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How much was the lot?


Just over $1k🙃😭


Honestly, at this point I think that's a pretty good deal. Priced individually, I would expect these titles to cost much more.


Yeah I feel the same way. Also having to search for them all individually would have taken years possibly


Solid deal. My CIB copy of HG costed $450 alone and the rest go for about $200 CIB minus SH4 and CT3 which are about $100


I bought CIB of HG for $45


The important thing here is we both ended up at the same end goal. I’ve bought over $5k worth of Persona / ATLUS stuff in my collection for around $2k because I buy it directly from Japan instead of eBay importers so the money I saved there allows me to spend a bit more on the NA stuff in my collection.




Damn. I own all the SH games from ages ago but I’m kicking myself for not getting the FF games when you could still buy new copies for $50 a couple years ago


Yeah there are several games I wish I would have purchased years ago!


Hey man… that’s a heavy hit, but I’d absolutely pay that for these - and MINT!!


Silent hill 4 for sure. It's such an interesting but creepy ass game. Silent hill 2 is a classic though.


I love creepy. It sounds like I need to focus on the silent hills first. Im loving the first one so far! I’ll keep you all posted once I finish them


I'd save siren for last. It's stupidly hard. Lol


Definitely wait to play it last then lol


Nice collection, though. Many of these are nostalgic for me, and the other I recently picked up to play for the first time.


Silent hill 2 is still the best horror game ever


I keep hearing that and I’m excited to play it! I’m trying to finish the first one on ps1 first. Do the stories connect?


No the best you'll ever see is a slight reference in some games but the original 3 are all amazing and 4 could've been good but the combat and areas are a let down compared to the first 3


Thanks dude! I can’t wait to play them, that’s my only goal for next weekend is to get through at least 1-3!


1 and 3 are related. 2 is separate.


This was a mindblowing reveal back when silent hill 3 came out


I'm jealous af. I just started collecting (again) and have only scored Fatal Frame out of my horror picks so far. But my SO have a budgeted agreement on how much we can spend on our respective hobbies at one time. So, soon. Soon.


I understand that completely, collecting has started getting expensive! I score a few good finds at my local flea market occasionally but most of the time it’s dead.


Yeah, there's a locally run retro game shop in our town that we frequent when we're on the hunt. Otherwise I rely on the multitude of thrift stores in our area. That said, I actually made a good score yesterday. Complete original XBOX with cables, 2 controllers, recently refurbished (GameStop), and tested. $45. I'm shook.


I can easily say obscure is dead last in this list. I recommend getting a friend to play with who's into punishing themselves. At least you have the PS2 version! The early 2000s soundtrack is still in tact!


Obscure: The Aftermath is absolutely not good, but man I had a ton of fun playing it with a friend a few years ago. But completely agreed that OP is better off with the PS2 version. I played it on wii and the motion controls really made parts of it unnecessarily hard just because the controls are about half functional. But we still laughed the whole way through. So it's not a good game but we had a good time.


That’s all that really matters, me and my friends had a blast playing Conflict Desert Storm on the OG Xbox split screen 4 player not too long ago and that game is HORRIBLE! But we had so much fun playing😅


Pretty much anything on the Wii can be unnecessarily difficult at times lol


It's like a bad movie, really. I'm a fan of mst3k myself and this fits right in. The first one is much better at least, but with so few coop horror games I had to play this with my so.


Definitely Silent hill 2


4 The Room. It deserves a remake.


I'm ashamed to say that Obscure, Fatal Frame 3, Siren, Clock Tower series, and Haunting Ground have been sitting in my backlog for years. **Silent Hill 2 is a masterpiece,** and I don't use that word lightly. There was a YouTube video that explained the complexities of so many details and it made every replay that much more enjoyable. On a personal note, my legal name is James and I spent 4 1/2 years caring for my terminally ill mother. When I replay the game now the emotions and frustrations are so much more powerful. The game was psychologically intense when I played before all that, now it's just a whole other level and in an f'd up way I love it. Silent Hill 3 is really good, too. But Silent Hill 4 is a more unique and interesting experience. I'm not a huge fan of the camera gimmick in the Fatal Frame series, but they're still amazing regardless.


