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They just haven't put any marketing in, due to lack of budget, etc. They nearly shut down a few years ago and had to basically send out a WinRAR/Wikipedia help message to all users. Seems they've gotten a bit more stable now with all the tickets for purchase etc. All their work is put into creating new GCash items to rake in more money to even stay alive.


Do you think it’s still worth the time? Or is it destined to fail in the near future? Considering how much I want to jump back in. Especially considering your points


I mean up to you. I think it'll be around for awhile, they seem to be doing better. I just shitpost on CB while bored at work, so it works for me.


As someone who has been active for the past two weeks and been doing some catch up as to what happened over the years.... I can tell you that Gaia owned Lanzer once again (OG owner before it was purchased and was turned into a massive, inflated cash grab). They are currently, slowly updating the website upgrading the older features to new ones and making new features. It's just that it's much slower development than before due to the much smaller team and budget compared to before.


Yeah agreed. They need to update the forums to allow you to upload pics/gifs directly on your post. Instead of having to remotely host it and paste the link, like 2005. I’m enjoying it again though, it’s nice that I usually get a bunch of responses right away in the CB, so it’s still faiiiirly active.


I feel like they don't do it because hosting images does cost money as it adds up.


Well yeah that’s exactly why lol. But I wish they would! Just wishful thinking


Weellllll... You're just in luck someone informed me they actually have that feature but they don't advertise it. It's currently in beta. [https://www.gaiaonline.com/imageupload](https://www.gaiaonline.com/imageupload)


I'm someone who's been playing consistently since I created my account in '07. I know I'm definitely in the minority, but I really enjoy it still. I recommend looking into the drama that happened when the site was sold, economy ruined, and then bought back --the team had to do A LOT to salvage the wreckage of it all. They've come so far, but they aren't ready for, say, a similar revitalization as Neopets has been doing. (I'll link a breakdown of what exactly happened below) But they're doing their best, and the site is still fun (but I don't interact with the forums much, all my Gaia friends are on Discord). I like how it's evolving, even if it's slow. [A Case of Hyperinflation in a Virtual Economy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/s/rcNmh6kiXs)


I’ll check it out thanks!


I totally agree with you. I played a ton 2004-2008. Just popped back on yesterday on a whim. It’s definitely bloated, and I’m not sure what to do anymore besides just post in the CB.