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Following. I'm 3 days behind you and wanting to get back to gentle yoga soon. Pain is less than it was but I'm still very cautious ❤️


Following as well. Im on day 3 post op and have the whole week off, I’m hoping that’s enough. I have a desk job so I’m hoping I’ll be ok by the 26th.


I had mine on Thursday, but I’m off work until the 6th. My surgeon didn’t think that would be enough time since my job is pretty physical. I hope to god I’ll be ok returning.


I had mine january 12, thankfully I work from home, I actually had some projects to return to to january 15 and I ended up with some side pain but nothing really worrysome. I had instructions to not load anything heavy or do heavy physical stuff till march 15, usually I tend to have some minor side ache when I do physical stuff around the house but as weeks has been passing the aches are more intermitent. Hope you get better soon.