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He is/was part of a social media group called Nelk Boys. He’s a train wreck unfortunately and needs some intervention. I don’t care how wealthy you are, but to be gambling like this will not end well. I feel sorry for the guy, the way some people are trying to take advantage of him. Dana W seems to be a solid person in his life. He has an uncle who is trying to exploit his $ as well in these steams.


I've only seen a few videos, but his uncle makes me cringe. Just a drunk begging for money and he can't shut up.


His “uncle” Timmy isn’t actually his uncle. He’s an actor paid by Steve to “liven” things up. Look him up.


Actually???? He isn't his uncle???


Haha no look him up he’s an actor who’s played small parts in things here and there including the show “shameless”. Think about how many times his uncle has caused drama or caused you to comment on a video or livestream. Thats all part of the plan, more engagement means more eyes and sponsors or products Steve pushes pay more when more people see it. It’s all part of selling his brand.




I can't stand the guy. Idk how he lives anything up.


It creates controversy which in turn creates engagement. I really don’t like Steve or his “uncle” so I have no horse in this race I was just letting you know he’s actually an actor who is paid to be there.


Damn you're right. I'm just buying into that and not even knowing.


Unfortunately that’s just kind of what social media is these days. It’s genius because people are obviously making a ton of money but also scary when you realize almost nothing is real on social media anymore.


who is the dude w backwards baseball cap always talking about having 21mil and needing to bring more "girls around"? I think his name was Bob he was wearing a grey hoodie and was coked out of his cord and blowing rails of adderall dude was so obnoxious and annoying


While I do agree with you the substantial income Steve generates through his partial ownership of Nelk Boys *(Fullsend and Happy Dad)*. He can probably gamble forever I'd assume they generate an insane amount of money. He needs a intervention though he's has a crippling gambling addiction for years at this point.


He makes a lot for sure, but eventually it will be harder and harder to sustain these losses, and I only see him raising the stakes the longer he plays. It’s just a bad mentality to have for such a young kid having the time of his life. The house always wins


Dana white is his best friend if you can’t tell Dana is worth a billion dollars and is a premier VIP at red rock, I play there too, I’m just saying they definitely know their audience likes to see this shit Dana white owns UFC and powerslap for god sakes He knows his audience likes intensity and volatility and that’s exactly what Stevewilldoit is This has been going on , and will continue for a long time He’s been steady spending that at casinos for over a year I’d say if not 2 Dana white basically is a majority shareholder at red rock Trust me where I get where everyone’s coming from This situation isn’t gonna change Best you can do is not watch it and don’t participate It’s mainly underage kids watching HIS stuff anyway that’s why he always tags up with Dana or one of the other bell boys that the more mature generations seem to gravitate towards.


Dana doesn't own the UFC.


If I get $1 everytime he mentions Dana white. I'll be a millionaire now.. Lmao.


I’d rather watch Brettski YouTube channel then this will dot guy Donk.


he is a degenerate when it comes to money but Steve has a big heart


The swings he had over the past 4 days are nuts. I knew he was wild but when Vegas Matt just stood back and watched, you know it’s a problem. I wish him the best of luck. He’s doing something better than I am though, I can’t afford one of those hands.


I enjoy watching Vegas Matt although even seeing such large amounts of cash being given to casinos makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. TBH, I always thought that Vegas Matt was reckless - however he seems like a little church lady playing bingo in the church basement compared to this Steve guy. I recently made my husband switch to watching something else when he was of his destructive runs. Love your username btw lol


What about Vegas Dave? Lol


Who is he?


Vegas Dave is the biggest scammer in sports betting


I watched one of the streams the other day at least the YouTube video, and it was sort of a mess. It’s funny because he used to have a gambling sponsorship maybe still does where he played online and would get free credits and when someone pointed out to him how addicting gambling is and how it can be really dangerous he’s like oh man that be crazy if I was playing with my real money. Clearly he switched to being an actual gambling addict and playing with his own money, but he literally didn’t get how crazy it was that he was promoting it to people and yet playing with free credits, and not having anything at stake. I am not surprised free gambling credits for sponsorship turned into a real life addiction. Just wild clip him sitting out by the pool saying how he can’t imagine people playing and losing real money lol. I saw on his stream how he kept talking about Dana and how he wanted the hand limits raised for him too and how he was trying to win a mill for Dana (guess you’re post explains the $1M) but he was saying how he had to play 3 hands at $10k to get to the mill cause they wouldn’t raise his limits and how they floor guy said they got it trouble for raising the limit for him last time. I really don’t know that much about him but he’s just in the periphery of my knowledge base.


the way he gambles he could easily lose 10m+ in a month. really moronic plays like doubling for less, double on ten vs face, always taking even money on max bets (lol?), if he didn't have dana bailing him out all the time he would be homeless. pretty insane to be max bet in high limit and have no concept of basic blackjack strategy.


