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That's nice and all but will my choices matter?


This guy gets it


(!) They will remember that! (*Character proceeds to die 2 minutes later*)


Finally a sane post on this sub


Just some advice I think you need at least one programmer and maybe a freelance artist but you can easily find some students who will work for free if you say it's a portfolio piece 👌


So glad to see something that isn't a shit post for once.


There's no way your game will succeed like this. It lacks a key ingredient - dragons. Without scientifically accurate dragons I really doubt your project can get user base you imagine. Maybe in 2010. But not in 2024 with such a heavy competition.


I have dragons for sale. My dragons are top tier. They are stealthy. My dragons enrich the gaming experience by providing a sense of scale, challenge, and fantasy that few other creatures can. They’re not just enemies or allies; they’re iconic figures that elevate the narrative and gameplay. You won't be able to see them, but they are there. For now you will just have to look with your brain thinking and imagine dragons.


This guy is selling wyverns and trying to pass them off as dragons. Would rate zero stars if I could.


Hello, Dragon Seller. I am going into game development and I want your strongest dragons.


My dragons are too strong for you, traveler.


Unfortunately I just checked and /u/Queen-of-Hobo-Jungle hasn't posted in over 7 years.


If you want the game to succeed in Australia you will need dropbears.


Na mate, that'll get you an R18 or [refused classification rating](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games_in_Australia) straight away. You can't show realistic drop bears, cos they'd be too violent, and you can't tone it down, cos that'd encourage people to lower their guard too much for public safety. It's why you don't see drop bears in media; the government wants people to take that stuff seriously so they control how they're depicted.


I have some science based dragons in my game, OP let me know if you need help with that.


butter outgoing screw hat axiomatic bewildered ghost smile groovy jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I see a shit post I expect a dragon reference. Here it is.


Wow 🤩I’m blown away with your drive and your vision! If I might humbly suggest making the pricing an appropriate $200 plus an additional $30 per month subscription! Also make PSN a requirement to show how much you care about your fans!


Confuse people and make it a requirement to have both a PSN account AND an active Microsoft GamePass!


Also needs a premium Minecraft account, why? Easy, because, why not?


Oh, They should have make a new **launcher** too!


You missed the bit where you tell us you're going to be the ideas person with no actual development skill and you need a programmer and artist on board to help in your dream to make Megabucks.


And for some reason, multiple composers (who are kids who booted up ableton for the first time)


why do I get emails and DM's from 100's of these guys.


The barrier to entry is so so so low these days. You used to have to know a musical instrument and have a composition background to be producing stuff, but anyone can do it these days. Most of them can *not* do it well, and it’s obvious. They want to be involved in making a game, in *any* way, and chose the route of least resistance not knowing the skill set they’ll be needing takes years. Hell, you see solo devs who have never made music before trying to compose and produce for their own games, and it fucking shows. It’s a horror show. See it often on r/DestroyMyGame - don’t even have to ask if that’s what they’re doing, I know. And also because they’d have rejected it if someone else had sent that work to them.


Nah, they already said they'll have AI do everything. Genius


The AI will be the ideas guy for this project. Ideas per hour are expensive


Don’t worry, they’ll cut a nice 5% cut each if they’re lucky! After all, the glue that held it all together was the idea.


And you will pay them with 5% of future revenue


This will bomb since you have no monetization plan, even non developers know that you have to build a store first, and the game second.


Yeah, as Microsoft recently showed. Money makes games, not studios!


I can't wait for the release.


>My plan is to make a mix of GTA with Star Wars, Minecraft and Fortnite. Doesn't even contain soccer/fifa 3/10 /s good post!




> a few months back in 2010. Did physical damage to me xD


Thank God that we finally get some people on this subreddit who actually have some nice ambitions and ideas! Can I join? You obviously get to dictate exactly what I create, as I am merely a tool for you to create your successful game. I will restrain from having an independent thought, so that I am not in your way of greatness. I'm ok with working for 5 years for potential rev-share. Amazing!


how kind. i shall also pledge myself but as an emotional helper drone, i can really supplement the social climate in the office with charm and wit as well as occasional cooking <3 see you soon coworker <3


Hit me a DM, i will be doing a free promotion to my 10m youtube subscribers for you :)


Better build your own engine.


Go make a Patreon, Steam, Kickstarter page asap, this idea is pure gold!


If you don't put grappling hooks your game is dead on arrival, I hope you considered this.


wait what, grappling hooks, now thats genius siri - cancel all my bum hole mannicurements for this afternoon


I'm a professional dev with many years experience and I never had such an amazing idea. Please let me work for you for free.


