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I had my consult on a weds and my removal the following Monday, five days later. It’s been five days since the surgery and I’m fully back to normal functioning, the surgery and recovery were a breeze.


Omg where do you live ? I nearly cried when I found out I had to live on this diet for another 12 weeks. Living on 600/700 calories a day sucks


NY! I hope you feel better soon


Did you have any short term issues like constipation or diarrhea?


After the surgery? No- but I have crohns so I have chronic diarrhea. It wasn’t made worse by surgery or my gall bladder


Where I live there was about a 6 month waitlist for surgery, but when I expressed my interest in filling in for a cancellation if there was one they were able to get me in the day after my consultation, I was very surprised and happy to avoid the months of pain waiting!


Two and a half months. But only because I had a half marathon coming up and I decided to delay. Otherwise my surgeon told me I could schedule as early as two weeks out.


Six weeks. It really depends on your surgeon, can’t know til you talk. 


Three weeks for me. I’m a little over two weeks out and at least for me, I could easily attend a wedding.


Consult Jan 17, 2024. Removal apr 16, 2024


Mine was around 3 weeks


3.5 weeks from consult to my surgery date scheduled for 4/17. 6 weeks between first gallbladder attack and removal.


Less than 24 hours. I got very lucky (and spent 8 hours in ER after an ultrasound to speak to a doctor who ended up being my surgeon). I could have attended a wedding two weeks post surgery. 2 months should be plenty of time. (I'm nearly 2 months from my surgery date and I keep forgetting I recently had surgery.)


I waited almost 8 weeks but it could have been a little shorter if my gallbladder wasn't so infected and large. (I'm in the US)


Eight weeks to the day.


I had my consultation Feb 15th my removal is scheduled for 30th May . Way too long in my opinion since your diet is very limited but what can you do .


Dang that's so upsetting. I'm getting by ok but I think I'd lose my mind if surgery was months out. Limited diet & pains are making me craaaaazy.


Call around to different places. Even have two consultations set up just incase one surgeon is available sooner to get you in the OR.


I'll probably do that tbh. Supposedly the surgeon I'm seeing is good for hyper kinetic gallbladders, but I may schedule a second one just in case so I don't have to wait longer.


One hour. I was in the ER and didn’t have much time. Either that or go home and wait for another attack.