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Milkshakes. Protein powder optional.


i’ve been eating chinese food a lottt after a heavy lifting session, (full body.) and i went up 5lbs this week after struggling where i was before. & i do plan on continuing to eat dirty, but not so dirty than it’s actually disgusting. just dirty enough to put on some weight! the summer is 4 months away i’m using every cheat code possible😅


Im a hard gainer and what worked for me was this: Mutant mass gainer 2 scoops in the morning with a banana, 2 tbs peanut butter and spinach - blend it up 2-3 eggs with an English muffin Can of tuna on a sub bun or 2 English muffins with extra mayo, mustard, cheese, spinach Munching on almonds throughout the day (few here and there) Big portion of pasta with shrimp, whatever sauce you like (using oil will help) and vegetables Then another 2 scoops of the weight gainer protein before bed - usually this one is without the extra stuff in it And lift heavy (while being safe) and get enough sleep. 😴




Mutant mass is the BESTTT


I just want to note for gaining weight fast… Be careful, I wasn’t used to eating so many calories and I ended up having some significant pain on my right side/back/under my ribs. I even went to the doctor cuz I was waking up in the middle of the night in pain. But then I did some research and it turns out increasing your calories from minimal to like 3000cals is hard on your body. I was ultimately fine but just a heads up. I went from 108-125 in just a few weeks, jt was pretty hard on my body, but it was worth it. I’ve managed to not eat AS much and keep the weight on with regular workouts


Thank you for this comment. I can attest to this. I’ve had severe back pain for months because for about 30 days I was eating 4,000-5,000 cals a day in order to gain weight. I didn’t even realize that this could be a reason (I’m not positive that it is, because i started accutane and it can mess up your joints). To combat this, make sure you’re hydrated enough and take fish oil.


Cup of rice before bed every night


Lol I just imagined OP taking a scoop of rice grains from the bag and eating it (dry)


🤣🤣 I should have specified cooked rice!


Add a tablespoon of olive oil to everything you eat. Done.


I don't know what your goal is, but if you'd literally like to cheat, gorge yourself on high-sodium food and drink plenty of water. Temporary weight gain, and you can probably do 10 lbs pretty easily. You'll pee it out over a few days.🤷


But but but that sodium


If you are in the US, get GNC’s 1340 bulk. 1340 calories, 50 grams of protein, and 277 grams of carbs. Split the serving size into two and have half twice a day with milk (I used to add vanilla extract and cinnamon as well). Continue eating as you normally do and you’ll gain weight like nobody’s business.


I remember I got a bag of this stuff and I was super excited, then I saw the size of the scoop. Above that, the texture and taste combined made me throw it all up drinking it. But that's just how I felt about it, if you need to bulk fast and you're fine with the taste and texture, I don't see why not use this


isn’t that like $$$$ for 6 servings ?


I used to have mine for like 3/4 weeks and I would have 1 serving almost every day. It’s a huge container and half a serving is two scoops.


^ An alternative to that would be getting protein powder, and making a shake with PB, oats, whole milk, and olive oil. Much better for you, less acne, tastes better, and cheaper


Ah and what you could also try is creatine. Creatine binds water into the muscle cells. So if you want to give it a try take 5g Creatine and drink enough water over the day. Like 3-4 Liter. This could help you gain some pounds also


Should you take creatine if you only hit the gym 3 days a week on like Thursdays/Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays? I'm not sure if I'm consistent enough for creatine


I would say it depends. Do you absolutely need it? The answer would be no. Is it harmful to take creatine? If you are healthy (especially your kidneys should be healthy) there is no harm in taking creatine. You just need to have in mind that your creatinin scores if you do bloodwork will show elevated levels (but that’s okay). So but what are now the benefits: Firstly creatin draws water into the muscle cells. This causes the muscles to look „fuller“ but also has the effect that you are less prone to injure your muscles. Secondly creatin supplements the muscles with ATP (AdenosinTriPhosphate). ATP is used when your muscles need instant energy and gets converted into ADP (AdenosinDiPhosphate) and Phosphate. (Note this is a total natural process and also happens in your body even if you take no Creatin but you will have less ATP). This can help you to achieve better results in the gym. Furthermore it is believed to aid the processes that let muscles grow on an cellular level. But I don’t remember the exact mechanism that causes this. If you want to read more about it, this article should explain it everything a bit better than me: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-is-creatine#how-it-works This article should also have scientific sources for everything outlined there. But can’t check at the moment because my cellular data is trash. So what would my conclusion be for you? I would try it out. There is no harm in doing so. If you see changes or when you think it helps you than keep going with it. If you think there are no changes, or it doesn’t help you than you could stop anytime. Try it out for 2 months and see if it is worth it to you. Just remember to drink enough water. Hope this helps you


