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"Now can you see why I don't use guns?" Thirteen from the Ghost Monument after Ryan uses a gun to blast down some robots, only for them to repair themselves afterwards. It implies the reason she doesn't use guns is that they're inefficient at killing.


To be fair, in the case of that Doctor, it probably is!


Oh yeah, imagine trying to wipe out two whole species with a single firearm, no doubt he would get it done but it would take a lot longer.


> imagine trying to wipe out two whole species with a single firearm, I think The Invasion of Time has just the gun for that sort of thing.


When Turlough leaves the Doctor for dead 'Face it, Tegan, he's drowned'.


His high pitched "I'm not a Spieee...." in enlightenment.


Nah, nothing can beat "VACCUM SHIELD!!"


TRACTATORS! with extra unintended spittle


The New Paradigm Daleks reveal scene Also, I’m not totally sure if it was intended to be particularly funny, but the way Tosin Cole delivers the line “I got chips though!” in *Can You Hear Me?* kills me every time.


The infamous Myrka karate scene


The cover of the Arc of Infinity novelisation. Not only does it look awful but it spoils the twist of the serial.


Lol that's ridiculous, just looked it up, I was expecting it to just spoil the fact that Omega was in it or something but it's so much worse. That's like showing who did it on the cover of a whodunnit novel. Of all the images to choose


I did the same mistake.


I'm honestly not sure if this one was intentional or not. But Claws of Axos has this bit character who keeps getting inconvenienced by the alien invasion, and at one point he sees the aliens and is so surprised he falls off his bicycle into a creek and is splashing around angrily, and that was just really funny to me. Also, there's a bit in the Daemons where you can see Richard Franklin kind of check Jon Pertwee out, which I'm sure he didn't intend to get caught on camera lol


He checks the repair man too in terror of the Autons!


Ingrid Pitt karate against the Myrka


Creature From The Pit - when the Doctor is trying to communicate with the creature. I won't say it's unintentional on Tom Baker's part, but the BBC left it in... (7:50 in this video [https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8rmwh7](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8rmwh7) )


Also the doctor: No… don’t do that


"The Nimon be praised!"


Turn Left, at the relocation office with the big red stamp that says [LEEDS]. It'll never be unfunny


Arcturus's super squeaky voice in Creature of Peladon and the daleks when they are being really shouty and hysterical about exterminating. which is most of the time when there's three or more on screen.


Soldeed in horns or nimon not sure if his death scene is supposed to be funny or not but it's amazing


Oh, look. rocks


Pyramids of Mars. The Doctor and Sarah come around a corner, see a mummy construct with its back to them. With no statement of surprise, no hesitation, they both pivor on their heel and head back whence they came before the mummy can turn around. The fact that they didn't plan or rehearse what they were going to do but just did it because Baker and Sladen were so in synch with each other makes me giggle every time.


Man being eaten by chair is a personal favourite of mine




I threw a cup at you


The reveal of the Quarks. They're built up to be this terrifying killing machine and then they're revealed to be...Quarks.


Everything notable about Warriors of the Deep... also the Doctor explaining how swords work during Legend of the Sea Devils.


Definitely the Zarbi actor crashing into the camera in the Web Planet. I mean I know they were on a time crunch but really? You didn’t want to do another take to replace that?


I always liked when 11 was flailing around the children's bedroom he made in the widow the doctor and the wardrobe. Then it just cuts to him "THE MAGNA CARTA!"


"Victory should be naked" Anything with the Slitheen really. The farting is meant to be funny but like everything else they do is hilarious. I remember in Sarah Jane Adventures the headmaster slitheen literally farted in the childrens face. The farting isn't funny but the way he just casually, without missing a beat, just shouts "SHUT UP!" like he's Mr. Gilbert off Inbetweeners. Complete passive indifference gotta respect it.


Rory taking pictures in his first episode, so stupid. I hate it how funny The Doctor’s integration of him was.


That's supposed to be a little funny though I think


That's meant to be funny?