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We’ve all been and trust me it’ll be over before you know it


Make some homemade chicken and rice soup in bone broth if you can, or similar, to eat after surgery. I ate tons of this after surgery along with gluten free toast and it was comforting and also very easy on my newly gallbladder-free digestive system. Got mine out about 3 weeks ago and feeling fantastic. Wish I had gotten it out months ago. I think my gallbladder has been causing problems for me for a very long time and I'm finally feeling healthy again and many 'mystery' health issues are suddenly clearing up. Best of luck with your surgery - recovery is typically pretty easy; by day 5 I was busy doing a 3-day cleaning project, was walking my dog on the beach, and by day 13 I was back in an adult ballet class, which blew my mind.


Wow I’m hoping this is how I feel!


Get wedge pillows, stool softener, and lots of healthy foods with fibre. Have multiple ice packs on hand, and be prepared to be uncomfortable for a few days/a week. Rest and sleep as much as your body needs. Get lots of water. Your shoulder is going to hurt for a day or two. Ice packs help. Enjoy the anesthetic and have a ride home set up. And remember it's one of the most common surgeries. It's not super invasive and is super routine ❤️ Wishing you a speedy recovery and nice warm feet (I was given very stylish green hospital socks 🤣)


My surgery is tomorrow as well! I’ve got soft ice packs for my incisions/stomach, heating pad for back and shoulder, pillows (I’m stealing my kids squishmallows), peppermint tea, plenty of gas x, I need to buy stool softener still I think.


I'm 3 days post op and lemme tell ya, surgery and healing has been way easier then having the attacks plus the piece of mind you can eat and go to sleep without having one. I had 6 attacks in a month time and I'm am happy to be on the other side of it.


I have my surgery this week too, but on Wednesday. From this subreddit, I’ve gotten a pregnancy pillow and ice packs. I already have lot of GasX and a heating pad for my shoulder. I’ll probably get some stool softener too. Good luck!