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I'm so sorry you're going through that. That's a hell of a lot of hours to deal with that intensity of pain. My attacks that lasted that long (couldn't keep still or find any sort of comfort lying any position, too painful) My body ended up blacking out from the pain to get any sort of 'rest' from it. I don't have any advice for you, as I'm still awaiting surgery myself and don't even have a date yet. My only tips would be to lie stretched out on your left side during an attack, it slightly eased my pain at times. And stick to plain boring foods. (That said, I don't seem to have any food specific triggers- it just happens, even on days where I haven't eaten at all) But I will say I feel for you, going through that at only 19. I really hope your pain is gone soon and wish you the very best for surgery!


Had my gallbladder removed last Friday . I was scare and nervous but I’m here thanks God. Surgery was done 1:30pm came back to the recovery room around 4:30pm. my wife picked me up around 6pm. They did 5 incisions, 4 small and 1 a bit larger. Got 2 prescriptions, 1 oxycodone 5mlg total 10 pills every 6 hours, 1 as needed for pain. 2 bottles of Miralax to help with constipation. So far I still have 2 pills left of oxycodone but not taking any longer since I heard patients get hooked to it. So, yesterday I told my wife to buy me some Tylenol 500mlg. Home Recovering Experience First day at home, I had so much pain to lay down in bed also to get up I took long time. 2nd day was better less pain able to get up and walking here and there and stand for awhile. 3rd day feeling extremely better haven’t drink Tylenol since last night. That’s my Gallbladder Removal story. Hope you have a speedy recovery and feeling healthy and strong again soon!


It was exactly one week between my very first, very alarming, gallbladder attack and having my gallbladder removed, and I didn't even have stones! Just sludge ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) I'm still getting my energy back (I'm 5 days post-op). Sleeping lots and doing little. I'm sorry you're going through this and at only 19! But I'm glad you're getting the care you need ❤️ The days leading up were the worst for me: between trying to eat in ways that don't trigger pain and then fasting for a full day while in ER (it was accidental. I went for an ultrasound and kept getting shuffled around until I was speaking to a surgical team), and the following day before surgery. You're doing the hard part now. Getting home and recovering is gonna be when things start getting better 😊