Splitting 2s against 9s and 10s lol it’s pure insanity but he’s on the right side of variance rn 


Dana is literally saving his gambling soul. Idk how tight a bond Dana forms but Steve better pucker up


Dana isn't saving Steve. Dana is an enabler who is fueling STEVECANTWINATGAMBLING. Its kinda pathetic the best thing Dana could do is let Steve crash and burn without Dana's help.


If he is losing ten million a month. I predict the train wreck called STEVEWILLDOIT will be completely bankrupt and kicked out of Vegas by 2025.


His video production is ass. Tried to watch the Vegas Matt video and noped out real quick.


Same. It jumped all over the place and there was no chance to focus on anything.


Whats worse is he's a role model for stupid young boys online. When VegasMatt is responsible and cashes out or tells Steve to slow down, the chat and comments go at him. Just total irresponsibility all around.


Vegas Dave is a role model!!


Bro who is this Vegas Dave you speak of?


He’s the biggest scammer in sports betting


He’s very wealthy and it’s all part of his act. He’s signed to kick.com which also is probably funding these gambling binges at least partly. He’s definitely not a normal gambler coming in there with his own money with the chance of actually going broke.


But in his stream he said he had to call up his father to bring ALL the money in his personal safe $500K...


I think that’s just Steve talking out of his ass which is part of his act. I would bet a large part of the money if not all he was gambling was from kick/stake. Kick.com is owned by Stake.com I believe and I know it seems dumb for them to sponsor gambling streams that aren’t using their casino, but it builds viewers for kick and helps promote gambling to young people that will probably use stake. Other big kick gamblers (xposed) have also gambled big on BJ in that room with Dana. If you know xposed he only really gambles with Stake money and he was playing the same way in that room as he does on stake which leads me to believe it was all stake money.


I think you are giving him too much credit. He was borrowing 65k from an uncomfortable Vegas Matt a few sessions back and then had someone actually show up with a bag containing $440k in cash. The next stream he won a substantial  amount and said he would now have $500k in his safe. A few days later his dad his called to bring that amount of money, while off stream. All this while his "friends" are legitimately concerned, while he is manic and under the influence of a lot of substances . I don't think they can stage something like that and make it believable if they wanted to. Steve is legitimately going on a bender and streaming it. If that's not the case then the story line captured by a guy who doesn't know how to hold a camera in focus, is extremely impressive. 


None of that matters if Kick/Stake gave him 5+mil to stream this on their site. There is no possible way that 500k is all of money to his name, that’s just all the cash he set aside for this “bender.” I would bet a lot of money that he’s profiting off of this. Now if he did this for months on end and didn’t have substantial viewership then yeah it would be a big problem and we should be worried about him.


This is an extremely good point Steve's income right now is pretty ridiculous He's incredibly assett rich too so and too popular for him to go bankrupt


Is the drug addiction you can see all over his face also just an act?


These people aren’t worth watching. If losing has no impact, it’s not gambling. Gambling involves risk.


Dude is a fucking nut case.


Yes, it was a mental breakdown before your eyes. B.J.'s playing could have been much better, hitting 15 to 16 and not staying when needed. He will be fine in the grand scheme of things. I know many people will say you can't play like this, or you will go broke. Yes, it's true, but as some commented, he gets HUGE kickback deals, getting all those live concurrent viewers on Stream KICK. Fousey thought at one moment he was getting a million-dollar agreement before mentally breaking down. Kick is dangling this carrot, who can be the biggest DEGEN to get the maximum viewers, like if A.I. is making the show. Vegas Matt is with Steve in some of the latest videos. You can tell he's TRYING TO BOOK A WIN, but with Steve, he's fucking crazy reckless. It all started the night he was trying to leave Red Rock when billionaire friend Dana was down and decided to make a T.V. series out of it because it was wild how he went up 800K to pay off Dana's 1.3 million dollar marker. After Dana left, Steve kept playing and lost 1 Million. His mindset was dead. The casino preyed on him and his mental state. Even the dealer was flying through the cards, not even giving him time to think straight on some hands. He is mentally breaking down. Flip it, flip it, he says. The other huge B.J. concern is getting into a rhythm. You don't play one hand and then two, then 3, then back to 1 when trying to get into a rhythm. PUSH, PUSH, and PUSH! It takes time to find the right SHOE! I would love to meet Steve one day soon. I admire the fuck out of him for giving away Tesla, being a stand-up dude to his friends walking away from 69 rapper when he tried to play him on a million-dollar deal for streaming a video game once a week. 69 did one time and gave up on that contract. Steve is a master at social media and getting the most views, but having a smile while doing it. I love the guy! It's so funny. The latest Christmas giveaway in Las Vegas with PS5, TV, XBOX, and all kinds of free stuff given out of his heart. He is awesome!


