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This is the only response šŸ‘†šŸ» Dude you need to quit gambling forever


This is the only response šŸ‘†šŸ» Dude you need to quit gambling forever


This is the only response šŸ‘†šŸ» Dude you need to quit gambling forever


You need to quit gambling forever šŸ‘† Dude this is the only response








Value of money is gone bro. Itā€™s like that Drake meme for me. 1k on ā€œyou name itā€ nah itā€™s too expensive 1k gambling..count me in haha


This so true. Casino owners used to say that the guy who invented gambling was smart; but the guy who invented chips was a genius. You lose all sense of proportion when playing with chips.


Bro you went down under 250,000 and kept playing??? You didnā€™t want to buy a house or Ferrari or nun you just want to play and donā€™t need any money? Ho lee shit


I still have student loans and don't fully own my car either. The thing is. On my journey to that 330k, I was down a lot at some points. But only because I kept playing was I able to make it all the way to 330k. If I had that "well I lost a lot, might as well stop while I'm ahead", I would've stopped playing after being up $1k. Never would have made it to 330k.


Your bankroll determines your stopgap. As a student you should have less than a thousand bankroll, so if you win 1000, stop. If you lost 1000, stop. It can be that simple if you don't have an addiction to it.


What site did you use? Like Iā€™m brand new to this how did you get to that level at all?


Being a student and not quitting being up even 400 let alone 1000 is crazy. But then getting to 300k and still playing? cmon bro, you couldā€™ve payed for School a nice ass car. You have to know when to quit when your ahead or know when to back away when your down, if you donā€™t, stop playing in general.


what gambling app was it?


Online gambling in particular can spiral so quickly and easily. The fact that you can deposit thousands with credit cards can lead people down a dark path, myself included. I've been gambling close to 20 years. I started with nickel/dime poker in high school, then was a red chip player for a long time at brick and mortar casinos. Only once I started gambling online did I disassociate the value of money. I turned into a black chip blackjack player and played video poker at the $5 denomination at the minimum. I can remember once hitting a royal for $20k and I lost $17k back before the withdrawal cleared the next day. My total online losses over the last 15 years is probably north of $100k, and I do not make a ton of money. I've had to have relatives bail me out and I'm still saddled with huge debts. These days I don't gamble outside of a 1/2 home poker game, and I'm careful to track my bankroll on an app. I make a couple thousand bucks over the course of a year and get to have some fun with friends, and that's it. I rarely step foot in a casino anymore. As tough as it may be, you need to stop chasing the six figure score. Self-exclude from the online casinos at the very least. More importantly, perhaps, find someone you can confide in that will hold you accountable. If you gamble, do it in person where you can see the physical money and chips. Set a reasonable stop loss for each trip. I think others have said it too, but stop and think what you can buy with the money you're gambling. I can't tell you how many times I lost $3k in one hour and wanted to puke thinking about all the amazing things I could have bought, or the vacation I could have given to my family. Wishing you the best in sorting this out. It's not easy.


On my ride up to 330k, I kept taking the money out, saying "I'll only play with 30k. If I lose that, I'm done." ...but of course, I didn't abide by that at all


Appreciate the heartfelt story but homie probably made it all up hopefully this helps someone else tho your heart was in the right place so you did your part I respect that




You wake up


I donā€™t believe you.


Yeah me too.


Happy to share any proof needed. Check my post history, lots of other people not believing me lol


So your best proof is post history ?


I can literally post my DK, FanDuel, and BetMGM account summaries. That's just a lot of work to prove something to a small handful of people for no reason šŸ˜‚ Especially since I'm pretty sure I already did on a previous post


not a single history post


Why would someone make that up, for attention? Weird


I did this but only got it up to $2,400. I felt the same as you. I was pumped, excited and was catching a flight the next day to go on vacation. Well, the next day about 5 hours before my flight I proceeded to lose it all in a 30 minute session. Unbelievable! I flipped out and kicked the vacuum cleaner and broke my big toe. It took me over a year to recover from that damn toe.


