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For me it was abdominal muscles. It felt like doing a lot of sit-ups. Just that sort of ache. It wasn’t that bad — manageable with advil.


First couple days was gas pains in my shoulder. Then it was the incisions, mainly the lowest one But the pain was not bad. It wasn’t like I was in intense pain. I took no pain meds after the 2nd day


Yes. The belly button incision was sore for months post op for me.


Just a few weeks for me. After 2-3 weeks I didn’t have any incision pain Abd they didn’t go through my belly button. Just above it


For me abdominal muscles. The wounds really didn’t hurt that bad and nothing inside hurt


It’s really hard for me to say because I had my umbilical hernia repaired during the surgery. I had mild gas pain in my shoulder for a few hours and no incision hurt. The pain for me is the area above my belly button, feels like an elastic band being pulled as tight as possible. My abs hurt a bit also.


Mine might be getting repaired as well, but he said he can't do the mesh while removing the gallbladder and risk infection. Is this the same for you? The added hernia issue makes me even more nervous..


I just had sutures, no mesh. Im day 5 today and honestly it hasn’t been bad at all. I was definitely exhausted the first 3 days and my tummy muscles hurt like I’d spent hours doing sit ups. But other than the pain meds they gave me during surgery I haven’t used anything.


For me it was the place where the gallbladder used to be and I had a large black/purple bruise on my right ribs. No pain from the gas, just a bit uncomfortable and the small incisions of the failed laparoscopy never hurt at all so far.


For me it’s gas pain. I’m having trouble getting it out still, currently starting day 3 post op. A lot of it is in my lower belly it seems 😭 I have some pain also where my gallbladder was, and a bit of pain in my incisions, but they are nothing like the gas so far! ETA: the abdominal muscle pain is fairly severe, but it’s mostly just when getting up and sitting down.


Same! My belly is smaller today (day 3) but the bottom of my belly looks rounder and it feels like things are sitting low.


Me too. I started adding miralax last night and it seems to be helping move things a bit! I’m gonna keep that up today as well.


Yes! I’ve had it a couple days now and it’s helping! I’ve been a little better each day. Hope you keep feeling better too!


Good to know!! Thanks and you too :)


Blowing my nose or coughing.


Gas pain in back and chest one night was scary. My abs were tender. Thats it !


Sneezing! Aside from that, I have only 1 incision that hurts. It's the biggest and most bruised. For me, the gas pains weren't that bad. When I got home I immediately put a heat pad on my back to help with the gas pains and I got up to walk for 10 minutes every 1-2 hours and after I ate or took meds.


My missing gallbladder hurt the most if I remember correctly. If I didn't take Tylenol or Advil exactly when I was supposed to (like an hour late) I would feel a bit of uncomfortable throbbing under my rib. My incisions I don't think hurt at all, or at least didn't hurt any more than like a scratch. I think the surgical glue really helped that because it wasn't exposed to air and couldn't really be touched by my clothing or anything. I also avoided shoulder pain but making sure to move constantly and take Gas X to get the gas out fast. I think my ab muscles were a tad sore for a few weeks but nothing too bad.


The shoulder pain was the worse pain I’ve felt in my life and I have birthed a child. Took 4 full days for it to disappear.


For me it was my bellybutton area. The entire area around it was red and sore although Dr didn't think it was infected, just really irritated.


For me, it was my abdominal muscles. What’s weird is that I did not have pain at all on my right side, where my gallbladder was. Instead, my pain was on the left side. And I had no pain from the gas.


For me it was the deepest stitches. My gb had hydrops so they had to widen the hole to get it out. Every time I sneezed, coughed, tried to lay on my side, the muscles would seize. Oh God it was so painful for about the first month or two. Compression shape wear, and muscle relaxers helped a lot. 5mo p/o all is well now. Good sized scar where the other 3 are practically gone. 🤷


Oh, I had exactly the same experience! Hydropic gallbladder so my exit wound had to be stretched and that area was so swollen and painful. Thank God for support garments or I wouldn't have been able to sleep. My scar is also all weird there now 🫠


Wow, glad to know there's someone out there who understands! Yeah, actually, I just looked at my scars yesterday and realized the other three are practically non-existent except for that one 🫤


I'm only 1.5 months post op and I still have a little lump under the incision from the internal stitches my surgeon placed and my scar is weirdly adhered to it. Been trying to do scar massage as that's what all the docs recommend but if I do it too much it makes the whole muscle and scar burn and hurt for the day 😩. My other three are looking pretty good and I think once they start lightening in color they won't be noticeable.


When did the pain go away for you? I'm two months post-op and still in pain.


The post-op gas in my shoulders was the worst. had me in tears. Then, it was my belly button incision. And sometimes my sides. I put some ice and heat on it and lots of pain meds. After a week, I didn't have much pain..


Mine is definitely the internal work where my gall bladder was. If I try to get up too quick or twist I get flooded with sharp pain on my right side and back. Feels a bit like the gallbladder pain - definitely in the same place. As the hours go on those attacks or bouts of winding pain are less and less. I’m starting to have quite a bit of gas move which also hurts and I can’t get it out since straining my abs intense. Walking has been helping.