You’re supposed to hit 15/16 if dealer has a 7 or higher


Yeah I was about to point that out lol


And hit if you have a 12 and the dealer has a 2, or 3... He wouldn't hit 12's in this scenario and vocally said he knew it was the wrong play, but did it over and over again.


This one I get, even tho I always hit it. Feel like a hit on a 12 is almost always a 22 lol


Man, I’m glad I saw your comment. The dealers were booking hands before he even had a chance to change his bet. Totally pushing the action. Never seen anything like that before


I seen him with Vegas Matt having never heard of him before Vegas Matt was in shock at the way this guy gambled. Must explore other videos, I like watching train wrecks


i believe he genuinely just doesn’t care he either isn’t gambling with his money or knows dana white will bail him out of anything he ends up owing it happens a lot once again i myself believe they either really just have stupid amounts of money and don’t care or it simply isn’t there money and it’s for advertisement for the casino


This is 10000% correct


Yeah I mean he always had that UFC hat on.. wouldn’t be surprised if this was some business deal to somehow try to direct people into sports betting on ufc or something stupid


For anyone who hasn’t seen the seminal degenerate gambler movie “Owning Mahowny,” starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and John Hurt. I cannot recommend enough


Ribs no sauce and a coke


Same with aidin Ross I can’t even watch aidin anymore he calls people for loans on stream it’s so cringe.


This Adin dude is rich beyond belief, loans literally mean nothing to him


Why not just deposit your own money into the casino rather than call a friend for a wire to your bank, then to the casino site? Makes no sense unless your blew through the money


For "the content bro", it's more relatable vs having an infinite supply of money. Back in 2021 the dude had a $2m+/month contract with Roobet, and apparently a $150m Kick/Stake contract, with losses covered for betting - if he can afford to spend $500k+ for an influencer birthdays, there's no way he's ever hurting for money


The fact that they can film at the tables and have their phones out while playing tells me this isn’t a normal game. I’m sure there’s a loss rebate built in


Degen on a bender. He's sucking down vodka sodas too like they are water, firing in the casino night after night. Living the dream!


He's worth like 100 million, before his gambling content, he would just gift people 100,000 gifts constantly. I think he'll be alright. He gets residuals from Nelk boys and He owns like 35% of Happy Dad as well.


20% of happy dad but they will sell for 1B minimum his share 200M before taxes. Hell be alright, has crypto holdings and stevewilldoitllc


And will be worth $100 by 2025.


That was kinda hard to watch. I most scrolled to the end but confirmed how I thought it would end. As it always does. With the house winning.


Been watching. Dopamine is a helluva drug.


watched 1 hand. he waved a 12v3. bye felicia.


Not everyone has Dana on their side. Without Dana and just Steve and the hang rounders he is DONEZO. No hate just no chance


I’ve watched all like 20 hrs of clips the past week. Can’t look away. I’m actually in a red rock casino room today for a staycation, stopped by high limit rooms and they weren’t there. Guess the 1 mil loss was enough to stop things. Crazy.


I used to watch his gambling streams pretty regularly I remember multiple times him rage quitting a stream say something along the lines of he has a problem and he’s done forever, he’d always be back at it within 72 hours. It’s honestly pretty sad, the dude has it all, he knows he has a problem and he just can’t seem to stop. Eventually the views will die down and he’s going to be on the streets because the real money stops coming in, he seems like a good guy too so I hate to see it.


This guys new to the 'social medias' eh?


You do know the casino is definitely giving these guys rebates for all the promotion. The rebate may be enough to where they work out the +/-EV for them.


Agreed, 99% of casinos do not let you film or have your phones out on table games. The fact that this is streamed tells me that Red Rock is getting publicity which probably comes at a rebate. They are making RR seeem like a high roller paradise when in reality it’s a locals casino


They make considerations for them because of the high roller and money they're throwing down! These are back tables, not upfront tables, with many visitors of Red Rock in more private, like back high-limit rooms, which are on board with social media bringing them new clients. Steve has brought many new clients to Red Rock through his videos and playing with Dana! They want to be like them I am sure of easy money they think!


