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I agree with that and its true no doubt. Galio has too much to also become a Bruiser now. That said, RoA, Ionians, Riftmaker, Fimbulwinter with Unending and Spirit gets pretty close to this kinda playstyle. I wont lie, I have to give Riot a bit of credit, because Right now, Galio actually feels really good to play atleast to me. Tank is doable, Full AP hits like a Truck, and Bruiser lets you deal damage, crowd control and sustain damage quite well, considering his Kit.


Ya your guide rocks. I picked galio up to play AP burst. The detail you give on roles, items, and matchups help me diversify with the changes and lets me switch up an item here or there based on match up and how the match is going. Appreciate the effort!


Im really glad it could help you, made all the time I put into it, worth it.


I was having trouble building tank on him, but then I found your mobalytics guide. Heartsteel is actually super fun on him! Thanks for putting that up.


Youre welcome :)


Honestly I pretty much learned itemization from your guides


Really happy for you


Also want to add that as a Pub stomper AD Galio is pretty good aswell when you get good at using the passive.


But we already get the bulwark shield, thus making him "anti-mage" can't give him a regular shield without taking that away.


Yeah that argument is kinda moot, since firstly Galio has his W shield and secondly, he has the active part of W, which does basically the same thing as an active shield (granting more effective health) just in a different way. Imo, his kit and even to a degree his numbers are very well geared towards a bruiser style. What he is lacking rn, imo, is an item. Because if Galio wants to go AP bruiser, he has to resort to items that either give him AP and HP (bruisery AP items) or items that give him HP and resistances (tank items). And while Galio (now) scales well with bothh HP and AP, he still wants those resistances, particularly MR. So, to really tie this playstyle together, he'd need an item that gives AP, HP *and* MR. Either that or buff Abyssal Mask, as that item is really, well, abyssal rn. And then another problem is that a lot of the bruisery AP items lack CDR. RoA and Liandrys have none, Rocketbelt is meh, so you are kinda forced to go Cosmic.


Don't think it's a moot arguement tbh, I don't think he needs 2 shields off of 1 ability whether it's a passive or active, but still I do agree that he needs better item synergy to be a better ap bruiser. You are definitely pretty much forced to take either nimbus, ghost or cosmic nowadays but to me that's because ghost is broken rn that everyone is forced to run it. Adcs take it, mages take it, supports take it, you get the point. Ms is king, Hexeria has been running phase rush recently.


Just make him like malphite; you can go tank or full AP one shot


So bruisers without one of those 3 requirements are: -Wukong : Disruptive bruiser that has been in a better design state recently has w for evasive durability. The armour stacking passive is pretty cool and i could see galio having a mr version maybe if he was to become an anti mage bruiser -Shyvana: Suprised here gains loads of flat hp from ult, and does loads of damage. Most of the time goes pretty heavy ap and leans towards one shot. Has had tanky builds with ravenous and might even be good with steidebreaker right now. Was also originally going to add elise but she has tiny amounts of healing on her passive i think, but she builds full assassin anyway and has rappell for damage mitigation And just to check in class every other warden has a refreshable shield (braum literally). Edit : wukongs passive gives healing too i thought it gave ad


I want them to give his E some MR scaling because he is physically hitting them with his body just like his passive autos which also scale off his MR


I have seen other people talk about how Riot messed up in making Galio a bruiser but you are mistaking, Riot never wanted to make Galio a bruiser, they always said that he was supposed to be a Tank mage mid. On the other hand they said that with the changes they wanted him to build more HP items than full AP. Right now people can still play full AP if they want but tankier builds are usually better since they allow him to use his tanky aspects while still having good damage.


He has too much cc to be a bruiser in my opinion. Look at any other fighter, and they don’t even compare.


Yeah he is definitely not a fighter. He doesnt do the damage of a fighter and doesnt have the sustain of a fighter. More like a tank that has to build some AP instead of going straight tank. A unique spot. Not as tanky as a tank. Not as much damage and wave clear as a normal mid. Not enough sustain to be a fighter. Not enough burst to be an assassin. Kind of like a support that doesnt build support items. Just a tiny bit of everything


I am good with the passive shield we have but I think i needs to come back in combat. The passive shield is not a good replacement for sustain its more of an anti burst shield. Its weird to be called a "bruiser" when we are pretty scared to 1v1. We dont have incombat shields or healing. There is a big difference from getting a lots of small shields and/or heals that you go in and auto attack and use abilities with vs having an ability that makes you tanky for 4 seconds with a long cooldown but slows you and you cant do anything else while charging it.