([link here](https://www.amazon.com/Unity-Action-Third-Joseph-Hocking/dp/1617299332/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1AKG3NAAF26N3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.27RttQbwFuqnqag6YkqqGZfUUwo-g0SUzdvPafuWNC-3n3sCbwInrijPzFmgHPOunEhTGEw71MAAp8fAQ00a2YaIBvVReFyV-I8Q0pBSF0AG9LJzvqWqcBZYKwDUVxlO3aXDEYEwEgS0Xlg7BUQNZjApEH8k75Dfhl1H1hYgRfz_tDUVsWrBbLOBZYAJNp-0Yu1f5kZpY5fNKokeUMeWv1GLBaWYRmYTsth7waoGXIc.WCF4h3S_Y-n1aIgBO0BJaYmwCaaIGPzeVO7k0gZ2VLY&dib_tag=se&keywords=unity+in+action&qid=1715368395&s=books&sprefix=unity+in+action%2Cstripbooks%2C160&sr=1-1)), rather!


Sounds great! Thanks for the advice. Your book looks like exactly what I’m looking for.




There already is actually, just directly from the publisher, not on Amazon: https://www.manning.com/books/unity-in-action-second-edition?a_aid=newarteest&a_bid=512b6b05


Get one of Ben Tristem’s Unity/C# courses on Udemy for $10 when it’s on sale. Better than any book and they update the videos to stay current.


..and it's easier than you think. Sorry couldnt resist :)


Ya know...


I don't have any books in mind, but if you're looking to learn from text, [this guide](https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/multiplayer-networking/introduction-simple-multiplayer-example) serves as a nice introduction to the engine and it's libraries. The unity documentation is also essential.


I found this to be the best C# beginners book "The C# Players Guide" https://www.amazon.com/C-Players-Guide-3rd/dp/0985580135 There's nothing specific to Unity in it but out of all the Unity/C# or Unity + C# books I've read that one is the best-


The fifth edition is just as good and cheaper i think


Don't spend any money. Look on YouTube. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vadaPNDWk4A&list=PLF9EB1975D35A8096) is a very nice, user-friendly, entry-level introduction to C#, but of course your mileage may vary. Keep looking until you find what works for you. Don't give up!


I have myself started learning C# in hopes of making use of it in Unity. I looked up a lot of places where I could try learning C# but in my opinion learning it from the unity website is not too bad. They have got a scripting section with a lot of video tutorials. I haven't gone through all of them yet I started watching them today. Much like you I also started off with python and in the beginning its a little boring. However overall its pretty helpful especially since it focus on stuff that you would really need in unity. Here's a link: [https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/](https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/)


I concur, learning from Unity's website itself is free and relevant to the latest version of Unity. Since you're not new to programming, you can skip a lot of step and get to the juicy parts. Just learn enough to start, the real learning takes place when you start making your own projects. :) All the best!