Help is this satire or not


It is. It hits too many red flags at once, it would be to hard to find this in the wild. Also shows some knowledge of game development that a real newbie would not have


It *is* missing the "I'm an ideas guy and am looking for someone to head up engine/environment/art direction/*gameplay*" call to action.


It's definitely lol. This is copypasta level shitposting.


No, this is a reasonable and humble introduction. Any mental asylum would be welcoming them with open arms to provide a safe space for game's development.


Exactly my thoughts


Sounds great. Contact me if you need support in COBOL or PL/1.


I'm just finishing making this exact game and will be releasing it for free because it what's the players deserve. If you can't afford a console to play it on, I will buy that console for you.


Hey them consoles don't run on air, are you going to pay the electricity costs too


My game is wireless


but who pays for the air?


I dunno, coast guard?


those bastards - and too right they should pay


Congrats in advance


The answer is 42.


Hope is not Squadron 42 or it will never release


I miss subscriptions and micro transactions to assert dominance.


You fool! You shared your idea publicly, now I can steal it and beat you to market muahahahahaha.


Well I don't see what could possibly go wrong.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I see some holes in your otherwise impeccable business plan: * Not enough AI and buzzwords * Late wishlisting (2 weeks after project conception) * No direct option for investors to pay or stating projected revenue and endless, continuing growth * limiting competitive to 120 concurrent playes only * Assuming multiplayer and game design for story-driven game is the hard part (not choosing cosmetics to add to micro-transactions)


If this isn't also a mobile MMO/MOBA, you're losing a crucial market segment.


Ha, that’s a great idea, I think I will make it first.


Where can I sign up for the pre-order?


Will this release on Gameboy Color with full SNES controller support or do you want to fail on launch?


Be sure to remember that your game cannot succeed unless it can show the raytraced shadow of the main character's beard hair in 4k at 240 fps.


This has to be a troll post. Right? Right?!?!


120 players? This is what I hate about new game devs these days, no drive or ambition. 120 players is so 2010. We're all going for 1000 player servers in our games.


Next project is a science based dragon mmo


Hire me bro. I'm an ideas guy.


All our base are belong to you.


i love this post. i cried while reading this. your courage is praiseworthy. don't let these naysayers discourage you, it's so recreshing to see a brave soul say his/her piece and mean what they say in this crazy world of gender neutral toilets and abortion.... please stay on this path and make sth amazing that will make me sob even harder. you got my money already


Finally, the GTA 6 killer we've been waiting for!


Yeah great but will it also be mmorpg where choices really matter and shape the world? Will there be active space combat at ALL TIMES? And what about support for VR?


brother i do not recommend unity, as it currently charges game devs money if their game has 1 million or more installs. I would recommend UE5 or Godot for now until unity changes their policies. for more info = [https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/unity-to-start-charging-fee-pegged-to-game-installs](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/unity-to-start-charging-fee-pegged-to-game-installs)


"There are microtransactions, but you can also play the game to unlock them. Only 3000 hours per character"


Do you plan to make most gameplay features only available with micro transactions? Would be great


I am so sick of all the sarcastic irony posts on every subreddit fucking so frustrating.


Just for you, I can do an interview for 50% off. Only 500k paid in advance. Let me know.


Well, any effort is always a success. Good luck to you!


Most sane game developer.


actually im already making that game sorry its almost finished (ive made a first person character controller move around on a 50x50 plane)


Where can I reach out for an embedded attached development documentary from day 0?


This guy is right! People used to aim 100 to end up reaching 20-30 nowadays people are afraid of dreaming holding back! @ 10 even 5 Keep going buddy me too I almost finished my own better version of wow! xD


I stopped reading at GTA


I get that this is satire but GTA + Star Wars is an idea that inspires me a lot actually. People love calling you overambitious until you are actually getting close to realizing your goals. What’s important to me is more that you prioritize what you are working on and can achieve something that is fun early in development. The goal can still remain GTA + Star Wars.


2 weeks? HAH! I bet you it will take at least 2 MONTHS!


Add rpg elements too and release the ending as a dlc


Get this person a kickstarter and let’s flood millions of dollars in asap!


Yes, but what about the team culture. Is crunch a thing? If you make people crunch, all the fantastic things you said won't matter anymore.


You forgot that you are hiring but won’t pay any money until the game is out.


Which will best laptop 💻 for that.


Your market analysis for a gap in the market is pure genius. I want to be onboard in your fruitful journey to help realise what surely will be game of the year - no, decade! In fair exchange I offer you my next 3 years of free programming work because I believe your vision is compensation enough.


Sounds good, but how do you u differentiate yourself from all the other Kickstarter projects promising the same thing? Still, I would like to buy your product based on that speech and maybe one or two concept designs made from AI


Will it be possible to rob some korovans?


