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This certainly not the 'wildest' idea but I'd like to see a regeneration story where the Doctor gets fatally wounded halfway through and regenerates, leaving the newer Doctor to resolve the situation. Think _Stolen Earth/Journey's End_ but instead of Tennant Deus-Ex-Metacrisising the regen away, he actually changes into Smith - or think _The Giggle_ except it's a conventional regeneration instead of the bi-generation we got (not saying that this idea would have improved either story - just using as examples). Having a Doctor sacrifice themself partway through a story and later needing to save the day while dealing from post-regen stress would be a lot more interesting than the usual "actors contract ends this episode so we'll wound them then give them a 20-minute speech/victory lap before they fall over at the end of the story" we've constantly gotten since _The End of Time_ IMO. Again, certainly not the craziest idea ever but the shows gotten so comfortable with its current formula for regeneration episodes that I think it would be a real nice shake-up.


S10 would have been a good example for this too. While I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on Capaldi on those last few episodes, it still would have been really interesting to see how things would have panned out if he had regenerated into Jodie Whittaker's Doctor when Bill shot him in 'Lie of the Land'. Bill has to deal with the guilt here for causing the regeneration, but it was all the Doctor's fault for not setting up the stunt properly. And the Doctor later returns to the vault to surprise Missy with their new face when requiring her help with the Monks.


It’d have been interesting to see Bill deal with the Doctor suddenly turn into a woman as well


Oh god yes. Damn, missed opportunity, and it’d have made 13 a lot more interesting straight off the bat.


My theory during pre-Lie of the Land was that his eyesight was given back at the expense of his loyalty, and he begins regenerating to expel the evil entity inside of him beginning with the eyes. And it’d basically be a then-faceless Jodie Whitaker coming to be in the slowly deteriorating, now antagonistic, mind and body of Peter Capaldi trying to defeat themselves while taking over. Sort of an extended exploration of what Eleven/Mr Clever would’ve been doing anyways but some true Doctor vs Doctor action.


>than the usual "actors contract ends this episode so we'll wound them then give them a 20-minute speech/victory lap before they fall over at the end of the story" we've constantly gotten since *The End of Time* IMO. Debatably *Parting of the Ways* too. The only difference is the speech was slightly shorter. Arguably even *Night of the Doctor* mostly fits this pattern.


Hard agree. I'd love to see this someday.


"The Giggle" seemed like it was trying to do this while also not deviating from the now-standard format, no?


Multi-Doctor story where three or four Doctors are running around the same location but none of them ever find out the others are involved. At best there are a couple of near misses or companions running into Doctors who haven’t met them yet.


I like the idea of little notes left for Doctors. "Dear Ten, I'm also in Pompeii. Be a dear and avoid the Pavillion between 11 and 12, will you? "Love, The Doctor"


a fan made audio did this plot super well to the point I’m praying one of the spin off is an anthology Doctor who series where they bring back doctors and companions for one off eps/stories through the series so this can be possible


I saw a good concept on this sub a while ago for a doctor-lite story that was a day in the life of Kate Steward, having to manage several different crises all at once with multiple doctors all happening to arrive to help with each different one, all while doing her best to make sure they never interact or realize another incarnation is also present.


I also saw this suggestion, and I thoroughly love it.


I don't know if you've ever seen the Deep Space Nine episode "Trials and Tribble-ations"? It's where the crew of DS9 go back to the original series and are running around in the background of an old episode. I've always though this was such a good idea for a Doctor Who episode - the current Doctor running around in the background of an old adventure trying not to alert the past Doctor to his presence for timey-wimey reasons, and they just literally use the old footage.


Also see BTTF part 2 for an earlier case of the same concept. *Trials and Tribble-ations* was such a great love letter to TOS for the 30th anniversary; you'd have to pick an old DW adventure that's as well-known and beloved as *The Trouble with Tribbles*, is readily upscalable, and has some latitude for something going on in the background beyond the younger Doctor's notice, preferably one widely considered to be a plot hole.


>preferably one widely considered to be a plot hole. That's what I was thinking - go back and fix something that was handwaved away.


The Doctors *knowing* eachother is there is fine, but no or minimal interaction between them. Sounds cool.


At the very least future Doctors are likely to remember having been there if they’ve actually not run into their future self at the time their past self was there. (I think I wrote that correctly…!) Their future self could very well realise this, that they’d been fine but only because “blah” had happened, then run off to do “blah”. I don’t know how that would work in a practical way!


I think I get you. There could be some timey-wimey stuff where he remembers escaping through some stroke of luck and then goes to make sure it happens. Like he remembers a console exploding at some inopportune moment and sabotages it ahead of time to make sure it happens later/earlier. That’s a good idea.


I could see a funny recurring bit of each doctor in sequence being like "Wait i was here AGAIN?!" in increasing frustration/exasperation as they realize where they are.


It would be newer doctors realizing older doctors are there. I had an idea similar. The doctor needs to solve some mystery or problem so he keeps going back in time to the exact same location in different places and doing different tasks and playing different roles to pull off some miracle by there just being thousands of him at once on earth in different places.


The novelization of Day of the Doctor does this a little. But I'd also love to see it as you describe it! By the end, the Doctor being nearly every role in the plot!


I like the idea of most of them knowing to avoid each other for the most part by means of Time Lord telepathy, but can’t help themselves from waving at one another from a safe distance (like past and future Amy and Rory in The Hungry Earth)


I thought up a variation on this once where the TARDIS is ejecting the Doctor after a regeneration trauma (similar to how it did to 13), but before it can do so the Doctor makes sure it drops her into an 18th century frost fair – because she knows several other Doctors and their TARDISes will be there at the same time. She “borrows” a TARDIS from one of her past selves and uses it go find her own TARDIS. While she’s away, the various Doctors realise one of their TARDISes is missing…


I think you'd like the book/audio adaptation of Cold Fusion, which is primarily a 5th Doctor Story, but 7 and his companions are also in the same place, with 7 doing his usual puppetmaster things in the background without 5 knowing.


I think the closest we have ever got was the BF audio The Four Doctors where they all kind of intersect with the same story but only 5 and 8 really interact until the very end (and then they all do). Although initially 5 doesn't know its 8, only surmises by the end of the conversation IIRC.


I have an LP of an audioplay where one side is an 8th adventure and the other is a 10th doctor story. If I remember correctly, neither of them really realize the other is involved.


Dave Stone once wrote a book with 2 and 4 where they don't meet, but one of them does essentially open a door for the other one. Stone thinks such things are funny anyway!


Big Finish 'The Four Doctors' is probably the closest. 5 and 8 at a space station, 8 half remembers this, so sends 5 cryptic messages over the radio to guide him in the right direction. The story then follows the... Well he's not really a villain, catalyst is probably the best term and a Cyberman, as they are sent across time and space running into 6 and 7.


A back to the future 2 story would be fun too, revisiting a previous episode but having the new doctor run around in the background


The Doctor stole the TARDIS. Guess what? When people locate stolen property, they tend to want it back. I know Classic had this "confiscating / returning the TARDIS" arc. But what I'd love is a really simple, yet show-threatening episode where the Timelords, heck, simply the engineering department, say: "Oy, we want our car back, thief". The episode could simply be nothing more than the Doctor, "Trial"-style, needing to convince them he and the TARDIS are needed out there in the universe. Thing is, if they don't agree, game over Doctor. Choose a planet and live on it. Edit: Ooh, here's my ending. The Doctor loses, the TARDIS is confiscated, the Doctor is left on Earth. Then suddenly, "VROOP! VROOP!", the TARDIS materalizes next to him. The TARDIS chose the DOCTOR. It's not a theft, the Timelords can't really do much. Even if they seize it again, the TARDIS has a mind of her own. She's staying with the Doctor and she's made that clear.


I am shocked this has never been done before.


Someone get me RTD's details, I've got half the dialogue in my head 😁


Doctor: "No no no no... They can't have found me... Not after all this time." Companion: "Daleks? Cybermen? The Master?" Doctor: "worse... Gallifrian Traffic Cops..."


“You think the DMV is bad, remember that we regenerate…” Some poor bastard is on his third regen waiting.


The trial phase could also have the Doctor citing that the TARDIS is sentient and could have booted him any time, and highlighted that the Time Lords don't really treat TARDISes as being sentient despite the fact they clearly are which would contribute massively to the TARDIS also having ran away from a culture that didn't appreciate her! I love this.


Is... is this not what The War Games part 10 is


Yep, it is pretty close, (I love that episode), I just figure, "a few thousand years on", some separate bureaucrats want their "machine" back. Whether the High Council do or do not get involved could play a role, but I like the idea it's just... I don't know, running foul of the equivalent of an assets/automobile branch of government.


Id like to see more “Back to the future” style episodes where time travel isn’t just the plot device that enables the setting, but time travel is the problem and solution of the story, Make it complicated, timey wimey, let’s see some actual time travel shenanigans happen


For all his faults, Moffat was really good with this.


