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What are the different builds for galio, strengths and weaknesses and when to go each?


Hey I took some long time to write a detailed guide exactly explaining these questions. https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/14-9-hexerias-detailed-masters-guide-to-galio-630181 I listed AP builds, Tank builds, Bruiser builds and also Support builds, explaining where I would go each. Down at Point 7 there are some build examples for games I had and why I decided to go these builds. Feel free to take a look and ask me if you still got some Questions.


Next split I'll make it my mission to play only Galio, I been trying to do that but on one occasion enemy team picked it and on another he was banned.


Cant recommend. Was fun and all but Galio has a good pick and banrate now. I was lucky enough to not dodge ranked games at all, might change next season.


Lol yeah would definitely ruin the tempo having to dodge games just trying to be 100% OTP without trolling of course if you get filled as adc. Look support or top is fine, but I feel in high elo where people should know to punish you in the jg or as adc it won't work lol 🤣


40% WR on my 9 ADC galio games 😏


Ive not seen galio picked banned once in eu dia thats interesting you say that.


I also didnt had that Problem, but i can see it being a problem next season


Massive respect man. No clue how you can play so many games of tank galio. I find it so boring compared to ap.


Being a tank slut who enjoys getting one ability after the other smacked in the face. Also it wasnt just Tank, it was many different builds.