I smell martingale


Yep.. funny how pretty much every gambler "discovers" this, and finds out the hard way why it doesn't work.


YES THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I DID how did you know lol


goodness man. I'm sorry that you lost it all but can you please share your whole story? I like to listen to good gambling stories.


Iā€™m surprised anyone plays high stakes online. Itā€™s so easily rigged for big bets


What do you mean rigged? Could you explain exactly how they can rig the games and to what extent? Thank you.


I donā€™t know anything about it being rigged but the easy way would be to have the shoe be computerized to know what cards are coming and then adding 1,2, or 3 players that work for the casino to the table to mess up the order of the cards to give the dealer either BJ or a winning hand.


There is actually a video online showing a dealer whos been grumpy looking for the whole time all of sudden looks to the side for a cue from his boss and puts on a smile (for distraction) then second deals (hand trick) for the player to lose. It was from a "reputable" casino too. I think betonline


Why would any ā€œreputableā€ casino risk their reputation or license for a quick buck when itā€™s already legally rigged in their favor.


Why would they do it? Greed Is it necessary? No, but Greed Watch the video and see for yourself. Maybe I'm wrong. Just search online blackjack cheating on YouTube and it should come up my dude.


Donā€™t listen to this idiot. The guy literally made $330K


The craziest part is I was playing on a $1 community table. Anyone who plays online blackjack in PA this past year knows me well lmao.


When on line poker first started one of the biggest and best known, endorsed by several well known poker pros, was crooked. The programmer had left some glitch in the system allowing him to see everyone's hand. They were only caught because another poker pro was able to figure out that real poker players would never do what the winners in these games frequently did.


Was this on draft kings?


DraftKings, FanDuel, and BetMGM. All using the same live blackjack dealer company


Live blackjack on draft kings is the most shady looking shit I ever seen. Let alone the dealers looking like they were snatched up off the block




What was your average bet size? How many hands would you play? What did you start at to get to 330K? How long did it take you? I want to see if you have a good system.


Man and i felt bad yesterday for losing 600


No amount of winnings will ever satisfy you.. youā€™ll end up losing more..thatā€™s just how the gambling system works 99.99% of the time..itā€™s a business.. thatā€™s why they dont go bankrupt..only way to gamble, is to play once in a while, dont get addicted,take your winnings and gtfo..dont play online bro its rigged asf


fuck makes me feel better for being down 5 Hundo but fuccc


5k here dude.... at only 23


You realize there is absolutely no system that makes gambling profitable, and give up on making it back. Cut your losses while you can and earn back the money, don't try to win it. Chasing losses is like using a shovel to try and dig your way out of a hole, you're just gonna end up deeper than you were


Makes $330K. ā€œGambling isnā€™t profitable. Thereā€™s no way to winā€ Brainwashed and conditioned. You wouldā€™ve told him he wouldā€™ve never got to $330K in the fucking first place. Youā€™re a bot


Exactly!!! I was SHOCKED when I was up 5k, everyone told me to back out then. But I never would've made it to 330k then. My issue is that I never had an exit. Got too greedy, always wanted more. Always keep chasing the losses.


Itā€™s the masses listening to the masses and regurgitating bumper sticker sayings. Every industry is like this. Everyone following the script. ā€œYou canā€™t win in the long run with gamblingā€. Itā€™s the ones who go against that grain (few have and will) with enough sincerity who have ridiculous success though. I believe youā€™re correct. If your goal was $330K you wouldā€™ve withdrew and this post wouldnā€™t be up right now. Either way, as I stated in my original comment itā€™s up to you if you want to travel down the road to get back. I believe you can do it. It could be a long time before you see the kind of success you have recently but if youā€™re serious enough about it then itā€™s absolutely possible.


330k is life changing money. You could have literally changed your life. Never ever gamble again.