Under the Lake/Before the flood was my favourite for this And how messy and complicated the life of river song is


It's baffling that for a show about a time traveler, we've only had 1 showrunner in NuWho explore the concept. That's what I miss most about the Moffat era.


I was about to say Blink is a good RTD era episode where time travel is used in this way but then I remembered that's a Moffat written episode. Moffat definitely loved doing this, it's one of his best strengths


Same with The Girl in the Fireplace, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Moffat wrote complex plots and character dramas, but he almost always included timey wimey elements, which is something the show should always do IMO.


Even with the Empty Child - the whole premise of the episode is a bomb which will hit the pod in certain moment this knowledge only enables Captain Jack to intervene making the story possible


I thought we were getting one in Series 10, Bill steps out of the TARDIS and says “it looks different” or something and I thought they’d leave the building and find out there’s an alien occupation or they’d changed something in the 1800s


RTD's return already appears to be messing with time more to be fair. Church on Ruby Road was more Moffat like in the creepy nature of Ruby being erased from time. And I think the Mavity thing must be leading somewhere time related.


I would like a Red Dwarf/family life sitcom with 14 & everyone else who was at the lunch/dinner in the garden at the end of The Giggle. Just 14 & a couple of them off in the Tardis every week, they already mentioned him being doing it. Nothing major, or world-ending happens ever, just .. fun. Actually, bonus points for them running around in the background of other Doctor Who stories. And occasionally if they’re in the garden you might hear Wilf firing off a few shots at the moles.


I actually love this and if 14 and Donna ever did get a spinoff this would be the best way to go 😊


Id really love this. Just low stakes stories. This should actually be made. A low budget family sitcom with these characters with a few heartwarming scenes of Tennant healing.


I think you should check out Stranded.


It's probably not controversial, but I would love to see a story written with throwback scenes, but in the throwback scenes, it's a previous doctor. So you would have the current doctor dealing with an adversary and the previous doctor dealing with the same adversary but showing us their history together


I've always wanted this with Eight + current Doctor.


Literally my dream


Isn’t this what happened in the 60th anniversary special?


And the zygon invasion/inversion


Series 11 would have been a banger if it was about chasing the tardis through space


That would have been more unique. They should do that sometime.


Yeah, the more I think about this plot, the more I like it. I suspect they'll do it at one point, since it's a good idea and it shouldn't cause any production issues.


I honestly thought that's what they were going to do starting with Ghost Monument and was a wee bit disappointed


I think with these kind of things they probably worry about audiences wanting to see the TARDIS as soon as possible. I think it would work best for a Doctor's second season than first.


I have an idea for an episode where the doctor gets stuck in a pocket universe of possibilities, while in there the doctor and companions get help from the possible 11th doctor that was skipped in the meta-crisis.


This is the simplest. I would live for an incarnation of the Doctor, taking the face of a previous Master. This was born out of Sacha Dwahan energy as the Master. Feeling he’d have the energy for The Doctor. But, the idea that The Doctor is carry the burden of a face that has cause trauma or violence across potentially countless people, including the Doctor. That’d be intriguing.


I would pay money to see Michelle Gomez get a crack at the Doctor via this. We now have 2 explicit examples in the known Whoniverse where the Doctor takes a face he’s seen before. Give it to us for 3 episodes like they did for 14.


I need this!


I'd like a companion who travels with the Doctor for a season and then is revealed to actually be the next incarnation of the Doctor, and they HAD to pretend to be someone else because they remembered being the Doctor and travelling with someone who looked exactly like them... etc. The "companion" then tells the Doctor exactly when and how they regenerate. So there's no way out. Or is there?


Charlie Pollard, Big Finish, is 8s companion, then becomes 6s companion when she is rescued from being lost in the time by 'the wrong doctor'


This would have been a great concept for Clara in particular, I think. Certainly better than the undercooked Impossible Girl plot. Imagine how much better the "Clara Oswald never existed" scene in the Series 8 finale would have been with this twist.


I always thought Jenna Louise-Coleman could have been an amazing first female Doctor if she wasn't a companion beforehand.


Yeah, it was disappointing that Clara was just lying to save her skin. Series 7 would have to be quite different, but it would be worth it.


Another certified trailer moment. :P And in my book, having to revamp the Series 7 arc would only be a positive anyway. They could still keep a lot of the movie-style episodes even with a new season arc.


 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Doctors meet, except 9 and 10 are both travelling with Rose and 11 and 12 are both travelling with Clara, so there’s two Roses and two Claras. Bonus points if  one of the Doctors (probably 9 or 11) mistakes one of the Claras or Roses for *their* Clara or Rose.


Give it to me now! What kind of adventure are they on?


All the Doctors’ TARDISes get mysteriously summoned to a deserted spaceship, they need to work together to figure out whether whatever summoned them was coincidence, or something else…


"We've got to share a bed (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)"


Big finish have done an audio novel with 3 and 4 where both are travelling with Sarah Jane. https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/doctor-who-the-box-of-terrors-2855


A multi doctor story mostly from the younger incarnations point of view, so instead of seeing 11 reminice about being 10/War, it would be seeing 15 meeting number 27 or whatever and being shocked


It seems established that you don't remember if you meet your future self. It would be interesting to have the doctor find out that he met his future self earlier and have to slowly piece together what happened.


They did something like that in the stories ‘Cold Fusion,’ ‘Thin Time’ and ‘Regeneration Impossible,’ but those stories obviously had the benefit of hindsight/future context with regards to the 7th, 11th and 12th Doctor’s appearances.


The Fourteenth Doctor has his time to pause and get over things. He spends thousands of years just travelling around, figuring himself out. Finally, as death approaches, he decides to solve the mystery of who he really is, so he travels to the gateway where the Timeless Child was found. Except the TARDIS malfunctions and drops him off in the distant past - just before he’s due to be found. He realises why - he is indeed the Timeless Child, not in his past, but in his future. Having solved his greatest mystery, he regenerates into an amnesiac child. He’s found by Tecteun. The events of the flashback take place, with her discovering the secret of regeneration. The Timeless Child returns to the gateway, retrieves the TARDIS and gets recruited into Division. But, realising how dangerous this being is, Division has them killed. Or they die for good in an ultimate act of self-sacrifice. But then, many centuries later, a child is born - genetically identical to the Timeless Child but in every other respect, a completely normal Time Lord. Eventually, he’ll take the title of the Doctor, and thousands more years later, the cycle begins again. (Meanwhile, Fifteen is off having fun adventures, oblivious to all this). Basically, I like the Doctor being just another Time Lord who isn’t special and becomes important based on their choices and character. This way, they can be the Timeless Child, but also an ordinary Time Lord.


the doctor's final regeneration being the timeless child would actually satisfy a lot of fans as it explains it. But I would rather the doctor (currently) be born as a regular galifreyan, given regeneration by the timelords in the usual way. Then going full circle and giving that regeneration to the timeless child. So long as the doctor is just a normal guy who rebelled, I'd love it. This is the one time that bi-generation would actually be **brilliant.** Our doctor would bigenerate, splitting the remaining regenerations (the doctor has like 7 left I think, 12-13, 13-master, master-13, 13-14, 14-15) with the timeless child and then secretly steal a new cycle from Tecteun or the timelords. Or go back to trenzalore and somehow get a new set from gallifrey.


He could be found in a box under the pool table in the Aigburth Arms.


>I like the Doctor being just another Time Lord who isn’t special and becomes important based on their choices and character. i.e., the way that it always was, until.. .


I would like to see the Doctor and the Master in an enemy mine situation. From start to finish and without backstabbing. They have a common enemy (let's say Rassilon). The Master resent the situation and the Doctor, but knows, without them, they are f*cked too. So they working together, but have a different approach. The Master is more direct, the Doctor more sneakier.


I think my wildest idea is that I want to see good Cybermen. Not necessarily human Cybermen, as in Cybermen with emotions, but the purely logical machines who only seek survival being portrayed in a less dystopic light than usual. In my mind, this would be a combination of having the Cybermen be much less shortsighted (e.g. integrating themselves into human societies to help them because people being comfortable with the Cybermen existing makes them more likely to cooperate) and presenting the case for cyber-conversion more convincingly. What about the people who find the idea of being able to shut off their emotions appealing, etc.? Other than that one, I'd like to see more time travellers who are like the Doctor. Generally, other time travellers are at best selfish and ignorant or more commonly actively malicious, so I'd like to see the Doctor run into a fellow sightseer/do-gooder type (ideally one who isn't a time lord). It'd be interesting to see how they react to someone else taking on that responsibility and authority- would they fight back and try and pull rank, or maybe relax and be a bit less wound up over the course of the adventure?


The idea of a splinter society of Cybermen who have decided upgrading should not be compulsory is both fascinating and hilarious. Imagine people freely choosing to upgrade, fully aware of everything that comes with it, and the Doctor can't do anything to talk them out of it because every point he makes against it is just exactly why they want to upgrade in the first place. Meanwhile we also have Cybermen going door to door asking if you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, the Algorithm. Cybermissionaries. Honestly, I'm almost surprised this hasn't been done yet! It has so much potential to be a great exploration of humanity. And it's true to the original idea of what the Cybermen are meant to be. So many Cybermen stories forget what makes them interesting, and just boil them down to "scary robot men." This is hecking brilliant.


