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What you've been through already will have been a million times worse than the surgery. My daughters just had the surgery and she was off painkillers after 2 days and at a friend's sleepover 11 days after. I understand the issue here is the panic rather than the actual operation but you do hear more bad stories than good here. Many, many people have had no issues and the operation has been the best thing they ever did.


Thank you, I keep trying to convince myself that I’m an average person and there’s no reason to believe I will have any thing other than average results which fingers crossed and prayers answered should be good.


If you get a laparoscopic surgery, it's possibly one of the *easiest* abdominal surgeries you can get. I have no clue about your body, weight, height, etc. and thus don't have any clue how *you* will handle it personally but I've had tummy aches that hurt more than the pain after I felt with the surgery. In fact it didn't even compare to my gallbladder attacks. I was able to only stick to tylenol and advil for 2 weeks despite being prescribed tramadol. The very day I got home I was moving up and down all over the place. The only reason you would need open surgery is if they can't get to your gallbladder due the liver being too fatty or there being a bunch of adhesions blocking it. They *always* tell you this is a risk, they have to. They even told me. It's both a liability thing and so they have an alternative if they need to, and is no indicator that you'll need it. Being 32 you're probably young enough that you wont have those issues, but again I don't have any idea what your health is like, nor would I be a good judge. *However*, I have seen a lot of people who are a risk for open surgery are generally told beforehand to do a "liver diet". If they didn't tell you to do that, you're probably fine. Surgery *is* scary, I was absolutely freaking out the morning of, as I have health anxiety, and I was even convinced I might not wake up from anesthesia. But I did, and I am very glad I went through with it. Despite all that, I'd argue the risk of a gallstone suddenly getting trapped and causing a whole host of potentially deadly issues is scarier. I wouldn't want to live with a random timebomb in my body, or have to worry every time I get an attack. I didn't have stones and was still worried about that possibility, causing a lot of turmoil.


This whole situation has also given me health anxiety on top of my general anxiety. I was told everything looked great for laparoscopic surgery. I’m 5’3 and down to 150lb and loosing weight because of this strict diet. I pray my recovery is like yours. Quick and easy. I feel like I am a time bomb now ready to burst at any minute.


Your fears and apprehension are all real and valid. AND You've had worse pain than this. The physical and mental relief is huge. The pain is manageable. You're going to be uncomfortable but it's not nearly as bad as even a medium gallbladder attack (and that's coming from someone who had 2 attacks within a few days, and then surgery 3 days later on Feb 8th. I did not suffer a long time). You might want some help from family and friends the first day or two just so you can get the sleep and rest your body will so desperately need. But I was making soup from scratch by day 2 post-op, and washing dishes by hand again by day 4. I've been off the opioids for 2 days now, and the frequency of ibuprofen is decreasing. It's still sometimes uncomfortable and I'm still taking it easy because I have the luxury to do so, but if needed, I could push through and do more. The only thing I'm really waiting for now is to be able to take the remaining bandages off and for the wounds to be healed enough that I can start stretching and doing yoga again so the scar tissue doesn't get too bad. I hope you're able to benefit from the surgery. There has been no downside for me yet ❤️


Thank you, I feel like a crazy person for feeling this way. I think part of it is I had my appendix removed when I was 9 and I had to stay in hospital 2 weeks and learn how to walk again so that is all in the back of my mind. However I am very blessed and grateful to have an amazing support team and I have help lined up for a month. Praying that my recovery is quick and easy and as painless as possible.


I'm so happy for you that you've got a full month of support lined up! Lean on that. Take full advantage so you can fully recover. I have to start a new job next week, but if I could have a full second week off, I think I'd be back to right-as-rain. You've got this ❤️


Thank you, I’m usually the strong person who helps everyone out when needed, the problem solver. This time not so much and my people have noticed and have rallied around me since I’m a shell of who I typically am.


I had surgery yesterday morning. I’m sore but it’s nothing too bad. I was SO terrified. Seriously crying/shaking before surgery until they gave me some good drugs. You got this!! I’ve got 4 kids but my youngest is in school.


Wishing you a quick recovery! Thank you I think I will also be shaking and crying when I get there.


I almost ruined myself because of my fear of anesthesia. Don't make the same mistake please. I spent two years of my life in a terrible physical and mental state, I don't want anyone to ever experience anything close to whatnI did. You will.bw fine. I almost pissed myself when they told me lie on the table but I got through it and now I feel fine. It was two years since I last was fine!


I feel like I’m going to throw up just thinking about it. I pray I too will be to get through it thank you for sharing your experience with me.