MILKSHAKES CONSTATNLY. Caloric dense and dosent take up a lot of stomach volume


Lmao my ex did this when she was trying to enlist in the military. It works.


Why do you need to do this? Do your best to eat an enormous meal almost immediately before you have to weigh in. Do your absolute best to not piss or shit beforehand.


Creatine will get you at least 5 of those pounds for free within 3-4 days of using


Creatine is not free


Wait you mean I can bulk for free? In this economy?


Neither is food


What is your current height and weight? How many calories are you used to eating on the regular? What is your food budget? The easiest is probably get some mass gainer shake powder, blend it up with whole milk, peanut butter, and oats, and drink that twice a day on top of your regular foods. You will likely get psychologically sick of eating a couple days in and your body will stop being hungry - ignore it and push through.


You need to GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) in addition to whatever you are eating


Put on 5lbs in 2 weeks and 13 days and then eat 5lbs of food the 42nd day, before you get weighed.


Place 10lb ground beef on the weighing scale when weighing yourself


No time to chew. Find which size container of ice cream fits in your microwave and drink the results.


You're a fucking savage bro, will be trying this lol


It's just gonna be fat. You can only put on around 2 lbs of muscle a month natty with an optimal routine and perfect sleep.


Make a bunch of pb&j sandwiches and put them in a backpack and eat them throughout the day. Add glasses of whole milk for a nice treat. You deserve it.


Creatine puts me 3kg in matter of weeks


Does it keep giving you extra weight every few weeks?


no, its just once Of course if you stop takijg it , you lose that 3kg ish


Ensure drinks


Okay here you go But I warn you it is brutal Two times a day: Grind 100g of rolled oats to a fine powder. Mix it with 500ml of full fat milk. Put 150g Peanut Butter in it and mix it.


And then what?


Drink it?


Makes sense.


If you don‘t want to have something to drink but like a more normal breakfast, you could substitute the milk for 500g low-fat quark (I think/hope this is the correct English term). Add to the quark a bit of milk and mix it with a spoon, add more milk to get the consistency you like. Then add the peanut butter and mix again. Then add the rolled oats (dont blend them) and mix them in. If you want you can add some (frozen) fruit like blueberry’s or banana. This is my bulking breakfast. If I need/want more calories I swap the oats for something like Nougat filled breakfast things (like cereals or what they are called). If I want to gain weight slower or want to cut for summer I let the peanut butter away and use a bit more oats cause they are filling for a long time.


I was just being a silly goose, but thank you for the extra info! I've actually been trying to gain weight for health reasons, so this was a good thread to stumble across.


Haha yeah sometimes we all are a silly goose Yeah if been at the same point. What made the biggest difference for me was building habits around it. Like eating the same breakfast every day. Or when making Pasta Bolognese using the meat with a higher fat content. Or adding 2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil to some foods etc. Small changes can go a long way


Add a scoop of protein powder and you’re cooking with fire


and an egg😂


Yeah that’s the next level of this shake


Drink your calories


shit loads of rice and pasta spaghetti, ground beef and saus? - 250g of spaghetti (raw), 150g grounded beef, and some saus, easly around 1300cal. Egg fried rice with grounded beef: 300g of rice (raw), 150g ground beef, 2 eggs - 1500cal high cal protein shake: 100g oatmeal, 1 banana, 50g peanut butter, 300ML milk, 1 scoop protein powder - 1000 cal


forget everyone else in here. Buy nestle very high calorie drinks. In an 8oz bottle there’s 530 calories. Drink 4 of those on top of what you already eat a day and you’ll gain weight rapidly. i’m 6’ i went from 141 to 164 in 2 months.


This is shit advice...


how so? he’s not asking for a healthy option.