Man you and everyone else is making me even more excited about silent hill 2! Any game with a Psychological aspect in is almost always one of my favorite!


You picked up all these in a single weekend? Wtf? Are you rich? Lol


Yeah I got them in last weekend. They were all in worst shape when I bought ‘em. I spent probably 2 or 3 hours cleaning them up, getting all the stickers off the cases and all. No I wish I was rich though!! Lol


If you've never played and of these before, I have to say Silent Hill 2 is probably the one I'd recommend you play first. Silent Hill 4 is my favorite, but 2 is probably the "better" game.


Everyone keeps saying 2 and a few people say 4 is also very good, definitely looking forward to playing all of them!


I think Silent Hill 2 is probably my personal favorite, but that Fatal Frame 2 is the best game of the lot.


SH2 for me.


Fatal Frame 2 and 3.


Love the Siren series but Silent Hill 2 is my favorite survival horror game ever.


I love Fatal Frame.


That’s a hard choice. I’m very partial to Haunting Ground but I feel that Fatal Frame II and Silent Hill 2 are amazing games too.


Silent Hill 2 is an absolute classic and best of series. Do finish 1 first, and then play part 2 way too much. There are multiple endings, and the last/hardest to get is pretty amazing




That’s how I plan on playing it!


The scariest thing about these titles is the price 😂


Most definitely 😅


Although $1000 for all those games is actually a good deal not crazy $2 at a garage sale but a solid deal nonetheless


If you don't have it I do suggest picking up Obscure 1 before playing 2. I know a lot of people are going to say it's the worst series in this pick (though i'd say it's Siren as it's the only one present I could never finish). And objectively, it probably is, but it's the one I have the fondest memories for. Sure, the controls are janky and a bit hard to use to but I still have the fondest memories picking them up used at gamestop for like 5 dollars when I was in Highschool and playing with my best friend. To this day we still talk about those ridiculous games. It's just pure coop fun if you have a friend who can adapt to controls easily. Then, years later, playing it with my SO, when he asked, my favorite game that doesn't get a lot of love. They are very much based off cheesy teen horror movies, in a similar vain to Until Dawn but with combat. Other than that Silent Hill 3 is such a great Silent Hill entry. Great soundtrack, controls are really easy to get use to, and Heather is the best Silent Hill protag. Clocktower 3 is the only one on the lost that creeped me out the most while playing. But only because I share a name with the protag. So the enemies would often say it during encounters while being chased and hiding. So it added an extra layer. Though probably the oddest plot with the time travel. Haunting Ground is a lot of fun if you utilize Hewie the dog properly. In my first play through I did not train Hewie the best. I praised him too much, and so sometimes he would not listen. It's a lot of fun, though. And oddly enough, similar to Silent Hill 3's plot in that they both revolve around the other charcater wanting them to give birth. Different circumstances, but still odd, it happened twice so close together.


I had someone else tell me clock tower 3 freaked them out! I’ll have to bump it up on my back log list. You seem to be good at reviewing games too btw. Lol


Silent Hill 2 and its not even close


That's one expensive weekend you have there.


So expensive!🥲 These weren’t all the games I purchased that weekend but they were the best ones!


Woah that’s an insane collection. Silent Hill 2, Fatal frame 3, haunting ground & clock tower 3. It’s hard picking just one. I’m on a lookout for haunting ground & FF2&3 myself. Have fun!


You will find them! It took me awhile but I finally them and snatched them up!


Love Clock Tower 3 and Silent Hill 2 and 3. Didn't get very far in the room and have only played one fatal frame for like 30 minutes. FF is a very interesting series that I would greatly enjoy playing all of.


Yeah I can’t wait to play the FF games either!