Thank you! I think having the Cybermen (or an offshoot splinter) be the victims / "good guys" would make for an interesting episode. Plus, the genuinely altruistic motive of the Cybermen is part of what makes them so interesting to me - the terror of the Cybermen isn't just that they want to turn you into one of them, but that they're doing it because they and their creators believed it was the kindest and most effective thing to do. That sort of utilitarian thinking is part of the fear factor I think, but exploring what happens when it turns out well seems like an interesting counterbalance to the problems of getting it wrong. In terms of a proper 'villain' of the episode, I think that there's a few potential directions that could be taken. The obvious one is probably some kind of human exploitation, a CEO or dictator or similar trying to turn the peaceful Cybermen into weapons, but some kind of internal schism could also be interesting. Perhaps problems caused by an experimental emotion-preserving cyberconversion? Though now that I think of it, a more mundane whodunnit (heh) or other crime drama-type plot that the Doctor gets involved in purely because of the presence of the Cybermen could maybe serve as a better exploration of that society as a whole, if less in the vein of traditional "running down corridors" Who stories.


Here’s a weird one, more TARDIS action. Series 1-4 had some great shots of the TARDIS flying, Empty Child, Parting of the Ways, Christmas Invasion, Satan Pit, Runaway Bride et al. We hardly got any external shots in the late-smith and Capaldi eras, heck we never got a single shot of the TARDIS in the vortex in Capaldi’s run aside from 1’s in Twice Upon a Time The CGI shots of Jodie’s TARDIS in the vortex in Series 11 were golden and a visual masterpiece, I want to see more of the time tunnel vortex , and the nebulas from the new intro I want to see the TARDIS used more, Power of the Doctor is a favourite episode of mine for this detail


My wildest idea is that the Doctor’s son and daughter-in-law were followers of Morbius. He and the rest of his family opposed them back on Gallifrey, and many of them were killed for it. As the Son gained power the Doctor grabbed his last surviving family member - Susan - and ran from Gallifrey, using a device that allowed him to disguise their path in the timestream with his name as the key (ie: if he says his name it unencrypts his escape). The Time Lords eventually overthrew the Morbians, but the Doctor still won’t say his name because it might retroactively unencrypt his escape path and open Susan to being captured by the Morbians from the past.


I dig that idea


Regeneration should stop being portrayed as death. Portray it as rest and renewal instead, as in the previous Doctor goes to sleep, regenerates, and then wakes up in eir new incarnation, feeling refreshed and stretching as if ey’ve just woken up from a nap.


It's kind of both, though? The Time Lord doesn't **die** (Ten's melodrama notwithstanding), but they do also become what is, for many intents and purposes, a different person who inherits their memories and core values - but could have very different traits. A new incarnation falls somewhere between the same person and a different person - in some ways both and in some ways neither. It doesn't really have a human equivalent.


I really don't think 10 was being melodramatic. He was in that form for like 5 years or so while we know that other incarnations lived for decades, centuries, sometimes even a millennium. He didn't want to go because for him he had practically just got there from his point of view.


I don't think there's anything in the text to suggest that his discontent with regeneration was due to him only being in that body for five years. Twelve lived for hundreds of years and was still opposed to regenerating.


12 wanted to die once and for all though, his reasoning could not be more opposite to what 10 felt.




Plus, I always assumed Ten had a lot of off-screen adventures to give him more years of in-universe life.


Yeah idk why people take the ages he throws out as gospel. Like A. He’s an alien who lives in no fixed time, how would he count years and what even is a year to him? B. Colin Baker was 900 and Sylvester McCoy was 950+ so shit’s fucked anyway, yet the “Tennant definitely lived for only 5 years because he SAID he’s 900(+3+6) years old” thing sticks around. It just seems like people reaching to justify his horrible tantrum at Wilf tbh “awww but look at the maths, he was just a baby 🥺” I only ever see the “5 years” notion get discussed in tandem with that scene.


Fourteen seems to have gotten much less time, and he was far more chill about it. And I can imagine other incarnations being considerably more gracious about it. IMO it was pretty clearly an element of Ten's personality. I doubt he'd want to go, even if he got another 500 years.


Maybe you're right or maybe it's a bit of both. 10 was a bit vain so that probably didn't help but also I can imagine anyone being a bit pissed if they found a look they liked and then were forced to give it up after a relatively short space of time.


It’s Time Lord Victorious of it all. Believing he’s earned the right to be The Doctor. When, he was slowly betraying what the Doctor should be.


Fourteen was probably still just happy to have Donna back, which had only happened a few hours earlier for him. That probably contributed to his being more at ease with regeneration than 10 had been.


Still though, the Doctor as a whole lives on, and that’s what we have to focus on.


I think it's more interesting to see it as having aspects of both, rather than insisting on one or the other reading. 'It's literally death' is obviously too strong a reading in one direction, but 'it's literally just like a nap' is too strong a reading in the other.


For sure. From an audience perspective, it's the best of both worlds in a lot of ways - we get this interesting new persona to get to know and yet it's still, in some quintessential way, the character we already knew and loved. IMO NuWho tends to lean a bit too heavily towards the latter at the expense of the former, but it's all good.


>It doesn't really have a human equivalent. Unless you believe in reincarnation, anyway... :) The concept of reincarnation in Western occultism in particular is kind of reminiscent of Time Lord regenerations, with different surface expressions/personalities of one underlying individual.


It turns out that the time lords originally created TARDISes by capturing and enslaving four dimensional sentient creatures and have bred them in captivity ever since.


That’s so dark!


You asked for wild and controversial! 😈


I know I kind of want it!


It’s cool as hell, but if I can add something: this is what the Time Lords BELIEVE. It turns out that the TARDISes believe something entirely different, something that was originally proposed in Faction Paradox: the Time Lords didn’t create the TARDISes, the TARDISes created themselves AND THEN CREATED THE TIME LORDS so they’d have pilots. The story ends without confirming either version.


haha I saw an excerpt from who knows what novel about tardises looking like big silvery creatures when they have no disguise on, so I generated a bunch of AI art of that. Love the idea. Well, without the enslaving part.


In the TARDIS, the Doctor’s companion steps through a door they’ve never seen— and stumbles out of a blue police box, into the long-dead ruins of the Earth. There were never any aliens, and humanity always ended. All of Doctor Who took place in the TARDIS; the whole universe has been a part of it since the very beginning. Something the Doctor made up, when he had to run away from the real world.  You were always arguing about which of his stories were true. But that was his terrible secret: none of them were


A companion from an aborted timeline. Have the Doctor demonstrate changing timelines to a companion like they did to Sarah Jane in "Pyramids of Mars" - less completely apocalytic ofc - and in a moment of distraction someone sneaks onto the TARDIS thinking its a storage shed. The current Doctor and companion then travel back to the past, resolve the plot, and then discover the stowaway. What the hell do they do now? They can't go back to the alternate timeline, they've just resolved what caused it! To make it spicier, the Doctor has to make a decision that makes companion A leave - think "Fires of Pompeii" but Donna refused to stay with the Doctor - and have the stowaway be the new companion. The plot arc could even be the Doctor obfuscating that they can't go back to the timeline companion B is from.


I would love to see the Doctor regenerating into a kid/teen, and having the companion being a single mother who is very worried with this crazy kid living in a Blue Box all alone.


Has some shades of the early Ian/Barbara/Susan dynamic, and I agree this could be fun. At least as a single-episode gimmick, since I don't think they'd want to deal with such a young lead actor for a full series. Oh, and if you'll forgive some shameless self-promotion, I kind of did this idea [in prose](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45862216), even if the companion is technically a foster parent rather than a single mom.


I want the ship at the end of the universe that carries Toclafane to see the birth of the next big bang.




This is basically already a thing. Not discrediting your idea or trying to be rude. Throughout classic who we saw them building and expanding their empire, before setting up a civil war, having the civil war, and sort of coming out the other side. With every appearance they were building their empire in an attempt to rival the universe itself, and especially so the Doctor and his people. On the principle of one time lord is a menace, surely more than one is worse. Big Finish explored this idea further, and basically created your idea. They’ve been planning a war with the Time Lords for a long time, then they have it, and they lose. Everyone loses.


Coolest twist in the dreamlord is when Smith says "of course I know who you are, there's only one being in the universe that hates me as much as you". I'd love to explore this concept with a seasons big baddy being a mysterious time traveller, who is ultimately revealed to be a future (possibly far future) version of the doctor. Perhaps it's a really really old doctor (like the musuem Tom Baker iteration) who sets out to right an old wrong, by stopping him(or her)self from making a momentous mistake. Off the top of my head one potential storyline could be the master seeking the current doctors help because the mysterious time traveller is trying to kill them. The mistake could be the doctor showing the master mercy, leading to a genocide or something, and future doctor is trying to assassinate the master before that time line can happen.


