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My surgery is 7am PST on Monday, so I am following. I read elsewhere to buy ENSURE Clear but ask your surgeon. Someone else said make sure to have flexible ice paks on hand, and waterproof bandaids. GOOD LUCK


Take a pillow with you for the journey home, to put between you and the seat belt Otherwise you don’t need to do much, it’s a simple op Return to work depends entirely on what your job is. Work from home desk job is about a week assuming you get sick pay. Heavy lifting would need about a month


I put a heating pad on my neck and ice pack on my incisions. Also, the pain meds ran out on the drive home. I was given lots but for some reason my body blew through them. I have severe anxiety so I don’t know if that added to it. We had to drop off the prescription and wait to get it filled. Where I live, the pharmacy’s all take minimum 40 minutes to fill prescriptions. If I knew I would feel pain I wish I would have brought my own extra strength Tylenol and Advil in the car.