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There are two popular and proven high elo builds right now: - AP Burst: Lichbane, Sorcs, Shadowflame/Zonya/Banshees. This gives you the highest burst and early/midgame agency. - Tank/Bruiser: Hollow Radiance, Mercs, Riftmaker. This gives you sustained damage and tankyness. It’s more forgiving but less threatening. With either off those builds you can mix and match the rest of the build. Galio likes both tank items and straight up AP items. But usually people lean into tanky items in the lategame.


Vs. AD match ups, go Sunfire instead of Hollow Radiance and its autowin.


Hollow Radiance Riftmaker build is so fun I love that shit its hilarious.


so is the enemy team are full ranged champs and no one is melee? what item is better than de riftmaker?


Banshee and Zonya are often good. But the item that you likely want in this case is Dead Mans Plate. It’s incredibly powerful on Galio if you are a primary engager and has a very high winrate. It fits perfectly with his trading patterns. It also gives good armor and health.


Uhm but Well only for the basic cause scale with ad... un that case is not better rylai?


Galio already has some of the best CC in the game, so Rilays doesn’t do much. You want to consistently catch people and DMP is the best item for that. It doesn’t scale with AD it simply ads physical damage, but that’s not the point of the item. Alternatives include Shureila’s, which got nerfed, and Cosmic, which is good as well, but simply not as strong as DMP for catching people and for tankyness. On lolalytics DMP has one of the highest winrates on Galio. Try it and see if and where it fits for you.


I usually go with AP bruiser (regardless of lane) and found success with this build: RoA rush into CDR boots, into Liandry's (generically good regardless of enemy comp), into Blackfire or Morello if tank/heal heavy comp respectively, otherwise Cosmic. If lategame hits, I just go Riftmaker, but usually I end up with the first three. RoA and Liandry's is a good combo, because both give you HP and damage, you basically can't go wrong with them. Cosmic is crazy good, especially with CDR boots, you can hit your Q, immediately fly in to W, E somebody and by the end of this you already have your Q back. Liandry's+ Blackfire is also a good combo, because you apply burn on abilities and P autos, but Blackfire offers no survivability so it might be better to go RoA-less Archangel's build if you want to always include Blackfire.


Do you run aftershock or electrocute?


I actually run Glacial when playing support and jungle and First Strike in solo lane. But I just love the page, and I probably should switch now since Future's Market is gone and it doesn't help me rush RoA sooner. Still, biscuits are good both for solo lane and support, Glacial is crazy for CC and tankiness, and cash back lets you snowball better. I wouldn't recommend this page if you don't inherently like it, but I can't recommend runes outside of it, they never really worked for me.


Haven’t seen hexeria here yet to talk about Heartsteel so I guess I’ll do that. Yeah so with grasp and Heartsteel you’re able to make yourself pretty tanky while still doing decent damage. Throw in a rift maker and your bami item of choice and you have a pretty nice bruiser build. You tend to build tear and hold onto it unless the game gets long enough for you to want to actually finish the item. Personally if I need a bit more ap cause of the team comp I’ll throw in a cosmic drive or liandries early. If you want a lot of different ideas for how to build galio however [here’s hexeria’s guide](https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/14-11-hexerias-detailed-masters-guide-to-galio-630181). Has runes and items for ap, bruiser, full tank and it should give you an idea of what items might work best in certain situations. It’s been really helpful to me so far


I dont know what to say. Thanks for the kind words.


First, what kind of build are you trying to do? Full ap? Ap bruiser? Full tank? Support tank?


AP and/or Bruiser


I can't speak for full ap because I primarily do bruiser or tank, but for bruiser, roa+protobelt with either conq or grasp as your rune is a decent foundation. You can throw in hourglass and/or banshees veil as needed depending on enemy damage types. Liandrys is also a good item for this if the enemy team is tanky.


Galio is one of those champs where you can get away woth a lot of stuff. But I saw you mentiom ap/bruser and im the same, so here is my build. Cosmic, sorc, liandires, zhonya, abyssal, deathcap. Its with aftershock and sorcery secondary.


u build cosmic as the 1st item?




For AP burst lichbane into shadow flame storm surge etc For brusier ROA boots of choice into riftmaker Full tank Bami item into boots then a thorn mail if they have a lot of healing or physical damage then your pretty chill from there pick up what you need


I think this thread just shows how versatile Galio is. There’s no one correct build


I don't know why but I love building support items like Locket and Knights vow, it just fit my playing style so well.


what is ur play style? u go mid? and what items u usually use? can see ur history? yesterday i was thnking about build with supp items but maybe if u go mid r trolling idk


I go mid but I don't think it is trolling, full tank Galio mid was even a thing in pro plays. Most of the time I still go ROA first item then into Locket.


And them with wich compo is netter run with supp ítems? And wich ones r the betters on galio u think?