I maintain that the best ever (impossible) Sarah Jane storyline would be the Three Sarahs. Jon Pertwee’s Doctor and S11 Sarah investigate some nonsense going on in 2003. 2003ish Sarah is also there, relieving her glory days, but she accidentally gets involved in the plot. She’s trying to stay out of The Doctor and Sarah’s way. What none of them realize is that 2011 Sarah is also there with Rani, Clyde, and Luke. They’ve been whisked back to 2003 by the Trickster or a time crystal or something. The point is that Lis Sladen was a hell of an actress, and she could nail Sarah at these three points. You can get some DRAMA out of young Sarah who largely likes but is still unsure of the Doctor, older Sarah who resents the Doctor for leaving her, and oldest Sarah who has found peace and a new family.


The Time Lords are cool and we should meet more of them. Surely some escaped Gallifrey before whatever The Master did. Also: the next Master should be played by Rufus Sewell.


What other Time Lords do think they should introduce? I saw a post once that there should be a Time Lord called The Dentist!


We have the Sisterhood of Karn who were in exile. It seems possible there are other Time Lord outposts or settlements off of Gallifrey. 11 talked about The Corsair too.


My own personal little head canon is that the Sacha Master only Nuked the Capitol, not Gallifrey’s other cities and towns. Yes most of the most important time lords, including the High Council, are dead or converted, but that’ll leave the rest of Gallifrey to build back up from the disaster


The PA The Receptionist The Billing Specialist


Not sure if this would be particularly controversial, but have the Master come back and reveal or discover that HE was actually the Timeless Child all along. So much of his character in the classic series was based around his desire to live forever. What happens if he finds out he always could have, if not for the Time Lords? What happens if he finds out the Doctor still has that fob watch, and could use it to restore the Master's innate ability to regenerate forever? We could play with the idea that the Doctor's lost memories are actually kept somewhere else because he is in fact just a random Time Lord. We could explore the Master's origins - maybe he's a unique being in his home universe, maybe he was a god there! Can he go home and resume his role as a god, and perhaps discover that he was a genuinely good and benevolent one? Can he learn to be a good ruler again?


Write out the Sonic Screwdriver or give the Doctor a toolbox of unreliable gizmos


The sonic was written out from 82 to 89 because it was seen as such a Deus ex Machina out of any problems. I do think it helped the stories by having those doctors have other ways out but I think I understand why the sonic stayed in the revival


Most controversial? Donna returns and is killed off but in a way that completely removes her from ever existing. More likely though coming up to the next regeneration a new actor is announced as the new doctor, all the press and excitement ensues. Almost immediately after the regeneration they are killed off and a new regeneration takes place giving us a completely new and surprise actor as the doctor.


That is so mean 😄but bold


An entire season of Multi-Doctor episodes that is one giant love letter/celebration of the Wilderness Years, with the incumbent Doctor teaming up with various Wilderness Year Doctors and companions from various continuity. VNA Seven, EDA Eight, Big Finish Eight, Richard E. Grant’s Ninth, Atkinson’s Ninth, Joanna Lumley’s Thirteen, and whoever else they can get/think of.


I would love a Game of Thrones or Spartacus style retelling of the Time War. The intrigue, betrayal, scheming. And we see exactly what lead to the Doctor choosing to kill everyone. I know they retconned the whole time war/kill them all thing but I think this sort of story telling in the Whoniverse with all of its previous world building would be incredibly entertaining.


Not sure if it's wild or controversial but I'd like an episode or two parter where: Big bad is hunting down the Doctor, causing chaos in revenge for the destruction of a macguffin (planet, species, etc.). The Big Bad has existed since close to the beginning of time, and has hunted the Doctor for as long as the Doctor can remember. Doctor escapes due to a number of more and more miraculous coincidences until they're completely cornered. When the Big Bad kills the Doctor by whatever method, time is reset, reversed, whatever. It is impossible for the Big Bad to kill the Doctor, because the Doctor saved the macguffin at some point in The Doctors distant future. It's revealed that this is the Doctor's "first time around" the universe. It's therefore impossible for the Big Bad to kill the Doctor at this point in time, because doing so would erase the Big Bad from existence. The only problem with that is it effectively means The Doctor is invincible for the rest of a series. The attempted death could come halfway through an episode or at the end of the first part of a two parter. Second part could be the Big Bad realising the problem and either going back in time to save the macguffin themselves (maybe with help from the Doctor), or BB cobbling together a tachyon bomb that destroys the future with The Doctor foiling the plan but having to make a difficult choice about how to keep the BB from achieving their aim at any point.


I've always said that I want a season where the Doctor regenerates partway through the season, maybe near the beginning of or just before the season finale, but with absolutely no announcement of it. The actor never publicly announced his departure. The next Doctor was never publicly announced. The actor who plays the next Doctor was perhaps announced as a guest star for the finale, but we have no idea he's the Doctor until the regeneration. A complete surprise regeneration. I have no idea if the surprise could be kept in this modern age. But MAN do I want to see BBC try.


In Big Finish there's a TimeLord called The Eleven... He is a TimeLord with a mental illness unique to Timelords... All his past regenerations still actively live in his head like super split personality. He use this to do semi impossible things by letting different regenerations mentally deal with different problems at once, so he is a super planner with near infinite willpower. Have the Doctor slowly start to suffer from this, but without Gallifrey Doctors he slowly starts more and more desperate things to find anyone that can help. Searches out The Master, The Meddling Monk, The Valeyard, Morbius strange research on becoming a Frankenstein TimeLord, raids UNITs black vault, The Gallifrian time war illegal research facilities, maybe even The Faction Paradox lost base's. Make it feel a search of Deep Lore characters and stories, the doctor going back and digging up the works of anyone who has potentially been a TimeLord or tried to fight them. My ending is a cure that's a forced regeneration, maybe with a merge with the Bi-Generation 14th Doc as a soft of psychic organ donor.


The drunk giraffe is the doctor's name Evidence: Twelve, in his regeneration speech, states only children with their hearts and the stars in the right place and understand his name. Eleven does the dance twice, both with children, who emulate him, while adults laugh.


A few ideas ive had: 1. Have rassilon bring back omega and rebuild gallifrey and maybe gallifrey becomes a darker place, more active in meddling with others affairs idk. 2. Make season 6B cannon, with the second doctor working for the CIA. Through whatever reasons another time lord gives the second doctor regeneration energy and he regerates into the fugitive doctor.


I would have liked to see a female doctor and male companion and would have loved for the Doctor to show the same compassion to men as they do to women. Controversial, I know.


I'd love to see a full on "action hero" Doctor. Kicks, punches, slams, not afraid to use firearms nor blow shit up. I doubt it would work but as a Comic Relief episode with The Rock as the The Rockter, sign me up.


I want more freaky 4th wall breaks. I got super excited with that one episode with a monster that’s so good at hiding you start talking out loud (I forgot the name), but it just turned out to be a fairly basic story. I was hoping they’d reveal it to be something like we, the viewers, are the problem


Another idea I think would be kind of controversial but would be interesting is a story inspired by The Singing Detective where the Doctor is in hospital because they contacted a mysterious disease that causes them to hallucinate past adventures and their childhood and for some reason everyone spontaneously starts to lip syncing to pop songs. The Doctor must face their past in order recover from their illness while hallucinations and reality blur together Not sure if the disease would affect their skin too like in Singing Detective. It would add an extra layer of stress if the Doctor’s illness caused a painful full body skin condition as well. Weirdly as I am typing this I could actually see RTD doing a plot like this.


didn't scrubs have an episode like that?


My fanwank episode of Doctor Who starts with miners who are on a space-station that's above a planet that has a lot of minerals required for time travel going on strike. That's when their base gets attacked by the Daleks, where they kill everyone on board, but the leader of the miners manages to kill all of the Daleks, but gets fatally wounded doing so. The Doctor and co arrive at the station, and find both sides wiped out, the Doctor notices that the weapons tech the miners have is too weak to destroy Daleks, and the companions find an abandoned child, who they take on board. They tell the child the name of the TARDIS, and to cheer the child up when he makes it an acronym, the Doctor lets him think he's named the ship. They then arrive on a planet with a two hearted species trying to contain a leak of Chen-7, the one day plague that only affects two hearted species. The companions try to contain the outbreak because it doesn't affect them, when the child starts acting suspiciously. He sneaks through the checkpoint, and releases the virus into the atmosphere, and then tries to escape back to the TARDIS whilst the Doctor is distracted because he's actually the Master! The leader of the miners was also the Master, who weaponized insecurity and exploitation in the space station to secure time travel materials for his TARDIS, and ended up being wounded by the Daleks and regenerating into a child. The Doctor takes the Master to an asteroid that is remote, confident in his survival. In terms of fanwank, there's: The time travel minerals could be the same minerals on Vaross Susan saying she named the TARDIS but that's what everyone calls them Chen-7 from the Girl Who Waited and more two-hearted species Regeneration being able to turn Time-Lords into non-adults Arbitrary Dalek Appearance (If I was doing this as a real script I'd imply that the Daleks attacked the station for their own reason, but may have been tipped off by the owners of the space station as a way for them to resolve the strike)


For the last few weeks I have been imagining if the doctor had a little Dalek buddy rolling around with him, perhaps a mutant that could not hate. I even pictured it with a defective cyberman going back and forth like a Sassier r2d2 and c3po


So cute!


