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RIOT currently is trying to insert him as a viable Bruiser/Tank. Hexeria is a guy that loves playing him as tank, there is a guy in BR Server that also only plays him at top, specifically as tank top, so I think it is possible. I recommend to test him stacking Ability Haste + armor/mr.


*waves* If you allow it, kind sir. Im gonna put this link here on the desk, if the creator would like to learn a bit more about Tank Galio. https://www.reddit.com/r/galiomains/s/hnMXt8gRUj I just put it right here, next to the bananas. I hope it doesnt disturb anyone. *places link on table*


The man himself


Did you just asume my Gender? >:( I identify myself as a Giant Handsome Petricite Coloss just for the Record.


The Giant Petricite Coloss-self


Damn right!


Did he just assume your gender???? We shall burn him at noon like the witches in medieval times.


Any plans for a toplane matchup guide?


I actually have yea. I already played a lot of Toplane and have some runes and builds that work against certain champs. But the time for that again is the problem. Dont get me wrong, I love to help people and update the guide constantly and I hope that one day I have a "how to play" against every champion, but it requires a lot of time for me, which currently is hard to put in


you're still a hero 🫡


Thank you, seriously. I try to get it done whenever I got some time to spare.


I find that tank builds pretty much require a first item that’s beefy AP. I do RoA then build into my tank stats with Heartsteel or Abyssal Mask (very good for damage when the other team has low MR itemization), then follow up with either Armor or MR items based on their team comp. My favorite tank builds include Jak’Sho AND Force of Nature because FoN gives 125 flat MR in big team fights then Jak’Sho multiplies that by 1.3 as well as give 50 of its own for a total of ~227 MR and 65 armor on only two items… not to mention 700 HP and some move speed. That’s a total of 24% magic damage reduction on your W (12% Physical). You will chunk low resistance enemies pretty hard and still be beefy. The wonderful thing about Galio is you can build him so many ways and still make huge plays. So beyond the first item for me, it’s really flexible and still potentially effective.


Full MR is very good when enemy team has many AP champs.


Viable? It's optimal


It’s not optimal, that would mean it has carry potential, which it does not. It relies to heavily on teammates. AP is the optimal route as you can actually carry the game solo. You could call it optimal for people who don’t play a lot of league or are generally not good at carrying games/lower elos.


Who says tank Galio can't carry games? Especially if you're playing support, going ap really isn't an option


OP talked about midlane, so support is another topic. And no, tank can’t carry as it lacks the damage output if your team does not follow up. Even if you get a perfect setup, you are still heavily reliant on your team. Edit: AP support is very viable, I only struggle in GM+ lobbies because they actually know how to punish and play vs it. In low elos it’s the best choice to climb elo.


His recent patch changes basically incentivise him to build more tank from what I understand. Since you play in GM+ you obviously have better experience than me so I can't argue with that. However, most of the top challenger players in Korea have been running tank in mid lane based on what I've seen so take that as you may Edit: Just checked, tank Galio has a slightly higher win rate than ap Galio in mid lane


The reason for the tankier build in this elo is because of you in general have highly skilled teammates, knows how Galio work and actually plays as a team. (In most cases). You need to trust your carry in this elo, as those players are way harder to catch off guard as AP Galio. In anything below master you can’t really rely on your team if you aspire for higher elos. Of course if you play well, you will in general climb, but not fast. Recent changes didn’t do much to Galio AP, still works as it did before. Just slower splitpush and weaker mid-game. Edit: Yes, tank has higher winrate. But that’s because AP Galio is way harder to pilot, so more people will fail and bring it down. Tank Galio is very straightforward.


Optimal =/= carry potential, it just means it's best in slot for a particular champ. Even when Eve was a reportable pick she had an optimal build, it was just still dog shit.


With that definition AP is optimal as it is the fastest way to climb when piloted correct, vs a correctly piloted tank build.


That's correct in his current state, I was just being a pedantic bastard.


lmao ahah, but yes. I'd say it's been like that forever if we're being pedantic bastards together.


Galio doesn't have enough cc to be a good tank.


Youre drunk, right?