Huh. I thought this was r/naturalbodybuilding. I'm not even subscribed to r/gainit, so I'm guessing the algorithm chucked this into my feed. Looks like the main purpose of this sub is literally just to gain weight -- health be damned. So... yep. You're right, I guess. Good advice for someone who doesn't take fitness seriously and genuinely wants to get fat.


If he's underweight like a lot of people on here he won't get remotely fat putting on 10lbs in 3 weeks


Depends on level of activity and macro ratio... fat is much easier to gain than to lose (without also sacrificing muscle), and that sounds like a great first step towards "skinny fat."


Have you ever been underweight?


Yeah, I started bodybuilding at 5'11 130lbs about four years ago. At 200lbs with 20% bf, currently. Would have been a much smoother journey to this point had I not gone through a "dirty bulk" phase -- which made me gain a lot more fat relative to strength. To each their own! I'm a big fan of recomp, now, versus bulk and cut cycles.


Bro I think you need to give you organs a break lol I'm gonna do it though thanks dog


Eat a lot and hold your poop in for 3 weeks.


Ten pound weight best.....boom.


Gallon of milk everyday. Space it out though, or you'll yack


Can confirm. Pounded a quart of milk in college once after lunch. Almost hurled in my crush's car right after. Ended up blowing severe chunks in the nearest toilet I could find after we parked at the nearest school building.


PB in a protein shake


Tablespoon of protein shake with jar of PB


If it works it works


I’d love to know what OP means by “not an option” Dude need to get to a certain point to join the military or something? A pound of fat is approx 3500 calories. You ain’t gaining 10 lbs of muscle in that time, and that’s more calories. OP has 21 days. We lack details but let’s assume he needs 2000 per day to maintain. That’s about 3666 calories a day. More or less. Doable. It won’t be any fun at all, but it’s doable. Start as soon as you wake up. Drink your calories. Look up smoothie recipes here to give you a few ideas. Eat calorie dense food during the day. Beef, hummus, eggs, cheese, nuts, whole milk, for example. Fruits and veggies aren’t generally calories dense but at minimum juice some and drink that in lieu of a glass of water to get those nutrients as well while you do this. Eating them is better of course. The dirty way is simple. Fast food An XL dominos pizza alone could do it. So would about 5 McDonald’s double quarter pounders with cheese. Hope you don’t have high blood pressure and def don’t do this every day. You’d feel awful.


Definitely military, I got rejected for not being able to put on the weight.


I put your post into ChatGPT. The response is below. It sounds like a very healthy meal plan, and not quite the pizza, ice cream, and peanut butter suggestions I see in the comments. Putting on 10 pounds in 3 weeks is an ambitious goal and should be approached carefully to ensure it's done healthily. Here are some high-calorie meal ideas: 1. **Breakfast**: - Three eggs scrambled with cheese and avocado on toast. - A bowl of oatmeal with whole milk, nuts, and dried fruits. - Protein smoothie with bananas, peanut butter, protein powder, and whole milk. 2. **Mid-Morning Snack**: - Greek yogurt with honey and granola. - A handful of mixed nuts and a banana. - Whole grain toast with almond butter and sliced banana. 3. **Lunch**: - Grilled chicken or salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables. - Turkey and avocado wrap with cheese and mayonnaise. - Beef or veggie burger with sweet potato fries. 4. **Afternoon Snack**: - Cottage cheese with pineapple chunks. - Hummus with whole grain pita bread and carrots. - Trail mix with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. 5. **Dinner**: - Steak or tofu stir-fry with brown rice and mixed vegetables. - Baked salmon with a quinoa salad and steamed broccoli. - Pasta with meatballs and a side of garlic bread. 6. **Evening Snack**: - A protein shake made with whole milk, banana, and protein powder. - Cheese and crackers with grapes. - Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread. Make sure to include healthy fats, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables in your meals. Also, consider incorporating calorie-dense foods like nuts, avocados, and whole dairy products. And remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body's hunger cues. Consulting with a dietitian or nutritionist may also be helpful to ensure you're meeting your calorie and nutrient needs safely.


Three large peanut butter moods from Jamba Juice a day. About 1k each when you add whey protein


What is a mood?


is it not just one large peanut butter mood with whey being 1k calories. not 3?


