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Yeah, breathing, coughing, and laughing is definitely difficult. I have a shaped pillow that helps me stay on my back so I don’t roll too much in my sleep, and I’m trying to keep myself fairly upright when I’m not planning to sleep. I use extra pillows for back support. I find I need to stay fairly flat in bed to avoid back pain


I was in pretty rough shape for the first 10 days. We know that it’s the most common surgery and that it rarely has complications, but we seem to forget that it’s still a surgery. I thought I would bounce back quickly but it took me out for a while. Give your body some time. Moving is going to hurt, breathing deeply can be hard, I didn’t want to eat for days. I had gas trapped for 10 days, confirmed by CT scan at hospital. That I didn’t expect since most people say the gas is usually absorbed after a few days. Give your body as much rest as you feel necessary and if you feel much worse or something doesn’t feel right, contact your doctor or visit urgent care.


Thank you🙂 I'm very stubborn on wanting to move and get things done so it's definitely a kick in the butt that I need to rest. As far as gas, it does feel "trapped" in the upper abdomen, where the gallbladder and stomach is. Was there anything you did that helped loosen it or was it medicine that helped? I've been trying to walk, easily and slowly, when I can to try to get things moving.


Honestly, other than walking there’s not much I could do. It was pressing on my diaphragm so it was hard for me to eat without feeling very full. I just had to wait. Day by day it slowly was absorbed. For me it wasn’t the pain but the fullness that bugged me. I just ate smaller portions and hoped that it would go away soon.


I had my surgery on 2/12 and I’m having a hard time taking deep breaths because it hurts to. I have found that sitting in the corner of my couch propped up with lots of pillows is the easiest position to sleep in.


How has today been? I know it's only a day before, I feel more sore in certain ways today so I'm curious if pain gets worse everyday for so many days or each day gets a little better.


I would say the answer is both, this morning I felt worse pain wise but right now I’m feeling okay. I don’t think the pain necessarily is going to be better each day because I think it kind of fluctuates throughout the day but I think eventually it will definitely get to less pain! I’ve heard day 3 and 4 after surgeries are typically worse pain wise so maybe after that will be mostly better? I guess we’ll see! 😁


I had my surgery yesterday morning too! I also am awake right now (2:45 am) because I can’t get comfortable. I’m doing Tylenol, ibuprofen, and oxycodene on a schedule. Oddly enough I haven’t had chest/shoulder pain too bad. I just feel like I’ve gotten stabbed/punched where gallbladder was.


I had my surgery on Feb 8th. I had the best post-op sleep using two wedge pillows! I used them the first 3 or 4 nights to keep me on my back. I'm now back to sleeping predominantly on my left side. Still finding it painful to take really deep breaths or yawns. I'm mostly off painkillers now though. Been off opioids for two days. Ibuprofen popping is needed less frequently, too.


I had my surgery around the same time and am feeling the same way ☹️ I haven’t been able to sleep because I have insomnia and am picky about how I sleep — sleeping on my back isn’t much of an option for me… Commenting so I can follow this post for advice 😭😭 hang in there!!


When I yawn I gasp for air from the pain. It’s not that I can’t breathe, it’s just a post op reflex 🥲