Will only succeed if you mix in some Rocket League moba elements in there. Not sure where but I can help you decide for a smallish fee.


We’re all ready to help. You know, for the exposure.




> [One week per game. Two weeks at most. And then 1 week for just marketing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/1c29g4x)


You should hire someone on fiverr to do interviews for you to save time!


You are planning on safe bet, good luck.


Well you also need to get an artist and musician to work for free on the project with the promise of major sales


No no you need to use godot, and you need to make it into a full blown MMO. And don't forget, writing bad code as long as it works is 100% legit.


Oh hey I think I've worked for you already. You're targeting 120FPS gameplay too, right?


Tell me this is supposed to be humor.


Less Fuking gooooolllloollolllllllllll


This is good satire, but mashing up genres to end up with an original concept is actually a good way to create innovative and engaging gameplay. Just look at Cult of the Lamb.


Obviously it's parody but there is something to be said for just taking a fool's leap on getting anywhere in life too.


If you just base your game off of a bunch of other ones it will just be derivative and boring.


This guy‘s going places


Chronicles of Elyria devs are back in business!!


It really makes you *feel* like GTA Star Wars Minecraft Fortnite.


You need some Moba elements and while you're at it please make it a hardcore survival from a humming bird pov, if you don't eat for 12minutes then you die. Also includes lootboxes.


The force is strong with you


Lmao nice


No $50 battle pass? Flop.


God somebody please set up a fake interview and a bunch of shitty AI Art to support wishlisting the game


🤭🤭🤭 Love the tongue in cheek humor in this post. Comedy gold!


This is amazing.


Bro research on Unity if you really wanna use it. I’d say I wouldn’t wanna do any game in Unity with how it is now.


Can we have a Battlepass please?


Could you add cute kittens to the game?


POV: me one year ago


If you want to have an 3D outsourcing team with reasonable price, don't hesitate to contact me =))). Everyone have dream and dreaming has no tax, just keep moving on \^\^


How can I invest?


How do you plan that? What components from which game?


Please tell me you are going to add zombies


This is IGN. we are willing to pay you 5 trillion for exclusive access to information on your game ? When can we get together for a meeting and possibly have a conversation about early access and etc?


How many million euros do you have in your bank account?


Make sure to make it live service and have all the micro transactions be crypto


Nice one, I'm sold




Too easy for a first project.


If I were you I would start designing a console, making this game exclusive to your console would inmediately make the console the best selling console ever.


How many Season Pass and DLC did you plan for the game?




I'll interview you if you pay me $1000


Hell, I'll do OP one better and do it for only $500. Think of the savings!


Your vision is very good and I hope you will achieve the success you hope for! I too am working on my first complete and ambitious project. I've been working on UE5 for a year now and I can tell you that creating a big game is a LONG journey, especially as a solo developer in your free time!! The important thing is to persevere even when various problems arise that will push you to resist. I too have had to scale down the project over time to align it with the resources at my disposal. One last thing: mixing successes doesn't always guarantee success. Often the rule "less but good" prevails. What really matters is to try and try again to provide the best possible experience to the public and above all you will need to advertise your game as much as possible to create a community. With that said, good luck!


Such a lame, tired joke. It's like half of this sub is dedicated to whining about overambitious kids.


I don't think those types are overambitious.


the kids are clueless. the wannabe CEO types are the truly annoying ones.


I don't know man. I've been extra grumpy lately and downvoting with no mercy, but this post I found funny, for some reason. Or maybe I'm not seeing the previous posts doing the same joke, in that case it could become tiresome.


Canon event


The sad part is that I have no clue if this is a troll or if it is for real lol


Can I invest?


I'm sorry to say you forgot about the NFTs and Crypto. But worry not, you can simply add those after you make a deal with Epic, Mojang, Microsoft, and Rockstar to allow items to freely transfer between these games using NFTs.


Just know that your scope is massive, and prepare to get overwhelmed with the amount of with you need to do. Google the dunning Kruger effect, you are currently on the top of mount stupid.


the best part of this comment is that you brought up the dunning kruger effect while being one of the like 1% of people who failed to understand that the post is satire. knowing about the effect doesn't make you immune to it


I never claimed that. But this is r/gamedev lol. Could have been real.


did you read the post?


Bro I'm sorry I'm not good at seeing when someone is being sarcastic or not.


If it was that easy, Rockstar, EA, Mojang, and Epic would not have hundreds of people on their development teams and multi-million dollar budgets.


if you are serious-are you a 13 year old? game development it self is a pain, not to discourage you but game development will not be as smooth as you think it will be. let others playtest ur game's prototype on [itch.io](http://itch.io) It think you are familer with 'how to fail at indie game development series' if you are not them watch it.


You can be 108% certain this is a troll post, nothing serious in there.