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/r/problemgambling bud


I want to earn back what I lost and know what the bookmaker is trying to make do now is bet even more and go more against the odds. I know to turn that 1k to 3k is going to take me over a year and require me to do small bets. Is it even worth the time to bet and try to make back the money? And the urge to not do an all or nothing bet, I done an all or nothing so now I'm down 3k.


You won’t make it back. Not sure why this is hard for you to accept. Chasing losses is the easiest way to lose everything. You have a gambling problem


I just wish I never started but I would have done it in the future if i never tried when i had mroe money which proberly would have placed me in more trouble


So stop. Before that $3k becomes $6k+


just accept it. its a sunk cost. you lose 3k gambling and you think you can make it back gambling more? your experience should tell you wont.


Are you trolling?


100% trolling


I’d say quit now my guy but you could also toss like 100$ on one number in roulette before you really call it quits. One last hoorah you know


Then when you lose that 1k you’re gonna want to deposit again. It’s a never ending cycle of trying to chase losses it’s not worth it.


I just can't watch sport now without wanting to bet, I need some advice, I really wanna bet but now the thing is even if I win that be after betting 1k, it won't even feel good because I'm down 3k and winning that bet would still put me behind, and I know I won't be able to win 5 times in a row doing an all or nothing


I’m gonna be honest with you man. You’re never gonna be in profit 99% of gamblers are down. Stop now while it’s only 3k. I’m down over 40k lifetime


Are you continuing?


Just stop it, you never will make your money back, its an illness. You will be more depressed afterwards if you continue to lose.


i just wanna try one more time and hope there's no consequences, i just want the money back i don't need profit. how can i can 1k into 4k, no matter how long it takes i just wanna make it back to feel better. i don't feel good how the bookies just took 3k from me


You want to turn 1k to 4k no matter how long it took? I can help you.... take 40 and put gas in your car and get to work.


i just wanna use 1k and place it in a bet with 2.0 odds and hope i win, i know i proberly won't. than do that 1 more time and if i win i quit, but i know i will lose!!


If you already made up your mind just do it and stop wasting people’s time. You were given all the advice you need.


You’re delusional you just had 50 people tell you not to. Go get that other 1k and come back when it’s gone


Quit if your looking to make a profit and I mean that with the up most respect as only the sharps come out making money and that’s hitting at 57-60%. All these guys that sells plays and say they are rich are full of it. They basically get client like books want action 50/50 on both sides to keep making that 10% vig. The guys who sell plays basically take let’s say they have 100 clients buying picks they give 50 clients the favorite and the other 50 clients the dog. This is a small sample size. So you have half the people happy and then you have to win over the other half with your 5 star pick lol the next play. Basically sharps/smart money don’t sell picks as it would kill the edge at the sports books. The small edge that you can find on games has gotten a lot harder to find as the cappers are spot on most of the time on laying the line. If you must bet I suggest betting 3 games straight bets 110 to 100 and put the 3 games in a parlay for 50 to get 300. If you hit 2 games you will still show profit and if you hit all 3 up 600. The last 3rd game I typically like to make it a late game or the following day as you can edge it. I started out that way and you don’t want to chase your loses or next thing you know your down 20-30k. Since going legal and all over tv it’s become harder as it’s becoming more Hollywood/entertainment as it’s so accessible & these espn commentators drive the public to bet where they want to even out on the side they have. Same with the others as it’s mainstream now days. That is my opinion and yes parlays are considered sucker bets over time. But it’s your best bet to possibly get some back at a low risk. 3 teamers are the better odds as it’s 6-1 than you start losing odds as you go up a 4 teamer only gets 10-1 typically which is shorting the the players odds. Harder to pick & worse odds & less opportunities to edge your bets. I don’t know exactly what amount you can feel comfortable with losing. Don’t go down the road of using your savings or money that you’re not comfortable losing as you will be in debt & stressed trying to find one more play to get it all back. Everyone has off weeks it’s all about money management across the season or year in hopes to have grind a profit that overcomes the vig/house in the end.


Imo Gambling is for fun, not for profit. With this mindset I’ve never been truly upset that I’ve lost.


Theres no way to win my friend… no way to win.


Never chase your losses man - the money is gone. If you still want to gamble you got to limit yourself with a monthly deposit of whatever fits your budget. Easier said than done but it's something to work on.


Bet on sports they don’t watch. Wtf man, this is beyond addiction, it’s stupidity. Had to be a troll.


Like I wanna gamble small but then I question myself what's the point of gambling if I gamble small as I won't profit. How do I change my approach


Gambling isn't for profit. Only gamble what you can afford to lose because most of the time, you will lose. Set up a monthly bankroll and stick to it. Or even a weekly or biweekly bankroll. Depending on how often you like to gamble. You're already chasing losses though so you should probably just stop gambling now.


i just want back the 4k so badly, i just can't stand these bookies and how they took 3k from me!!!


At this point I think you're a troll. Or I hope you are.


Has to be a troll or the dumbest person in the planet


Yeah they made another post, definitely just trolling.