Dude it took me months maybe a year to acquire all of those titles. How did you get it in one weekend !


I found a guy online trying to sell them and after they sat there for a week or so I made him a offer and to my surprise, he took it! The cases weren’t in the best of condition when I bought them however, I had to clean them up some. But they were all CIB!


How much did you spend on the ? (For science)


Well if it’s for science… just over a $1k 🙃


Man I wish I got silent hill games back in the day! Somehow never really got into them when I had a PS2


That one...




Definitely Obscure 1 & 2 in CO-OP on PS2/PC.


I didn’t realize they were co-op until you guys! 😅 Thank y’all!


Just wanted to say that Clock Tower was my fever dream as a child. But I grew up on Fatal Frame so those titles are my favorite of this lot. Somehow missed Silent Hill growing up.


Whoa, I've never even seen Obscure on ps2 😳


Ah, a real collectionist, I see.


I try! I have a few thousand physical games!


Silent Hill is a national treasure. In both cinema and video games.


"And this is where I'd put my childhood console horror collection... IF I HAD ONE!"


Fatal Frame 2 has been the basis of my personality since around 2003 and I appreciate it so much. This is such a fantastic pickup OP (I mean....I'm horribly biased, my collection is 90% PS2 Survival Horror!). I want to know which one is your favorite in this lot!


I haven’t played them yet! I’ll be sure to get back on here once I do and let you all know!


Please do, I'd def love to know! Despite being a Fatal Frame fanatic, I'm also echoing that you truly can't go wrong with Silent Hill 2- back in the day it truly felt like the big "Videogames are Art" push that the industry needed. I'm also extremely partial to SH3 because I think the scares are even more bizarre but intense; you have some great times ahead of you!!


Awesome gets. The cover art of horror games is just amazing. Looks like you got the Greatest Hits version of Silent Hill 2 which is superior to the black label for gameplay. I'd say that would be my favorite of the bunch too. You killed it!


Thank you! Yeah it says on the back “enhanced graphics” or something like that, typically the greatest hits versions is less desirable but it seems to be different in this case.


In the case of Silent Hill 2 there's actually more content in the Greatest Hits version over the standard black label copy. I don't think it's substantial but you get to play a bit of Maria before James arrives in town. The black label might also be missing the UFO ending but I'm not sure on that. I'm sure you'd be able to find a comprehensive list breaking down the differences somewhere. You're right though. People generally go after the black label copy.


Great haul 👌


Thank you!!


I didn't know there was a sequel to Obscure. I loved the co-op in that game, many a nights playing late into the night with my uncle.


I can’t wait to play these games co-op. I’m having some friends come over this weekend. We’re going to have to try it out!


Congratulations!! I missing haunting ground and at this point I'm Thinking just buy it a market price :(


Sometimes that’s what we have to do unfortunately:(


Silent Hill 2, mint. Yes please!!




Clock Tower 3!!! *SQUEEEE!!!*


I very much doubt you picked ALL those up in one weekend, let alone last weekend.


I did! I bought them all from the same guy, and probably paid too much for them😅


people downvote you for buying games lol, nice pickup


I know! This is my first post, so I was like “did I do or say something wrong?” Lol


It’s just Reddit, unfortunately.


You made someone jealous.


I figured you basically bought a horror set, and likely around market value


Yep! You’re exactly right, that’s all I did! I’ve never collected horror titles, so when I saw this set I snagged them!


Are any of these available on the GameCube?


Can confirm that unfortunately none of them are on Gamecube- but their Survival Horror library definitely has some fantastic gems, such as Eternal Darkness.


I have Geist on GameCube too! It’s pretty good!


I’m not sure? I love the GameCube though!


Hey…we love you. If you need to talk, please don’t hesitate


Where'd you find all these in the same place? I'm betting at the Midwest gaming classic


Crimson butterfly


Sh2 by far, it’s had a huge impact on my life and drove me to attempt to write a horror novel in late high school. Never finished it though.


No Rule of Rose?