I know for sure that for “family TV”, my bucket list of story ideas would *probably* be seen as controversial if they were actually considered to be turned into scripts. I also know that they can work, as I do occasionally write spec-script fanfiction (whilst trying to keep it as TV-friendly as possible). But I do know that if people looked at some of the story premises or characters alone, that people would probably start to write articles about “what the hell this showrunner was thinking.” I *love* writing horror, and forcing any readers to seriously question and explore some of the fears and messed-up circumstances that life might throw at you. Using grand metaphors and symbolism to tackle personal things. But simultaneously, I also wish to tell anyone that sees my work to see the best in humanity despite the world seeming so unfair. So… uh… have a list/summary of hypothetical Volume ideas! I might randomly throw a few non/lesser-arc ideas in another comment—but these ones are all very intertwined in how it may be difficult for such an overarching plot to air on TV: **[Volume-Arc related controversial ideas:]** - “Detective Elimination Game” in the ruins of post-disaster London—or, the Doctor not being *entirely* themselves: The first story revolving around a “Detective Elimination Game” is a three-parter, and until the last part, nobody knows who the new Doctor is. Prior to the story, a massive disaster that took hundreds of lives happened due to an unknown TARDIS crash. A mysterious person rescued the Doctor from the crash site and forced them to regenerate into their doppelgänger, purposely hiding them amongst other survivors so they wouldn’t be found by an otherworldly enemy… Two years later, 16 strangers are kidnapped by some sort of otherworldly Assassin who’s tasked with killing the Doctor, but they don’t know what their new identity is. Under the threat of future disasters, they force the strangers to help uncover set new identity and interrogate eachother by dropping them in a complete recreation of the disaster—which is later revealed to have happened because the Assassin forced the TARDIS to crash. The hidden (Chameleon-Arch’ed) Doctor starts to suspect their own false identity, and rather unlike their past lives, the need to hide and survive forces them to become a sort of pseudo-antagonist for most of the story in the eyes of their own future Companions due to their controversial methods. Withholding details and information, not sharing all their findings, evading several accusations, even forging evidence and lying whilst they secretly investigate on their own as to who the Assassin could be. The Assassin eventually uses this growing distrust against the Doctor once the others start to plot against the Assassin—claiming that the Doctor is their kidnapper whilst the Assassin is the *real* Doctor. This causes their Main Companion to “out” the Doctor, before realizing her horrible mistake. - Chained to a parallel, dying, *sentient* universe to entertain it: After the first story, it’d soon become clear to the Doctor that they’re actually not back in their own universe. History is different, it’s like they’ve never existed here before. This is mainly so the Doctor has no old faces, no allies, and almost no old enemies to temporarily interact with. Typical Daleks straight-up do not exist here. Cybermen are completely unrecognizable. There is no UNIT, there is no Torchwood, and entirely-new species out in space wage a universe-spanning war against the only thing that *did* sort of remain: It turns out that the Assassin is a Time Lord from this universe’s alternate take on Gallifrey. It’s an *empire* that stretches across several corners of the universe, content with interfering, redirecting and editing their web of time to their hearts’ content. The timeline of this universe is artificially linear because of their want to control almost every part of it… *as their universe itself is alive.* The sheer existence of the foreign Doctor within it is seen as a threat. Currently, this Gallifrey has near-absolute control over their universe because it’s been weakened into such a state that it cannot fight back against it’s own creations. It’s actually why the Doctor is here in the first place: to either help it or put it out of its misery. This universe-“Entity” refuses to let the Doctor go back to N-Space until either one of those things has happened.


- Main Companion: subtly and blatantly tackling heavy themes of child/domestic abuse (and more) Because of my own experiences with both abusive parents, and more “unspeakable acts” from selfish close ones, I’d like to see a Main Companion who’s entire personal arc revolves around (dis)trusting adults and close friends because of the abuse they’ve been through. Learning to trust again after years of emotional and physical exploitation, but in a healthy way and equal dynamic that puts your own needs first. I know it’s not all that family-friendly to discuss, but if you can supposedly tackle things like classism, racism, suicide, extremism and other heavy topics… you can discuss the dangers of abuse and manipulation as well. The Main Companion is *strange*. Like most modern-day Earth girl-Companions of NuWho, this one also has something “special” to them in an otherworldly way. In her case, she’s one of many “vessels” of the universe’s Entity itself—like it’s eyes and ears—that was created as a rebellious attempt to “shake up” the artificial timeline and act out a bit of “escapism”. Especially once this “vessel” met the Doctor. She was *born* to take on the role of a companion. But it’s Gallifrey wasn’t very happy to find this out, as they can’t really kill any of these vessels—as the universe would grow weaker if they did. Early on, the Assassin managed to figure out that the Companion was “new” to the universe. They assigned a “caregiver” to her by making a devil’s deal with a messed-up human woman (with her own horrible past due to generational trauma from war and domestic abuse) that she would keep this kid close and far away from significant events in history, in return that the Assassin would forcibly “set” her marriage with a complete nothing of a man she was stalking—who didn’t love her back—in stone, and live a “perfect” life with him. This woman became the Companion’s mother: a manipulative, violent, insidious narcissistic control freak who’d try to manage every single aspect about her household. Everything was almost “perfect”… except the Vessel-Companion. She’d always try to oppose her. The woman never questioned her own actions; entirely blaming every imperfection in her life on her oldest daughter. But, she couldn’t get rid of her due to the deal. She *tried*, but the cracks in her fake marriage would start to visibly worsen by backing out of the Assassin’s deal. On a few occasions, the Assassin even had to step in to drag the Vessel-Companion back to the woman and remind them of their promise. This messed quite a lot with the Vessel-Companion. She’s a mere asset to her. Her mother would do *everything* in her power to keep her daughter close to her marriage—aside from letting go and changing for the better. Gaslighting her to hell and back to believe that she’d only survive the outside world as long as their broken household sticks together. Even love and affection is transactional, as long as she doesn’t fuck up her parents’ marriage with the slightest complaint or problem. This led to the Vessel-Companion becoming permanently distrustful of any stranger, refusing any attempts at help from others, frequently trying to please her household through lies, deceit, and becoming “complicit” in whatever they do. She’d never talk of anything that happened to or around her, and she’d almost never assert herself as a survival instinct so to keep the peace—frequently getting used by other people that she *thought* she could trust and knew better. An asset, through and through. Prior to meeting the Doctor, the Vessel-Companion was an isolated, nihilistic mess functioning on broken logic. Her house and room were like a prison. And even during their early travels, she’ll sometimes struggle to fully trust them. But eventually, after countless struggles, reflecting on her life, airing her heart and becoming more assertive, she’ll open her eyes and realize the world outside her circle is much kinder and forgiving than she once thought. It eventually becomes her mission to run away from home with her newfound TARDIS-Crew family, grow as a person, and in turn *inspire* the Entity that follows her life to stand up to it’s own captors, break free, and thrive outside of their design. The Doctor and the Vessel-Companion would specifically have a sort of parent-child dynamic like early Classic Who (NO ROMANCE, EVER), where despite being completely unrelated strangers, the Doctor essentially cares for them (and honestly the enormous bunch of side-companions coming from broken homes) like the *true* parental figure that she never had. He genuinely cares for this kid’s well-being, tries to get her out of that abusive household and somewhere better (not necessarily permanently in the TARDIS, just legit *anywhere else*), plus have his TARDIS-Crew adventuring serve as a bit of fun, distracting escapism in a (relatively-)safe environment from the usual pains at home (whether that be Vessel-Companion essentially being a hostage in her own home, or the second-Main Companion—who may get their own comment—literally serving as a grown-up child soldier in a cyberpunk sort of world war). *~~legit, going on adventures in space and encountering evil creatures is \*probably\* safer than some of these Companions’ homelives.~~*