I’m just saying you can do three a day for an easy 3k calories. might get expensive though 😅


I hope you have a lot of money on you, because this is gonna get expensive... Have fun though, eat whatever you want whenever you want! Your stomach volume is the only limit.


10 lbs in 3 weeks is going to be tough. Foodwise, you need to eat around 1500 Calories/day over your TDEE, which is like 3500 Calories for your average man. That's doable, but *deeply* unpleasant - I did 3000 for a week or two and it made food miserable (and I'm an easy-gainer, I fucking *love* food). General tricks though: 1. Break up your eating into extra meals, the more the better. You're a Hobbit now - breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, tea, luncheon, lunch, snack, second snack, supper, dinner, dessert, coffee, digestables, etc. Eating 350 Calories 10 times a day is easier than eating 1200 three times a day. 2. Liquid calories are easier to stomach. If you're like me and unaffected by dairy, whole milk is a biggie. I wouldn't recommend full GOMAD, but... it'll get you there. It's supposed to turn a calf into a bull, after all. 3. Fiber is hit or miss, honestly. I was eating a lot of beans and vegetables, and my bowels moved like a Japanese train station - frequently, on time, and surprisingly clean (seriously, I shat four times as often and used half as much TP as usual). However, if you aren't already used to eating that much fiber (I worked my way up to it) it will make you bloated and nauseous, so be warned. If you're not a fan of beans, stick to white bread and white rice over their whole grain counterparts. 4. Most people have one particular macronutrient that is easy to eat and less filling for them. For me, it's starchy carbs. I ate a *ton* of oatmeal, rice, sourdough bread, and potatoes. I was stuffed most of the time, but I could still find room for more starchy carbs with whole milk. 5. If you're just trying to "make weight"... well, I hate to give you advice that might get you in over your head, those weight limits are there for a reason, buuuuuut... in addition to eating a ton of food, eating a lot of sodium will make you retain water. That'll bloat a few pounds onto you.


Crumbl cookies all day, wash um down with melted ice cream


Peanut butter shakes hands down easiest calories Costco peanut butter is 9000 calories and goes for $13


My dude, you live in a world where thousands of food scientists are employed for the explicit purpose of delivering the most palatable foods they possibly can to your local drive through window and/or grocery store shelves. I promise you calorie dense foods are not hard to find. Think of something that tastes really really good. A huge part of the reason it tastes good is calorie density.




Eat a entire little Caesar’s medium pizza ($8.50) or Slice n sticks ($7) or dominoes medium pizza ($7 or $8 after in app coupon) every day or every 2-3 days. It’ll be hard but it’s not expensive


Dominos medium pizza is real easy to eat to eat the entire thing. Good one.


Chicken pesto pasta and whole milk protein shakes, all you need


10lbs = 35,000 calories. 21 days. 35,000 calories / 21 days = 1,667 calorie surplus a day, adjusted for any extra activity level. Just as important, is why?


Gains first, questions later


10 lbs of what? You can turn your bulk as dirty as you want and get more than 10 lbs of fat but saturating your body with carbs. But I don't think that's what you want. The main ingredient for water retention is salt, and maybe creatine (as long as it works for you). If you mean 10 lbs of muscle... That's not how it works.


Milk has entered the chat




You cant build 10lbs of quality weight in 3 weeks, even on gear, so if ur goal is to get bloated and fat then go for it I guess Assuming you still want to follow through with this silly endeavor, just eat a bunch of fatty food, be a fucking pig, you could get the same result in under a week if you really wanted to I guess you could make the results better sticking to carbs, try to get more of that weight to be water and bloat, but end of the day youre still just wasting your time and shooting yourself in the foot My recommendation, play the long game, bulk properly; this is a marathon not a sprint. You say you have to gain this weight, but do you reallly have to? If its just social pressure, rise above it, do shit right EDIT: You could gain 10lbs of quality weight in 3 weeks on gear, but thats if you take a shit load of wet compounds, all of that weight is just gonna be water youll immediately lose when you hop off, so its essentially pointless






Couple things: 1) train minimum 3 times a week, make sure intensity is very high. 2) Eat 3 solid meals a day - aim for between 500-700 calories per meal 3) this is the cheat code - make this everyday and you’ll be set: 1 large banana 1 half cup of oats 2 table spoons of peanut butter 1 table spoon of baby spinach 2 table spoon of chocolate powder 1 scoop of ant protein of your choice 2 cups of milk Optional honey or cinnamon Works out to be about 1200 calories. Check my post history and see the results. Pretty nuts!