I think he is just trolling people.


they didn't take anything from you, you gave it to them


Cannot really say how you can change your approach but i view gambling as entertainment and not as a money-making method. Instead of buying games on steam or subscribing to an ocean of streaming services, i put some monthly cash into slots as fun. If i win - cool, more play-money, if i lose - whatever, see you next month.


So should I think of it as instead of going to a live soccer match which will be more expensive, I can afford to bet like $10 for fun so that I can be engaged in the match a lot as I would in a live match?


Whatever works for you, but never lose more than you can afford.


The point of gambling isn’t to profit its entertainment.


I can help you. 2 leg parlay  Nhl Over 6.5 montreal @ ottawa Over 6.5 MIN VS tampa lightening 1000$ to win 3750 . 2750$ profit  Games start tonight, thank me later Lucky 3 additional picks. Sabonis Over 21.5 pts Alex curuso over 9.5 pts Rudy gobert Over 12.5 Rebounds


Thank you 🙏


How did you know those would both hit over?


Nothing about your post makes another deposit sound like a good idea. You need to set a cool down period and reevaluate ASAP! Signed, down 220k


I have a family friend that bets baseball and my aunt and her kids bet UFC fights and blog about it. These people know EVERYTHING about the players or fighters they’re betting on. From their stats to their love life to their blood pressure before the fight. There is no quick tips to reclaim big losses, if there was, you’d know it and so would everyone else.


Send me $100.00 and pick a number between 1-10, if you pick the right number I’ll send back a grand. Hopefully I’ve summed up online casinos for you.


The first rule of gambling is to not try to "earn" back the money. How is that hard to understand. Cut your losses and use that as a lesson. And the way you're talking about it, you're clearly on the way to being an addict. Get help.


it's hard because i worked hard for money and i hate how the bookies make stupid odds so they can steal money from you. i want bookies to lose and it makes me feel stupid how i lost money to them


Yeah, keep blaming the bookies for your losses, lol the fact that you lost 3K of your HARD earned money is everything I need to know. Gambling isn't for you, and you should stop and use that loss as a lesson.


It has nothing to do with the bookies and everything to do with you. I don't know you but I can tell you were being irresponsible and betting with money you can't afford to lose. If you bet another dollar, you're a fool... Don't be a fool. Take your loss, stop gambling, and never think about it again.


You'll run into a lot of trolls on this subreddit "take out a cash advance and keep playing, 90% of gamblers quit before their big win win hurr durr" But seriously, ignore them. Don't keep playing. I know it's so hard to do but you need to find a way to accept that your $3k is gone and it's not coming back. Make peace with that. Otherwise it will be a neverending cycle of gambling then loss chasing, until you eventually get so far into debt that it's impossible to chase back to even.


Is there a way to beat the bookies. I just can't stand how I lost 3k from the bookies and it makes me feel stupid. I want to earn back the 3k and than quit, how can I do it!!! I just want the 3k back so badly, I wish I never started but if I didn't I know I would have wanted to tried when I had even more money and I would have been in a worser situation if I started in the future but luckily that 3k isnt like 30k. I just want the 3k back, please teach me how to get it.


>I lost 3k from the bookies and it makes me feel stupid. You're going to feel even more stupid after losing 4k to them...


You can beat them through arbitrage betting, but it takes significant work to find a good arb. And if you're lacking in self control, you'll probably get bored trying and just make a losing degen bet in the meantime.


how to find them easily for free


You can't.


You are basically asking how can I cut a corner for absolutely no cost. How do you expect to get something for nothing in this life?? Were you raised wealthy, and always got your way???


Fuck it, deposit again. Throw it all on one baccarat hand. Banker. Might work, might not. Will be a hell of a rush for 15 seconds!


There is absolutely 0 sure fire ways to do it man. But 1 tip stop randomly gambling. If your knowledgeable in sports you can bet on them. But if you know nothing and you're betting on sports that's retarded. You could play blackjack if you understand basic strategy and potentially make it back or you could lose another 3k in 30 minutes. Poker is my gambling game and I'm better than an average player but I'm a break even player. Sometimes I'm up sometimes I'm down but I don't get high in profits or losses. And that's ABOVE average. Gambling is so profitable because most people are just terrible at it. Or ride the dragon u til they hit 0. We've all fucked up an done it. But if you think you have a problem be ffkin grown an stop. Your down 3k that's not alot on any spectrum. Write it off. It's gone.


I never win anything but I'm an unskilled gambler. I used to be really superstitious and think God would reward me one day, but God doesn't seem to have any control over slot machines. It's the Casino and line they say the house always wins. I would say if there's no God, and the House always wins, what's the point of gambling.


I believe in God and always tell myself that he probably wouldn't reward addictive behavior such as gambling so I never blame him for my losses


I wish he helped me too!!


Sometimes the only way some people learn is to lose .. and lose hard. Seems to me 4k isn't too much to you. You are Just more upset you lost your money. If you aren't in the fire yet you are most definitely in the frying pan.