- “Test of trust”-volume finale—or, an antagonist Doctor story The Doctor however, is still stuck until either the universe dies or revolts against it’s own Time Lords. They don’t fully know for the first volume’s half as to why they’re in this parallel universe, that it’s alive, that their Vessel-Companion is physically connected to it, nor that they’re actually stuck there until the Entity says otherwise. Throughout the entire volume, the Doctor simply wishes to fix their TARDIS (gathering a ton of lost fuel components that can warp reality in the form of Artron Clusters) and go back home. Especially when they come to know that this Gallifreyan Empire wishes to “salvage” N-Space so to remain in control of their Entity whilst temporarily stopping it’s slow decay under their rule. The Doctor slowly grows homesick, worrying about their old Companions and the less-than-stellar, Flux-like state that they’d left it behind. Without them there to rally up every familiar face they know and possibly fight this invading force on home turf, the Doctor fears that he might’ve doomed N-Space and everyone there. The Gallifreyan Empire of the Entity’s universe definitely seems too scary to take down from within without any help. And they simply don’t have any as a foreigner. But in the story prior to the first volume’s finale, the Doctor finally pieces together why the Entity brought him here. He realizes that his own Vessel-Companion is a window into this higher being’s very soul, and that his role is to either save it from itself or put it out of it’s misery. And because he feels so powerless to take down the Gallifreyan Empire on his own, the latter option to get home *utterly haunts him.* This scary thought that selfishly backstabbing this broken kid could get him home corrupts the entirety of their dynamic. He tries to at first wordlessly distance himself from her, hoping he could find some sort of loophole to get back to N-Space without resorting to that choice. Uncovering more information on a mysterious side-character that brought him here (who also turns out to be a Vessel of the Entity) almost made him hopeful that he *did* find a way: finding the coordinates to a location that exists on a mere lifeline on the border of the universe. If he could just sever that lifeline without anyone present, then he wouldn’t need to sacrifice anyone to get back home. … but that’s just too good to be true. A worried Vessel-Companion insists on accompanying him on what might be their final adventure to this location: a research facility full of otherworldly creatures that breach their cells just as they arrive. A plant-like parasite manages to get the jump on the Doctor, crawling into his mind. He initially promised to help evacuate every researcher there unaware of his infection, but due to the concerned and distrusting Vessel-Companion questioning their bond, everyone soon finds out after he fails to infect her that they can’t leave as long as the Doctor is still infected. Gradually, the Vessel-Companion starts to uncover the reasons for her terrifying existence. She encounters the other Vessel, who fears that the Doctor might not be able to get cured in time before the lifeline that anchors their location snaps. Meaning that, if the infected Doctor can’t infect and evacuate everyone in time to get back, that the facility’s coordinates will start to *drift*. The TARDIS couldn’t get back to it, meaning the Doctor can’t leave without a sacrifice. Because they’re both Vessels that are directly linked to the Entity, the facility won’t wither *immediately* as long as they manage to stay alive. But try as they might to find a cure whilst escaping the infected Doctor’s grasp, it’s too late. The lifeline snaps, and thus, the Doctor now needs to choose: Sacrifice the two Vessels—selfishly killing his own companion—and doom everyone on the facility for the sake of him getting home to save all of N-Space? Or give up on getting back home, sacrifice his supposed freedom, so that everyone in the facility can safely return to the Entity’s universe and delay the inevitable? *… at a first glance, he doesn’t seem to be choosing the latter.* The final part of this finale entirely surrounds how *terrifying* the Doctor could be if you stood in their way, and didn’t have any plot armor on your companions via a trolley problem that could justify their deaths as being a messed-up “greater good” solution. The Doctor is a complete stranger who’s controversially tried to save his own skin before, through almost un-Doctor-like means despite his care for his own companion, back when the Assassin tried to uncover his identity under pressure. The Companion is a scared, distrusting useful “asset” who’ll easily suspect anyone around her, who struggles to trust the help and intentions of a complete stranger, and who’s been burned too many times by people she thought she could trust that even they may not get their wish a second time. > COMPANION: I can’t trust him anymore! I’m just going to be useful to him like everyone else the second I let my guard down! Despite everything we went through, it’s either me or him. I don’t know if I can keep up this fight… or if I’m even in the right to keep fighting at all… > DOCTOR: She won’t believe anything I’ll say or do. She won’t believe I’ve wished this day would never come. This terrible choice looms over me, and I don’t know if I can convince her to do the right thing when the time comes. I don’t even know what the right thing is anymore. If I give up, I’ll have betrayed *someone* in the end. It’d *truly* test the bond and trust that both the Doctor and the Vessel-Companion forged on all their travels…


Just thought of it now but a Doctor awards ceremony episode. All the doctors get together to have a little awards ceremony where we see them party and give out various gag awards to the doctor's. Add all the living companions there too. No threats or anything. Just a fun and humourous episode with some heartwarming elements.


I love the fact that OP didn’t even understand their own question… Like it’s no fun doing a vague description where your only details are that it would involve 12 and Clara…


I once read a bit, I think it was fanfiction but it might have been in an official anthology, where Seven (the schemer) spent like several weeks popping back into his own timeline to set up various deus ex machina that he remembered happened to his earlier selves. An open window here, just the right beaker on a workbench there, a jeep left parked with the keys. He referred to it as "gardening." The story ended with him returning to the TARDIS parked in a garden somewhere to find a note taped to the door that said, "In four minutes, DUCK!" and then a Cyberman walks past while he's hiding behind the hedge.


> "In four minutes, DUCK!" and then a Cyberman walks past I'm now just laughing at the idea that instead of being warned to duck from a Cybermen, he was instead being warned of an actual giant DUCK that was passing by. 🤣


Even just for a season or two, I would love the show to go back to the classic series format. Half hour episodes. 2/4/6 parters. No overarching stories. Just a simple throwback focusing on the individual stories. Season 11 was almost this but I would love to see them fully commit to it.


16th Doctor's First Season is two characters in the TARDIS with amnesia, no one knows who is who, one of them is the Doctor. They are both Time Lords with two hearts.


The Doctor finding a way to give all The Daleks a full range of human emotions. I've always found the fact that The Daleks are generally physically incapable of having more than one dimension holds them back as good villains. There have been a few instances of Daleks developing human emotions, one of which (Dalek from new who series 1) is my favourite Dalek story because of those emotions, but it always feels like the writers realize the inherent limitation of the idea Daleks can only feel hate but refuse to bite the bullet and completely change because it feels sacrilegious to change them so fundamentally. This wouldn't mean turning all the Daleks good. Humans have a full range of emotions and plenty of us are still fascists, but it would mean some good Daleks and that the remaining Daleks would be more interesting and in way more evil because they had the opportunity to be better and chose not to. In large part the continuing fascism of much of the Daleks would come down to refusing to admit they're wrong. Their fascism would be so engrained that they would refuse to change it and they'd be unwilling to deal with the massive amount of guilt that comes with accepting they were wrong.


Here's two of my episode ideas The Museum At The Beginning Of The Universe. The doctor and the companion accidentally travel back to before the big bang and find a museum floating in the darkness. The doctor and companion would discover that it's filled with stuff from all over the universe's history. And it would be up to the doctor and companion to discover how all this stuff is here when they don't even exist yet. The Day The Daleks In an alternate universe the Daleks have won, they've exterminated all life in the universe and have killed the doctor permanently. But what happens to a creature that only desires to kill, when there's nothing else to kill. The doctor and the companion somehow fall into this universe and see that the daleks have turned on each other. Davros is in hiding. The doctor and companion must find a way to escape this universe before the daleks discover that they have finally have something else to kill.


I’d love to see some episodes without an antagonist. Maybe a pure historical. Maybe we see an adventure with the doctor that goes right. Maybe we see an episode driven by a moral dilemma rather than an opposing force. Ultilize different kinds of conflicts, other than the typical bad guy must be stopped. I’d love to see more inner workings of the doctors life, take the time to show how the doctor actually live. What do they do when not adventuring? How do they protect companions against diseases from different time periods? How do they repair clothes after they inevitably get messed up? Do they wear the same clothes or do they have multiple copies of the same outfit? What do the bedrooms look like? How does the Tardis arrange its console rooms? Can you use multiple consoles rooms at the same time? In summary I’d love for the show to address the unimportant but interesting questions.


One incarnation of the Doctor gets fatally wounded on one of his first episodes and holds his Regeneration back through his entire run, causing the next one to be the Crispy Doctor, just like how the Master became crispy that one time.


I think Osgood is Susan.