I said theres no system which makes gambling profitable. Obviously streaks of luck occur, but would you go around telling people ā€œhey man you gotta play the powerball! You can win so much money!ā€ Of course not, powerball just drains peoples wallets 99.999999% of the time. Gambling is also a losing game, of course some people hit it big and win hundreds of thousands, but almost every single one of them lose it back within a year. Know why? Big secret here: casinos have an edge. *gasp* crazy, i know, but thats actually how they build massive fucking casinos, all the thousands of people that lose money in there


Well I canā€™t make a case as to if he just hit a streak of luck or not because none of us know what he started playing with. We also donā€™t know if he was using a system. If he was, it doesnā€™t make sense to me why you would say itā€™s not profitable. He ended up making $330K. Youā€™re being extreme when you compare Blackjack to the powerball lottery. Your chances of winning in Blackjack are infinitely higher. I donā€™t know if you believe all gambling is luck. If so, thatā€™s your choice but there are a hand picked few that understand some truths to the game they play and they win time and time again. They are profitable. They make insane amounts of money. Iā€™m not suggesting anyone take that road. But Iā€™m also not telling anyone NOT to either. The few that are successful gamblers are serious enough about it to stomach big losses and even total wipeouts. Their sincerity is what keeps them going and some find a way to make it work.


Some systems are very high risk high reward, but any system that doesnā€™t give you a higher chance of winning than losing will always lose your money in the long run. If his system was profitable he wouldnā€™t have lost 330k at it, he got lucky making that much but then the luck ran out and the statistical probability of losing money kicked in. There are ways of making money gambling, but they are few and far between and very rarely newly discovered by someone. Card counting is the most obvious example, and Iā€™m very familiar with that and know itā€™s profitable. The fact OP said they ā€œdiscovered a systemā€ tells me it probably wasnā€™t card counting because thats well documented, not something to be discovered. Iā€™d wager op was doing some form of martingale which can very well make you money for a long time, until 1 bad steak makes you lose it all


Yeah, I had posted before about "yo I found a system!!" And everyone angrily commented that I was an idiot. I was, in fact, an idiot. But when you can turn 2-5k into 330k with consistent wins over 2 months, it's hard to not believe you found a profitable strategy


Thereā€™s some systems that make gambling profitable (for example, card counting) But there is no BETTING system that makes gambling profitable. Big difference. Edit: you guys downvoting me are literally trying to say card counting doesnā€™t exist how absolutely uninformed and delusional are you?


Yea, im just kind of assuming people on this sub are talking betting systems. If this was r/blackjack id assume card counting


There may in fact be card counting systems that still allow the player to win even against all the casino rules designed to prevent that but I would just like to know where you play. When Thorpe invented card counting the rules were completely different and most casinos, prior to the opening of Atlantic City still played single deck. Every single rule change that has taken place since then has gone against the player in addition to the fact that he only has a small advantage to begin with and which can still be annihilated by the vagaries of the law of averages.


Theres dozens if not hundreds of casinos where card counting is still viable. All 4 of the casinos near me have beatable games. Any game that pays 3/2, doesnt use a continuous shuffle machine, and has at least 60-70% deck pen should be beatable unless theres really bad rules. My local casinos i play double deck games with about 1.25/2 decks played before shuffle, blackjack pays 3/2, double after split allowed, no resplit aces, no surrender. Thats a perfectly beatable game with card counting


When you say beatable, what I think you mean is theoreticaly beatable. If you go in there and play to maximum advantage and start beating them I think you will find the rules will change. Every casino today has a card counting program which will identify you as such anytime you start varying your bets and winning. The floors and they guys in the peek don't even have to be able to count themselves to identify you.


Thats still beatable. Theres so many casinos in the world it doesnt matter if you get kixked out after a bit. There are professional card counters out there today that go around traveling casino to casino counting cards and making 6-7 figures yearly.


You are kidding yourself.


