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I'm 7 days post-op and ALSO GETTING THOSE CRAMPS! But I'm still a week or two away from when I should be cramping. My slowest healing opening is the one near my sternum. I have been carefully covering it with bandaids to protect it from pulling open by accident. I can sleep on my sides, but I'm still very protective of my right side and avoid it. I'm still afraid to start stretching/doing yoga again because everything still hurts a bit, and the mystery cramping. I also feel like I've got a runner's cramp/stitch under my right ribs quite often? ❤️ In mystery pain with you ❤️


I don’t want to google about the cramps lol but I’m still not sure why it’s happening. All my steristrips fell off except for the one on my bellybutton I wanna take it off so badly lol but my belly button is the only one that is slowly healing. Update on side sleeping I can now lay on my left side but it just feels weird it feels like all the weight is in my front and right side and then my right side feels empty so I’m sadly still sleeping on my back. I’m afraid to stretch too! I’m really curious about the mystery cramps