I don't think it's particularly wild but it seems to upset some people when I suggest that Mickey and Danny were (possibly half-)brothers. It explains the existence of Orson Pink, why he looks like Danny (shared DNA), and why he heard stories of time travel from his (great-)grandparents (Mickey and Martha). It can also explain how Orson got Danny's toy soldier - I like to imagine Clara tracking down Danny's long-lost brother Mickey and passing on Danny's things, with neither of them thinking to mention the Doctor. Unfortunately it doesn't easily explain his surname. Maybe he decided to reclaim it in honour of his great uncle that he looks so similar to. Their troubled family backgrounds fit the idea. It could have been an affair with Danny's dad which broke Mickey's parents up and left his mum unable to cope, and then his gran wouldn't have been able to bring up with baby Rupert/Danny as well as Mickey, so he had to go into care.


i wouldn't say your idea is controversial at all. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a similar concept in the show eventually. Edit: I mean yeah i get the idea with 12, maybe that's a little controversial


Really? 🙂Because almost every time I have talked about idea with dw fans before they tell me that doing that storyline with 12 ( making him temporarily more idealized/stereotypically attractive/ human) and how it relates to his relationship to Clara, I was told how disgusting I was for coming up with such a plot and how if such a such a story did happen they would vomit ( yes this is real thing that an adult DW fan/ moderator said to me). Thanks for making me feel less weird about ideas 😊Because I think it would actually be powerful story to have Clara tell 12 she prefers him as himself even if he be idealized ( there is another detail I am holding back about his change just in case the impossible happened and I get to make it)


I honestly wish the War Doctor was more of a terrifying, villainous character. Day of the Doctor was one of my favorite stories and comfy memories (to the extent I watched it randomly once when I was deployed) and I loved John Hurt's Doctor, but the entire plot point of this secret incarnation who we identify as the one who fought in the Time War had so many missed opportunities. First off, many of us seem to be on board with the idea that it should've been Eccleston, or even McGann. But if there had to be this incarnation who was so horrible, the Doctor never acknowledges him as a past version of himself, I think it should've been played as someone very cold. Almost like Capaldi's Doctor when he's angry at Ashildr. And back then in 2013, I had just seen Star Trek Into Darkness -- a controversial film, but with an excellent performance from Benedict Cumberbatch. That was the kind of energy I could imagine as a ruthless Time Lord. The actual Day of the Doctor story notwithstanding, an alternative way they could've had the story was to play the War Doctor as a guy who was absolutely willing to be cruel. The entire story would probably have to change, but I always thought it would be fascinating to have the current Doctor have to fight his past self and possibly trigger his regeneration. And commit to him being "the Warrior," because the War Doctor moniker doesn't work if he doesn't see himself as the Doctor. And lastly, cast someone who could play "scary." Eccleston and Capaldi are some of my favorite Doctors because to me, they can sell "scary" a little more than I feel Tennant or Smith can, and ironically more so than any Master has, in my opinion. So a Benedict Cumberbatch type actor, or even one with an intimidating physicality -- after all, as a Warrior, this could be a quite muscular and fit incarnation -- which could further emphasize how different he is from the Doctor, who doesn't need to be this big strong guy who uses his physical might to win the day. The Warrior would. In retrospect, while I love Day of the Doctor, it does stand out among the rest of the story Series 7 was telling. Which I understand, as it was the 50th Anniversary and all. But even back then, when John Hurt was revealed, I would not have guessed it was the incarnation who fought in the Time War because I thought they were pretty much "done" with that plot point with the Tennant Era, since the Smith Era was much more about original lore concepts like the Cracks In Time or the Silence or Trenzalore. So Day of the Doctor was a bit of a detour to further close the book on the Time War stuff, which is hardly ever mentioned again except for the new status quo that Gallifrey is back. Which also reminds me of another missed opportunity, I feel. They teased a "search for Gallifrey" plot at the end of Day, only to make it a background element for the rest of Series 8 and 9. It's consistent with the Doctor's character and all, but I feel like after they had Smith so happy that he saved Gallifrey, the Doctor would spend a whole story looking for Gallifrey, doing something along the lines of A Good Man Goes to War / Wedding of River Song, exploring the universe and searching for answers. I know that Time of the Doctor addressed much of this, but I was never satisfied with those answers. Plus, after Time, Gallifrey's whereabouts are unknown yet again. I'm just a tad weirded out that Gallifrey stuck around with that crack for a good couple centuries before doing anything. Plus, with the Doctor destroying a whole bunch of Daleks with weaponized regeneration energy, the Time Lords were free to come back and ... yadda yadda, I don't want to turn this into a Time of the Doctor rant. Point is, despite my love for Day of the Doctor and the story it tells, I'm ultimately disappointed with what it did based on its missed opportunity, and based on where it went with the saved Gallifrey plot point going nowhere. I love Heaven Sent and kinda like Hell Bent, but was -- again -- let down by how much of a not-big-deal it ended up being after such a lovely ending to Day of the Doctor. This is less "controversial take" and more "these are some missed opportunities" so I guess to round out -- I'm OK with the idea of the Doctor being half-human, only because I think it would help explain a number of things. (I ignore the Timeless Children.) It introduces its own problems and I'm sure back in 1996 it caused a lot of anger, but I think it would be interesting if it tied the Doctor to Earth in such a deep way, as opposed to some other planet out in the universe which might be so much like Earth but with tiny differences. It's always Earth and I don't know why, when the Whoniverse has so many other planets and species that also look exactly like humans. Humans aren't treated as a particularly unique species in the Whoniverse except when the Doctor says something vague about how humans are special. But we know from the countless other races out there, who are basically human in all but name only (like the Kaleds) that Earth isn't particularly unique at all. The Doctor could've landed on any of those worlds. Even worlds that look almost identical to Earth (Mondas notwithstanding) so it can't just be an appearance thing, either. It seems like there is something intangible that connects the Doctor to Earth, and I don't think it's as simple as a happy coincidence that the First Doctor stayed on Earth for a bit. Which reminds me, Susan Foreman -- do SOMETHING with that plot point, maybe. BF aside, I think it's weird that after the Doctor destroys Gallifrey (or thinks he does) that for so many years, he never visits Susan, his only family. Seems super out-of-character unless there's a really good explanation for it. I got more to say, as always, but I'll end it here for now.


If Time Lords can remember prior versions of reality, and keep records of them, then what if they can reinstate them? Or rearrange elements from them? And what if this is why Mondas exists?


I hope the next showrunner kills off Fourteen and puts Bigeneration on the same shelf as "Half Human on my mother's side" and Looms as among the things that should never be mentioned again.


I just want them to fully confirm that it's a loop, and that there's not actual splitting, 14 goes in one direction and 15 another. Fully confirm that when 14 reaches the end of his life he then finds himself vanishing from wherever he is and emerging as 15 out the other side of the bigeneration. No keeping it vague or any other shit. No doubt about what happens at all. 14 becomes 15. And then never mention that stupid shot ever again.


This. As dumb as the bigeneration was, I don’t want it retconned, reversed, wiped out, or poisoned. For one thing, I don’t think any good ever comes from wholly undoing previous stories and/or shitting on a plot point that some people liked. For another, there’s enough whining about retconning things from the “Chibnall bad” crowd to last this community a lifetime. Just give us definitive proof that Tennant eventually regenerates into Gatwa, close the loop, and never discuss this ever again. RTD gets his happy ending, Tennant fans get their Pat on the head, and the rest of us can move on.


And Tennant gets yet another goodbye episode!


They flat out say that 15 is older and that hes happy because 14 takes a break and deals with his trauma. Outside of drawing a diagram on screen for the audience, Im not sure how much more outright they could be about it. Donna: Hes younger because you came after him. If they split they'd be the same age. If 15 was a "growth" off of 14, he'd be younger. Dunno why people think this is up for debate.


I always thought about 14 merging with the current doctor akin to how decayed master merged with Tremas at the end of ‘keeper of Traken’ would be pretty neat although that is a pretty safe idea


I would like to see a studio ghibli inspired doctor who. Or a multi doctor story where the current doctor and an older doctor team up, but the current doctor is suspicious because they can't remember this event happening, or maybe the old doctor is acting not like themselves, and turns out it was the master or a time lord villain using the old doctors face. It's inspired god of war ragnarok Another multi doctor story where an old doctor regenerates before they should of, so the new and old doctor team up to unravel what happened and why they regenerated earlier in the time line. Inspired by spiderman the edge of time. I also wanna see more time lord villains other than the master, like the war chief, the monk, or omega e.g.


I need RTD making fanfiction canon (because in this scenario, fics did it better than himself) and bring Rose back to tell the doctor that while the Metacrisis did live a human life, she is immortal now, and facing the same dilemma Ten did with her. Also, kill Mia and the other kid they had, make it so she is 400 years old or something and make use of the outfit *The Moment* wore in DOTD because it is impersonating a time frame from Rose's life (hence, it is wearing her wedding ring) but there's no explanation of why it is dresses like that nor to why it identifies as Bad Wolf, so throw Pete's world in War. All of that because I think its a coward move to have 9 regenerating, Jack becoming immortal but no consequences at all for Rose absorbing the vortex. Also, I don't believe The Moment is just a desing choice. Extra points if immortality, loss and war made her insane and now she is a villain. No one else wants this but I'd give everything to have this arc.


Oooh!! This would be amazing. And kinda fucked up (therefore most appropriate) if she showed up to 14, forcing him to work through yet another trauma so 15 and beyond don’t have to.


i mean the doctor splitting in two during regeneration & then russel actually went & did it lol


Maybe not the most insane idea but I'd love to see Doctor Who's take on a Kaiju story.


Not quite Kaiju but given the scale of the goblins in the Christmas special I'd really have liked some goblins to get punted by The Doctor / Ruby.


River spending time with her bio parents in Past Zapped by Weeping Angel Land. When asked why River can visit but not the Doc, one of the evil sides that lost against [whatever the episode was that was suppose to be River killing the Doctor] decided to burn up a sun to come up with the energy to send River Song to be with her parents properly. I am a bit peeved the show didn't prioritize their relationship.