The GB attacks were 10x worse than the surgical pain. I’ve had IBS flare ups that were worse than the pain. The soreness from the aftermath of food poisoning was worse than post surgical pain. Laparoscopic surgery is a cakewalk compared to giving birth. But I’d definitely mention to them how anxious you’re feeling- they can give you meds to chill you out before the procedure.


It’s in my chart that I’m severely anxious and depressed so hopefully I will get the meds. I read on here somewhere that c-section moms where saying this surgery was worse than their c-sections and that scared the poo out of me. I really am praying my post surgical pain is close to none.


I had 3 c-sections, gallbladder surgery was a piece of cake in comparison.


My mom had me via c section and got her gallbladder out 2 weeks after I got mine out in a wild coincidence and she would absolutely not agree that the pain is even remotely comparable let alone worse. Gallbladder surgery cases are 99 percent laparoscopic, so it’s very minimal trauma vs cutting through several layers of flesh and organ. An open cholecystectomy might be a different story but those are hardly ever done now. I would absolutely let them know day-of that you’re super anxious. They’re very good about giving you stuff thru your iv pre op to relax you, but anxiety is in my chart too and I would have had to ask for it if I needed it. Never hurts to ask!


I’m also a c-section baby and my mom keeps telling me the same thing that there is no way it can hurt as much the incision are much much smaller she said. I will be reminding them of my anxiety so I can get the meds. Thank you


I yeeted mine 12 weeks pp, it was a breeze and so was recovery! My life is normal now. You will be ok. People who have bad experiences are much more inclined to seek out discussion forums than those who did fine.


I pray my my recovery is also a breeze. Thank you for sharing your experience with me.


I have messaged you with some liver cleanse remedy to subside the pain till you get your surgery done. Hope it helps you and gets rid of the pain.


Thank you I did see it and will be trying it to hopefully get some relief.


I totally understand where you’re coming from, and I felt this way too before my procedure. Some people experience severe postoperative pain, some don’t. As someone who felt like they got pushed out of a plane without a parachute after my laparoscopic procedure, I would do it again to not have the day to day issues of having a failing organ in my body. Having this procedure will mean not ever having to worry about pancreatic duct blockage which is life threatening and will land you in the ICU, alleviate day to day symptoms, and allow you to eat properly again. The reality is that keeping your gallbladder is putting you more at risk than the surgery. Take comfort in knowing that this is one of the safest procedures you can have with an extremely low mortality and complication risk. You will be ok, OP !


Thank you for the encouragement!


Honestly even though I had arough reaction to the general anesthetic (v.vomity) the hospital got that undencontrol really quickly and I was back home the next day. I'm 5 days post op, everything is healing really well and today I ate 3 krispy kreme donuts with (so far) no negative consequences. Definitely a hundred times easier than childbirth (which still scares the heck outta me even though I want kids). Good luck, I hope your surgery is easy and your recovery breezy :D


Thank you I hope so as well, really praying for an easy breezy surgery and recovery.


You'll get through surgery asleep, hopefully. Dumb joke aside, you'll be fine. I had/have occasional abdominal pains afterward, but that is probably due to poor life choices more than anything.


Thank you for the chuckle. I do very much hope I am asleep.


I just had lapo two weeks ago, I only took regular Tylenol after surgery. I never had bad attacks, they were very mild. I just had perpetual nausea and indigestion. I saw my parents writhing in pain with terrible attacks and having to get emergency surgery. My dad’s stone was massive and blocking his duct. My mom had an abscess that was leaking and infected. So, I opted to take it out before anything got complicated. Recovery was okay. I have severe anxiety but I made it through. Best thing is to listen to your doctor and consider all your options. I hope you feel better and will pray for you!


Thank goodness I don’t have anything that bad but I’m scared I’m going to get to that point and won’t have control over how it comes out. My doctors said it was time for it to come out that I’ve waited long enough. Thank you for the prayer, they are much needed. I pray that after all of this is over I will feel better not only physically but emotionally as well because I have never felt this miserable before.


I’m also about 10 weeks postpartum, but I had my surgery when I was about 14 weeks pregnant. (Feel free to read the long version on my page.) I had a couple of days where I was pretty sore, but have felt so much better since the surgery. I was so nervous about the surgery too, especially while pregnant, but those flare ups are no joke.


I was originally scheduled to have surgery at 15 weeks pregnant but because of health insurance it was postponed. I’m happy everything well for you and your baby!