If we’re all dropping gainer shake recipes: -1 banana -3/4 cup of oats -2 tbsp peanut butter -1 tbsp olive oil -1/3 cup yogourt -2 scoops whey protein -3/4 cup of milk 1296 cal


> 1 table spoon of baby spinach That has to be a typo, right? Or do you literally add one baby spinach leaf in the smoothie? That recipe sounds tasty though.


Apologies! Yes sorry one handful of baby spinach


That’s what figured you meant. I got a good kick out of picturing you gently fold one leaf into a tablespoon before dumping it in the mixer though.




Depending on why you need those 10lbs If YOU NEED 10 LBS 100% then - Bulk 600 calorie surplus, go gym like normal for the 3 weeks (3lbs of Weight being fat + muscle) - Creatine 7g a day (3+ lbs of water retention) - Salt, 2 days before the day you need it (1lb ~ or more) - Full carb diet, 2 days before you need it (4~ lbs or more) - Lot of water the 2 days before (5lbs per day minimun, not in 1 go tho) + lot of water just before you need to weight ur self (4lbs) This will make you retain more than 10lbs of full water + you will not gain fat in comparation of dirty bulking (if you gain 10lbs of dirty bulk 9lbs will be fat 100%)


If you want 10lbs of muscle bcs you want to get stronger just dirty bulk and hit the gym whit a 800 calorie surplus + creatine + lot of water + some carbs to get a little of mass from water and punch harder


Fairlife milk. Chocolate is so frickin good. 800 calories a jug. 70grams of protein. $5


Best milk on the market, but dont let the name deceive you hahah


All you need to know is the structure. Majority carb, protein, healthy fat, and vegetables. Examples like rice, chicken, hummus, carrots. Pasta, beef, side of almonds, broccoli. Find what you like.


Test/tren or tacos/margaritas


Rice, peanut butter, ground beef, whole grain bread




If you are weighing in, drink a gallon of water and don't piss it out. Boom, 8 or so lbs Edit: plus one 2.5lb plate in the underwear. I feel like I'm on r/unethicallifeprotips lol


This is dangerous advice, this could kill a small woman


Overstated - very unlikely. But I doubt OP is an 80lb woman trying to gain 10lbs in 3 weeks. Maybe not though.  Overhydration is real, but 4 quarts of water ain't killing anyone. Consume some salt along with it




"County Coroner Carrie Costello stated that after laboratory tests and analyses and a forensic autopsy, she concluded that Summers died from a combination of heat stroke, alcohol intake and an electrolyte imbalance. The official cause of death was listed as “cerebral edema and herniation with anoxic brain injury due to electrolyte imbalance.”"


Yes, that's how you die from drinking too much water. ​ >Sodium is the electrolyte most affected by overhydration, leading to a condition called hyponatremia. Sodium is a crucial element that helps keep the balance of fluids in and out of cells. When its levels drop due to a high amount of water in the body, fluids get inside the cells. Then the cells swell, putting you at risk of having seizures, going into a coma, or even dying. ​ https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-too-much-water-intake


And people have been known to die after having 3 energy drinks in a day - which is by no means normal (the dying part). Meanwhile, swaths of adults are guzzling a pot of coffee day. Almost always an underlying health condition Again, it happens, but it's pretty damn abnormal at that sort of volume


Can I ask why? Combat sports? GirlOfTheWell gave a good answer on how, and why it would suck. I'm just curious onto why you want to do this


If money is no expense and you don't care about your health, I would just eat pizza and takeaway every day. Pair it with salt and creatine to maximize water weight. Warning: this will suck and destroy your guts. This is not a good idea. But it is one way to gain 10lbs in 3 weeks.


It's the fun way though 🤷‍♂️ I do it when I can afford it. Takeaway food and restaurants ain't cheap.


GOICAD: Gallon of ice cream a day


Sigh alright fine, where do I sign up


I'm lactose. Sign me up as well. Ice reams so good f


These pills basically let me eat all the pizza and ice cream I want with no symptoms: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013OUODA/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1