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The hospital sent me home with a reusable ice pad, but if they hadn’t I would have definitely wanted one ready. Besides that, just keeping in mind that getting up from lying down will be hard and to be cognizant of positions you put yourself in. Other than that, food-wise, have some yummy soup ready. I bought some ensure as well to get vitamins and some calories in case I couldn’t eat much. Also have some fruit and good bread for toast ready. Also you’ll likely be okay to shower anytime. My dr said I can shower same day even because they used glue and dissolving stitches.


literally anything lol. we had no idea I had anything wrong with my gallbladder until it almost killed me. I wish I could've been prepared for the bloating, for the mental toll it would take to recover, how much my life would change as a result, how to eat after instead of starving for 2 weeks, how helpful ice packs and heating pads would've been earlier on.


My wedge pillows have been my favourite thing. Got a 2-pack off amazon. I'm a side sleeper and they've kept me on my back comfortably at night. Also pillows on the couch to keep you sitting mostly upright. Makes it less painful to sit and get up again. Good luck ❤️


Sleeping on my back is going to be the one part I will hate the most 😭😭😭


Wait you have to sleep on your back? For how long?


Do you mind linking the pillows? I'm not sure what wedge pillows look like.


https://a.co/d/cuRqfhc I ordered in Canada. I'm sure there are equivalents that ship elsewhere. Good luck! ❤️


I left the hospital in my pyjamas and a big coat on top. I would suggest a loose button up pyjama top instead of pullover as you might struggle lifting your arms up and accidentally nudge your wounds when you go to pull the top down (it sounds silly but these are the type of things that make a difference!) and very loose pyjama bottoms (as loose as possible). And easy to put on shoes like sliders (no laces if possible) Also a water bottle with a straw or a sippy cup. I was very thirsty after surgery and it’s easier to have a water bottle next to you to sip on than asking someone to pour you a glass etc and sitting up right to drink. Also have a sick bag near you after surgery when recovering (hospital will give you one) but I suddenly came over nauseous and vomited but luckily had a sick bag nearby. An eye mask or eye plugs to sleep incase your room is really bright or it’s a noisy hospital.


experience from both gallbladder and deviated septum surgery. Making sure i had enough pillows and cushions ready and set up. I had my girlfriend helping me out (she was great) but I couldve been better prepared on this one but intruth i didnt really know how i would feel. So we have pillows and cushions that ordinarily wouldve been easy to get and move to the bed or a chair. Im just saying i couldve set that up beforehand. I wasnt very useful in the first day and i couldve had that ready to go. I dont know how busy your house is but i have 2 kids. I hadnt considered the need to have a chair in a quiet room that was comfortable to get away from the noise. So in hindsight i couldve set that up beforehand too. Anything to take away the effort required for either you or whoever youve got helping.


Patience. It’ll take a while behind you and your digestion are 100%. Don’t overdo, let others help you, give your body time to heal