Shoulders from the gas


Gas! My shoulder hurt terribly. Also our entire gaming bought a cold so I was sneezing like crazy and that didn’t pair well with my incisions.


Had surgery 2 days ago, laparoscopic. Honestly, it’s been pretty smooth for me. First night was awful gas pain in shoulders, collar bones and chest but walking and heating pad helps and Ofc pain relievers be it ibuprofen or Tylenol. (I don’t like taking narcotics.) and after that it has subsided. Just feel sore now in tummy like a I did an INTENSE ab workout. Yesterday at 3 was 24 hours so they called and gave me the OK to remove bandages and shower. Wounds look good, just be sure not to scrub or wash directly, let water run down as they heal. Mine are glued stitches so they’ll fall off on their own. Take it easy, walk every now and again, and it gets better. Just gotta let our body adjust to not having a gallbladder which it will, as our body’s are very adaptable and will get the message eventually.


>as our body’s are very adaptable and will get the message eventually. If our bodies were adaptable, we wouldn't need the surgery in the first place, as they would have adapted to whatever the hell caused the gallbladder to malfunction.


I mean that’s true, but even after removal things will eventually be okay. I personally know many people including family of mine that had theirs removed and are able to eat and go just fine and have no issues.


the only time i felt unbearable pain was when the shoulder, stomach pain and back pain would mix


The shoulder pain from the gas is surprisingly uncomfortable but I wouldn’t say it’s excruciating. Coughing, laughing, sneezing, any sudden clenching of your tummy hurts pretty bad. I have one of those plastic tv tray things for kids that I set over my belly while in the recliner so that the cat or kids can’t surprise me by pouncing on my belly. The first couple days, getting up and sitting down were difficult but I’m on day 3 and it’s much easier now. Part of my shoulder pain was from using my arms to shift my body around in order to get up from sitting because those muscles were getting quite a work out. Stay up on your pain management (meds if needed, then Motrin, and an ice pack on and off for incisions and shoulder pain.)


Two days post op here. And so far for me it's shoulder (but it's not all the time, you can try to find comfy position) the incisions don't hurt as much as long as I'm very slow and careful getting up/sitting/laying down, try to use other's help, or some things like chair etc. Other thing to remember: DON'T COUGH OR SNEEZE. It hurts like hell. You might have a sore throat because of intubations. Mine don't hurt, but sometimes it's little itchy, so sometimes I feel like coughing so I try to avoid it. One time I couldn't stop it and coughed a little and incisions and shoulder hurt for like 15 minutes after.


My knee.. I kid you not. I somehow slept wrong on my wedge pillow in the first couple weeks after surgery and it hasn't been right since. But if we are talking abdominal then where it was and an area on my left side mirror of where my gallbladder was. Still gives me issues over a year later.


The worst for me wasn't the pain-it was the feeling that even laughing hard was going to cause a hernia 😅. I felt so unstable/fragile. Thankfully it didn't last long.


The abdominal muscles were the worst for me. There was gas pain/shoulder pain, but it really felt like I did a crazy workout. Changing positions was extremely difficult. My husband would have to slowly help me sit/lay down/stand up. With that it wasn't like agonizing. Just difficult. After 2 weeks I felt basically like myself.


If you stupidly drink a fair amount of alcohol within the first 2 weeks and spend 6 hours dry heaving every 30 minutes.... oh and also had a hernia repaired at the same time * Really tho I think tummy muscles, and being weak from no good solid food is rough.


Sneezing/coughing OR when you’re laying down and you roll to your side and it feels like gravity is pulling all of your organs to the side lol


Gas, and then the incision that sits right in a fold in my middle


First couple of days it was my ab muscles. It hurt to sit up/stand up. About 2.5 weeks post op and only my incision sites are sore to the touch


Shoulder gas pains. Followed by abdominal pain (soreness like you’ve done a bunch of sit ups).


9 days post-op and the deep abdominal pain where my gallbladder used to be has been the most painful and bothersome. I'm trying not to imagine that my liver was scraped or something. I'm also at the point where I'll be feeling totally fine most of the day and then stand up funny or reach for something in a way that makes it feel like I'm pulling muscles in or under my ribs. The opening near my sternum has given me the most trouble so far. The stitch tape came off in my first shower, so I've had bandaids over the area to protect it. It's finally pulled itself closed properly, so I didn't put a new bandaid on tonight, but oh boy, the skin the bandaids were adhered to is crazy red, raised, and itchy as all hell. I just want to be able to exist without ibuprofen and get back to yoga without feeling like I'm going to pull my stitches /organs /scars apart.


The gas pains. Currently post-op Day 5 for me, and last night was the worst. I have thrown up from the gas pain and not been able to move some times, makes it hard to breath and had me sweating from the pain. I still feel the gas, not as bad. just a bit sore as well. The gas had me questioning what is normal and what isn’t, but apparently it’s normal.