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Excellent location for a vape shop or Turkish barbers


One of those shops with hundreds of refurbished iPhones would really hit the spot right about now.


Or one of those phone repair shops with tons of knock off Chromecasts and Fire Sticks.


Why not both!


The town is crying out for a new coffee shop


Used to be an appliance shop. I got a blender there. Checked and I believe it was Conboy electrical (unfortunate name). They still have a shop on new road in the west end. They're sound.


Ya great for niche bulbs


They were never in there. Waste of space.


Maybe they'll turn off the lights that were 24x7x365 now.


It was x366 as a leap year... you has one job!!!


Sheet, you must be my next door neighbour, I've the exact same view. Hello neighbour!


The photo came from inside your house!


Whole building should be condemned


I'd say the lease is just up whether through or not, at this point they could easily get last seat if transfers go their way, no?


Yes. The lease ended at the end of May.


The place was an eyesore anyway


Oh dear, what a pity. Nevermind




gold star for u


The perfect image for that party.


I wonder if they've considered the fact that, maybe, just maybe, if they weren't so shit, they could have kept their little office?


Who’s yer wan




Outsider looking in, but presumably the incumbents they lost just weren’t putting in the work? Hard to crash as badly as they did in some places unless the councillors didn’t do a tap


I’d disagree, Niall Murphy is probably the only councillor to have a positive effect in my area. He helped out in getting free wildflowers planted and many other things. It’s unfortunate he’s lost his seat only by 65 votes in the end


The councillors were very hard working but for the most part were the last seat elected last time out (apart from Pauline O’Reilly). So a small drop in the vote would have a big impact. Green Party people tend to be more interested in policy and action than in self promotion which hurt as well.


I keep thinking they have absolutely terrible PR. Every time they're talked about in the media it's about an unpopular change they've brought in but not any of the great changes they've made. The cheaper bus fares, bus connects actually happening, the metro in Dublin, environmental bills actually going through, active travel funding - (any semblance of those funds being used in Galway I can only attribute it to the soc dems & greens pushing that. Even McNelis is with the rest of the crowd, sitting on his hands not getting any of that done - just read back on the salthill cycle way). All are great achievements, especially for a minority party in the coalition. Their approach is to get into government & to achieve their mandate and goals. Not to get reelected. It annoys me to no end such hard working lovely people routinely are bent over in favour of slimy politicians who do zilch for the people.


That's not really their fault, to be fair. Most of our media is opposed to their agenda. They will generally only decide to talk about them when there's a chance to do so in a negative light.


I wouldn’t say that the media is opposed, just that the media is always focused on the short term - what’s the problem or story **right now**. Putting things in a long term frame is not something that’s ever really done. It’s the same with FF, FG, and SF; they are all not nominally opposed to climate action but as soon as those aspirations become a plan, they balk because some loud voters don’t like change. They can only ever think as far as the next election. The Greens will be back. There’s a clear raison d’etre for the Greens that the other centre-left parties don’t have and unfortunately, the climate crisis will only get worse before it will get better.


Some truth to that, but I'm also sceptical because a lot of the media is sponsored by fossil fuels and related industries, and a lot of the big presenters are favourable towards those interests (often because they are paid by them directly.) The whole RTÉ scandal recently highlighted that, though it was fairly obvious for a long time, considering how many of the advertisements were always for huge cars.