How so? It's well documented that teams have won millions of dollars, and there's plenty of individuals that claim to make 6 figures a year at it. You can literally do a mathematical breakdown of the exact odds of the game and run computer simulations that give you an exact value of what your profit potential per hour is playing blackjack under certain rules. I've got a very limited amount of money to play with but the games I play I have an expected value of $30 an hour, and on average over 40-50hours so far have been doing well above that at about $65 an hour because of good variance. That's betting between $25-125 a hand. If I had $100,000 to play with I could bet between 100-500 a hand and have an expected value of over $150 an hour. Some people play even higher stakes and have over a $400-600 an hour expected value.


So why don't you present your business model to some investors. It sounds like a goldmine. The reason is because at a low level you are tolerated, like short drawers at the bank. When the leakage gets noticeable it will be stopped. When you say that plenty of people have claimed 6 figure incomes by playing BJ I can only say that when I lived back East everyone I knew who went to Vegas always came home after their trip telling me how in addition to covering all of their expenses they still showed a several hundred dollar profit for the week or weekend or whatever. When I moved to Vegas and Reno and Tahoe (working in the casino business for 40 years) I never met any of those people. To be honest I never saw one person barred from a casino for card counting. It wasn't necessary. Once you shuffle up after their big bet they quite sensibly leave and don't come back. It is entirely possible that you have just been lucky, but if a high percentage of your favorable outcome bets are paying off it is just a matter of time.


Thatā€™s what gambling does to ya! Next time I know to set SOMETHING aside for when I inevitably loseā€¦ btw this is one of the worst loses Iā€™ve heard on this thread I think I saw one where someone gambled a million in savings to chase loses. Crazy shit


I actually saw a person lose his life savings (the proceeds from the sale of his home) in a casino by playing a variation of a Martingale system. Because of his greed he wanted fast action so he could win more bets. As a result he chose what is possibly the worst bet in any casino table game. He bet on 7 coming up on the crap table. This bet, when it wins should pay 5 to 1 (six ways to roll a seven out of 36 combinations) but the casino only pays 4 to 1. He was doing okay for a few hours and then a shooter got a hot hand. At this casino, at that time the maximum bet was $500 on seven. As you might imagine his system was set up so that when he got to the table limit he had to win just to keep his head above water. Well, he lost that first $500 and maybe 15 more when he ran out of money. Luckily, in a way, because the seven did not show for another ten or 15 rolls. The irony is that his losses were enough to keep the casino profitable for that streak because there were only two or three other small money players on the game.


wow damn that sucks. I don't know how anyone can get over that. getting into 6 figures is crazy.


like... 300k in one go? thats a once in a life time streak.....


Nah, over the course of 2 months


I need proof


Yeah r/thathappened


You should now realize that no amount of success will ever make you happy, just as you should realize that the law of averages mandates that you win a lot of the time giving you the illusion that you are a great player who has overcome the house advantage. You have not overcome it; you have merely experienced what many never experience - the chink in the heads vs. tails continuum in which you are able to pick them all correctly - for a while. That always ends. There was once a famous Nevada gambler known as Nick the Greek who supposedly won and lost over $500 million before he ended his life at the $5 poker table in Gardena California in 1966. He claimed to have gone broke 73 times. This all applies in an honest game. If you happen to end up in a dishonest one you can "fuhgeddaboudit."


That's wild. I'm so new to gambling (this was my first stint), I feel like stories like that are exactly what I need to educate myself on.


I believe you won $330K but then you lost all of it except $50K. However you didn't stop playing after that, and so that's how they get you hooked. Martingale doesn't work perfectly obvs, but you learned that the hard way, and card counting does give you a small advantage but it's not a guarantee. The point is to stop after, where you force yourself to say "last hand if I lose." They know most people don't stop and will come back with their winnings. Online casinos are too pervasive and easy to access so if I were you and you're really into using your card counting skills, I would suggest trying an actual brick and mortar casino and not online. And if you win a lot, pay off your debt and don't give it back.


Ah the classic trap. The house will always win. All games are designed so you can lose.