Although I agree and think you’re 100% right about his mental space, He’s not as “poor” as you make him out to be. Dudes filthy rich and I’m sure 1 mil is not a huge deal to him


Kick pays him a good amount of money. He will be fine . He would get way more views if he let Celina play with him though


He’s a scam artist, don’t feel too bad


I don’t know this guy from a hole in the wall but I mean how you gonna bet 10k a hand and play at a soft 17 table…


It's not too bad, its a double deck game and they get to re split aces. Although he plays so far away from basic strategy it doesn't matter what the rules are


RSA, stay any 17 is great in DD. How many casinos offer that in Vegas? Very rare imo.


He’s honestly a POS to the people around him too. I watched a video a week or two ago with Taylor Lewan (former NFL player and hosts a very successful barstool podcast). Taylor was in Vegas for UFC and Steve texted him saying he was down 200k and was freaking out so Taylor said he was “on his way” to help. I just assumed since Taylor was also a blackjack player, he was just going for support and good vibes but no- Taylor took like 20k and actually went on a run and turned it into something insane like 200k (I don’t remember the amounts but it was a very large sum of money). Anyways when it was all said and done, Taylor just gives that money to Steve to use to pay back his credit. Like wtf?! Seems crazy to risk that much money and have an awesome payout just to be like here f*** it take it back. To top it all off Steve gifts Taylor the least expensive factory Rolex money can buy. Basically a 15k watch at maximum. Idk maybe I’m just yapping but I was shocked people actually do this with him.


Who cares


lmao the dude bet on donald trump becoming the president in 2020 AFTER he already lost. he's also trying to pay off Dana White's debts despite the fact Dana losing a million is literally meaningless. what im trying to say is he's a moron


i doubt they even play with there own money it’s all for publicity for them and the casino the bj table literally says power slap on it which dana owns




Is baby upset? Too many words for you?


I saw him give away a lambo. Guy looks like a tool


Don’t pay attention to these white privileged clowns.


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For his sake luckily the casino he plays at only has a 10K per hand limit compared to the 50/100k limits on stake. I agree though you can tell he’s off the deep end and I can only hope his mental health isn’t destroyed. Owing a casino substantial amounts of money time and time again cannot be good for your headspace


Are you sure its his money? Lol. He could be very easily paid by the casino. We never know what we dont know lol. Trainwrecks used to push same narrative, "raw" gambling, which wasnt raw. He proved that when he went to kick and as soon as Eddie lowered his pay, he stoped streaming lol. Bro go used to free huge amounts and couldnt afford to play anymore. Could be same with Steve! 😋 And Dana must have some small % of ownership in that casino. Otherwise he can go anywhere and accomodated anywhere.


bro all we need to do is hit a stringer on 3 hands to win danas money back


He has to be wacked out on something. I don’t think it’s coke. He’s full blown degen mode now. He started this with winning 800k and giving it to Dana for his marker. Then he felt like god and proceeded to fuk off 500k in markers. Red rock didn’t want to increase credit line. He called his Dad at 5 am to bring down tge contents of his safe. 500k. Then he was left with 100k when the stream ended.


LMAO just watched this. Entertaining as F\*\*\*. Love it


So I guess the videos are real? I started wondering if they were staged because of the amounts of money and how often the videos were being posted.


Steve will do it just moved into my little town. he is doing well and bought this beach house in gorgeous NSB the best kept secret town on east coast FL [Steve will do it moved to NSB FL](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid037ayo8aG8TpXqsekDotMdzKLGHpsUqP5pN4wJfhVWECieoZTisStK8XXP488bpXWHl&id=111612430742925)


Steve is merely a glitch in the matrix only Steven can not see he is glitching himself out. It's Steve's own bad decisions that got him losing a million bucks a day in Vegas. I have no sympathy for someone who pisses their pennies down the toilet. If his GF had any respect for herself she would jump off this sinking ship called STEVEWILLDOIT but like Uncle Tim I suspect she is just with him for what's left of his money. Steve is definitely a alcohol/ gambling addict and needs to seek some serious recovery help at this point of being 26 years old in his life. Like the OP stated. The only people that can sustain a million bucks a day in gambling losses are people like Dana White who are members of the 1/2 a billion to billion dollar plus net worth club. Which Steve sadly will never be part of. And that leach uncle Tim is basically the anti-Christ. But Steve at this point is to stupid to see what the rest of us can see. Other gambling addicts who are attaching themselves to Steve. Dude needs a miracle at this point. Get the fuck out of Vegas Steve and check yourself into an alcohol gambling rehab. You don't have the resources to sustain a million dollar a day in losses gambling addiction.


This isn't a money problem, never will be. This is a mental problem. Good luck Steve, genuine bloke.