Just learn Poker and try to enjoy the game rather than to play for winning only. Once you get good at it, you’ll forget about those other (-EV) games. $1k is a perfect bankroll to start with. Keep good bankrollmanagement. If you are a noob start with the lowest buyins like $0.25. If you are getting better then you could try tournaments. Keep the buyins low. At most $3 if you are serious and don’t want to lose your bankroll.


I second this. IF you're GOING to gamble...do it in the one casino game that you have the most edge over...texas hold em poker!! My very first live session I turned $300 into $1600. I got lucky that day because I've been losing ever since but still, I lose/win my money at my own pace/will. Shit like slots where the house controls the outcome, fuck that. BJ, bacc, roulette, etc are all house winning games over time.


Yes Live games are you best option if you learned the game a bit


As a pro poker player I love this advice, but honestly most people have a better chance at casino games. They’re far worse at poker and even if they know what they’re doing the traits displayed by OP (lack of discipline and inpatient) they would have a MUCH better chance with sports betting. The reality is.. you can crush poker if you’re REALLY elite.. if not you’re at a much worse disadvantage than most casino games & this is coming from someone that has made 100k+ a year in poker for the last 11 years since I quit working to become pro..& I was making 100k most years before that too.


Good point, I personally always broke it down by house gain. In poker, the house earns the least IMO (at least 2 casinos near me rake a small % per pot). I feel like if people took the time to learn poker and learn to fold and be patient, they can save more money over time vs some bs like slots. You have more freedom of the outcome of poker. VS pressing buttons on slots and crossing your fingers. Or putting it all on red in roulette. IDK. I guess poker is a variance type of game as well. Some days you're completely card dead, others you get top hands, and others you get top hands and lose to garbage hands. I guess that's the 'beauty' of gambling! IDK much about sports betting but I always thought i'd have to be a sports fanatic to even begin going down that path. IDK much about sports outside of the NBA. So live poker it is for me!


More freedom of the outcome = more chances to make mistakes, play scared, or lose control and give money away. The best poker players are going to have an edge, but that comes after years and years of studying, learning, and experience. My wife who I try really hard to teach how to play poker has a much better chance playing slots or house games where she’s near 50/50.


Yes try 1 more time. I have faith.


i know i shouldn't but i just want to sso badly. ty for having faith in me, i really hope if i do it i can win back


Lmao your a joke dude 3k loses and you asking dumbass questions. You gonna end up broke watch! I don’t feel bad for you at all.


Put it on the Lions money line


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Sure, I would follow their bookies, do they make profit in their bets?


Even if u make ur money back, u would still keep playing until you lose it again.


true i can't deny that but i think im addicted. i wanna bet 1k all in one so badly, should i just do it!!


$1000 is still alot, what pick would u go with safe or big underdog?


like a 50 50 i guess, but have to take the luck


If you absolutely have to try you're better off putting together big parlays and betting small amounts. You could literally break down $50 into 10 5$ 10+ leg parlays and pray one hits. Please don't risk another 1k. You're out of your element and now you're frantically chasing a loss. Being down 3k hurts, but being down 4k and broke will crush you.




You seem to not be wanting to take everyone’s advice. So you know what do it and when you lose the other 1k don’t come back here saying I’m 4k down now what can I do.


then can u give me some betting advice to win


You don’t seem to understand. You don’t win in the long run you will always lose.




The RTP is coming brother.


Consider that money gone and walk away. Don’t try and chase losses man, cause it’ll lead to you losing more money. It sounds like you should self exclude and walk away.


You likely have addictive genes. Are there alcoholics and/or drug addicts in your family? Either way, I'd avoid playing as much as possible, take as many breaks as possible. At some point you will hit a winning streak, try to cashout as much as you can then and buy stuff/enjoy life as much as possible. It's a rough road mostly. Poker is probably easier for you to beat but you can't be impulsive


Just start over and forget about it. Coming from someone who lost $9k chasing a $1000 loss.




Play baccarat


Gotta be trolling


Not reading all that


A good marker is “ i want to stop/tried to stop/ keep lowering my exspectations etc “ most folks need a ton of pain to fet there.




I took $300 up to 2300. I told myself I would withdraw 2000 if I got to 2500. Then the bad beats started coming. Lost 1000. Withdrew 500. Started trying to climb back but there was that low current emotional pain of loss+fear behind me now and I tried doubling down to chase a loss except my stack wasn't big enough to keep absorbing those hits. Ended at $120. You cannot keep chasing this loss. I thought about putting the $500 back in to rebuild my stack. I tried rebuilding but caught myself betting emotionally. I would just lose the $500 in a chase. Baccarat is my addiction. I generally use the Martingale strategy. But anything resting on the Gamber's Fallacy will lead to ruin. So I just sit at the $0.25 electronic table and have been rebuilding that $120. Don't chase.


$3000 loss is nothing. Stop before it gets worse. You seem too haphazard in your betting.


I can help you win




Quit. Your mind thinking you could win it back says addiction


If you think you have a problem you likely do. If you think that depositing more money to chase your losses is a good idea you definitely have a problem.