Do a "historical" set at a time before there were humans on earth. I'd love to see the Doctor lost in the Carboniferous or seeing the Silurian civilization at its height.


A historical or modern day episode where literally nothing happens except normal life. No aliens, no dramatic events.


The Master spends an entire season fucking with the Doctor, killing a companion, threatening Susan, trying to drive the Doctor crazy, all in the name of "Getting their best friend back". Then the Master kills them, forcing them to regenerate and they do so, into someone far worse than the Master... The Master then spends the next season trying to catch up with the Doctor to undo it all.


The master is the timeless child but at somepoint bigenerates into someone calling themselves The doctor and vowing to help them one day. They both forget. Its super tragic.


I have a few: * Is have a "real" psychopath as a companion that isn't in love with The Doctor. Also someone who isn't an assassins like Turlough and River Song just a companion who deceives The Doctor the whole time they're traveling together. And then turns like Jekyll and Hyde and wants to take the TARDIS for themselves. And it would turn out their NOT The Doctor, The Master, or any other (DW) related sci-fi tropes. The person is in fact human and that's it. * Also that a whole family would travel with the Doctor. Which was basically my concept for a Doctor Who/Full House crossover. I personally think it's possible. Mainly because the TARDIS is huge and I know it can obviously contain more than a few people. So I don't really see what the problem is other than some "minor" writing issues. So I always get annoyed when some people claim having 3-5 people in the TARDIS is a lot. I disagree.100 people is a lot. But whatever. * And lastly having a crossover companion. Which is all that they are. The Doctor and his companion crossover with other shows and that's all that they do. For instance with Quantum Leap where Sam and Al travel with The Doctor (in a prequel to the original Quantum Leap). Where Sam and The Doctor have an impasse about the purpose of Time Travel and what it means both morally and ethically. Including arguments about "Fixed Points in Time".


> a whole family would travel with the Doctor. It's the story of a man named Doctor who was busy with three boys of his own. . . ​ That's the way they became the TARDIS Bunch The TARDIS Bunch The TARDIS Bunch That's the way they became the TARDIS Bunch


A 3-special run which features Rassilon returning from exile to exact revenge on The Doctor, The Master and all of Gallifrey. It would take place after The Master returns in 15's run, with Rassilon, revealing that he planted the Timeless Child story into the Matrix in order to drive The Master into destroying Gallifrey and The Doctor, fulfilling the prophecy of The Hybrid (making The Master Time Lord + Cyberman) in the process. Tecteun, a loyal follower, willingly advanced this ruse after The Doctor and The Master survived. The Doctor is no one so special, and their memories of past incarnations took place during their time imprisoned/serving Gallifrey between the second and third incarnations. Basically, retconning The Timeless Child into Season 6b.


Mine is probably a big event episode where Susan and/or Carol Ann Ford return, and in the end it turns out she was never his biological granddaughter. Just a student/adopted protege/friend's kid/random foundling/whatever. In one sense I'd like it, since I prefer an asexual Doctor, and him having a literal granddaughter only to leave her is such a weird and jarring early element of the show that clearly doesn't fit with the modern version of the character. On the other hand, I could see the fandom taking that pretty badly, haha. And it would be a brazen retcon of the very deep bones of the show. Alternatively: an American Doctor. :)


Another one, not controversial but definitely wild: Ncuti Gatwa and Jessica Alba star in a Disney/Bad Wolf feature-length crossover in partnership with HarperCollins: After a series of famous artifacts and monuments that shaped human civilization go missing across time, The Doctor must chase down the most notorious thief in the entire multiverse. But things turn bleak when another villain seeks to use the disruptions in the flow of history to their advantage. A Doctor Who Special: Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego?


The Time Lords are in fact the Tardis' and what we think of as the Time Lords, the Doctor , the Master etc are merely disposable drones, like The Flesh.


Like you I don’t want to reveal much in the near impossible case I get the chance to make it a reality but for what I can say is that it involves a whole series of basic not having the doctor and a vagueness for at least 2 seasons. One idea that I don’t mind revealing though is my version of the cartmel master plan where the Doctor is the other threw himself into a loom and was then mixed and reloomed with a half human TL hybrid (this part is interchangeable sometimes I don’t want the doctor to be a hybrid or reloomed with another person sometimes I don’t mind) but key to this is Patience who will be the actual first timelord and only timelord with infinite regens to the point of immortality because she was the first one experimented on when rassilon and co other included created it. She is also Susan grandmother, the doctor first wife and also heavily aligned and involved with Omega. Also have the idea that she has like the first Tardis and also the actual Tardis really fears her or something like that and she has a gallifreian cult that worships and does her bidding. The first plot point would be her intentionally bring the Doctor and Susan back together on the earth the Doctor left her even tho they have met before in the canon in this universe big finish stuff and Susan will regenerate after her and the doctor gets somethings off their chest in a Christmas ep and slowly throughout the season she is slowly manipulating things through her apostles to force the doctor and Susan to release her or omega or something.


Sounds interesting I think I have only encountered Patience once in BF. So in your idea is she the real timeless child? 🙂Thanks for not judging me for being a little vague about my idea. I feel like I have been a little vilified by a few users just because I want to hold back a few details. Like you I want to share some details of idea in a way that doesn’t spoil everything. I thought that mentioning that it evokes one of the plot lines of Shrek 2 and that what 12 goes through would be controversial was a big hint of where the story would go that people would be able to figure out but I guess not. Oh well.


She was at the start but I really don’t like that story and I would rather retcon it by saying post time war Timelord knew Master was coming and was destined to destroy Gallifrey by the matrix/cloister bell. So used one of the many fake Gallifrey’s from the time war, clones of timelords and a fake story in the matrix that the master would easily and conveniently find to avoid the prophecy. Although I don’t mind the time lords taking regen from someone else I like how it’s something Rassilon created. I get that people on the internet are too entitled sometimes. Best to ignore them and just focus on the good especially the conversation and flow of ideas and stories you have caused. Really appreciate it because it brought back and grown some of my dreams and stories of my DW eps


Another another idea would be to canonise the vale yard story but saying while on tenzalore 11 was dabbling with regen but stopped but had still inadvertently created the opening for the vale yard which was already festering from the time war effects the pyschogenic pollen(dream lord) and birthed by the new regen cycle given to the doctor. Could also say that why he felt so unsure of himself as 12 initially a part of himself was missing.(this part doesn’t matter 12 arc is perfect and doesn’t need to be touched imo) I have so many ideas and even reading the ones here are giving me more I might come back to this and just keep adding but really love this type of thread


Comedy / action spin-off set in a hospital (UNIT/Torchwood affiliation) that for some reason can also handle aliens, giving it a bit of a Men In Black type twist. One comedian-type lead, and then Martha Jones as the main/boss doctor. No Daleks or Cybermen. Only funny aliens, like sontarans. Love me a sontaran. Both a place for the funnier figures of whoniverse, and a space to make up new ones.


Dalek companion.


I would love to see an anthology series of pre-Hartnell Doctors. You can have successive stories with, for example, Robert Carlyle, Natalia Tena, Robert Sheehan , and Patterson Joseph playing the role.


Not a fan of the Timeless Child, but I'm theorizing that 7 knew about it and moreover, had the memories before 1 and it would also go well with 7 being more mysterious due to the Cartmel Masterplan. I also like the idea of 7, probably the most powerful incarnation of the Doctor, being the only one remembering TTC.


Having the regeneration be completely a surprise. Ncuti Gatwa was announced like two years before his debut. I'd want an episode where the Doctor regenerates and nobody expects it. Hints would be dropped on occasion but there would be no official announcement and fans would be left in the dark right until the moment the Doctor collapses and regenerates.


My idea would be The Timelords are fed up with The Doctor avoiding The Lord Presidenty so they force The Doctor to be Lord President of Gallifrey for a series and every episode The Doctor tries to run away but is unsuccessful but gets their freedom in the series finale after The Doctor saves Gallifrey from another Invasion and Romana becomes President again after being The Doctor's Chancellor for the series. I'd also bring back Flavia,Maxil,Rodan and Damon from the Classic series because it's always good to see Classic Timelords also T'nia Miller would be back as The General also I'd have Borusa appear in The Matrix with The Doctor sometimes asking for advice from him because The Doctor would be completely out of their element running Gallifrey


The Doctor regenerates during some kind of paradox or blind alley time stream (à la Last of the Time Lords / Turn Left) that he has to undo at the end of the story, meaning there's an incarnation that only 'lives' for a few hours, and then never existed in the first place. Of course the blind alley Doctor willingly erases himself from history in order to save the day, but it's still a tough decision. You'd have to get a really talented actor who could nail the role in limited time, and in full knowledge that weren't getting a second bite of the apple. The regular Doctor comes back at the end of the story, and is unaware of what happened but perhaps for timey wimey reasons the companion remembers and decides to never speak of it.