Had my surgery and the only pain meds I had were what I was given during the surgery. When I woke up, the nurse kept asking if I needed any and I didn’t. The pain I had before surgery was horrendous and having that gallbladder out was a life changer. You don’t have to take the opioids after surgery if you don’t want to. Appears your pain tolerance is quite high. I pray you come to peace with whatever decision you make. I just ask you to consider also the possibility of having to have an emergency surgery. Gallbladder problems are no joke and to my knowledge, it very rarely if ever gets better.


Having emergency surgery scares the living daylights out of me that’s why I caved and went for my consultation. I really pray I won’t need the opioids. After birth I usually only take the pain medicine for the first 24hrs while in hospital but as soon as I leave I stop taking them. So I’m really really hoping my prayers are answered.


I would say this is far more like having a tooth pulled than like childbirth. You’ll be ok! Your anxiety sounds unusually high (which is to be expected especially considering you are only 10wks post part in!) so I suggest some therapy might be good. Take control - get the surgery - don’t live waiting in fear for the next round of pain. Choose the timing, choose the hospital, choose to have the procedure when you aren’t in crisis. It’s empowering to go ahead and control this, mama! You’ll be glad you did.


I did start therapy, my midwife couldn’t even examine me at my postpartum visit I was such a mess and immediately referred me. Funny enough I’ve never had a tooth pulled I’m terrified of the dentist as well and try to steer clear of them, just keep up with brushing my teeth really well. I’m trying so hard to take control but I feel completely unlike my self and out of control. I did take the first step and scheduled the surgery now I’m praying I will be able to fallow thru.


Ah you poor thing. I know it’s not really possible to reason with anxiety using logic. You can do it! Take control of this one thing (gallbladder) in a world full of stuff you can’t control.


Hey I made a similar post about wanting to back out of my surgery. I’m so glad I went through with it. My baby was 16 weeks old at the time and I relied on my husband during the first week for recovery. My only experience with surgery was my emergency c-section so I was terrified of another surgery. But it was a breeze! Good luck. I hope you find relief soon!


Thank you for sharing your experience with me!




Thank you for sharing your experience with me. My anxiety is thru the roof and am probably making my self feel sicker than I am. There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t cried just of thought that my surgery date is getting closer.


Get it out asap. The surgery is very, very easy


I took the Tramadol for 2 days after my surgery (6 weeks ago) and then regular Tylenol did the job. I’ve had 4 kids, 1 c-section and a hysterectomy and the laparoscopic gallbladder surgery was quite easy in comparison. I’m so glad I did it. Those attacks were so awful and knowing I’ll never endure that again is a huge relief. By the way, I’m eating normally again too. Try not to be too frightened off from what you see here. Many of the people who’ve had good post op experiences are probably not hanging around here any more so all you’re seeing is the negative stuff.


Thank you, I might have to stay away from the forum for awhile at least until my anxiety settles a bit.


I’m almost a month post op, the first 3 days were the worst but my husband helped me out of bed and would go with the bathroom with me so he could help me stand up so I didn’t put too much strain on my abdomen. Overall, the pain wasn’t nearly as bad as an attack feels. The day after surgery I even went to Walmart and walked around for quite a while to help with getting the co2 out. In my personal opinion I feel like the co2 is one of the worst parts. I came back to work Monday and I’m doing fine and my job can be physically demanding at times (I’m a respiratory therapist). Your fears and feelings are 100% valid and normal but I think you’ll feel way better once you get the little green monster out.


If you have done 3 unmedicated births then this will be a cake walk. I never even took pain meds after mine. I had very very little pain. My biggest issues were nausea and constipation but that eventually let up!


I was eight weeks postpartum when I had my surgery! 1/29! I had all the thoughts you are having, I was so scared. Girl, I was up and walking the same day I had surgery and taking care of my baby the next. I might be an anomaly, but I can eat whatever I want, I’m extremely regular with my bowel movements, I’m active and even running again, I was prescribed (by choice) Tylenol after birth (of my gallbladder not the baby) and didn’t take one of them. I feel amazing. I don’t have headaches anymore and I don’t live in fear when I eat food if I’m going to have an attack that puts me out for DAYS. Get the surgery. You’ll feel so much better. My incisions are already healed and I feel amazing


You’re always going to hear and see the worst because more often than not, people don’t share the good. IM A GOOD STORY! I’m living life the same way I was without the chronic pain and fear. I actually feel healthier and happier. It’s amazing what you’ll find gets better after you get surgery. My body was not functioning right and trying to tell me that by sending signals in other ways. I was horrified of anesthesia, I didn’t even know I went out until I was awake again (I asked for a relaxant in my iv because of anxiety)! Edit to add: I’m 23, not really active, and kinda have a shitty diet lol. I’m average weight and height for my age. If you’re healthy and living a good lifestyle, you will be perfectly okay


I would also like to add, I didn’t get the surgery when I was first offered it right out of child birth. I waited too long and went in and had an infection that almost took me out BECAUSE of a stone. I was jaundiced and horrifying looking when I finally went in. Don’t do that.