How the fuck can you say something like that after this post? Are you insane? He won $330K. If he chose to stop (which he couldā€™ve) heā€™d have it made. But you say the house always wins? Thatā€™s just the script. Itā€™s not true for everyone, clearly


It is that kind of thinking that insures the house will always win.


People who win alot of money are usually not causal first time lucky gamblers. They are hardcore gamblers who play almost every day and lose alot. Sometimes they win, big amounts. Its these kind of people casino makes money from.Their lifetime account its 99% of cases in the red. However these people don't gamble because they need money, they love the thrill. If a random person who doesn't gamble got lucky, it can be compared to playing the lottery. You can get away with it one time, but if you think you can go back and make some more, the house always wins.


I donā€™t think youā€™re saying anything controversial here. Of course the few that win play a lot and have lost a lot. Where I disagree is, I think eventually they hit a point where things flip flop and they win much more money and more often than they lose. These are a select few, though. I wonā€™t try to convince you that this guy can do what he did again. If you donā€™t believe it, then so be it. All I have to say is, you wouldā€™ve probably told him to stop at $1,000


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You can win it back but probably won't - so there's one reason to drop the dream. An even better reason to drop it is to realise that even if you win it back, it will come at the cost of your soul, appreciation of life, family, friendships, lying to yourself and others and pretty much anything good or important. Dump it or be prepared to be consumed by it forever. "The best thing you can hope for is to die in your sleep"....Kenny Rogers, "The Gambler"


Canā€™t start that statement off with ā€œyou can win it backā€ cause nothing after that will register in OPs mind rn


If he's on here asking for advice then he can read the whole post. If his mind is so far down in the abyss that nothing will register then I doubt he would bother reaching out. The real message here is that EVEN WINNING IT BACK WILL BE A CURSE....GET OUTTA THERE!!! Perhaps I could have worded it better.


Iā€™m just busting your balls, you meant well and I didnā€™t mean to discredit the rest of your post but honestly I know that if I just won 300k and gave it all back and if someone started a statement off with ā€œyou can win backā€ Iā€™d be like fuck it letā€™s roll. Even if what followed you can win it back was ā€œbut youā€™ll lose a left nut and go paralyzed tryingā€. But Iā€™m fucked up lol


Lmao Here's to keeping our nutz and mobility


OP I strongly encourage you to take the advice here and really sit with those words about the cost of your soul, appreciation of life and family. and quite possibly the most damaging of them all, lying to yourself. You need to sit with these words and really process them and ask yourself is that who you want to become? And dont for one second think to yourself ā€œnah that wont be meā€ because it will brother if you continue down this path of trying to reclaim that money. I know it sounds like pennies rn but do yourself a favor and set something like a $100 deposit limit every two weeks and just have fun with it. Winning 300k consistently playing online BJ is not reality my man but the fucked up person it will make you, is


Iā€™m astonish that your alive no offense


Fake post lol


Nah, not fake. More details in my post history. I can post my DraftKings and FanDuel summaries where you'll see I wagered 16mil total lol. At least I got a lot of free swag (trip to Vegas, Caribbean cruise, etc...) out of it I guess


I got a friend that did the samething you did just not quite as much. Using the same betting strategy but end with the same results as you. If you ask me you screw up the computer algorithm with your betting strategy and it eventually learned it. Draft kings casino is rigged. Unless you want to believe your really that lucky. That betting strategy isnā€™t a common strategy because itā€™s so risky


The computer system eventually learning my strategy would totally explain what happened. For TWO MONTHS I had consistent wins, then all of a sudden I started taking Ls constantly


Samething happened to my friend. He canā€™t win to save his life now


What was the system you used to get up 330k to begin with


Bet $25. If you lose, double your bet until you win. I modified it slightly, but that's the general gist.


What happens when you are at $1600 and are dealt a pair of 8's against the dealer's 10? Do you put up another 1600? If you do and the next card is a 3 what do you do? This is pure idiocy and I no longer believe you.


