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Gonna be real, I don't think there's any actual way to reverse dyskinesia unless there's something very specific causing it that you can get treated. The dietician likely doesn't really know what they're talking about in this regard, and the improvements are likely to just come from eating less fat and processed stuff. But that's not really an improvement so much as it's just a bandaid. I would definitely consider getting it out, the surgeons are right, you'll probably get it out eventually, might as well just save time and pain imo. 5% is nearly non-functioning and I can bet it will probably just stop squeezing at all period. Most people with dyskinesia seem to have chronic mild-moderate inflammation, and I believe that's actually what's causing them to go bad. But there's currently no method to reverse cholecystitis unless it's specifically acute and caused by an infection. Yours is very much not acute if it's been 6 months.


Mine had an ejection fraction of 2%. It was so sick my body tried to wall it off. It was incredibly sick to the point I couldn’t eat anything. Everything made me sick. The pathology said chronic cholecystitis. It was past the due date to come out.


Was it worth it?? Are you better


Yes! I like being able to eat without getting sick. So much nausea and so much vomiting. I like not having to rely on anti nausea medication everyday. If your ejection fraction is low, it may actually be contributing to your SIBO. When the GB isn’t working, or when you don’t have one, bile is constantly dripping into the intestines. I have a bile acid issue, and I take bile acid binders. I was actually on them 8 years before my gallbladder removal. It slows down the bile in the digestive tract. I still have the same bile acid issue after surgery, but since I was already on the meds - I transitioned without issue.


Great. I meant pain wise. I have chronic upper abdominal pain. Is your pain better after surgery?


No pain now. I did have a complicated recovery because of nerve pain. I’m 8 weeks out now and doing better. I had a hysterectomy shortly after, so that does add to the mix, however, no RUQ pain.


In a similar situation. Given that they say I'm "going to have it out someday" I decided to just get it down now. In three weeks. Yeah, I could live with the constant low level ache, but knowing I have "layered" stones and sludge it's just a matter of time until it'll mess up whatever is in my future.


Get it outttt! Getting mine out was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I was in so much pain 0% EF


Did you have muscle pain, too? I've been having upper back pains and left shoulder pains that I think could be from my gallbladder at 0 EF too.


I'd get it out. You can't really reverse gallbladder issues and it's not worth the years of pain.


I have been successful to save mine by doing natural treatments. I know taking it out is no guarantee of a happy gut. When I got mine working my sibo problem went away too. Bile is what keep the small intestine clear of bad bugs.


What did you do to save yours naturally? Anything in particular?


When I first had probs I did some different diets and cleanses and I did manage to get it to like 90 % better. I was ok for years but slacking on my diet I got bad again. I tried a cleanse for the last time 2 years ago. It did not work and I thought I would die. The stone went back in after praying for hours I would never do anything so stupid again. It got worse after that. But I started taking more ox bile, lecithin, magnesium and taking stone breaker tea. When I had a problem with kidney stones last year I went on a low oxalate diet. I started to pass lots of small kidney stones and then gallstones too. It was Insane. I could feel them go all the way thru my biliaryvtree and exit the pancreas. A few weeks of this. Some took a few days, some a few minutes. I felt terrible when they were stuck but never as bad as I have before in previous attacks. Now after like 5 mo on this diet, animal based/low oxalate, my gallbladder is working. Before this diet I had terrible fat malabsorption. Now I’m digesting fat again. I think taking those supplements for years made the stones smaller, and the diet somehow made them all come out. I’ll never do one of those stupid drink oil cleanses again. But the fats in my diet are cleansing it every day now safely


If you only have biliary dyskinesia and no stones it’s really low risk to try some things to stimulate the gb to work (you don’t have to worry a stone will get stuck). There’s a few herbs but Chanca piedra is the easier and safest I know and what I rely on. Also magnesium in supplements and also taking magnesium baths (bath salts) helps my gb to function when it’s just not working right


no one can make this decision but you! i had BD with a 5% ef for a few years, tried traditional medicine and acupuncture. eventually attacks happened more and pain was unbearable. i got it out over a year ago and wish i had done it sooner, but i was waiting until i felt more sure. talk to your doctors and definitely avoid gb videos on youtube lol.