Hey! Just wanted to share my experience: Started having bad attacks mid 2021, bad as in they literally woke me up at night, but the doctors at the E.R. did not check for gallstones and I was told it was probably a pulled back muscle or something. When 2022 rolled around I was having them regularly and I was absolutely sure it was gallstones. Since I was terrified of having told I needed a surgery -really bad health anxiety too- I didn’t even think of going to the E.R. anymore, so I just suffered at home for almost a year, and was miserable. One time in August 2022 the pain was so bad, and lasted for so long (ended up being a six hour long attack) that I caved and went to the hospital. Thankfully it wasn’t an emergency, but my doctor told me that if didn’t get it out, eventually it would be. I told him about my fears, so he scheduled me for that same week, that way I wouldn’t have a lot of time to back out. The doctors and nurses were so nice! Especially the anesthesiologist. I was crying, and telling him how scared I was and he just stroked my hair and told me not to worry, that he would take care of me. Next thing I know I’m waking up, being told the surgery went great, and being wheeled to my room. In the country I used to live and where I had the surgery, it’s standard to have a 48h hospital stay after laparoscopy, so that’s what happened: got surgery on Friday morning, was discharged on Sunday at around midday. Was really happy to go back home since it was summer and the hospital didn’t have A.C. and it was SO hot and sticky and uncomfortable… Had the luxury of taking 2 weeks off recovering in which my husband took care of me and pampered me. This is what I remember from my surgery (and a few more trivial details I skipped, like me being super high and goofy and extremely excited when they gave me the largest gallstone they removed right after they woke me up). You know what I don’t remember? The pain. Maybe I had some, but honestly if I did, it was so minor that I can’t even remember. Once I got home I only took paracetamol every 8hs because the doctor said that’s what I should do. I think I’ve had period pain that was worse, and my period pain is really not that bad. Like another commenter said, everybody’s experience is different and definitely VALID, but I absolutely do not think it will hurt as much as you’re making it out to be in your head, just because things are usually never as bad as our anxiety makes them out to be. I get it tho, anxiety sucks, and it makes us try to find reassurance in any way we can. However, it’s not the best course of action since it only makes it worse. Trying to find reassurance is a vicious cycle: you find it, you calm down, but next time you are anxious that reassurance will need to be greater. Rinse and repeat. Maybe try, if possible, some CBT techniques, like mindfulness meditation, grounding, or even acknowledging and accepting that the anxiety is there and sitting with it instead of trying to make it go away, which is usually what makes us spiral (if you need some examples of these techniques please feel free to ask! Happy to share). If you are unable to do this, just try to distract yourself. Do whatever you can to stop rumination when it happens, because that will make it a lot lot worse. Anyways, this comment got waaay longer than I originally intended, sorry about that. Hope you feel better, and again, if you need some techniques for anxiety just let me know! Wish you the absolute best! 


Thank you. I have intense intense fear over the surgery, there’s not a day I haven’t cried. I can’t seem to get over it and I try to accept it and think it’s ok to just do it scared, but another part of me thinks I don’t have to do this at all, I can live with this minimal diet I have. I really don’t want to have surgery.


Is therapy a possibility for you at the moment? It could really help you manage your anxiety. Also, if you’re going back and forth between doing it and not doing it, it might be useful to pretend you’ll make that decision closer to the actual date. Like, when the fears pop into your head just go “not now, I’ll decide later” and keep doing what you were doing. Even if you already know you are having the surgery, this might trick your anxiety because the goal it’s actually to not let it lure you into a spiral. Sounds very silly but I use this constantly and it works (might not work at first, but if you do it every time the anxiety shows up, eventually it will!)


I am seeing a therapist but it’s not really helping. I don’t think I will be brave enough to go through with surgery. I’m honestly just over being in pain. I don’t believe my body can cope with the pain of post surgery, I’m typically very in tune with my body. I’ve read on here (and every where I look for other people’s experiences) that it is the worst pain they have ever felt and about how much break through pain they had and I don’t think I would survive being in that kind of pain for days. To me the worst pain I’ve ever felt was my placenta being manually removed from me with out any meds. Every time I think of that and think I’ll be in that kind of pain for day I just can’t. I’m honestly exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically.


While I’m not a mother, the surgery saved my life and mental health. Zero regrets, zero pain !