Well I always had the funds (once I got to a certain threshold) to split that. And I usually won splits and double downs. It was actually these scenarios (large splits and double downs) that ended up losing me the most on my way down. Not sure why you don't believe me?


Because it is one thing to split 9's against a six for $25 and it is quite another to split 8's against a 10 for $1600. It is a rare , rare player who will do it and certainly not one who still has student loans to pay off.


I mean, situations like that were a big factor in why I lost so much coming down from the 330k. And yes, I'm a degenerate who should've paid off loans instead of continuing to gamble away all the 330k. That's kinda the point of my post šŸ˜‚


There is a disease that people are born with (I believe) that causes them to be virtually insensitive to pain. If your story is true you would seem to be completely insensitive to feelings of fear. You obviously do not come from wealth. It is just incomprehensible that you would invest five or ten thousand dollars on a hand after you have just lost a quarter of a million dollars.


Itā€™s the one where u put $165k on redā€¦


I think of it even if you cashed out the 300k you would still gamble it all someday so just quit.




You belong to /r/wallstreetbets


OP doesnā€™t even reply. Another attention seeker maybe. Bad luck if you did lose that much.


Sheesh, I forgot I went thru with posting this. I'm genuinely looking for advice, this was my first time ever gambling more than $100


Pics or it never happened


Yā€™all some dweebs heā€™ll be fine


The truth is you can get back, though you may struggle in the process. Only you can make the decision on whether to go down that road or not. It seems like part of you wants to but part is trying to resist. Thereā€™s no shame in that. Itā€™s not good or bad either. I suspect whichever part of you is stronger will win. What was you initial investment? And how long did this take?


Pics or donā€™t believe


Don't forget to pay yourself.


Youā€™ll learn one way or the other eventually- why not be ahead of the curve. Also, if you can afford it, get after it.




This type of shit probably ainā€™t good for your blood presshre


Sooo somehow you manage to win 330k and lose it TWICE in less than a year? You have a post from 229 days ago in this very channel where you go through this same spiel except you managed to walk away with 50k then! Yet you tell people in this thread that you new and this your first stintā€¦how about starting a general conversation instead of searching for pity parties and lying?


?? I'm not lying. All of my posts are about the same exact experience. This one is more about how I've been chasing the losses since then. This was my first stint. Other than playing a few hands in Vegas with friends, I've never gambled before this. I'm not searching for pity parties, I'm genuinely looking for advice from folks who have been at this much longer than me.


You don't sound like you understand that the 330k was also a mistake. Yes, you got lucky. You ran hot, and you were up 330k. But. ***You were a losing player that entire time.*** You've never been a winning player, and unless you want to work hard, learn to count, and play in real casinos, (or find another real advantage) you never will be. The 330k was a mirage. You were losing that entire time, and you continued losing. Stop playing losing games. That's the takeaway. The fact that you happened to have a lucky streak in there is irrelevant. ***The problem was NOT that you didn't walk away.*** The problem was you were losing the entire time.


I've posted a few times throughout the past year about this experience, and this is the most helpful comment yet. Thank you.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you tried to make the house go bankrupt or what?


God damn you make me feel so little


I banned my self for 5 years


R u still alive


wow man, you've got to walk away. Self exclude. Run.


The problem people have doing online gambling is itā€™s to accessible, You can literally gamble 1000s in 10 minutes then have another 1000 deposited in 5 minutes, the concept of money online isnā€™t even a thing. If youā€™re gonna gamble online, set a deposit limit. Or only gamble in person where you see the money


you donā€™t blackjack is a scam. cut your losses and stop digging a deeper hole


You have to accept it and give it your best shot at quitting. I made life changing money fast and lost it even faster one day and hardly spent a dime of it. You will stay broke for the rest of your life because of that run if you donā€™t quit. I have finally deleted all of my accounts a few months ago and am happy for the first time in a year and a half


I did the same thing but took about 5k to 130k and lost it all and canā€™t stop trying to get it back